camp I imagine death so much ‡ Birthing


A light in the dark
Oct 17, 2023
*+:。.。 What was it like to give birth?

From the, admittedly very minimal, research Ebby had done when preparing themself for the events to come, that was one of the more common questions they'd asked. Some cats said it was amazing. Others said it was beautiful. Many said that they came out of it and changed for the better. That life before having their little miracles was nothing compared to what it'd become now. They'd never feel lonely again, they said.

Ebby didn't feel lonely. Not because they had a close band of friends to keep them company or the comradery of an entire clan they simply didn't mind lonesomeness. Sometimes, they even missed it rather than being squished in a pile among their clanmates, who, even after all these moons, all still felt like strangers to them. If all of them were to one day drop dead as Gin had, Ebby doubted they'd be heartbroken over it. Probably thank their lucky stars that they weren't part of the statistic and wander off to find the next powerful leader to promise their "undying" loyalty to. Life was always only ever about survival, everything else was just entertainment with an inevitability of becoming a hindrance.

So what did that make Nightingalecry?

Ebonylight woke with a start.
For a moment, they hadn't a clue what had jarred them so violently from their-
A gasp broke through their teeth when a dull but heavy pain lanced up from their abdomen. Ebby reached down to pat their stomach with their paws, searching for any sign of blood, any sign of an open wound - had someone attacked them while they-

Rushing to their paws - perturbed by how weak their knees felt - Ebby finally got the clue. They eyed the medicine den, biting their lip at the idea of writhing on the ground beneath the judgemental gaze of another feline. But turning their gaze to the distant hillside, stars curtaining the sky and shining just bright enough to sparkle the snow that made the open fields a more dangerous option, they couldn't bring themselves to listen to the instinct to self-isolate.

Another jolt of agony, this one fiercer than the last, scrambled their pro's and con's list. Pretty soon it's going to be a lot more difficult to keep their cries to themself. Ebby refused to be seen as vulnerable if they can help it. After all, if they view their clanmates as stepping stones to a proper meal and nothing else, they're sure they're viewed the same. And if the stones are thrown and some mouths need to stop getting fed, it'd be great if Ebby's was far from the expendable list.

Yet another stabbing down their tummy and all of a sudden being strong wasn't a goal they could consider maintaining. Fear now enveloped them as they stumbled towards the nursery den entrance, their breaths ragged from the pain. There were a lot of things Ebby didn't know, they weren't ashamed to admit that. Like how they hadn't been expecting how easy it'd be to become pregnant - when they'd suggested it to Nightingalecry, it had been almost a joke - something they hadn't thought too seriously about outside of using the litter to earn Sootstar's favor. But then they became pregnant, and suddenly it was a decision locked in stone. It was easy to listen to mothers talk about pregnancy and tell yourself you'll handle the cramps, the soreness, the changes just's a whole different ballgame experiencing it all.
And as the agony no one ever could've properly warned Ebby about rolled through them like a furious storm, they dizzily wondered what was the point?

Sootstar's favor wasn't worth this! Earning points with Windclan for their loyalty wasn't worth it! Ensuring Nightingalecry stayed behind wasn't -

"Ebony?" a soft voice crooned just as Ebby leaned against the nursery entrance, panting aggressively as their head swam. The fluffy silver tabby blinked once, twice, then in a flurry was upon them, "Is it time?!" she gasped.
Pain and fear erupted in their screaming head, and before they realized it, they were swinging a clawed paw at their 'mate' snarling, "Don't touch me!" This was her fault, they justified. The pain, this sudden uncontrollable fear, the idea that this is it - after all these moons, death finally would find them all because of her -

Pain flashed across Nightingalecall's clover and periwinkle eyes, but just as quick the timid woman narrows her gaze. The determination in those once-soft eyes makes Ebby flinch. A blow is coming, they're certain of it - as Nightingale stepped closer, Ebby tensed, waiting for the counter they were too weak to dodge and-

A soft kiss plants itself on Ebby's forehead. They blink, for a temporary moment the pain forgotten as shock melts the world away. "I've got you" Nightingalecall's shaky voice coos as Ebby looks up to meet her gaze. The pain comes back with a burst of lighting in their stomach, but the fear doesn't return with it. This time Ebby lets them scream in pain, pressing their muzzle into Nightingalecall's chest. "It hurts" they sob, hating themselves for crying they can only focus on the arms that wrap around them, holding them close for that once precious, too-short second.

"I have to get Cottonpaw" a logical statement that somehow sends Ebby into a panic, but with more soft nudges and coos, Nightingalecry finds a way to ease them back into bed and with a flick of her tail she's gone into the stars.
Ebby waits for her with harsh breaths puffing through the nursery. The walls swirl in their vision, they swear they can see the stars through the ceiling. Swears that they're back in twoleg-place, stalking through the sewers, avoiding dogs, two-legs and other cats. It was the other cats that were the worst. They're coming for them now, they're certain of it. Life is only about survival, pointing and laughing at the misery in between is the only way to make living bearable. There's nothing else. There never can be.

But then Nightingalecry is back, wrapping herself around Ebby's head. A cushion against the cold and damp concrete - no, the grass and moss of the nursery floor. Nightingalecry is softer. She's whispering things to them, they do their best to listen, but truthfully they'd prefer to sleep. She's - no, not Nighty this time, someone else - is telling them to push. But won't that hurt? Won't they die? "Please, Ebony" a soft breeze that tickles their ear, it smells of heather and stars, so different from the poisonous water and magot-bitten waste of their birthhome. So they listen, and they push. There's a stick in their mouth when they try to scream, there's water from something soft- moss?- that's pressed against their feverish forehead. Storms become hurricanes in their stomach, they're on fire, they're trapped in ice, they're dying.

And then, all at once, it's over.

Three sets of mews ring within the nursery entrance. The stars have stepped aside to allow morning light first visitation. Ebby blinks open tired eyes as Nighty pulls away the crushed stick. There's blood on her maw from where she must have helped clean the kittens - or maybe from the new cut on her lip - but it just makes her look so cute to Ebby. She's crying, or maybe Ebby's crying, but the world is blurry and bright and all they can focus on is that it's all over. It's finally over. Nihtingalecry is meowing about triplets, and asking about names, but Ebby is already falling asleep in her arms and can't bring themself to care. Ebonylight is alive, that's all that matters.

What was it like to give birth?

"Names...? Uh...Name one fright, death, and wither" Ebby yawns, grinning spitefully as they reference all their passing emotions during this entire ordeal. Pressing their face into Nighty's fur and caring about nothing else, they soon begin to drift off.

It's a hindrance.

    DFAB— He/They/She — Pansexual
    17 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Windclan — Moor-runner (Loyalist)
    Mates with Nightingalecall, father to Frightkit, Deathkit and Witherkit

    Physically hard | mentally hard
    Attack in bold black

    injuries: None currently
    recovering from pregnancy


Existence, it was now here. How surprising. The charcoal kitten wriggled around full of life, though he looked small, but his protests were strong as he was cleaned off. They didn't know their name yet, they wouldn't like it much when they did understand it, but that's okay, they'll live with it. Right now there was no time for thought, they couldn't really think, there was nothing to see, nothing to hear, there was only instincts. Laying there beside his siblings and parents he would eventually fall asleep, getting ready for the next few moons of growth.


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Bluefrost stirs in her nest as low cries of pain and fear begin to shred the silence like wool. She rolls over, blinks dreams from her eyes, and lets the cold settle atop her pelt like new snow, sinking into her bones as she exposes her flank to the eerily twinkling stars. Ebonylight is giving birth. Strange, to think that such a mundane part of Clan life can still happen here. In a way, these are the true WindClan’s first kits—pure, untouched by trembling, traitorous noses or tails. Bluefrost lifts her head and sinks her chin onto folded forepaws as she watches Nightingalecry move swiftly from the mouth of the nursery toward the medicine cat’s den. Cottonfang will be with her—her sister’s first litter to deliver alone.

Tiny mews begin to fill the quiet before long, replacing their dam’s exhausted cries of pain. Success. Bluefrost closes her eyes again, but before she lets sleep take her, she pushes herself to her paws. Once, her mother would have gone to Ebonylight to congratulate them—Sootstar would always take an interest in the newest kits born to WindClan. Bluefrost knows that to be the right thing to do, even as far from leader as she is. Someday, these moors will be mine. I must care the way she once did.

Congratulations,” she murmurs softly from the nursery. In the darkness, she can just make out three twitching, tiny shapes against Ebonylight’s dark flank, with the silvery body of his mate curled around him.

, ”
A jest. Should Nightingalecry learn that the initial idea of starting a family had all but been a joke, then she would... well, certainly feel something. Days and nights drag on under starless skies, and she watches her lover sleep with a belly far too round to not pop soon. And every waking morning she tells herself that living this life is worth it, for him, for their family. Learning that their existence started flippantly on one part would hurt, surely, but that does not change how they feel. They must feel excitement and happiness, for without it, they'll spiral into depression once again. They can ignore so much nowadays. Is it a blessing, or a curse?

The moor runner had been returning from the dirt place when she spotted Ebonylight bracing themself against the nursery. The moments tread at a hummingbird's heartrate - a gasp, a clawed swipe, acceptance that it was their fault. Fear embraces her, that Ebonylight might bar them from their shared litter because of the pain kitting causes. She surges forward, makes promises, urges the other to relax whilst she finds the medicine cat. She can feel the sting on her lip, taste the blood that slips onto her tongue, but it's okay. It's deserved.

Hours slip by and they finally have their litter - a trio, two almost identical and one appearing like their father. She watches them so intently, so lovingly, as if the world outside isn't burning and drowning all at once. She and Ebonylight have discussed named, very sparingly, and yet when she questions her lover on which ones to pick out, he rests three of his choices for them to decide on. Fright, Death, and Wither. Their own choices of Bunny, Flower, Sprig - all are dashed, it seems. But it's okay. It's only right.

Her tail graces the kitten to adorn the first name, "Frightkit." Her fur is wily, unkempt even whilst slicked by their cleanings. Fright in all of its negative connotations can be seen in a warmer light - caution, for the unknown may be scary, but exhilarating nonetheless. The spike of adrenaline during a border spat, the pit-drop of a heart when prey turns its fangs back on you, watching the leader you dedicated yourself to dwindle into a mess of anxiety and paranoia. Frightkit - for without fear, there is no bravery.

Next - "Deathkit." A child similar to the first, as if a ghost has echoed their sibling. An ending inevitable to them all, sentenced since their first breaths. A promise to never be broken, death is - even leaders blessed by the stars are gifted chances of it time and time again, as if experiencing the end nine times over is a fulfilling prophecy of its own. Death is not scary, not as it should be, for those dead still wander among them and the stars. These children - their grandmother must watch over them, bless them in her own way. Death came too soon for her, Nightingalecry knows, but that does not make her life any less.

And finally, with a kitten who's coat so closely mirrors their father's. "Witherkit." To wither is to rot delicately. Leafbare provides all of the Clans with new forms of decay in their plant life - the moors experience heather blooms wilt and weep, tall grasses become yellow and shrivel. There's beauty in the shift of seasons, even if the change means watching the world around them slowly wither away. In due time it will all come back, just to start over again. Perhaps, should she reach far enough, withering is nothing more than a suggestion of something new.

Her lover has drifted off by the time she's done naming the kittens, but that doesn't mean that some nosy or curious cats will not visit the nursery. Nightingalecry gifts Bluefrost a slight nod, unwilling to depart from Ebonylight's side, "Thank you, Bluefrost," she says. Her gaze tilts towards the kittens again, then back up to the other, "Would you - could you take dawn patrol for me? I'll swap for anything you don't want to do," she just doesn't want to leave her family, not yet.​

”Bluefrost will see to it.” Sootstar speaks for her former apprentice, pivoting to stand at her side. Inside the den she catches the glimpse of tiny figures at Ebonylight’s belly, pink and round-belly they do not match the names of decay they’ve been gifted. Sootstar finds it tactless, struggling to understand why the pair would agree upon such repulsive names.

Yet all in the same, ”Fitting names for such dreadful times.” They’d carry the weight of the dark times they were born in forever. She finds it difficult to understand- how could kits with such sour names be loved?

Whiskers twitch against the chill. Despite the passive aggressive comment, she dips her head to the still-awake Nightingalecry before taking her leave.
  • » SootSootstar
    » WindClan Leader
    » She/her ․ Mate to Weaselclaw
    » Tiny blue smoke she-cat with green eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A high-stamina foe who can be difficult to hit.
    » Excels in quick, short moves.
    » Fights to kill and maim
    » Fatal attack of choice is an underbelly dive.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
Ghost is fitting for the sister who mirrored the rot's arrival. She doesn't squirm as many kittens find themselves doing after entering the world, her motions slow but sure and speaking to her health nonetheless. As if taking her life in, a new soul given the name of an end. Deathkit's actions are simple, straightforward- she simply crowds up against her father's belly, and stilled after that, tiny flanks rising and falling peacefully.
  • notes: . . .
  • deathkit of windclan
    ୨୧ she/her, feminine terms
    ୨୧ one moon old, ages monthly
    ୨୧ shorthaired charcoal lynx point