camp i just saw the sun for the first time in days // in camp; by nursery


i wish i could stand without stumbling
Aug 31, 2023

↟↟↟ . The beetle didn’t seem to mind him being there. It harnessed a mysterious kind of bravery with its sturdy shell, uncaring black eyes, and seemingly uninterruptable stride. The youngster’s eyes expanded as he watched the insect crawl up and over his white forepaw - which he had curiously and intentionally placed to obstruct its path. He was nothing to Mr. Bettle and the bug went about its business. Pinekit stared as it crawled through the grass away from him. It seemed so busy.

Not unlike his clanmates around him. Everyone was busy and going about their business in and out of camp today. The afternoon was cloudy with a breeze and less light filtered in through the tall trees of the forest. A couple hours had passed in a flash. A frown settled on the kitten’s maw and he remained huddled nearby the thorn bush at the nursery’s entrance.

  • name ▹ pinekit
    named pine- for his brown colored pelt & -kit for the usual suffix for cat's under 6 moons of age
    gender ▹ male + he/him
    age ▹ 3 months
    ↳ ages real time on the 1st of every month
    sexuality ▹ heterosexual

    clan ▹ shadowclan
    rank ▹ kit

    created on ▹ august 31st, 2023
    penned by ▹ sheep

  • short description ▹ tall long-haired chocolate tom with a fluffy white chest and white paws; pale green eyes

    physique ▹ tall, lanky & thin
    notable features ▹ deep brown fur, white fluffy chest, green eyes, tall build
    eye details ▹ pale green eyes with dark liner

    scent ▹ smells of damp, rotting pine needles
    voice ▹ a softspoken, trembling tenor voice

    demeanor ▹ well mannered, often stumbles on his lanky legs, despite his tall frame he attempts to not draw attention to himself
    injuries/scars ▹ none

  • personality traits ▹ a mild and well mannered kitten

    alignment ▹ neutral good
    mbti type ▹ INFJ-T, 'the advocate'
    hogwarts house ▹ hufflepuff

    likes ▹ nature, quiet places, exploring
    dislikes ▹ training, large crowds, meetings

  • generation ▹ gen 1
    status ▹ single / crushing on - no one

    partner(s)/mate ▹ n/a
    parents ▹ minktail (npc) x rookpelt (npc)
    siblings ▹ none
    offspring ▹ none

    mentor ▹ n/a
    apprentice(s) ▹ n/a

    friends ▹ none; wip
    enemies▹ none; wip

  • interaction notes ▹ he is generally timid / will not start fights / will flee / will show mercy / @tag account is needed or wanted / powerplay of peaceful and non-violent actions allowed / all character posts & opinions are IC and not OOC

    adept at ▹ agreeable and easy to get along with, follows rules
    inept at ▹ poor hunter, unskilled in combat, dislikes speaking in crowds

    stats ▹
    strength ◆◇◇◇◇​
    stamina ◆◇◇◇◇​
    speed ◆◇◇◇◇​
    charisma ◆◇◇◇◇​
    intellect ◆◇◇◇◇​

    hunting ◆◇◇◇◇​
    swimming ◆◇◇◇◇​
    climbing ◆◇◇◇◇​
    fighting ◆◇◇◇◇​

  • born to minktail (npc) and rookpelt (npc) in shadowclan in late summer of 2023.

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The ShadowClan medicine cat is stressed beyond belief. All of her spare time is currently taken up by not only caring for the clan and doing her normal medicine cat duties, but also by being a mother as well. Whenever her kits settle down for a nap, she has to ask another queen to look after them so that she may leave the camp on the hunt for something - anything - that would help the cats who were falling ill. There is little rest for her as a result.

Finally, she has a moment. She comes out into the camp and she stretches her neck upwards to look at the sky, letting the sun hit her face. For a moment she merely basks in the light, allowing her tired bones to be warmed by it and blinking slowly before she returns her gaze to the hollow that was ShadowClans home. Her eyes settle on the nursery, and then Pinekit who is huddled outside by himself. Her kits are nearby playing and she casts a glance their way before heading over to the kit, a warm and gentle smile on her face. "Hey Pinekit, what-what're you up to? Ah-anything-anything fun?" she asks, her green eyes shining. Perhaps he would like to play with Nettlekit Ghostkit and Flintkit?


↟↟↟ . Pinekit couldn’t fathom the full weight on Starlingheart’s heart. He was only a kid. He was aware as anyone creature with ears that the sound of a cough and a sneeze was much more common in ShadowClan’s hollow than usual. The surge of illness must have made her busy, thought Pinekit. That was why he hadn’t seen very much of the medicine cat around lately.

Still he liked Starlingheart. She checked in on his mom and the other queens a lot and she was always able to make cats feel better. The brown kitten perked up when he was approached. He considered her question to him and felt a twinge of disappointment. He really hadn’t anything very fun to report on. He glanced towards a couple other kittens playing nearby and then back in the direction his aloof beetle friend had crawled away in. “Umm.”

He didn’t offer a proper answer to her question. Instead he padded closer to sit in front of the med cat before another could steal her attention. ”Oh, look. I hurt my paw playing. See.” He offered his pristine left forepaw up to her. No ailment or injury could be assessed upon his fluffy white paw. The fibber smiled at her expectantly nonetheless.

  • name ▹ pinekit
    named pine- for his brown pelt & -kit for the usual suffix for cat's under 6 moons of age
    gender ▹ male + he/him
    age ▹ 3 months
    ↳ ages real time on the 1st of every month
    sexuality ▹ heterosexual

    clan ▹ shadowclan
    rank ▹ kit

    created on ▹ august 31st, 2023
    penned by ▹ sheep

  • short description ▹ tall long-haired chocolate tom with a fluffy white chest and white forepaws; pale green eyes

    physique ▹ tall, lanky & thin
    notable features ▹ deep brown fur, white fluffy chest, green eyes, tall build
    eye details ▹ pale green eyes with dark liner

    scent ▹ smells of damp, rotting pine needles
    voice ▹ a softspoken, trembling tenor voice

    demeanor ▹ well mannered, often stumbles on his lanky legs, despite his tall frame he attempts to not draw attention to himself
    injuries/scars ▹ none

  • personality traits ▹ a mild and well mannered kitten

    alignment ▹ neutral good
    mbti type ▹ INFJ-T, 'the advocate'
    hogwarts house ▹ hufflepuff

    likes ▹ nature, quiet places, exploring
    dislikes ▹ training, large crowds, meetings

  • generation ▹ gen 1
    status ▹ single / crushing on - no one

    partner(s)/mate ▹ n/a
    parents ▹ minktail (npc) x rookpelt (npc)
    siblings ▹ none
    offspring ▹ none

    mentor ▹ n/a
    apprentice(s) ▹ n/a

    friends ▹ none; wip
    enemies▹ none; wip

  • interaction notes ▹ he is generally timid / will not start fights / will flee / will show mercy / @tag account is needed or wanted / powerplay of peaceful and non-violent actions allowed / all character posts & opinions are IC and not OOC

    adept at ▹ agreeable and easy to get along with, follows rules
    inept at ▹ poor hunter, unskilled in combat, dislikes speaking in crowds

    stats ▹
    strength ◆◇◇◇◇​
    stamina ◆◇◇◇◇​
    speed ◆◇◇◇◇​
    charisma ◆◇◇◇◇​
    intellect ◆◇◇◇◇​

    hunting ◆◇◇◇◇​
    swimming ◆◇◇◇◇​
    climbing ◆◇◇◇◇​
    fighting ◆◇◇◇◇​

  • born to minktail (npc) and rookpelt (npc) in shadowclan in late summer of 2023.

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If anything, Sharppaw avoided children. He could not imagine being Starlingheart – about the same age and already with kits of her own. It’d be disconcerting, imagining much else of ShadowClan’s youth as parents. Actually, it was already plenty frightening knowing that Granitepelt was a father. Sharppaw would’ve liked to be special like Starlingheart once – but it seems that specialty came with stupidity, considering her choice in a mate.

It doesn’t matter, though. At least, not right now. Right now, Starlingheart is watching as the kit instantly locks their sights onto her. Better Starlingheart than… probably most anyone else.

They mention their paw being hurt, and Sharppaw can’t help but narrow her eyes. He was no medicine cat, but… well, their white paws were notably: still white. " Uh... are you sure? " she finds herself asking. Her ears flatten slightly at the sound of her own voice.

  • SHARPPAW: brother to Rookpaw. Mentored by Smogmaw
    —— he / she , no pref , icked by they prns ; fine with gendered terms ( tom, molly, etc... )
    —— currently 14 moons old. warrior ceremony delayed due to lackluster progress.

    anxious, antisocial, paranoid. Sharppaw is a creature living in constant fear. Most thoughts are irrational, but consistent in that they are borne from pessimism and generalized anxieties.
    In an era of assessing what has set him back and figuring out what he wants.
➼ Nightswarm would share the same sentiment with Sharppaw over children and having kittens at such a young age, the older sibling of Starlingheart had not even thought once of having their own brood and they were content that way. It was simply surprising that Starlingheart and Granitepelt had chosen to have a litter at such a young age, now, their sister must balance their duties as both the medicine cat of Shadowclan and a mother to three little kits. Perhaps if she had waited she would have less on her plate but the damage was already done. Maybe they'd offer their assistance later seeing as Starlingheart seemed occupied talking to a brown little tomkit that was hanging around the nursery.

Nightswarm approaches briefly glancing over to their littermate and focuses on Pinekit who mentions having hurt their paw while playing, a nonexistent eyebrow quirks and listens to Sharppaw questioning the small tomkit. If this was an invite to play, they did not find it amusing in the least considering all that's already weighing on Starlingheart's shoulders but they suppose that Pinekit doesn't know any better. "Your paw seems perfectly fine to me." They state rather bluntly.

tags. ↟↟↟ The doubts of the older cats who crowded around made Pinekit regret his words quickly. Well. It wasn’t true. He knew his paw was fine. He just couldn’t think of what else to say to the medicine cat. Everyone came to her with injuries, and he was trying to mimic that. ”Oh, uh. I don’t know..,” he answered to Sharppaw in a dodgy manner. He glanced at Sharppaw and Nightswarm then back to Starlingheart. “I’m okay,” he assured her, pulling his paw away. He shrunk down a bit, slumping his tall, boney shoulders.