private I knew you were trouble ★ Prickleflower

( ) Sunfreckle's news had spread through the camp like wildfire. By now, nearly everyone knew about the Lead Warrior's oncoming kittens, and Flamewhisker was probably nearly as excited for them as Rabbitnose. She considered Sunfreckle more of a brother than her own littermates, and she loved their kits like her own family. Regardless of the obvious downside of having to stay in the nursery for moons, the joys of raising kits were unmatched to anything. One day she wanted more, but not anytime soon. It was spring, and she wanted to spend her time out in the forest, not in the camp.

The flame hued warrior trotted into the camp, a sparrow and a mouse swinging limply from her jaws. She carried them over to the plentifully stocked fresh kill pile, and headed over to the camp's clearing. Later that afternoon she had a patrol, but for now she had some free time. As she scanned the clearing for someone to talk to, she spotted Prickleflower staring at the nursery. She watched her for a few moments, waiting to see if the other Molly ever looked away...After watching her for awhile, Flamewhisker decided to go see what was up. Was Prickleflower expecting kits too?

Alabaster paws carried her over to the multicolored she-cat. "Hello." she greeted softly, hoping to not startle her too bad if she hadn't noticed her walking over. "That den will be full here pretty soon."




♥ ♥ ♡ ♡ ♡
Prickleflower stares at the nursery, she hadn’t meant to- not for so long, but sometimes she couldn’t help but wonder if she had a future in the den. Ever since she was a little she-kit she had known fostering kittens was in her future, being a mother was everything she wanted to be and more. The formation of the clans only made the duty of being a queen even more prominent, how could one not want to foster strong and healthy future warriors for their clan?

Prickleflower was ready, but she had everything but a mate. With new-leaf fleeting her hopes sink, could she scrounge up patience for another year? What if she didn’t even have a mate by next new-leaf? That’d be impossible, her inner voice scoffs, she was a strong and capable she-cat. Any Tom would be lucky to claim her as a mate, she could have any she wanted! The brown tabby just needed the right one, not just any Tom-cat who laid eyes on her.

Hello. Prickleflower jumps, but quickly flattens her fur in embarrassment. Standing before her was Flamewhisker, her own gaze resting on the nursery. That den will be full here pretty soon. It takes her a moment, but eventually the long-furred she-cat nots, ”…It will be. It’ll be nice to have more kits running around the camp… With Sunfreckle kitting them the kits should be well behaved too.” She agrees with a hint of amusement. ”How many do you think he will have?”

//ugh sorry this is so late!