i hear you || pikesplash


Jan 20, 2023
she's playing alone.

she doesn't consciously catalogue his approach, doesn't turn to greet him, though her ears swivel to track his pawsteps. she's fixated on a flower, the way it bends in the wind. it's got a pretty purple top. she wonders what kind it is. she wonders what would happen if she ATE it!!! she wonders how much it'd take for the wind to snap its stem. and how long would it live after that? is a snapped stem like a — a snapped cat? she shudders at the comparison, but the curious grin doesn't leave her face. would it shrivel right up in front of her? maybe beesong would know.

wait. beesong couldn't tell her anything. beesong is dead.

... never mind. maybe ravenpaw would know.

now silverkit is frowning. she thinks for the umpteenth time today that the outside world is very scary, and she doesn't know how she'll handle being a 'prentice. she doesn't want to die like beesong or get slashed up by a fox like fernpaw. she doesn't want to come home bloody and tired like the war patrol had a little while back, and she doesn't want to get a tooth knocked out and a jaw busted up like clayfur. she doesn't want to be stuck in the medicine den like lichentail and petalnose were. she doesn't want ANY of that. silverkit likes her life just fine right now! and — and sure, she's super strong and cool, and she's gonna be the best 'prentice ever. but —

does that have to mean scary things will happen to her?

flower thoroughly forgotten, silverkit stares at her little white paws and wonders.


  • • abandoned by the border, sibling to otterkit, adoptive daughter to pikesplash • 3 moons old • silver tabby & blue tabby chimera with a dusting of white freckles • meticulous, attentive, opinionated, LOUD!! • peaceful powerplay welcome • wants to make friends! •


  • • abandoned by the border, sibling to otterkit, adoptive daughter to pikesplash • 3 moons old • silver tabby & blue tabby chimera with a dusting of white freckles • meticulous, attentive, opinionated, LOUD!! • peaceful powerplay welcome • wants to make friends! •

( tags ) Without a doubt the world has become daunting. Beesong was found dead not too long ago, which left them with only one medicine cat. Ravenpaw was still an apprentice and had much to learn, but now he would have to learn on his own. It must be draining for Ravenpaw. Not only did he have to take care of all of them by himself, he was forced to push through Beesong's death. Did he ever properly get to mourn Beesong? It's saddening to think about. Ravenpaw was all alone now, with no one else who knew medicine that could at least take some of the burden. And then, them as a clan. They couldn't risk injuries at this time. Ravenpaw already had his hands full with some of the cats in the medicine cat den, he didn't need more to join the den. Lichentail had lost part of her ear in a battle, Catfishpaw was attacked by a badger, and Fernpaw slashed by a fox, and Clay... Clay doing his own thing. Not to mention the loners on their territory.

There were small comforts as well. Riverclan has a new deputy now. They have new lead warriors. Some kits will become apprentices. His kits would become apprentices the upcoming moon. He's without a doubt worried about what will happen to them. No longer would they be confined in this camp and safe from outside danger. For the first time they will leave camp and see new things. The bad and good. He knows he can't protect them forever and that they both need to go out and experience the world on their own terms. They'll always be precious to him, but the moment they become apprentices they will be working together. What he hopes is that the mentors his kits receive are best suited for them.

With Otterkit terrorizing some poor cat, he is able to slip away and look for Silverkit. When he does spot her, he notices she seems to be in deep thought. Doesn't seem like she's thinking of eating that flower. I'll go see what's up. He makes his way to her slowly, giving her ample time to notice him. If he has not caught her attention he would slowly bring his paw on top of hers. If she looked up, she would be met with a gentle smile. "Silverkit, what's on your mind?" He wants her to feel safe. That whatever it is she's thinking about isn't wrong and she can tell him if she wanted to. He would listen regardless and attempt to assuage her worries,
she turns to meet pikesplash's eyes. "oh... hi," she says. the frown doesn't leave her little blue face.

she wriggles her toes caught underneath his paw, comforted by his presence and his smile. right now, she isn't the same silverkit most people see, terrorizing the clan and attacking tails and causing a damn ruckus.

what's on your mind, he asks, and silverkit realizes that a lot of things are on her mind. like being a prentice... like... like who she is and who she's gonna be and all the things that are gonna happen one day. the world is so big, she's started to realize, it's way bigger than this nice safe camp and one day she'll be in it. doing... doing silverpaw things. it's a little bit weird to think about being silverpaw instead of silverkit. she's been silverkit her whole life.

silverkit is happy which means she doesn't want to be not happy which means she doesn't want stuff to change.

oh, and she's started to think she might not be a she anymore.

so.... lots on her mind, yep.

but how does she say all that?

"i think... i think everything's on my mind," she admits, face twisting as she tries real hard not to cry or anything dumb like that. "the world's so big... and... and i'm gonna be a prentice soon. and what if it's bad? what if it's scary and what if i die?"


  • • abandoned by the border, sibling to otterkit, adoptive daughter to pikesplash • 3 moons old • silver tabby & blue tabby chimera with a dusting of white freckles • meticulous, attentive, opinionated, LOUD!! • peaceful powerplay welcome • wants to make friends! • penned by Harry Styles •

( tags ) Difficult it is to keep a smile on his face when he sees a frown on hers. Something is definitely wrong and he is glad that he asked her what is on her mind. While a part of him hopes it is as simple as she tripped and fell, he has a feeling it isn't. Judging by her long silence, he is growing more and more worried as time passes. Normally she is unafraid along with her brother, terrorizing the clan. Was it wrong of him to want to believe she was playing a trick on him and would pounce him the next moment. Oh, if only. His heart breaks when she explains herself. She is so young, yet she is already scarred by their world.

I didn't think it would be so soon. He looks down his paws for a moment before glancing at Silverkit's own paws. She's no longer the small little kit beside her brother that they took in that day. He knew that eventually there was going to be a time where he couldn't protect her or Otterkit from the world. Her fears are not to be dismissed. If he were to say the world is safe and that there was no chance she would perish would be more harmful and it would be a betrayal. Betrayal towards Clearsight, Beesong, and all who they've lost. If the world was really safe then all of them would be alive. They would be here. However, despite all that they lost... They had gained too. More kits had been born in camps, relationships grew, and no matter what everyone looked out for each other. Sure maybe you didn't like one or two clanmates but when push came to shove they wouldn't leave you to die a horrible death. You would also be grieved. He recalled all the times warriors brought back the deceased and without fail someone would mourn them. Not everything was horrible as Silverkit put it.

His whiskers twitch before he glances back at her face. "It's okay to have everything on your mind. A lot of cats would laugh at me because I think too much. Worry too much. Many things are in my mind even now. But even though there's some who will laugh or think you're a fish-brain for it, there's also cats who care and will listen to you. I'm one of them." Pikesplash himself is uncertain that what he is saying to her reassures her. All he wants her to know is that she has him. That she can share how she feels with him and he would listen to her. Her thoughts are important.

There's a moment of silence before he adds, "The world can be bad. Bad things happen. You've seen Fernpaw, Clayfur, Lichentail, and Petalnose get hurt. Even... Beesong. It's also scary. You'll leave camp and see some scary things and these things can kill you, but Silverkit... You won't be alone through all the bad and scary stuff. If you ever get hurt I'll come see you everyday and all your friends would visit you too. Otterkit can be a little mean sometimes but I know he'll be worried and see you. The warriors with you when you leave camp everyday will protect you. All of us even me, it's our jobs to make sure everyone safe, even strong cats like Cicadastar."