camp I HEAR IT IN YOUR VOICE // return to camp

// continuation of this thread
tagging all who are present but it's open! @THUNDERGLEAM @Sproutpaw @Softpaw @COPPERFANG. @leafhusk @BIGFANG @BURNSTORM @DUSTPAW @cormorantswoop

Leaning against Bigfang, Howlingstar feels slightly less guilty about the dried bits of blood that sprinkle his pelt now. At least she knows him, and at least he is a warrior of ThunderClan. It isn't the same as the blood left smeared on Thundergleam's pelt as she follows the rest of the group into camp. The tabby leader inhales a deep breath as she steps through the bramble entrance and lets her eyes roam over the camp. She knows she should go see Gentlestorm soon, but stars she wants to see everyone first! It was already such a delight to see the familiar faces of her clanmates on the patrol - now she wants to see her great grandkits, her friends, her children. I'm alive, She wants to say to all of them, calm their fears, but instead she just wears an expression of relief at finally being home. It's all thanks to the stranger that walks behind her.
Cormorantswoop's eyes scanned the clearing, her ears perked up, alert. If there was any cat who knew what she was doing, it was Howlingstar. Cormorantswoop was searching for any signs of any other threats. Feathery tail swishing in the air behind her, the dark warrior glance over at the nursery. Flamewhisker would need to be told the news. She then turned to Howlingstar. ''I-I told Flamewhisker you had been taken,'' The younger she-cat stammered. Personally, Cormorantswoop didn't have any words for her leader. She didn't know what to say to Howlingstar. The dark tabby grimaced at the memory of ThunderClan's cats' faces when their leader had been carried off by the eagle. Scared. Frightened. Shocked. Astonished. Cormorantswoop would never forget the horror of what she witnessed yesterday. ''I-If only I had gotten to you sooner...'' She murmured, lowering her head as her ears drooped against her head.. ''I'm so sorry, Howlingstar. I tried chasing after you, but the eagle had just been too fast for me.'' Where Howlingstar had been in the eagle's talons, the ThunderClan Leader had probably spotted Cormorantswoop chasing after her. The warrior's tail dropped to the ground.
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-ˋˏ ༻ ❆༺ ˎˊ- The entire ordeal had taken its toll on Littlekit, a permanent frown had been smudging normally bright and optimistic features, and any time another would ask about it- the chimera child couldn’t help but burst into tears over the whole thing.
Guilt weighs heavy on small shoulders despite the constant reassurance from her mother and father, it’s a new and uncomfortable feeling.
Silently, Littlekit tears at a bundle of moss outside the nursery, tearing bits of the spongy green material and rolling them into miniature balls.
Then, there’s a stir somewhere at the entrance, murmurs begin to ripple through cats who have stopped what they are doing to gawk at something emerging from the bramble.
Littlekit looks up, and amber optics practically pop out of their frame, during into golden discs gleaming with emotion.
Her craft is cast to the side, and on unsteady paws Littlekit rushes to the brown tabby fur that is being supported by Bigfang, trailed by someone who reeks of something unfamiliar.
She doesn’t care about all that extra stuff, though- stopping just short of her great-grandmothers paws, Littlekit cranes her head to look at her formerly lost kin with a sniffle.
Theres a heartbeat where that is all she is doing, trying to find the right words to explain how she felt.
”I’M SORRYYY!” The child finally wails, combusting to a snotty mess of tears and whines, her lower lip jutting out to further prove her despair.
”I-I thought yo-you were gone and… and I was so scared and… and I’m sorry!” Once the kitten has started, she cannot stop, struggling to speak coherently through her tears.
”Please d-don’t not love me anymore!”

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  • LITTLEKIT she/her, kit of thunderclan, 2 moons.
    Amber-eyed, dense-furred chocolate smoked she-kit with black ribboning stretching across her face, foreleg, and tail.
    daughter of Roeflame && Burnstorm ࿏ sister to Beetlekit && Dovekit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


ThunderClan was bigger, grander than she had imagined- the walk through the territory had been pleasantly shaded, and dotted with spring flowers. Among the warriors did she walk, relieved that she would get to see Howlingstar home, heart thumping with thrill. The Stars had laid an enchanted path- had called her to be where Howlingstar lay dying by the eagle's claws. The dream that had sent her in the direction of ThunderClan had struck, keen as lightning, at just the right time. Everything appeared to be oh-so-perfectly falling into place, and Thundergleam felt she could almost cry with excitement as the clearing drew closer. Decidedly, this was no longer a dream. The prophecies had never shown her this place.

It was bustling and beautiful. Fascination blushed rosy in Thundergleam's gaze; she stood well and truly awestruck. A small kit sighted them, and soon began to wail- this was Littlekit, then? The kitten Howlingstar had given a life to save... such a heavy amount of blame for such a tiny one to place upon herself. Thundergleam immediately felt a sting of pity, though drowned it rather quickly. She had learned of Howlingstar's pride for her kin on their journey; she was certain the leader would hold no grudge.

It was the apologetic warrior whom she looked toward, then- one who had accompanied them on the walk back. "Eagles are formidable beasts. No cat could have caught up," she claimed, voice soft and soothing. Oh, how she hated to see that droop of an ear... what could have been done? "Everything is alright, now."
penned by pin ☾

Tornadokit had been hiding when the eagle came and stole Howlingstar, it’d rattled him. He’d heard of eagles and hawks and was told to be careful and to run to cover if he ever saw the flash of giant wings in the sky but he never took those warnings seriously. It wasn’t just little kits who needed to be wary but the strongest of them, their leader wasn’t even safe. He thought she was invincible he thought he’d been proven wrong but that awe is reignited when his head pops out from the nursery to check out the new commotion of returning clanmates.

Howlingstar was alive she looked hurt but she was standing, walking (regardless of being supported) and talking. his eyes widen and he’s planted in place, he only recognizes the sight of Littlekit who was just outside running towards them before Tornadokit can fully collect his surprise. He felt bad for his younger denmate, he’s glad she was safe that the eagles talons hadn’t wrapped around her. She was too little to fight back she would’ve died! Finally he manages to trail after her as she rushes to Howlingstar wailing apologies.

He comes to try and stand next to the younger kit casting her a concerned look and moving his paw to lightly tap against her smaller paw in some modem of comfort before pulling it back to himself. He turns to look up at Howlingstar and the clanmates and strangers that flanked her.

"You really are invincible" his voice lacks his usual enthusiasm, it’s more breathless then anything - in awe. Again he looks to Littlekit and speaks up "She was crying the whole time you were gone…. Please don’t be mad at her" he pleads

Howlingstar lays eyes on Cormorantswoop first, the guilt clear in her eyes. She frowns, feeling sorry for the she-cat and everyone who felt any amount of blame for the event. She gives her head a shake, echoing her new companion's words, "No one could have done anything. I knew what I was risking; and besides, I'm here now." She gives her a sure nod before hearing the kit's wail break through the camp.

With ears perked and eyes rounding, she looks down at her great grandkit with surprise, then sympathy and love. She'd never wish such a burden to be on any kitten's shoulders, especially not her own kin. She glances to Tornadokit who stands beside Littlekit, his little voice telling her how much she's been crying. Howlingstar gives a sad, soft smile before leaning down to nuzzle Littlekit's ear, murmuring, "I could never stop loving you. And you have absolutely nothing to apologize for, do you understand? It was not your fault." An eagle could swoop at anyone, which is what makes them such terrifying predators. There is nothing Littlekit could have done to prevent it.

She finally straightens herself and looks around camp at her slowly gathering clan. She knows she'll have to address what they're all thinking. She lifts her voice so all can hear, "Everyone, this is Thundergleam." She expects to hear some confused murmuring - it's a clan name, after all. "She found me after I escaped from the eagle's talons; she's the reason I got back here so quickly. It was with her guidance and support that I found my way home." This is a rarity for her. Her whole clan knows her as a cautious leader, one who does not trust outsiders so easily. But she turns a genuine gaze upon the ivory she-cat, her ears flicking thoughtfully. "It is Thundergleam's wish to be a ThunderClan warrior, and I've decided to let her stay to train to be one. I witnessed first-paw her generosity and skill, and I believe she can make an honorable warrior for our clan."

While Softpaw knew that Howlingstar's love for her own kin would no doubt erase any faults there might be to find with Littlekit - and really, what faults had the kit committed? The crime of being in the wrong place at the wrong time? There was nothing for her to need to worry her little head about - Softpaw was as surprised as she had been when she had first seen the strange companion at Howlingstar's side that Howlingstar was now welcoming her into ThunderClan. Blinking curiously, Softpaw took in the stranger.

As she'd first noticed, this Thundergleam - and what a name, to have your namesake be that of a Clan; Softpaw wasn't sure she'd ever heard of any other cat with a name like it, though she was sure it had to have happened at some point, perhaps before the Clans were founded, or even after - looked similarly to herself. The ivory pelt, the pink eyes; Softpaw hadn't seen another cat look quite like her before, and the way this Thundergelam held herself was even stranger than her being there in the first place. It was like she was waiting for something.

It took Softpaw a moment to regain her bearings after hearing the news, and she started, dipping her head respectfully towards Thundergleam before she spoke. "In that case, welcome to ThunderClan, Thundergleam." She greeted, looking back up at the new warrior. "I hope you'll find Clanlife to your liking."


⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Green eyes dart to the bramble tunnel as the slightest bit of movement rustles the branches. The heavy queen lifts herself up, and begins walking forward. She smells the blood before she spots anyone, and her belly twists in horror. Her gaze quickly turns to Gentlestorm, wondering if he was thinking the same thought as her. They had both seen first hand what an eagle could do. But...Howlingstar still had several lives, right? The eagle in the mountain had mangled Howlingstar's daughter beyond any hopes of repair...she prayed their leader was not in the same state. She had never experienced Thunderclan without Howlingstar, she wasn't ready to lose her.

A wave of relief washed over her as their beloved leader limped into the clearing, supported by Bigfang. "Thank Starclan." she sighed as she hurried over to the large patrol as fast as she could. Her gaze flickers to the talon marks along her back, and the fur along her shoulders twitched uncomfortably. She too had a talon mark along her shoulders, but her thick fur thankfully covered it up. Eagle talons were sharper than any tooth or claw...she knew how bad their leader was hurting right now. "Everyone give her some space." she ordered, before Littlekit ran up to her. The small kit was who their leader had saved. As Roeflame's daughter burst into tears, Flamewhisker's eyes rounded with sympathy. Of course she will always love you.. Their leader was one of the most loving cats she had ever met.

Before she could ask about the strange Molly who had followed the rest of the patrol in, Howlingstar introduces her. "Thundergleam? Is she from another clan?" Why else would she have a clan name? Her eyes narrowed suspiciously, but she remained silent as she listened to the rest of their leader's words. The she-cat was the one who brought Howlingstar home? How else would Thundergleam know where Thunderclan was? Her suspicious gaze rested firmly upon Thundergleam as she waited for an answer. Even though Howlingstar had agreed to allow her to stay, she still wanted to know where she was from.

  • [bimg]View attachment 1621[/bimg]
    FLAMEWHISKER she/her, deputy of thunderclan, 31 moons, ages on the 20th
    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    currently mated to Flycatcher / / mother to: Falconheart and Stormfeather
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    link to toyhouse
    penned by Icey !@icefang65 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Lightflower hadn't had a moment of internal peace in a long time. To the point where she didn't even feel it really. Even if Ravenstrike's nasty words had cut her, it had snapped her out of her silence. So that was a step forward at least. To see Howlingstar risk her life for Littlekit was just another tortured vision replaying in her mind again and again. So to suddenly hear her voice in camp was surely a shock.

She leapt to her paws, a rush of relief washing over her, before again worry set in at seeing the dried blood covering her body. But she was standing and walking. It had to be a miracle. She threw her gaze briefly to Thundergleam, doubt shading her perspective of the other femme. Though she supposed she had no reason to outwardly distrust her. She had an... odd... air to her. "Thank you, Thundergleam," She meowed. She wasn't going to be rude.

It was enchanting to see a leader addressing her Clan- something else that she had only heard in stories. The lull that fell over ThunderClan, listening to their leader, was bewitching. And Thundergleam of course knew the correct way to behave; attentive, pale vision fixed on Howlingstar. As the leader introduced her, she dipped her head in humble greeting to them all. It was no trouble, she had said it and meant it. In fact, it was destiny... but they would not know that, any of them. It will be hard for them to understand.

I have decided to let her train as one. A leader's words were Star-sacred, and Thundergleam's eyes welled with appreciation the moment they were uttered. Her face flooded with an appreciative smile, her heart reached through and touched, brushed by the feathers of Howlingstar's generosity. Of course, she knew of StarClan's paw in this fate... but ultimately, the events of this earthly plane were orchestrated by those who walked upon it.

"I will not let you down," she murmured with joyful certainty to Howlingstar, bowing her head. Little murmurings of welcome and appreciation from the maws of a younger cat- one who looked very much like her- and a tabby-striped warrior earned a honeyed smile from Thundergleam. "It was the least I could do." Her words might have seemed falsely humble, but she spoke them with such conviction it was clear she truly believed them.

The keen, green glare of a ginger molly pulled her away from her bliss, however- though not violently. Was it proper to speak, to answer her questions? Though she knew not who this cat was, the way she had spoken moments before gave her the impression that she was someone important. "I am no traitor," she murmured, though her tone was entirely pleasant and unoffended. "My loyalty lies only with ThunderClan. I belonged nowhere before." Even with Father, she did not belong- he had made that very clear.
penned by pin ☾
It is certainly good to see Howlingstar back with them- and in one piece, too. Swiftdawn feels their fur lay flat for the first time in StarClan knew how long as their Clanmates cluster around the tabby leader. Littlekit's wailing, of course, is justified, but they eye the crowd expectantly for one of her parents. It just wouldn't do for a kit to be this noisy and left unchecked. At least Howlingstar has tried to mollify the mottled she-kit somewhat. StarClan forbid when they have their own, they would not act in such a way.

The warrior themself lingers towards the back of the cluster, offering Howlingstar a friendly blink should she glance their way, but their ears can't help but prick curiously at the mention of their new Clanmate. This Thundergleam certainly does have an odd name, doesn't she? A Clan name - their Clan's name, no less. StarClan save them all. It'd be sacrilege if she wasn't an outsider.

"A warrior name already, Howlingstar?" They pipe up, amusement fleeting across their pale muzzle. They recall the first warrior names given by Emberstar, more than two leafbares ago now. Swiftdawn's whiskers twitch. Maybe Flamewhisker is right, despite Thundergleam's pleasant assurance otherwise. Though surely Howlingstar would have led with that fact, were it the case ...

  • SWIFTDAWN ★ they/any, warrior of thunderclan
    "a cream-and-white tabby with yellow eyes."

    — speech is in #EFD13F
    tags | art by mercibun
fur a full day, the clan had erupted into never ending chaos- and it ended like a broken twig. on the walk back, leafhusk struggled to keep her eyes off the newcomer. thundergleam, is her name, one she knew confused her clanmates as well. if howlingstar trusted this molly enough to travel with her, then there shouldn’t be much to worry about. maybe she was simply in a giving mood after everything with the kittypet.

she steps away from the group once they’re past the gorse tunnel, allowing other cats to greet the older tabby. teary eyed, snot nosed welcome backs are exchanged, it’s sweet, the molly finds a small smile tugging at the corner of her lips. "welcome to thunderclan, thundergleam." she greets politely, dipping her head to the albino.​
Fright from Howlingstar's abduction had left the Molly's usually well kept pelt a jagged mess. Spiking every which way as her chest tightened in fear. She couldn't stand the thought of her clanmates being injured let alone lost or worse. Fear of anymore unwanted visitors near the nursery had her pale paws planted by the den itself. Blue gaze wildly flickering every which way and stuttering on the tunnel as it rustled. Oh stars... Please. Just as the prayer left her mind a familiar brown pelt glimmered through the foliage.

The kits wail nearly breaks her heart and tears sting at the corners of her eyes. Thank you! Thank you! Relief drenched itself down Honeydapple's back as she followed the growing crowd in eager strides. Howlingstar had always been a tough molly and a true staple of what it meant to be a Thunderclan cat.

Soon her wide steps slow as the peculiar cat next to her makes an entrance. Glossy pelt and unique eyes stunning the pointed feline. Quietly, she listens as the stranger is introduced and the moment of awe melts into gratitude. Adding her voice to the masses a bright purr wraps around each word. "A cat willing to risk their neck for one of us is more than welcome. It's wonderful to meet you Thundergleam." The name felt sturdy and bright if not perfectly befitting given the circumstances.
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Stormywing, like her clanmates, is elated to see her leader alive and walking! She bounds over to the growing crowd, beaming - until she sees the cat that walks in Howlingstar's wake. "Who the heck is she?" She blurts out incredulously, already feeling her fur bristle at the sight of a stranger within their camp. But Howlingstar assures all of them that this cat helped her get home. It's enough to at least let her fur lay flat, but she still regards the stranger with a suspicious look. She presses closer to her uncle's mate, noting Flamewhisker holds a similar caution about this Thundergleam. "She talks weird," The young warrior pointed out, golden eyes narrowing on the ivory she-cat. Her tail begins to lash to and fro with agitation. But it is Howlingstar's wish that she stays, so what right does anyone have to argue? Thundergleam is going to be a clanmate, and there's nothing she can do about it.
Her clanmates cluster closer, various praises of gratitude finding their way to the newcomer. However, some still eye her with suspicion and caution, and frankly, Howlingstar can't blame them one bit. ThunderClan is not known to take in outsiders, and they've chased off loners at the border many times before. But this she-cat saved her; she trusts her. She wants to give her the opportunity to find her place here. Flamewhisker and Swiftdawn comment on her odd name, and Howlingstar dips her head in understanding for their confusion. "Apparently, her name was supposed to be like a clan name. She knew about the clans already," She explains slowly, eyeing Thundergleam as she does so. It is still strange, but...she supposes it isn't exactly a bad thing for some loners to be curious about clan life.

Another voice pipes up amongst the kind welcomes, belonging to the young spitfire Stormywing. She does not speak out, but she comments that the newcomer talks weird. It is a quick decision that Howlingstar makes as she turns narrowed eyes on the warrior. "You can help her learn how to talk like a clan cat then, Stormywing. She'll be your charge to teach ours ways." It is with a bit of amusement that she takes in Stormywing's stunned expression, and before she can argue she gives a nod to Thundergleam and makes her way towards the medicine cat's den. She supposes it's time to let Gentlestorm take a look at her new wounds.

ˏˋ*⁀➷ The eagle was not a death sentence for Howlingstar; the beasts of the skies are not all-powerful, Fallowpaw knows as much very well. It is good to see the leader alive, even is Fallowpaw holds little love for her personally. She keeps her distance as the crowd gathers, eyes fixed upon the leader's new companion.

Thundergleam, her name is. An outsider from nowhere, with her name already perfect. Walking in like she's always been here, was always meant to be here. And Howlingstar accepts her, readily, and the clan follows suit. Fallowpaw's fur stands on end. It seems so easy. She talks all wrong, as its mentor notes -- and then she's taking its mentor, too. It stares after Howlingstar for a moment before turning back to Thundergleam. "Um." Does no one see the glaring issue here? "Stormywing already has an apprentice," Fallowpaw grumbles. Sure, she can double up, but that's for normal apprentices Not strange already-warriors who happen to wander too close to the leader. "I don't wanna train with her. She's weird." She doesn't want her here at all.

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  • FALLOWPAW ⁀➷ she / it, apprentice of thunderclan, seven moons.
    a scarred, pointed brown and white molly with shaggy fur and golden eyes.
    standoffish and solitary, always seems to have a dark cloud hanging over its head.
    baying hound xx npc, littermate to antlerpaw, doepaw, fawnpaw, & elkpaw.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.