i just had to let you know your mine [twitchbolt]


astronaut in the ocean
Aug 7, 2022


It was usually easy for Quillstrike to be alone. Loneliness and solitude had always been distinctly different for him, and his decision to choose the latter never left him feeling bad. Often crowds annoyed him, though he could admit that was less so with SKyclan, whose cats had grown mostly familiar and welcome by now. Still, when he found himself breaking off from a patrol to hunt alone, or stalking through the branches of the pines at night to stargaze in silence, he never found himself missing anyone.

Well, with one exception, of course.


Whining in the most monotone voice he could muster as he spotted his friend returning from their patrol, Quillstrike pulled himself to his feet and began to pad toward them.

He hadn't been able to spend much time with Twitchbolt after falling sick, refusing to let the other tom anywhere near him or the other sick cats in Dawnglares den with him. Quillstrike still thought they all should have been sent out of camp. If the other tom had gotten ill- if he'd fucking died because those idiot skyclanners were too soft to think logically...

He had to keep thoughts like that out of his head, shoving them violently down before they could take root. He didn't want a reason to be angry with his clan, but not even the stars could save the cat who played a part in Twitchbolts death, indirect or not.

"I'm so bored." he groaned as he practically glomped the other -Quill style of course- which was essentially just walking over and leaning on them with all his weight. If they could hold him up, cool, if not- oh well.

skyclan - male - 19 months (Feb 17th) - bisexual - homoromantic - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.


He'd been fretting with no outlet. Usually the cat he worried at was Quillstrike, but these past few weeks he'd been worrying for him. And it'd been even worse because he couldn't see Quillstrike, couldn't see the chimera before he got to let his actions speak for him- before he got to rip the clump of fur out and tell him anything related to what he'd guarded in his soul for so long, so sure it was hopeless...

Maybe not, though. As soon as he heard his name Twitchbolt startled, his scruffy fur fluffing up into a hedgehog-sharp bristle. It was a voice he recognised- one that relaxed him as soon as he registered it. Relaxed him too much, maybe, for when Quillstrike proclaimed his boredom aloud and rested his entire body's weight upon Twitchbolt's own smaller form, the bicolour tom's legs wobbled immediately, toppling them both over.

A shocked expression decorated his face for a few moments as he figured out what exactly had happened- and his gaze snapped to Quillstrike's when he realised his friend had successfully toppled him over. No anger exploded from him though- no, it was just a seizing snort, amusement that soon gave way to croaking giggles. A hoarse and seldom-heard laugh that Quillstrike would surely recognise as entirely sincere. "I've missed y-you," Twitchbolt said, without really thinking about it. For once, he didn't regret it.

He'd address the ailment of boredom, next. "You www-wanna get out of here and climb somewhere really high?" He knew a couple of good spots where the entire territory could be seen, perched upon sturdy pine-branches. It would be nice to be alone together, again.
penned by pin ✧


Closeness. That's what he wanted. He only realized it once he had it in his grasp, a compulsion he was still coming to terms with because he only ever felt it when it involved Twitchbolt. Not surprising. Quill had already come to accept that the lead warrior was able to easily slip past his walls, a witches familiar who could move in an out of the circle without breaking it, never disrupting Quillstrike once with their comings and goings. The chimera knew he had a bit of an obsession with the apparent lack of boundaries between them, liked the way it made him feel to be around Twitchbolt in that capacity, but he had yet to fully name this new feeling that dwelled within him.

Obsession was as close as he could get.

He'd laid in Dawnglares den miserably, thinking about green eyes with that random little speck of brown, of how his nest didn't smell right because the only scent in it was his own, of how he felt like shit and just wanted to bury his face in their fur. All he'd thought about the entire time was the friend he couldn't see, and it was then, surrounded by the scent of sickness and drying herbs, that Quillstrike realized he might not think of the other warrior the way he should a best friend.

Because there were no 'best friends' in the clan quite like him and Twitchbolt- not when he stopped to think about it.

Thistleback had never been caught staring at Blazestars eyes because he liked how round they were, had he? No. Quillstrike was almost certain that their circumstances were now different. Twitchbolt was certainly still his best friend, but it was also clear to him now that what he felt for the other was too intense to be something as plain and commonplace as 'best friendship'.

Twitch was so much more than that.

He's like the air. he decided, grinning as they collapsed into a heap. It's hard to breath when he's not here, and I get lightheaded when I get too much.

"Missed you more." he shot back, nuzzling into them, just enjoying the contact.

His ears pricked a bit at the concept of bailing for a bit, no work, no apprentices- just the two of them.

He shifted, flopping onto his side so that he wasn't crushing the other, leaving them both sprawled on their sides in the middle of camp staring at each other, Quills longer limbs of grey and black tangled with Twitchbolts shorter brown and cream ones.

"Bet I can climb higher than you." he challenged playfully, not yet making a move to get up.

skyclan - male - 16 months (Feb 17th) - bisexual - homoromantic - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.


Moons ago, Twitchbolt wold have flinched at this contact. Would have seized his head away, so unused to any sort of affection that it confused and threatened him. But... well, that was what Quillstrike had done, wasn't it? Even if the chimera didn't know it, he'd opened Twitchbolt's heart something extraordinary. Thorny claws and a steely outlook had picked and picked at his temper, but instead of bursting through to find thrashing fire, Quillstrike had somehow broken through to the ember-sparked warmth of his heart and- to Twitchbolt's own surprise- had seemed as if he had wanted that.

He hated how his mind wandered when they were pressed together like this- so comfortably close that it felt selfish to want to be closer. What more could he possibly want? What would an admission do other than simply harm their relationship, ruin it with feelings that were never supposed to be there? For once, though... for once, optimism was beginning to take root. To latch onto his hardy heart, and... and what could he do but embrace it? Embrace him?

He met Quillstrike's touch with unabashed affection, a returned nuzzle that conveyed every word that often got stuck in his throat. He didn't need to tell the other tom how much he'd missed him. How glad he was that he was alive. How scared he'd been, but unable to see him and say it. They both knew that, didn't they?

Maybe his challenge was a bit of a ploy to be alone, but- as Quillstrike betted, Twitchbolt couldn't deny how much he wanted to prove him wrong. That little spark between them had never really died, but where before it had prickled uncomfortably under Twitchbolt's pelt, now he felt as if he needed it to breathe. Felt like it was the very beat of his heart. And he'd vowed himself not to fall any harder, but the glint in those sun-sky eyes, the tangle of shadowy, spidery limbs with his own... it was as if Quillstrike knew, and was challenging him. As if Quillstrike knew he'd never truly be able to get over it.

But what if he didn't need to?

"You're on, then..." he said, pulling himself to his paws and brushing his crooked tail across Quillstrike's back, beckoning the other to get up. His fur was still feather-dressed- both of them now bore at least one jay-feather. Twitchbolt didn't mind anymore how it looked. "If you can even beat me to the Tallpine!" he cried it abruptly, taking off for the aforementioned tree soon after, a mischievous glint in his focused gaze. Whether or not Quillstrike overtook him on the way, he didn't mind- it didn't matter. They'd be alone either way.
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Quillstrike could relate to the idea of having been changed. While it wasn't something he had sensed happening, looking back on it now it seemed impossible to deny. When he'd first come to Skyclan as Twin, he'd been.. cautious of others, to put it mildly. He hadn't understand the simple pleasure of things like casual touch and conversation, things so openly expressed among his clanmates or normal families. The only touches he'd known had been his fathers (painful and unpredictable), or his mothers (hesitant and rushed, as if it were wrong to groom his fur or reassure him after a nightmare).

Either way, it had always left him feeling horrible afterward, as if his father hated him and his mother couldn't even stand to go near him.

So for a long time the chimera told himself he didn't need it, and because he'd never properly known it, he allowed himself to indulge in the lie. It was only after meeting Twitch that he realized he was capable of wanting those things, realizing how good it felt for someone to curl up in his nest with him, or nuzzle against him in happy greeting, to lazily groom each other as the sun sunk low in the sky.

But it never felt as good as when Twitch was the one doing it, as if Quill was finally able to find that peaceful little oblivion he was always searching for, contentment in its purest form.

He wanted so much of his friend. If he could carve open his own chest and place them there, safe and sound beside the beating heart they'd helped warm, he'd do it in a heartbeat. Maybe then it'd finally feel like enough.

The chimera let out a disappointed groan as Twitchbolt rolled to their feet, but he followed after them dutifully enough, mismtched eyes lazily drifting to the bluejay feather still tangled in their fur. He wasn't sure why exactly, but the sight of it there helped settle the possessive thing that had been growing in him toward the other- even if he did suddenly have the overwhelming urge to find more of the blue feathers to decorate the other with.

He was torn from his daze (stupor) when the other suddenly tore off, blinking in surprise before quickly bolting after them.

"You little cheat!" he called after them with a laugh, knowing full well that it was his own fault for being distracted.

skyclan - male - 16 months (Feb 17th) - bisexual - homoromantic - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.


He bolted so fast that his legs felt like they might slip away from him, a mahogany flurry beneath his body. Behind him, Quillstrike gained in long, loping strides- a taller tom had that advantage, after all. Determined, Twitchbolt didn't slow down, the thoughts of everything that had just happened spurring him forward. Such a bout of energy- it shot him toward his goal, and he had to dig his weight into the earth to screech himself to a halt. Windblown, Twitchbolt faced the still-running form of Quillstrike, chest heaving with the effort.

He propped his dizzied form against the sturdy pine-trunk, an exhilarated smile quivering on his maw. Never had he felt quite so proud of himself... if only he could run like that every day!

But it was Quillstrike, wasn't it? The tall chimera made him the best version of himself. It had taken Twitchbolt a while to realise it- for so long he'd rejected the innate closeness they had, the connection they had immediately made despite their conflicting personalities. One of them unpredictably frantic, one of them hauntingly calm. Everything fit, knit tight, when they were together.

Twitchbolt's trembling grin lit up his entire face. "That's how it's..." a deep breath, woozy with laughter, "... done." He just- needed a moment of rest before they did any climbing. That bout of speed had near topples him, and he felt as if his mind was only just catching up. Instinctively, his gaze fell to the bluejay feather woven in his fur- and it was there indeed, safe and sound. A breath of relief left him, before he would meet those yellow-blue eyes.
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