I hear him screaming [ HONEYBADGER ] like late-night white trash TV stations


drinking lemonade and playing with my hair
Jun 7, 2022
long line of lyrics goes here maybe? i dont actually know

honeykit | honeypaw | honeybadger
'honey' for his golden hued pelt; 'badger' for hi ferocity in battle and willingness to defend windclan

13 moons | ages realtime on the 1st (will start aging september 1st)
born on 00/00/00

trans. male [afab] | uses masculine pronouns [he/him]

panromantic | demisexual | ambiamurous
single; looking (open to plotting)
slight masc. preference

windclan | moor runner
born and raised in windclan
previously a kit of windclan

created 07/22/23 | updated 07/22/23 | @Honeybadger.
all opinions are ic
played by kitty-kat-

shorthaired cinnamon torbie + cream tabby chimera w low white; breeds torbie; carries solid
a rather strange looking feline, honeypaw is a veritable rainbow of red hues, from dusky cinnamon tones to bright tangerine oranges, and even pale peachy-creams, nearly every shade seems present within his patchwork pelt. his various tortie and tabby patches are rather big, covering large areas of his fur such as his whole legs, tail, throat, even splitting his face and flanks in half near-evenly. a small smattering of white crisscrosses his already colorful pelt, masking his face in a strange striped pattern, leaving toe-less socks on all four paws, and coloring the lower third of his tail. his stature is quite short and stout, though he is not by any means a small cat - hitting the average weight mark for those outside of windclan, and certainly one of the larger felines within its borders. his stocky build is packed with sturdy muscle which lends itself to battle, while his ears are rounded triangles too-small for his head and his eyes just a bit too big - giving him a rather striking and distinctive appearance. his frame bears a litany of scars, though most are hidden beneath his coarse pelt.​
does not wear accessories
no distinct scars
smells overpoweringly like honey and lavender

body language remains confident at all times, head held high, back arched gracefully, tail often in a neutral position. when feeling positive or interacting with clanmates, he tends to bounce and bob his head a lot, or tip it to the side to point or emphasize his speech. when upset he full body-bristles, and tends o square-up - with ears back and tail lashing irritably.
speaks quite casually, vocabulary can range from long eloquent words to common slang, uses honorifics specifically for his mother, mentor, and the high positions of the clan. upbeat in tone and often wordy, though he usually refrains from crossing the boundary between being excitable and being an annoyance.

designed by kitty-kat- | ref | toyhouse

faceclaim: tbd
voiceclaim: tbd
aesthetics: hufflepuff, badgers, black and yellow, bees, honey, combat boots, war, violence, knight in shining armor, royalty, crowns

protective | loyal | hypocritical | narcissistic | impulsive
Honeypaw is a bright young tom, always happy and smiling - seemingly content no matter what life throws at him. He has seemingly boundless energy and curiosity, but he channels it into his willingness to learn, and tends to be a people pleaser - obeying older warriors without hesitation, and helping those in need quite selflessly. Sociable and fun loving, he's a clanmate most find easy to talk to - even if sometimes they really wish he wouldn't. He does tend to talk quite a bit, often rambling on or pestering others with his questions, but it's clear to see he means well. He seems to lack any sense of personal space, often crowding others or getting too touchy-feely without noticing unless it is pointed out by others.

Beneath the surface of this well meaning and hard working tom however lies a troubled child. A not-so happy childhood, with a mentally ill mother and sickly sister has left its toll on his own mental state. Haunting memories, intrusive (and oft violent) thoughts, and a messiah complex as big as his ego leave him often making some questionable choices. He feels the need to protect and to 'save' windclan, often when such actions are completely unnecessary on his part, and this often leads to impulsive actions such as rushing into danger, treating outsiders with unnecessary amounts of hostility or violence, or even risking his life needlessly.

He struggles with his morality, or really lack thereof - things in his world are very black-and-white, but there's no real good or bad, and his twisted sense of morals often leaves him looking like a hypocrite in others eyes. Any action he takes is justified in his mind as the means to an end, or being for the 'greater good' - even when not. Things like killing or harming others are acceptable when he does it, but not when others do the same.​
positive: selfless, hard working, friendly, protective, unwaveringly loyal
neutral: inquisitive, cheerful, fun loving, playful, social
negative: violent, impulsive, cruel, quick-tempered, cold, hypocritical

As part of the loyalist rogue plot, while his loyalty starts out to windclan as a whole, the many moons he's grown up under sootstars leadership and values ultimately leaves him choosing her and what she stands for above everything else, viewing the remaining clan as 'traitors' to all that windclan once stood for.

likes: thunderstorms, racing, windclan, making friends
dislikes: outsiders, enclosed spaces where he cant see the sky
fears: abandonment, illness, being useless

favorite food: lizard
favorite color: bright yellow
favorite flower: sunflowers
favorite weather: clear and sunny
favorite time of day: sunhigh/noon
favorite activity: sparring

archetype: advocate, royal, athlete
hogwarts house: hufflepuff
divergent faction: dauntless

90% | mentally unstable
has a messiah complex, suffers from intrusive thoughts and flashbacks, low impulse control​

mentally answer | physically answer | attack in bold #color
strengths: fighting, high stamina, high pain threshold
weaknesses: lacks mediation skills, acts first before thinking
other skills: average hunter, average speed when running
peaceful powerplay is allowed​
healing powerplay is allowed​
non-peaceful powerplay is not-allowed​

amoral | loyalty is strictly to windclan, slight lean towards sootstar over the whole of the group
will start fights
will end fights
might run away
might attack kits
might attack elders
will maim
will kill

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long line of lyrics goes here maybe? i dont actually know

stinging nettle (npc) x honeythroat(npc) | gen 01
no littermates
01 younger sibling (beepaw)
other relations: n/a

crushing on none | mates with none | 1/? of shipname
previously crushing on: name
previously in a relationship with: name

mentor: tba

extroverted | forms platonic relationships with extreme ease | forms romantic relationships easily
close friends:
trusts: sootstar
enemies: anyone outside of windclan, any/all windclan exiles

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long line of lyrics goes here maybe? i dont actually know

kithood | 02-03 moons
born and raised within windclan, honeykit has never known any other way of life. with his father being a former marsh colony cat and his mother once a kittypet who hides her past even now, he's had it ingrained since an early age that sootstars word is law and there is no better place on earth than the clan he calls home. his early childhood was mostly uneventful - at least, until his mother became pregnant with her second (and very much unplanned) litter. shortly after his father died, leaving his mothers already fragile sanity to crumble. neglect and verbal abuse were not uncommon for honeykit to face, and though his love and care for his mother never wavered he never quite figured out what it is he'd done for her attitude to change so suddenly from the loving mother he'd once known.​
adolescence | 03-08 moons
with his apprenticeship comes a newfound freedom for honeypaw, his mothers abuse now limited by the amount of time spent within the camps walls. he leaves feeling freer, though he never truly escapes her grasp, nor does he do so without lingering trauma. when his little sister is brought into the world, things only get worse - she is very sickly, another thing which honeythroat seems determined to take out on him. but he cannot hate the bundle of joy that is his new sibling, and instead he resigns himself to bearing the brunt of their mothers wrath for fear that someday she'd do the same to her. honeypaw throws himself into training with newfound vigor, taking it upon himself to be the new provider for their little family.​
when ___ is made an apprentice, he takes her under her wing, and honeythroat is forced all but out of their lives - for her own good, and for ___'s saftey. with tensions rising between the clans, it begins to feel s though it is the world against windclan - and honeypaw rises to the challenge.​
adulthood | 00-00 moons
longer blurb goes here​
longer blurb goes here​
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long line of lyrics goes here maybe? i dont actually know

glory by kyd the band | link
so when they tell my story you’ll know that there’s a meaning
blood // water by grandson | link
look me in my eyes tell me everything's not fine - oh, the people ain't happy and the river has run dry
stickup by grandson | link
don't even hiccup or I'm emptying the round, I'm done playing games so I'm going down in flames
despicable by grandson | link
how I wish I told a different tale, like we chased the light and his love prevailed, but his blood went cold and his skin went pale
6:00 by grandson | link
I won't give no fucks, I won't take no shit, they said they want war, this is it
stigmata by grandson | link
there ain't no hero to save the day figure to pave the way quicker to stave another day away
darkside by grandson | link
best believe it's the last trick up his sleeve the kid has got a darkside that you don't wanna meet at all
dirty by grandson | link
do you have enough love in your heart to go and get your hands dirty?
WWIII by grandson | link
am I the good guy? am I the villain? I go back and forth, chameleon
war by grandson | link
everywhere is war
rain by grandson | link
the lightning couldn't beat my shine (oh my) trouble walks beside me 'til my end
thoughts and prayers by grandson | link
the silent are damned, the body count is on your heads
bury me face down by grandson | link
I'm done runnin', got another thing comin' watch my enemies get destroyed
dog teeth by nicole dollanganger | link
you draw blood just to taste it, you hold bones just to break them, you ruin everything you touch and destroy anyone you love
barren by nicole dollanganger | link
I will never be able to love you I couldn't if I tried
danny by nicole dollanganger | link
they broke him and they beat him, and break he did
rampage by nicole dollanganger | link
he's gonna fight the good fight, the noble war
poachers pride by nicole dollanganger | link
and I know one day, hell will catch up with me, and I'm sure that I will burn eternally
white trashing by nicole dollanganger | link
all that glitters is not gold and this same place is getting old but dreams are fulfilled
american tradition by nicole dollanganger | link
gold trophies, he got em all, he wants to be just like his father
warriors by imagine dragons | link
farewell, I've gone to take my throne above, but don't weep for me 'cause this will be the labor of my love
enemy by imagine dragons | link
oh, the misery everybody wants to be my enemy spare the sympathy
sucker for pain by imagine dragons | link
feeling the world go against us so we put the world on our shoulders
whatever it takes by imagine dragons| link
I was born to run, I was born for this
twisted by missio | link
everybody in the world knows I'm a little twisted, twisted
dizzy by missio | link
I've been feelin' self destructive, but I love it
emperors new clothes by panic! at the disco | link
heroes always get remembered but you know legends never die
revolution by the score | link
run down what I've always been chasing, black out every fear I've been facing
riot by three days grace | link
let's start a riot
sail by awolnation | link
this is how an angel dies blame it on my own sick pride
legends are made by sam tinnesz| link
above it all untouchable, a new animal, this is how legends are made

Note: the songs on this playlist contain sensitive and controversial topics including but not limited to explicit mentions of school shootings, mass shootings, murder, war, suicide, sexual assault, and politics. please listen to them at your own risk.

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honeybadger & 13 moons & male & he/him & windclan moor runner
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean placerat faucibus augue sit amet gravida. Sed non tortor lectus. Duis volutpat sapien at est blandit, id vulputate orci tristique. Vivamus finibus risus vel mi ultrices dapibus. Morbi maximus fringilla varius. Curabitur eu porttitor tortor. Quisque sagittis risus eros, vel vestibulum augue volutpat ut. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'
W E W E N ' T B L I N D G O I N G E Y E F O R A N E Y E
honeybadger & 13 moons & male & he/him & darkforest warrior
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean placerat faucibus augue sit amet gravida. Sed non tortor lectus. Duis volutpat sapien at est blandit, id vulputate orci tristique. Vivamus finibus risus vel mi ultrices dapibus. Morbi maximus fringilla varius. Curabitur eu porttitor tortor. Quisque sagittis risus eros, vel vestibulum augue volutpat ut. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'
W E W E N ' T B L I N D G O I N G E Y E F O R A N E Y E

[box=50%; color: white; font-family: georgia; text-align: justify; font-size: 12px;][right][color=gold][glow=black][size=18px]NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN YOU AND I[/size][size=15px]
WE SHARE THE SAME SUNSHINE FROM THE SAME SKY [/size][/glow][/color][glow=black][/glow][/right][size=18px][/size][b][color=black]━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━[/color][/b][center][size=14px]          honeybadger [color=gold]&[/color] 13 moons [color=gold]&[/color] male [color=gold]&[/color] he/him [color=gold]&[/color] [abbr=killed by scorchpaw in battle]darkforest warrior[/abbr]           [/size][/center][b][color=black]━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━[/color][/b]
[box=99%; float: center; text-align: justify;][fleft][img width=125px]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSsTg9siNyxtblSweIfUvSne86-E4EHT7ekyg&usqp=CAU[/img][/fleft]                       Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean placerat faucibus augue sit amet gravida. Sed non tortor lectus. Duis volutpat sapien at est blandit, id vulputate orci tristique. Vivamus finibus risus vel mi ultrices dapibus. Morbi maximus fringilla varius. Curabitur eu porttitor tortor. Quisque sagittis risus eros, vel vestibulum augue volutpat ut. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.                       

[fright][size=11px]          [color=color][b]━[/b][/color] actions [color=color]&[/color] [b][color=gold]"[outline=#000] speech, [/outline]"[/color][/b] [color=color]&[/color] [i]'thoughts/quotes'[/i] [color=transparent]━[/color] [/size][/fright]           [/box][b][color=black]━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━[/color][/b]
[box=99%; color: gold; text-align: center; font-family: georgia;] [glow=gold]  [color=transparent]━[/color] W E [color=transparent]━[/color] W E N ' T [color=transparent]━[/color] B L I N D [color=transparent]━[/color] G O I N G [color=transparent]━[/color] E Y E [color=transparent]━[/color] F O R [color=transparent]━[/color] A N [color=transparent]━[/color] E Y E  [color=transparent]━[/color] [/glow][/box][b][color=black]━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━[/color][/b]
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