pafp I JUST DON'T GET IT [ kitten(s) intro ]

.i'll be your calm, ———


——— before the storm!.
———————— ————————
Batwing's life had been a whirlwind since he had gotten home from the journey. The lungwort return, the healing of those who were sick, Leopardtongue and their kits. Yeah, sure, he knew damn well where they came from, but it was still a sudden stressor he wasn't ready for. He hadn't prepared for it- no, mental energy had been dedicated to driving his willpower- dragging him home. It was the only reason he was here.

Now that he was here, he was making strong efforts to get all of their kits a proper raising. Respect and manners were important, but fun was also something they needed to find happiness with. Today was the day they'd be freed from their temporary prison of the Nursery. Batwing stepped out of the shaded den, tut-ing softly as he lead his kits from the den. "This is camp, kiddos. It's very important you don't leave camp." He hummed.

// please wait for the kits to post! @FOXKIT @bravekit : ̗̀➛ @Cougarkit @HAZEKIT


Foxkit with a little too much courage, darts forward in an effort to race underneath Batwing’s paws. Out from underneath him she finds herself outside of the nursery for the very first time and in the camp! Chatter can be heard from all directions, orders from warriors, idle gossip, a mentor scolding their apprentice, a hunting patrol returning with prey dangling from their jaws. Foxkit beams, ”That’s so cool, look Batwing look!” She points with her nose to a scene the blue tom has already seen play out hundreds of times, day after day.

It was evident that Foxkit was hardly absorbing the information the tom was releasing. From racing to get past him to immediately finding distraction in a hunting patrol, Batwing most certainly had his paws full…
  • » Foxkit
    » ThunderClan kit
    » She/they . AFAB
    » A red tabby & chocolate sepia she-cat with orange eyes.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » An incredibly easy foe with no combat training.
    » Likely to swat or flee depending on the size of foe.
    » Fights defensively and to save herself.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing


Cougarkit | 02 months | Cis Female | She/Her | "Speaking" | 'Thinking' | Attack

It wasn't to say that the nursery was a boring place to be persay, but there were only so many times one could play the same game over and over before the scenery got a little stale. So as soon as there was even a hint that Batwing was going to take them out into the camp proper, Cougarkit was all over it. Her first chance to see, and smell, and experience the Thunderclan camp! It was like the best day of her life! In a burst of energy that matched Foxkit's, the young molly mewed out a boisterous sound that captured just how excited she was, racing forward with her small fluffy tail sticking straight into the air.

"Do we get to meet any of the warriors? What does the big food look like? Hey, hey, Bravekit, bet you can't beat me to that leaf in a race!" On unsteady, big paws, Cougarkit went racing even further ahead to a crunchy leaf in an attempt to beat her brother in yet another race. And she wanted dad to see this one specifically, it was their first race outside of the nursery after all! There was so much to see, and do, but the first thing she needed to do was to win. And that's exactly what she intended on doing.​


⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ it was strange that in the time they were gone, a whole new batch of kittens had joined thunderclan. they didn't know of yellowcough, of the mountains, or any of the thousand events leading up. she watched as batwing coaxed his brood into camp, made it clear that they were not to leave. if they were anything like their father, they'd be racing out the moment something dangerous flashed by.

nightbird tread by carefully, only glancing at the litter in one swift swoop before turning her attention to batwing. many had shared their congratulations and good wishes to him and leopardtongue, she had not been one of them yet. and while she supposed it was a good thing to have new blood to train, leafbare was practically knocking on their door with it's icy claws. the last one had been dreadful, she didn't have high hopes for something mild this time.

the kittens race around, round eyes zeroed in on a leaf that would soon meet it's doom. they had quite a lot of energy. "looks like you have your paws full," she comments, tail rigid and still in fear it would become the next target of thunderclan's youngest.

  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, twenty-seven moons.
    a small black smoke molly with a single white paw and pale silver eyes.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

She loved the site of kits having fun and even more so when it was their first time exploring. Kittens had a charm to make everything old seem so wonderful with their fresh view of it all. A purr started up revving soft and low as she wandered from the freshkill pile. Maw and paws already licked clean after a hearty meal.

Spotting the kits scrambling to capture a poor leaf made her chuckle audibly. Spotted muzzle crinkling from a genuine smile. Upon arrival she sat sideways to both Nightbird and Batwing's ushering frame. "Indeed." Kits were more than a pawful but to her the work was well worth it.

Kindly she spoke to the warrior in a warmed tone as her gaze never shifted from the youth nearby. "They are beautiful kits. You and Leopardtongue must be very proud." She had been present during in the aftermath of their birth and her opinion then still held.

Flycatcher could remember when his own kits had been introduced to the camp. It had been a day of mixed emotions for him - nervous and proud for them to step out into the wide world beyond the nursery and meet their clanmates. Flycatcher is in camp himself when he spots Batwing leading his children outside. Flycatcher had yet to meet them properly so padded over to say hello, smiling as the kits raced about.

He chuckled in amusement at Nightbird's words, and like Honeydapple, shared the sentiment that he and Leopardtongue would likely have their paws full. "I bet they could outpace some of the warriors running around that fast," Flycatcher remarked, glancing at Batwing. The deputy then turned his attention the the kits, smiling at them warmly. "Hello!" He purred in greeting. "I'm Flycatcher."
NOW I'VE BEEN APPOINTED, AS YOUR NEW KING, I DECREE — The smallest and mini Batwing lags back only to squint at the sunlight that peaked into the nursery every so often, its father talking about how they could step out into camp for the first time and its nose wrinkles. Why did they need to go outside? Hazekit more comfortable being tucked away by its mother's side than whatever the outside had to offer which didn't interest it to begin with, whereas Hazekit's siblings were excited and bouncing with energy it recoiled and stared at everything with an expression of distaste. Its eyes watching Cougarkit and Bravekit potentially race each other to tear a leaf to shreds yet the small kitten makes no move to rush forward to follow them instead it finds itself standing near Batwing and hiding behind one of his legs at the approaching cats, a low growl erupting from its throat.

Batwing's words making him blink once realizing that there was more than this outside that there's a beyond to it and this is enough to interest Hazekit but he remains quiet even at Flycatcher's warm approach. A part of him wishes to speak, ask, and yet no words are brought forth from his maw instead simply staring at these strangers and Flycatcher.

  • bbykit.png
    ⋆ ★ 2 moons old
    ⋆ ★ sexuality unknown; too young
    ⋆ ★ thunderclan kitten
    ⋆ ★ easy; does not know how to fight
    ⋆ ★ child of leopardtongue and batwing
    ⋆ ★ sibling to bravekit, cougarkit, and bloomkit
    ⋆ ★ "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ⋆ ★ peaceful powerplay allowed

Cougarkit initiates a race with Batkit as older cats begin to gravitate torwards them. Foxkit struggles to recognize any of them, for she is only familiar with the queens and the other kits of ThunderClan. They direct their comments to Batwing, all but one. ’I’m Flycatcher.’ A warm and friendly purr.

Foxkit’s eyes widen in realization, ”Like… the deputy?” Foxkit looks up at Batwing for confrimation, in awe but intimidated by the rank the silver tom held. Yet as always, Foxkit lacks any apparent shyness and steps forward, ”I’m Foxkit.” She notes Hazekit, her brother’s quietness, ”That’s Hazekit. You’re the deputy?” She asks the question again, this time directly to the tom himself.
  • » Foxkit
    » ThunderClan kit
    » She/they . AFAB
    » A red tabby & chocolate sepia she-cat with orange eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » An incredibly easy foe with no combat training.
    » Likely to swat or flee depending on the size of foe.
    » Fights defensively and to save herself.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

Wings and Spots' brood was a lively one, it seemed. Berryheart, naturally, had been watching over them from the moment they were born- and it felt a little easier to tend to his duties now, with a protege in tow. He had rounded up his student for a routine check on the nursery, only to find a parade of kits following behind Wings'- yes, they were about old enough to toddle now, weren't they? A glimmer of pride made itself present in Berryheart's gaze, and he beckoned Cloudy to follow him, approaching the crowd that was gathering to greet the kits.

One in particular bounded at Blue's feet, already knowing him as the deputy- someone had done their research, clearly. Or had been taught well. Whichever one it was, Berryheart looked on with approval, and murmured to the deputy, "You have a fan." The faintest note of humour lay deep within his monotone, and with a close look on would spot the twist of a smile on his lips.
. ° ✦ Bravekit had been whirlwinded in a mix of nervous giddiness when Batwing announced they would be shown around camp. Bravekit hadn't dared step a paw too far out of the nursery, not knowing a world where he did not obey the wishes of his mother and father. It was a world unknown outside of small glimpses and vague descriptions, followed by lots of questions like 'how do you sleep under a tree?' and 'how does Berryheart sleep inside a rock?' All left to the imagination until now.

The chocolate tabby was careful not to appear undone by his own nerves as proudly pranced in the train of kittens behind Batwing. With Foxkit at the head, Cougarkit's tail a claws length away, and of course Hazekit steady behind him. Bravekit paused to take a deep breath once they reached the center of the clearing and his eyes blew wide with wonder, taking in the new sights of it all. The ravin was endless. Highrock must be tall enough to reach the stars! No wonder Howlingstar was their leader, she addressed her Clan from the skies themselves.

Some of their older Clanmates approached and it took everything in Bravekit not to shrink away behind his father. Instead he pushed out his chest and huffed at Cougarkit. "I can too! I'm doing big kid stuff right now, can't you see that?" Right in front of the Deputy and... all these guys! They seemed pretty important.

"Hi everyone! What are you all up to right now? Any important missions?"
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
    A Longhaired chocolate tabby/blue tabby chimera with deep blue eyes. Very thick coat that tangles easily. Paws that seem too big for his little body. Wide fuzzy satellite ears.

Flycatcher can't help but smile as some of the kits begin to venture over, gawking up at him as though he was the most fascinating creature they had ever seen. Young Foxkit identifies him as the deputy first, and Flycatcher gives a little nod to confirm she was correct. Berryheart jokes that he had a fan and the deputy chuckles. "It would seem so," He agreed, shaking his head in amusement.

Flycatcher nods along as Foxkit introduces herself and the quiet kit beside her before once again asking if he was the deputy. "It's a pleasure to meet you," He mews. "What do you think of camp?"
.i'll be your calm, ———


——— before the storm!.
———————— ————————
A huff of amusement left the lead warrior as his kits started to explore- and bug the denizens of Thunderclan. Foxkit and Cougarkit are so full of questions, and it started a small seed of warmth in his stomach. He remained standing for the moment, vision shifting towards Foxkit first and foremost. "I see it, Foxkit." He said, voice warm and amusement glinting in his eye. Then his vision shifted to Leopardtongue's copy, his head tilting.

"See for yourself, Little Cougar." Already had Nightbird and Honeydapple approached, so the newest father in camp shifted his attention towards them- one eye still split to watch his young. "They are. But... if anything, that's a good thing." Batwing stated- his vision searched Nightbird's swiftly, and he could sense the distaste in it. Ignoring the small feeling in his chest that tasted desperately of some kind of fucked up guilt, he smiled warmly at Honeydapple. "We are. I am, definitely. Can't wait to watch them grow up and get strong." His admittance was a big sheepish- almost embarrassed at feeling pride as a father.

His head dipped towards Flycatcher as the deputy arrived. "If they inherit my fine skills, they will be." He chuckled softly, his tail sweeping behind him- ever aware of Hazekit at his leg. Leaning down, he briefly licked his son's fur in the right direction before standing back straight. A tiny smile found his face as he watched Foxkit speak to Flycatcher. He knew that she wasn't truly his daughter but... She had been at Leopardtongue's side almost as long as his own kits had been. It was only fair, wasn't it?

He nodded towards Foxkit to answer her question. "He is. If you're lucky, and you be good, maybe you'll get to meet our leader." He side-whispered to her (even though he was loud enough for everyone nearby to hear him), and winked with a tiny chuckle. His head dipped towards Berryheart in greeting, before turning his head towards Bravekit. So many questions, so little time. Batwing sat down, careful to make sure his own mini-him was between his front paws now and wasn't sat on.

Softly, he spoke the names of the cats to Hazekit- and any other kit that was listening. "That's Nightbird. She's a lead warrior, like me, but she's been a lead warrior for longer." He nodded towards the stiff-tailed, dark pelted warrior. "That's Honeydapple. She's very kind." His vision shifted towards the point with a small smile. "You know Flycatcher, right? Then that's Berryheart, our medicine cat. He keeps us healthy, so be nice to him too, okay?" Introductions finished, Batwing sat back up, watching on with a soft expression.


Everything always seemed to move so slowly in the nursery, there was generally not much going on aside from conversation and kits playing. But out here, it was like everything was moving a million miles per hour. One second she was trailing after her father with her siblings, getting ready to beat her brother in a race, then, in the blink of an eye, so much happened. There were warriors and others just approaching them from all over, there were conversations being started, new sights, new smells, new sounds. And it all seemed to go crashing into Cougarkit at one time. She stumbled in her race for the leaf, her gaze turning back to Bravekit about his comment of doing big kid stuff. Scrunching up her face, the leaf was forgotten for the time being, and her green eyes were sent sweeping over all of the new faces, her puff of a tail twitching back and forth.

"Hey! Yeah, tell us about the cool stuff you've been doing! Like fighting foxes! Or climbing trees! I'm going to climb so many trees, I'll be the best climber." The boisterous young molly's voice rang out probably louder than it needed to, but it was clear that she wanted the attention to be on her, as opposed to her brother's dumb question. Padding her way back to the gathering group, she stared up at all of the new comers, refusing to sit down. No she was going to stand proud, and tall, tail held high. She was going to make a great first impression with all of these cats, regardless of who they were. But she was practically quivering with excitement, there was a deputy, a lead warrior and a medicine cat here! All of the cats of Thunderclan were cool, but these cats were especially cool.

  • ooc : "Speaking" | Thinking | Attack

  • Cougarkit
    A long-furred chocolate rosetted tabby with green eyes.
    02 months | Cis Female | She/Her