private I just can’t wait // Softpaw // to be king!

Spottedpaw .

Jan 29, 2024
Today was gonna be a good day! Everything was going to go according to plan and everything would be smoother than a kittens fat belly after drinking milk! Spottedpaw trotted though the clearing and smiled a bit to himself as he trotted along. The near-warrior aged apprentice lifted his head high and his tail waved behind him idly. There was much to do wasnt there? Surely he could think of something! The young man stopped in his trot as he realized he wasnt sure what to do with himself. There was no hunting to be done, no fighting, and everything seemed rather peaceful for the most part. Nothing to concern himself with- and that irritated him.

He had to be a busy body otherwise it drove him mad! The tortie point cat moved green hues around for a moment in search of someone, anyone, who he could bother and taunt with for a few minutes. Maybe they had some pressing issue? Spottedpaw furrowed his brow and frowned a bit, sure he wasnt the best at advice or being right but he was usually right about once every ten times he was wrong! So that proved something right?

Spotted flicked his tail back and forth in thought before spotting his victim; Softpaw. He quickly approached her, “[color=4b5645]Softpaw! Do you wanna go sparring or hunting or something? Maybe we could even make nests and find some flowers in bloom?[/color]” He sputtered out quickly as he came to a skiddering halt. The overly excited tomcat brightened a bit and grinned widely, “I know a great place to find moss!

  • ooc :Speech

  • 10 moon old Skyclan Apprentice // Transmasc (he/him) //