Oct 14, 2023
𓆩✦𓆪 — Her large paws move onward with ease as she leads her patrol that borders the river dwelling clan and her ears angle forward as Blazingheart glances across the river. Her green eyes focus on the faster currents that flow as she thinks for a moment wondering if anyone has ever fallen in there and died from drowning, she knows that fate would befall any other clan but she thinks briefly about Riverclan who were able to swim and hold their breaths. Surely, even they couldn't fight against these strong currents either but she wouldn't know nor would she ever voice these thoughts of her and she notices movement through the reeds and the soft splash of water. Blazingheart turns to her patrol as she says with a curt nod of her head "A Riverclan patrol is approaching." She waves her bottlebrush tail waves briefly before brushing against the foliage near the river and makes her way to go mark the border, her ears twitching as she glances over to the Riverclanners across from them and her eyes lingering on the stepping stones briefly.

Her gaze betrays her as it turns to the lilac warrior that brought her excitable apprentice along and Blazingheart inwardly grimaces at the sudden bitter tate that it leaves in her mouth, she isn't angry that she had been reassigned Coyotecrest, her own father, as a mentor but the warrior hardly ever spoke to her or looked in her direction. Does she hate me for what I said in the medicine den? ... Is that why you won't look at me? Or perhaps its the fact that she's named after the mate that had been lost to her several moons ago and harshly ripped out of her paws leaving her alone to raise their kits? She doesn't know but Blazingheart is aware that she owes Doeblaze an apology yet she feels that this is for the best that there's a rift between them so that her sharp words won't cut into the lilac tabby. Her gaze lingers for longer than she likes and snaps it away with her brows knitting together in frustration.


  • ooc@DOEBLAZE @cloudypaw~ @Owlheart ; but no need to wait for them to reply
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧ HUNTING
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧ TRACKING
    ✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧ COMBAT
    ✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧ STEALTH
    ✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧ STRATEGY
    ✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ SWIMMING
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧ CLIMBING
  • qCOxhoF.png
    a large, longhaired red tabby feline with green eyes
    blazingheart's a sharp tongued warrior that can oftentimes come off as insensitive or uncaring even if it isn't necessarily his intent upon first meeting. she tends to come off awkward during small conversations so she will dismiss herself if she finds the situation tense. she's rather prickly due to several events in her life and seen tense for the most part but she's trying to improve, all of her opinions are IC only.
    13 moons old; ages the 28th every month
    asexual biromantic; currently interested in no one
    child of coyotecrest and howlfire
    sibling to wolfpaw and hawkspine
    currently mentoring ... n/a
    hard to befriend due to how standoffish she comes off as ; oftentimes quick to anger ; very reckless
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
" You're familiar with RiverClan by now, " Doeblaze murmurs to her apprentice as they pad alongside their patrol, just behind Blazingheart at the helm. A verdant eye shifts towards the rich red tabby's back and then away . . . there's been this quiet tension in the air between them ever since everything, although maybe she's merely imagining it. Still, it feels a little awkward to be instructing @cloudypaw~ before her very eyes—but she grits her teeth and pushes through the strangeness suffusing the misty dawn, mrrowing, " What do you know about them, now? "

She'd asked him the same question a touch more than two moons ago and received an answer borne of inexperience. Hopefully, she thinks, the tabby apprentice will have a little more to offer her in reply now, after countless patrols to this very border and the occasional chats as their opposing patrols glanced together and then away, as two blades. She watches with an inquisitive eye, waiting to hear Cloudypaw's reply . . . she's reluctant to call him a slow learner, per se, but he hasn't been progressing at quite the rate he'd hoped. She'd expected him to be more malleable than Primrose, if anything, owing to youth, but her shadow has in fact taken to the trees a bit more easily than her apprentice.

No matter. They'll figure it out together by the time his assessment rolls around, she's certain of that much. For now, she twitches her ears as Blazingheart's curt meow informs them of an approaching patrol. Doeblaze nudges Cloudypaw gently with her shoulder, mrrowing, " Remember to be polite. Not that I have to tell you that, I hope. " Amusement lines her husky meow as foreign pelts begin to rustle amidst the opposing reeds. Apprentices often seemed more prone to border arguments than anyone else, but Cloudypaw hasn't caused her any problems yet—for one thing, she'd like to think she's instructed him well in manners, and for another, their Clan gets along with the other quite well as it is.

" Hello. I hope all's well in RiverClan, " she greets any RiverClanners who happen to emerge, alongside a friendly nod. She's pointedly aware of Blazingheart's presence slightly ahead, a crescent of red - braided fur at the corner of her vision. Her control is well - maintained enough that a frown doesn't quite escape onto her muzzle, but she does unconsciously let out a quiet sigh. No doubt Blazingheart blames her for the fiasco that had been her apprenticeship, and she can't exactly blame the young warrior. Better she just doesn't talk to her, she thinks.

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✦ ˚  ✧ ˚ .˚ ✦  ✦
  • "SkyClan," the leader greets, waving a crooked tail to the figures dappling the opposite side of the river. Hopefully there isn't any lingering tension to fuss over, preferring to keep at least one of her neighbors as near to 'friend' as possible. The familiar striped bodice of Doeblaze stands out most readily, drawing her attention with a polite smile. "Hello again."

    They'd discussed the state of their respective litters a few moons ago at the Gathering... she hopes that it has only been continued good news for the former journey cat since then... Orangestar hadn't mentioned any serious issues beyond the sudden uptick in murders... The names of the victims elude her now but she doesn't remember the names being that of 'paws.

    "The fish are.... rampant," the molly boasts, "You'll see many.... eager RiverClanners fishing... Best to celebrate... before the good weather... abandons us." Her attention flicks towards the rest of her patrol, nodding her head as an affirmation that they may continue, or pause if the shadows of fish are enticing enough.
  • about
    speech hex code ✧ #6368A5
    ooc notes ✦
    tagging ✶ apprentice ping @shellpaw
    penned by tieirlys
  • ˚  ★⋆. ࿐࿔  ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     .
       .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚      ˚ .˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .   ✦   .  .   ˚       ੈ✧˳·˖✶ ✦  ˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ ★⋆. ࿐࿔
       .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚      ˚ .˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .             ✦  
When Lichenstar pops out to greet the Skyclan patrol, he's not too far behind on their own patrol, scurrying to quickly catch up (and nearly losing footing, but he catches himself quickly). "Hi, Skyclan!" he chirps after her, glad to greet their neighbors. Two of the Skyclanners are shades of red and the other two are darker than that, a brown and lilac; he certainly cannot remember any of their names right now... Oops! Guess he just won't greet them by that, hehe... Should probably pay more attention! He blinks, then adds, "Hope everything is okay with you guys too!"

He shudders ever so slightly when his leader mentions fishing, oh Stars... What an embarrassing time to be here! He can't fish for the life of him and the thought of wrangling a fish in deeper waters is terrifying! He certainly commends his clanmates for it, and he doesn't know how Streamsong manages to do it... Graceful in the water and out, thats for sure!

He zones back in as Lichen finishes her talk with them, catching her nod and giving her a reaffirming one as she does so- he's quick to be gone, giving the Skyclanners one last bright smile before he pads off, disappearing behind the reeds as he continues forwards for the patrol.

  • in & out hehe
  • 80542004_SN4laViDH8lLYzP.png
    bugbite ʚ♡ɞ bugpaw
    cis male ʚ♡ɞ he/him ʚ♡ɞ 27 months
    riverclan warrior ʚ♡ɞ mentoring n/a
    red cameo with white and blue eyes ʚ♡ɞ sharp-edged & sleek
    "speech, B3D9B2" ʚ♡ɞ thoughts
    mates with streamsong ʚ♡ɞ bisexual
    smells like lotus' and moss ʚ♡ɞ hint of something sweet
    penned by chuff
Not far behind her mate, Streamsong will dip her head in greeting as she halts beside Bugbite and Lichenstar. "Skyclan." From here, she remains silent as her leader begins to speak, addressing the skyclan patrol politely. Pressing against Bugbite affectionately, she allows her gaze to flicker to the group of Skyclanners as she waits for their response. The way her mate shudders with the mere mention of fishing doesn't go unnoticed, and she keeps pressed against him in a comforting manner, with a quick glance in his direction. It doesn't take long for him to dismiss himself from the conversation, and Streamsong watches as he pads after his patrol, leaving her sitting alongside her leader.

  • ooc. <3
  • streamsong.
    ⤹ cisgender female ( feminine pronouns )
    ⤹ 26 moons / ages realistically on the 4th
    ⤹ mates with bugbite / heterosexual ; monogamous
    ⤹ warrior of riverclan / currently mentoring none
    ⤹ lh blue tabby with low white
    ⤹ peaceful actions may be powerplayed / underline and tag account when attacking
    ⤹ "speech" / thoughts / hexcode: #afd2e9
    ⤹ penned by halimede


In Owlheart's opinion the border they share with RiverClan is one of the nicer ones, while she still has her gripes with ThunderClan this was meant in a prettier to look at way. Yes, the ThunderClan border carried it's own charm with it but the change of scenery that was looking at a river was much nicer in comparison to looking at more trees. The tension between Blazingheart and Doeblaze is overlooked, that kind of thing has never been something she desired to be involved in. She didn't pay mind to the history that the two had so why would she pay mind to their present turmoil as well? Instead she keeps an ear out for the patrol lead, curious as to what she might say.

The mention of the approaching patrol causes her to raise her head from a stray bush that she had rubbed her cheek against. "RiverClan, good morning" dawn was considered morning, right? Surely, that's when the daylight warriors joined their rank so that had to have some correlation. Bugbite's chipper tone seemed to be in stark contrast to Lichenstar's pleasant, but reserved, own presentation.

It's barely noticable to Owlheart but she manages to catch the shudder at the mention of fishing. As one who wasn't part of RiverClan she didn't bother taking the time to know the innerworkings of their clan to that extent. So this, along with the tension that her patrolmates carry, fly way above her head. She presumes it's a coincidence, maybe the change of weather is affecting him more than others right now.

Curious eyes glance down at the river once more. She decides that maybe reserved was an unfair assessment on the RiverClan leader based on how she boasts on her clans achievements. "Has there been any... notable catches lately?" To her anything would be considered notable. Perhaps that wouldn't be the case for those who have endless moons of experience with the river. She tilts her head curiously at the approach of Streamsong, staring at the exchange she shares with Bugbite. The staring is short lived for once, as she realises what she's doing and tries to salvage this by glancing at her patrolmates instead.