
Apr 15, 2024

- she/her
- shadowclan warrior
- middle aged
- prone to bouts of illness, sunburn, and teary eyes due to albinism
- albino/fawn smoke chimera
- very tall (14in shoulder) and surprisingly muscular
- supernumerary teeth cause crookedness, overcrowding, mild bouts of tooth/jaw pain that will grow worse with age
- scarred jaw and throat
- speaks very little
- notable distaste for physical touch

notes for my own reference
-- very tall (14in shoulder) and surprisingly muscular
-- barely speaks, which can seem distinctly intimidating but in fact comes from a place of shyness and fear of vulnerability; her few words are soft-spoken
-- conversation, which must be painstakingly drawn out of her, will reveal a much softer character than initially indicated, surprisingly caring towards those close to her and a natural 'caretaker' type (emotionally, and physically, if that is needed)
-- takes a distinct pleasure in physical labor and the ache of hard work, subsequently a hard worker, sometimes to the point of excess
-- shies instinctively from emotional discussion; lacking close friends, she lives a semi-phantom life in her own clan, mostly due to her own behavior
-- greatest aspiration is to feel wholly understood, but she's unlikely to ever achieve this because she avoids vulnerability like the plague
i think. i think she would tolerate a shocking amount from authority figures or anyone who will pretend to love/understand her
authority and vulnerability are individually difficult for her, juxtaposed she's gonna short circuit lmao
i have so many thoughts about her......my painfully self aware woman
she's a creature of institution, blindly driving herself into the ground for very little, forcibly ignoring the impending revelation (again -- lefty ruggiero in donnie brasco the film) that she doesn't have much to show for her life (and it's mostly her own fault because she barely knows anyone out of self-inflicted avoidance). also that she prefers being ordered about without too much consideration for her own preferences
if she was honest with herself she feels pretty stagnant and forgotten in her own life but she both a. does nothing to improve this and b. refuses to reflect on that fact. her greatest wish is to feel totally loved and understood but subconsciously she recognizes/believes that isn't really possible for her....
in the end she's a creature of obedience and i think on some level she probably despises herself for that
i think sheeeee. is a creature most comfortable with institutions
she likes it best when there's some superior to order her about and a hierarchy/institution to be respected. she survives through playing by the rules so if/when she encounters someone who circumvents that it knocks her on her ass
definitely an enforcer type


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[outline=black][color=#c84723][b]" speech. "[/b][/color][/outline]

[quote][outline=black][color=#c84723][b]OOC :[/b][/color][/outline] text [fright][abbr=penned by dejavu][outline=black][color=#c84723][b]❦[/b][/color][/outline][/abbr][/fright][/quote][/size][/color][/justify][/box]
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