camp I know 'cause it's the season // INTRO


liquid smooth
Nov 13, 2023
. ° ✦The morning air is unwelcoming to Elkhound. As the pleasantly warm, yet fleeting, months of autumn begin to give way into the crisper winter months, the warrior finds himself getting up later and later in the day. He tries not to seem like he's slacking- the young warrior stays on top of his duties, and he overcompensates for his late rising by catching extra prey and taking on more tedious tasks- but the seal point is amongst the last to get out of his nest in the morning.

It's one such morning that Elkhound finds himself shivering in his nest as he stirs. His clanmates move around him, tossing and turning before they eventually get up while he curls up as tightly as possible. Even the warmth of the den begins to dissipate as his fellow warriors filter out into camp to face the day, but by the time it begins to bother Elkhound he supposes that it's warm enough outside it won't be any different anyway. The seal point slips out of the warriors' den, moving through the brambles which guard it and heading to the shadowy hollow which houses much of the morning activities.

There isn't much to be pleased with these days. Elkhound persists. It's late enough now in the morning that the young warrior is certain that those who need to eat first have already been given the chance, so he slinks towards the fresh-kill pile. Hopefully he hasn't been noticed as missing from any dawn patrols- not that he would have been there to have been selected for them anyway- but he doesn't let it bother him as he looks over the slight pile. Ultimately, Elkhound settles on a smaller frog, deciding that his lack of want to get up in the crisp dawn is reason for his smaller bounty.

He picks up the small amphibian, mutters a half-hearted hello to a nearby ShadowClan cat who also seems to be approaching, and moves to settle near an outcropping of ferns at the edge of camp. Elkhound tries to enjoy his breakfast as the morning sun dots his coat and warms him slightly, hoping that nobody comes over to interrupt him as he scarfs down his froggy meal.
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  • ooc:
  • 5553857_AiHAFGesMse15UV.png
    MH chocolate seal point, moderate white, turquoise eyes. abrasive, stoic, and independent.

groaning, murkypaw's eyes would blink open as the den began to grow colder, hoping to avoid acting as an apprentice for the day. wasn't it too cold for anyone to work? it definitely was too cold to work; he'd already made up his mind as he approached the fresh-kill pile, not caring about if he was "supposed" to eat or not so early. they couldn't expect him to do anything on an empty stomach right? surely they'd rather him eat and be more tolerable than if he wasn't allowed to eat.

ears twitched as elkhound spoke a quiet hello, annoyed that someone would even bother attempting to speak to him so early. "and what makes you think i want to talk to you?" he snaps, giving the older warrior a disgusted luck, intentionally attempting to run into him as they approach the fresh-kill pile at the same time. rolling his eyes, he mutters a complaint as he searches the pile, shoving pieces of prey to the side as he looked for the "perfect" piece. did he care that prey was falling around him and others? was he going to act differently? of course he wasn't. soon, he would find himself satisfied with a rather large lizard, and make his way to a spot in camp where he was conveniently in the way, but not enough to where someone would have words with him over it.

  • ooc : — ​

  • — open to minor/healing powerplay
    — murkypaw / shadowclan apprentice / masculine pronouns / tags


Fate unfolds in its cruel design, and Smogmaw comes over to Elkhound as he scarfs down his froggy meal.

"Don't you look pleasant," he muses, an insipid greeting befitting the deputy's joyless expression. Not a trace of irritability graces his mood, however; he simply looks that way, short snout twisted and brows so slightly pinched. His claws' curvature kiss the sodden mud underfoot as he plods near the young warrior, whose wearied features inform him about the type of morning he's had thus far. Aside from the groggy 'hello' mere moments prior, and his solitary lounging spot to boot, Elkhound's overall disposition declared eloquently: I slept like shit last night, and on this fine sunrise, I don't quite fancy any company.

Too bad Elkhound, too bad. Nowhere to be seen during the head-counts for dawn patrols, yet ballsy enough to pluck a morsel from the pile as if he's earned it. This clan operates on a 'give and then get given to' principle, one that ought to have been driven into his skull during apprenticeship. Nostrils make way for a razor-sharp snort at Murkypaw's conduct—a shining embodiment of the pettiness so rife in this clan, and admittedly deserved. "Better be prepared to make up for your slack," is as harsh a reprimand as he's willing in the moment. "You could'a been the one to find the missing kits, but you just had to be missing from patrols. You failed me, and you failed my family. So, so disappointed in you Elkhound. For shame."

Monotonous words betray how minimal this truly meant to the ashen-furred tabby. Elkhound is, for all intents and purposes, a solid face in the clan. Prod him, and he'll fall back in line.

. ° ✦The hello had been meant as a courtesy, but it appears that ShadowClan cats whose mothers taught them manners were few and far between. Elkhound leans away at the last second so that Murkypaw- despite coming awfully close- would not crash into him. "Winning the popularity contest, aren't you?" The warrior mutters bitterly under his breath. It isn't like he'd wanted to speak to anybody this morning. Or any morning, to be certain. He watches the apprentice pick over the fresh-kill pile before settling on a lizard and trotting off to enjoy it elsewhere. He's hoping he might be able to enjoy the remainder of the small frog he'd chosen for his own breakfast when he spots none other than Smogmaw sidling over.

"A terrible compliment. I wasn't going for pleasant today," Elkhound comments off-handedly with a huff, bracing himself for what he knows Smogmaw is about to berate him with. When he'd been an apprentice not so long ago, Elkhound had been terribly fearful of the deputy. Now in his adult years he understands that he's just... like that. "I will. I like the night shift anyway," Elkhound replies flatly, though there's earnest threaded into his words. He suppresses an eyeroll as Smogmaw goes on about family disappointments. The stone-faced tomcat bears no real meaning behind his words. Elkhound glances around the rest of the hollow for a long, silent moment. He gives his frog a forlorn look before returning his eyes to the deputy and asking: "Do you need me to be somewhere... Right now?"

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  • ooc:
  • 5553857_AiHAFGesMse15UV.png
    MH chocolate seal point, moderate white, turquoise eyes. abrasive, stoic, and independent.