private i hope you dance ;; greeneyes.


Fireflypaw dips his head through leaves as he follows after his friend, chasing after him like it will be the last time he'd see him. And it might, at this point. He swallows his own nervousness back, ghostly blues wide as his head tilts owlishly to the side. "Wait-" He gasps out in the cold night air, biting at the inside of his cheek. "I must tell you something." He whines out, almost too childishly. He feels denied, dejected- his friend having to leave his side to go on some journey he might not even return from. He couldn't, no- wouldn't imagine Greeneyes as another cat lost in the mountains with no return home.

He would not be bathing a pretty ginger pelt in lavender anytime soon, either.

"I like you. I don't.. Want you to go, Minty." It's quick, untethered by his emotions which swam like an ocean before him. Confusion in his eyes, for why would Greeneyes choose to leave his side? Why, why, why, why?! "You don't have to go, Greeneyes. You can.. You can stay here, with me."
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One last goodbye. Greeneyes has one last goodbye to make, but Blazestar’s call had broken through the clearing before he could wrap up his farewells to his apprentice, the rest of the journey-goers already beginning to make their way out. As he turns to leave, he can feel the disappointment setting in, the regret twisting at his stomach.

He didn’t say goodbye to Fireflypaw.

The healer hadn’t been too far from him before it was time to depart. Still, he felt so far away now when his paws were meant to be leaving the clearing, to be following behind everyone else to places unknown. Maybe he could still turn around, could try to catch up after he speaks to Firefly and —

Leaves rustle beside him. Greeneyes lifts his head, his eyes going wide at the sight of pointed fur ducking beneath leaves. “Fi?

One last goodbye stands before him, the healer’s sightless gaze just as wide as Greeneyes’, a trembling that the warrior can feel in his own paws as he looks up at his friend.

His best friend, how can he say goodbye to him? He thought saying goodbye to Butterflytuft would be difficult, but… but this? Greeneyes thought the farewells would be easier by now, when he’s said so many to his clanmates in the past few days, but he stands before Fireflypaw, ears flat against his head as he tries to find the words to say to him.

The healer finds them first, says he wants to tell him something. Greeneyes tilts his head at whining tones, expecting to be told the usual things he’s heard in his goodbyes as late - to make it back home. Instead, something else is shared. Fireflypaw likes him.

Greeneyes blinks, confusion setting in. Isn’t it obvious, what the healer tells him? They wouldn’t be best friends if Fireflypaw didn’t like him, right? He’s glad to have the confirmation but it’s importance is lost on him, buried under the weight of yellowcough’s mission looming over them.

I… like you too,” he says slowly, figuring Fireflypaw must also need the confirmation if he’d chased after him like this to tell him, “You’re my best friend. Of course, I like you.

What the healer says next makes an already glossy gaze blur further - he doesn’t want him to go, wants him to stay here. Greeneyes wants to stay too, doesn’t want to leave his friend’s side - and for a moment, he thinks of turning back, of staying in place. But SkyClan needs him on the mission, just as much as SkyClan needs Fireflypaw to stay at camp. They’re already down one journey-goer, they can’t be down another. He has to do this - he has to keep everyone safe.

Fi,” he croaks out, blinking back tears. The warrior moves to press his head against the healer’s side, a shaky breath taken. “I… I can’t stay… I have to go.” He sniffles, his gaze lowered as his heart is pulled in two different directions. He has to go. For SkyClan.

"Please… Please stay safe, here," Greeneyes tells him, though it should probably be Fireflypaw ensuring such safety. But the medic feels the weight of the plague just as Greeneyes does - a mission to keep sickness at bay on opposite lines, as sickness consumes the den Fireflypaw sleeps in. It’s an image he can’t bear to think about. He can’t lose Fireflypaw too.

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    Daisyflight x Raven Ramble
    — AMAB; He/Him
    — A red tabby and white tom with bright green eyes.
    — Mentored by Sheepcurl; Currently mentoring Falconpaw
    — "Speech"; Attack

    : * — Among SkyClan's first born, Greeneyes is a bright tom with an affinity for the world around him. Despite always seeking to be kind to others, the warrior believes he's cursed - a belief brought on by rhetoric that green is a deadly color.
You're my best friend. Of course, I like you.

The words sting like poison as he hears them, but he doesn't let his facial expression change; lips smoothing into a line, eyebrows relaxing. Of course, that was all he would ever be- Greeneyes probably didn't see him in the same light Fireflypaw knew he saw Greeneyes. His ears twitch atop his head momentarily, paws stopping mid-motion in their kneading of the ground as Greenie denies him. He can't stay, he has to go- and it's quick, the way that he turns his back on him.

Fireflypaw takes a step forward, then another, until his forehead is pressing against Greeneyes' own. He tells him to stay safe here, and Fireflypaw nods his head numbly. Left behind, as always. Always. "Please come back to us, Greeneyes." He murmurs softly, a promise. He must come back, mustn't die on this trip, mustn't leave behind everything he knows for the beauty of the mountains. His tail twitches behind him again. "I will pray for your return, safe and sound." He mutters, stepping away from his friend and refusing to look further at him. Touching him was like touching fire; warm, but dangerous.

He steps away from his friend, turning his back to him- then disappears back through the leaves with his heart aching.​
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