camp i just wanna be the one // nest cleaning

Sunshinepaw struggles. Just as his siblings do, just as his remaining father does, he struggles - but he smiles through it, simply because somebody has to. If he cannot be warmth, if he cannot be sunshine, then who is he to be? What use is his namesake if not to provide some light in the lives of others, even if his own is so dim? He perseveres in silence, in pain - yet with a lazy grin on his malformed face.

"Hey, thanks for helpin' me," he hums. Sunshinepaw's nest had returned to the apprentice's den weeks ago, shortly after the wolves were slain by the gorge. While getting used to the hustle and bustle of his old denmates once again wasn't too easy - neither was confronting the truth of his life going forward. Suffice it to say in trying to collect the shambles of his adolescent life, he had left pieces to fall to the wayside. One such piece was his own nest, torn to bits by kneading claws and haphazard sleeping. Thankfully, Doepaw has thus far been kind enough to lend him some moss and help him sort it out.

"How's hunting for you?" he asks, "With newleaf 'nd all. I heard it's gotten a lot easier with- with the wolves gone, too," his voice hitches, but he continues on regardless.

[ pls wait for @doepaw ࿔ ! ]​
Pressure had been a constant since she was small. Her siblings hunkered with her in a tiny little cavern, shoved into its recesses for safety and paranoid protection. The sensations of pelts pressed against hers and the warmth that radiates from them... they are a comfort.. and for every night that she tucks neatly into her nest to be just a few inches too far from leaning her head on Antlerpaw's back, she grows a little more anxious. She takes the opportunity for contact where-ever she can, brushing plush fawn fur against a pillow-y tortoiseshell as she pulls at the moss she'd brought to loosen it up, make it more comfortable and easier to form in shape. It is an odd, green-brown color now that it has been pulled from the trees but... most of camp looks like that really.

"All worries- I mean... no worries, all good," she stutters, picking up sunflower eyes to look towards swirls of daylight and foggy clouds- "I'm happy to do it, really!" She reaches to press her nose to what she assumes is his shoulder, a reassurance through physical gesture rather than just word alone.

"Hmm... It's kinda uh.... annoying," the molly continues, ear twitching at the shift in his tone but otherwise not immediately acknowledging it. "Some of the little... rodents blend in with the trees," she admits with a huff. Her tail lashes behind her as if reliving a moment where mousy fur disappears from view when it meets shaded bark.

"Are you... doing okay? I know it's kinda... a lot to adjust to." His face.. his dad... she could empathize with both... and the agonizing closeness of the loss of both (even if it was her mother... even if it was that same she-cat that had blinded her).​
. ° ✦ Bravepaw and Sunshinepaw are far more similar than he may ever come to realize. His siblings and the kin to Sunfreckle have been effectively intertwined in a way they have not ever imagined to be. Freckleflame taking up the role of her father, his mentor, after his loss. He and Sunshinepaw foolishly facing off against an enraged owl to prove something that never had to be (though hindsight was never a helpful thing), and now gutting themselves just to push the point that they were true to their names. That they could fulfill the roles their parents blessed them with.

It's been nice to get out of camp again, though. After waiting so long (and adding an extra moon for his fruitless adventure), his paws were itching to travel on a patrol again. It seemed the habit of falling into chores was not shaken so easily, however, as he still kept himself busy the moment they came back to camp. Freckleflame didn't have to utter much when Bravepaw was already preparing to meet the elders for ticks or cleaning out old bedding.

"Are you guys busy in here?" Bravepaw's tail twitched to curl over his back seeing Doepaw and Sunshinepaw. He considered them his friends, of course. "I haven't caught my first prey just yet... when did you, Sunshinepaw?" His denmate was a little older than himself, he expected to have had some success.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
    A Longhaired chocolate tabby/blue tabby chimera with deep blue eyes. Very thick coat that has started to grow into long, wispy curls. Developing into an awkward stage of kitten uglies as the rest of his body grows and changes. Severe scars from owl talons stretch across his shoulders and another that starts from his back down his left thigh.

-ˋˏ ༻ ❆༺ ˎˊ- The apprentices were legendary to inexperienced eyes, their casual chatter about their training sounded mythical against velvet ears. While Littlekit would rather eat one of Gentlestorms awful herbs then approach one of them herself, she could not help the curiosity that peaks as she scampers past the apprentices den, voices humming from somewhere inside snagging her attention.
Whatever she was chasing is quickly forgotten, smokey paws hesitantly turn towards the unfamiliar den.
Littlekit had never been inside, but surely a peak wouldn’t hurt…
Inconspicuously, two rounded eyes would peer just past the entrance. Honeyed hues recognize Sunshinepaw, Doepaw, and Bravepaw talking about hunting, their first catches. How could she look away now? She was simply too curious.

  • LITTLEKIT she/her, kit of thunderclan, 2 moons.
    Amber-eyed, dense-furred chocolate smoked she-kit with black ribboning stretching across her face, foreleg, and tail.
    daughter of Roeflame && Burnstorm ࿏ sister to Beetlekit && Dovekit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Sunshinepaw pauses in his work when Bravepaw joins them, offering the brown furred tom the same lazy smile that he gives just about everyone, before turning back to Doepaw and their conversation. "Ah, yeah," he replies with a slight incline of his head, "I get that, now more than ever." No one would've expected either of them to gain such sight reducing injuries, and yet - here they are.

Doepaw questions how they're doing and his smile twitches. He doesn't want to answer the question, in truth. He doesn't want to acknowledge his lack of positivity in his life. He swallows and takes on Bravepaw's inquiry instead (though they regret it, similarly.) "I - haven't caught anything yet, either." Mottled fur tries to ruffle, but mats and knots keep it from shaking out any dander. "I was never too good at it," at anything, he remarks silently.

Given his harmed vision, Sunshinepaw does not notice Littlekit peering about. The scent change is too miniscule for him, too, and so the child goes unnoticed for moments longer.​
A twitch of her ears foretells the coming of more company... which would be fine if she weren't trying to get Sunshinepaw to open up a little bit to her. It's Bravepaw, of course... and he's plenty friendly and probably knows Sunshinepaw better than she does.- Maybe... it wouldn't be ruined then?

She offers a polite, grimaced smile as her friend comments his understanding for her struggle... it's a hard, sudden adjustment to make and while she had the luck of knowing her attacker to be capable of mercy, she's certain that the tortie she sits next to feared that lack of appeal to morality made it all the more terrifying. "Just... tidying up," she answers the chocolate tom, swishing her tail in invitation for him to come closer, to join them. But... he isn't alone... pursued by paws far lighter than his own. Her ears wiggle again, prying for their little invader's soft, fascinated breaths. "You might as well come in too," she chirps... and she's sure that her den-mates must think her crazy if they haven't already noticed the peeping kit.​