camp i knew i was in for quite a storm | windy

the wind is a tyrannical force today, it bellows with such ferocity that it shakes shadowclan's very foundation practically threatening to tear everything apart with these violent gales. any of the surrounding trees are forced to bow, bending in such a way that one would think they're about to be torn from the roots and sent tumbling down. whatever isn't pinned down is more than likely being tossed around the clearing or being blown in to the clearing.

a sense of unease rolls in geckoscreech's stomach, a tempest of this scale reminds her of a past gathering when starclan had shown their outrage by shrouding fourtrees in a darkness none had ever seen with a similar storm to accompany it but atleast it was short-lived unlike this one. she hoped this was just some horrid weather and not some ominous sign for something bad especially since shadowclan has a knack for drawing in that sort of unwanted aura despite trying desperately to avoid it.

the lead warrior pushes through, using ivory claws to dig into the dirt for better anchorage and avoid tipping over while the razor winds rake across her face causing geckoscreech to scrunch a bit. "i think i liked it better when it just rained." she called out, hoping her voice doesn't get drowned out by the stormy weather while approaching the nearest clanmate. perhaps it'd be best if they stayed inside their dens until it passed.

stars help whoever gets stuck out in the territory during this time, she can only imagine they're being battered around just like the rest trying to make it back to camp.

So I walk alone down the darkest roads

The wind battered at Ravenwatcher making the warrior's ears flatten onto her skull as she dug her claw deep into the soil beneath her, fear that the wind might sweep her up before noticing the lead warrior as she approach, blue gaze squinting as they attempt to avoid anything from flying into them. The warrior could hardly make out what Geckoscreech was saying but...agreed with the other, wondering if this was what Windclanners dealt on a daily basis..

Her gaze drifting upwards to the pine trees wondering in worry if they might collapse on them or...anything else such as a branch or...flying leaves anything that could put harm to them which made the warrior grit her teeth as she made herself even tinier, hating the wind buffeting against her fur while tucking her tail close to her own body. "Probably best if we don't stand here!" she attempted to shout in response hoping the other or anyone near the warrior would hear her and what she prompted...if they could over the howling of the wind in their ears

"I agree," Dewfrost mewed, coming up to stand beside Ravenwatcher. A cautious glance upwards showed the pines swaying in the breeze. Dewfrost doubted any of them would break but with how severe and sudden this wind was one could never be too cautious. The wind makes it nigh on impossible for any of them to speak clearly to each other, but Dewfrost hopes that parts of the conversation can still be heard. As they continue, she can't help but wonder if they'll even find any prey to bring back to camp. She imagines most prey have kept to their nests or are well hidden to avoid the brunt of the wind. "Not sure I've seen it this bad in a long time," Dewfrost mused, eyes squinting as the wind buffeted her face.



Laughter roars from the small she-cat, Stumpyspots comes to meet the patrol from behind. ”You’re all bunch’a pansies!” The old she-cat has witnessed weather like this before in her day, it didn’t scare her and she trusted the boughs of the trees to hold firmly. It always got like this a few times a year, and these thick-furred ShadowClan cats should be especially grateful! The wind was nice to combat the humidity of the bog, they’d be wishing for it back by the time green-leaf was in its prime. ”Ain’t half bad, really. Keeps me cool…”
If you don't like me, that's your problem
Tornadopaw's attention is pulled to the swaying boughs up above with squinted yellow eyes. With the harsh wind beating and buffeting everything in sight she did not blame the others for wondering if the limbs would snap clean from the trees they were anchored to. Stumpyspots however, laughs at the gathered group, mocking them for their worry. "Does this happen every year?" She questions them, turning on her paws to face her. She cannot recall a time when the winds whipped so hard that it could snatch a kitten clean off their paws. Well, except for perhaps that blizzard during leaf bare.
When I let it bother me, that's my problem



Stumpyspots' eyes water against another hard wind hurdling towards them, she is quick to blink the tears away. "Yep, it can happen at any time during the moons." She insists, refusing to acknowledge the wind as any sort of problem or danger. She's dealt with way worse, ShadowClan has dealt with way worse, no need to fuss about it and worry the youth. "Ain't I right, Dewfrost, Geckoscreech? We've dealt with winds even greater than this in our moons with no problem. Should be thankful for it... without it, good StarClan... the heat would be unbearable." Her head shakes and bears a frown.

//she is refusing to acknowledge these winds are exceptionally strong. Im not oocly downplaying, just icly to be clear B)
❪ TAGS ❫ — The red tabby remained grounded as heavy gusts tormented ShadowClan's camp. He was glad that he wasn't the only cat who thought that the winds were abnormally strong. Stumpyspots doesn't seem too concerned, on the other paw; he wonders if she is only downplaying the severity of the weather in order to reassure the other ShadowClanners. Something about the older she-cat's fearlessness against the gales is somewhat comforting, Rooster would admit, but it was hard to totally ease his worries when the trees looked as if they'd fall right over.

"I like a good breeze more than the next cat, but uh- this is a little overkill I think!" He speaks almost as if he were addressing the wind directly, and as if on cue, another strong gust swept through the area. The tabby tom winced and ducked his head away from the raging winds as small bits of debris tumbled in his direction, whipping against his cheek.