If you asked him how he ended up in this situation he can't tell you how. Silversmoke had dismissed him from training and that meant he was free to do whatever he pleased. Thus, the apprentice had went off to scavenge for some feathers and came out with fruitful results. He put his spoils in his fluffy fur, not caring if the different colored feathers looked bizarre and uncoordinated. What he didn't expect was running into Oddpaw whom he never had a one on one conversation with. Then again, it wasn't like he talked much to his peers in the first place despite the fact that they will all be graduating very soon if everything went to plan. The cats he talked to the most were Silversmoke (for obvious reasons), Fireflypaw, and now he was starting to talk to Owlpaw. He wasn't sure where to place her yet. They only recently started talking. He liked her that was for sure. She had a love for birds and feathers like he did. Although... She was Cherrypaw's sister and he didn't want to throw himself into friendship so easily if Owlpaw would quickly betray him.

One thing is certain. Had Silversmoke been here, he would've chased off Oddpaw for bothering him. His father has been awfully protective of him as of late and it's nice. He won't deny that, but sometimes he felt like the older tom was a repellant for future friends. Considering his mentor always whisked him away from the group of laughing apprentices, wanting him to remain focused on his duties. It pleased him in an odd way. That Silversmoke was making good on his promise to turn him into the strongest warrior Skyclan has ever known, unwilling to let him be unfocused and stray from his goal. It's difficult though. To remain focused when you have someone like Oddpaw trying to make him laugh. At first it is easy to remain indifferent, but with each joke and movement from Oddpaw smiles slip from him. There's just a certain light and charm that the other paw has that Crowpaw can't help but by swept by.

And finally, he breaks. The black tom stops and looks at Oddpaw, with a fond expression before his body trembles. His lips curl and seconds later he is howling in laughter, his head thrown back. Laughing freely, eyes brimming with happy tears. He even snorts once or twice before he can settle down. "You're funny Oddpaw," he replies earnestly.

"I like you! Let's be friends!"

Those words alone leave him dumbfounded. The poor black smoke apprentice could only blink thrice in shock because being told he was liked was rare. Did anyone say they like me before? He blinks again, Oddpaw's radiance is absolutely blinding. I don't remember... He's left speechless as Oddpaw looks at him as if he's something precious. The smile on the other paw's face is too bright. He feels as if there's something squirming inside him, trying not scuttle away from warmth. Yet there's something else in him that is drawn much like a moth to a flame the longer he stares at Oddpaw whose glee never falters from his lack of response. A paw is extended to him.

"Hi paw~ if you wanna be my friend!"

Hazel eyes continue to stare, as Oddpaw waits patiently for his response. It's as if his maw is sewn shut, unable to express his happiness. Oh, he knows. He knows he's lost. Crowpaw doesn't know Oddpaw well, but growing up Crowpaw has always loved cats who were direct. They were less of a headache compared to those who spoke in riddles. Maybe it's due to his nature of taking things literally. In any case, Oddpaw has successful wrapped his claws around him. Winning the black smoke apprentice with his charm and directness. Finally, after a long while he quickly slaps his paw on Oddpaw's own. Friend. I have a friend now. Crowpaw is bashful, his paw remaining on Oddpaw's own. Oddpaw is my friend.
  • @ODDPAW here is the thread I promised between the boys
  • — crowpaw / skyclan apprentice / masculine pronouns / 10 moons
    — undecided / single / not looking / open to flirting and crushes
    — long haired black smoke with hazel eyes with polydactyly
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou
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Reactions: ODDGLEAM
Ending up in this situation with a carefree though curious attitude, sitting next to the resident gloom-and-doom of Skyclan. He hasn't interacted much with Crowpaw, he only saw the black smoke in passing. He's been a little bit curious about the older apprentice, wondering why he was always alone. But, that's going to change starting today. And so, here he is sitting in front of Crowpaw with a tilt of his head, smiling with innocence at the other. He starts to crack jokes with the dark furred tom, a curl of his mouth twisting in a smile as he chatters on jokes. His goal today; make Crowpaw laugh. With his natural charm, he jokes about random stuff he'd heard in his time as a traveling rouge or well.. loner. The pastel splashed calico, watches Crowpaw's movements closely of any shaking shoulders, a crack of a smile or something.

After a while of cracking silly jokes, copper eyes blink unexpected as he lets his mouth fall at the other 'paw finally letting loose and laughing. He is delighted, tail thumping at the ground softly next his pale paws. He lets a fond smile curl on his mouth as he heard the other say "You're funny Oddpaw," with earnest. Well, he feels all giddy at his accomplishment if he does say so himself. He mews out a eager but direct "I like you! Let's be friends!" body sitting up straight as he said that. He really wants to be friends with Crowpaw, he wants to get to know the black smoke better and hang out with him. He lets out a nervous laugh escape his mouth, as he waited for a response from the other paw. He then lifted a paw out to the other to take, letting a beaming smile take over his features. He waits for the other to take his paw, after a while there was silence around just the two of them. "Hi paw~ If you wanna be my friend!" Voice ringing out like chimes, in a sing-song tone. He waits patiently for a response from the other.

Both sliver and cream colored ears perk forward, as he watches the dark smoke tom slap his own black paw on Oddpaw's own awaiting paw. He has successfully won the other over, he lets a soft laugh bubble out his maw at his accomplishment.

  • no ref yet </3
  • ( really? that's it? not cool ) ODDPAW : apprentice of skyclan
    — cismale ; HE / THEY ; currently 9 moons
    ♡ bi-pan / single / not actively looking / open to flirting & puppy-crushes
    — a medium-furred sliver and cream calico tom with copper eyes
    action , thoughts , "Speech, ac7d88"
    — smells of caramel frappe & chilled stone

    - tags / @ on discord for plots
    - penned by calzone

  • nothing here begone!
Enough time passes that he begins to realize that it may be a little weird to still have his paw against Oddpaw. It is woeful to part from the younger apprentice, but it's not like they could be glued together for eternity. Not like he wants to be chained to Oddpaw for the rest of time because there are some things he would like to do in his solitude. No offense towards the other apprentice, he just doesn't have that much energy when it comes to socializing. Hazel eyes gaze at his own hulkish paw with additional toes that only seemed to make him appear even more big footed. Ears flick towards melodious laughter before finally putting a paw down.

"What do you like?" The words leave his maw before he can register it. Hazel eyes blink in surprise, but he supposes that it isn't a horrid question. It's not like he asked Oddpaw how they would like to die or anything of the sort. Friends talk about what they like, right? We're friends but I don't know that much about him. Sorrow pierces his heart that his new friend is still a stranger to him despite making it official. "I like birds and collecting feathers. I like feathers a lot. Do you like feathers too?" This very much feels like a conversation that's supposed to be meant between kits rather than apprentices. However, everyone had their own way in making friends.
  • — crowpaw / skyclan apprentice / masculine pronouns / 11 moons
    — undecided / single / open to flirting and crushes
    — long haired black smoke with hazel eyes with polydactyly
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou
He lets out a hum escape from his maw, as he flicks his ears towards his new friend's question. He tilts his head a little to the side, as he thinks fo what he even likes these days. "I like watching sunsets, bird watching, finding new things to add to my nest... Oh! I also like-" He stops his words abruptly, as he takes a pale paw and taps at his chin lightly. Trying to think of what to add next to his growing list of things he enjoys. Hm. This is troubling.. He puts his paw down, looking at the ground trying to think of what to add next. He perks up suddenly at he thought of something else to add. "I also like collecting flowers and their petals." He finishes meowing out his list of things he likes to do. He listens as Crowpaw lists off his own interests, he twitches his tail behind him. Fascinated with what Crowpaw likes, he's excited to know more about his new friend. Ooo, feathers? suits him perfectly He nods at Crowpaw's question on does he like feathers too. "Feathers are pretty, there's many different kinds of them I would love to collect and add them to my nest or stick em in my fur." responding with a soft smile settled on his maw, to the black smoke apprentice in front of him.

  • no ref yet </3
  • ( really? that's it? seriously.. ) ODDPAW : apprentice of skyclan
    — cismale ; HE / THEY ; currently 10 moons
    ♡ bi-pan / single / not actively looking / open to flirting & puppy-crushes
    — a medium-furred sliver and cream calico tom with copper eyes
    action , thoughts , "Speech, ac7d88"
    — smells of caramel frappe & chilled stone

    - tags / @ on discord for plots
    - penned by calzone