i know i don't possess you // birth

The nursery still had some work to be done on it after the rogues had been chased out. Without proper upkeep, the weakened patches had blown away in the harsh leaf-fall winds, so Butterflytuft had kept herself busy since returning. It's looking better already, with sturdy holly branches weaving in and out to keep out the annoying drafts. She wouldn't allow Howlfire's kits to get cold if she could help it!

She is perched precariously on her hind legs as her forepaws work another tendril into place, her plump belly making things exceedingly difficult as she attempts to balance, when a sharp contraction hits her. She pulls away from the den in surprise and falls back onto all four paws in a crouched position. She is no mouse-brain. She knows what this could mean. But still, she is unsure and scared, and so she tentatively calls out, "Dandelionwish?" Whether it is him who runs to her first or another cat, she looks to them with round, nervous eyes. "I think the kits might be coming." She hadn't been expecting them so soon. She knew it was possible, but she still thought she would have more time! Her nest - is it ready? Fluffy and warm enough for the kits knowing how chilly leaf-fall can get? Pine needles...she needs more pine needles, and the den walls need another layer, and-

She is now breathing very quickly, not because of her labor, but because of her own anxiety. She remains hunched over as another contraction works its way through her, eyes as big as twin suns. Daisyflight...what do I do? How did you do this? The tortoiseshell hadn't been her mother by birth, but she'd been more of a mother than anyone she'd ever known. She wants her here now, so terribly.

// calling for @Dandelionwish but not pafp!

Figfeather as of late has been doing a lot of material gathering and delivering on her freetime. The apprentice’s were consistently reinforcing the dens, the rogues hadn’t maintained them well and on top of that the winds were getting colder. Not a cat wanted drafts coming into their den and sending shivers down their spine as they tried to sleep.

She drops a clump of bracken, moss, and twigs at the foot of the apprentice’s den. When she turns to continue on with her work she sees Butterflytuft fall onto her fourpaws. At first Figfeather assumes she had just lost her balance- she can’t imagine it’s easy to keep with a tummy full of kits. Then she calls out for her mate, her eyes round and filled with anxiety.

Slowly Figfeather approaches, ”Butterflytuft?” she mews just before hearing the bright-colored she-cat mention her contractions. The red tabby’s heart quickens, could it really be? Was Butterflytuft about to kit? Her jaw drops and she’s unable to hide her shock, but she picks herself up quickly for her sister. ”Okay- it’s okay don’t worry. Go lay down in your nest, I’ll get Dawnglare- Fireflypaw.”” She noses her sister gently along before taking a glance around the nursery for Dandelionwish. The tom had been hovering close to the nursery the past several days, he had to be nearby.
  • >> gone to fetch @Fireflypaw
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Mate to Fantastream
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid to her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

Greeneyes returns to camp with a bird in his maw and an expectation to set his catch upon the fresh kill-pile before doing anything else. Plans change, however, as the sound of commotion rings in his ears and the shouts of his sister cause his heart to nearly still. His sister is hunched over in pain, calling for her mate, and it's more than an alarming sight.

Was it time already? Or was this something else? Something worse?

"Butterflytuft!" His bird is forgotten, dropped somewhere near along the way as Greeneyes bounds forward, as he rushes past the marmalade sibling that is already on her way to retrieve Fireflypaw for help. His heart pounds against his chest as he nears his oldest sister, an uncertainty arising of whether or not she's actually okay — this was part of birth, the pain, he knows... he thinks. However, such knowledge doesn't keep his swirling panic at bay. "Uh... Uh, it's okay! Dandelionwish will be here soon! Do you need help moving? I can —"

His words trail off as a malachite gaze darts around camp, scanning the area for Dandelionwish - for brown pointed fur, for a green bandana, and a mismatched gaze. He had to be nearby, but until his sister's mate arrives, Greeneyes doesn't want to leave her side, doesn't want to leave her alone amid the chaos.

  • 70927026_mk0oT2Gc8QoWlIu.png

    Daisyflight x Raven Ramble
    — AMAB; He/Him
    — A red tabby and white tom with bright green eyes.
    — Mentored by Sheepcurl; Currently mentoring Falconpaw
    — "Speech"; Attack

    : * — Born into SkyClan's first litter, Greeneyes is a bright tom with an affinity for the world around him. Despite always seeking to be kind to others, the warrior believes he's cursed - a belief brought on by rhetoric that green is a deadly color.
He had been lingering in camp doing menial chores in an attempt to stay as close to the nursery as possible lately, he was sure he was getting on some of his clanmates nerves with his antics but he couldn't really help it. He was so nervous, for both himself and Butterflytuft and he didn't want to miss her kitting which could be any day now. Of course when it actually began he had just stepped out of camp to bring in moss, mismatched eyes widening as he sees Figfeather dash away from the nursery and Greeneyes get closer; if there was an indication something was wrong that was it. The moss was dropped, discarded, and he raced forward to brush into the den past the red tabby new lead and found Butterflytuft's spotted form with an urgency.
"I'm here-I'm here, breath slowly. You'll be fine..." He'd delivered several litters of his own during his time in WindClan, but somehow while facing his own he found himself drawing a blank for what to do and merely settled nearby and leaned down so he could push his head against the tortiseshell's in a comforting gesture while staying mostly out of the way. The urge to hover aggressively was there, but he fought it down.
He'd never forgive himself if he got in the way and something went wrong - hopefully nothing went wrong. Hopefully he'd be a father and his mate would be fine.


  • 57913544_fd4KPYbSvxBDtGJ.png
    —⊰⋅ Warrior of SkyClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Cream/Chocolate Chimera w/mismatched green and orange eyes.

Her siblings are at her side in heartbeats, both fretting worriedly. Figfeather noses her up towards the nursery before dashing off to find her mate and Fireflypaw. Greeneyes stays and helps her into the nursery, something she is eternally grateful for in her pain. She grits her teeth and leans against her brother as they slip into the holly bush and she eases into her nest. I'm here-I'm here. "Dandelionwish," She gasps, pressing her head against his in relief. She doesn't know if she'd be able to do this without him.

The pain is dizzying, and somewhere within it all a stick is pushed towards her. She blinks open her eyes to see the medicine cat apprentice there and she gratefully bites down on the woody twig, her breaths coming quickly.


When it's all said and done, two tiny kits lay at her belly. She pants as she rests her head on the ground, taking a moment to level herself and catch her breath. Two kits. Dawnglare had been right, after all. When she's able to prop herself up on her forelegs again, she looks down at the two little ones with wonder. "They're so tiny," She breathes, eyes wide. One, the eldest, is a stark black tom with a white blaze and tail-tip. The other, a she-kit cloaked in a multitude of swirling colors; she looks like the pelts of her mother and father have been swirled together into one. "They're so beautiful," She sniffs, tears coming to her eyes as she leans into her mate. "Hello...it's nice to finally meet you." She leans down to nuzzle each of them, giving each a few licks across their backs.

// @weedkit @FLUFFYKIT
The cold is the first thing to greet her—her nose touches the air, and the tiny she-kit emits a “MEWL!” of immediate distress. Oh, her tiny face has the warmth lapped from it by an unforgiving world, and there are noises, far too many noises no longer muffled by her mother’s belly. She flexes tiny, furless toes, and her pink mouth opens again, this time in a wordless “O” of dismay.

But even sightless, she can sense salvation nearby. A familiar coaxing murmur guides her toward the curve of her mother’s belly, to an immediate reprieve from the cold and the empty. There’s something squirming beside her, though she is too busy filling her newborn senses with softness and milk to be bothered by his presence. She latches and kneads her mother’s belly without issue, but her parents and kin would hear the occasional faint squeal at every movement that may jostle her from her task.

, ”

It was so, so odd that Dandelionwish- the ex-medicine cat who'd dragged himself to the border, bloodied and betrayed by his own tyrant Clan- would soon be a father to a litter of SkyClan kittens. But- Dandelionwish was a Skyclanner now, mated to one and trusted by more. What did not feel quite as odd was that Butterflytuft would be a mother- it seemed to fit her well, and Twitchbolt had expressed to her he thought she'd be good at it. She would at least be nothing like his own mother, he was certain of that. And she had quite a good example.

He'd not been able to stop hovering nearby- not in the nursery, he wasn't stupid- as soon as he'd caught wind of what was happening. Prone to spiralling, his mind had hurtled toward the most horrifying possibilities- but he heard breathless murmurs and newborn mewling, and thankfully his thoughts were silenced. The tom knew better than to stride in the way of the new family, but when he saw Dandelionwish later, or Butterflytuft likely in several days... he would profusely congratulate them. Even if it was odd, that cats he'd known since kithood were having kittens of their own, now...
penned by pin ✧

Once Figfeather had gotten help she had not returned to the nursery, opting to give Butterflytuft her space. In fact she had gone out on a hunting patrol while she was in the midst of her labors, an idle mind would not be auspicious in this exciting yet stressful time. Though she’s hardly able to concentrate and performs significantly worse than she would on an average patrol, stepping on twigs and missing her pounces.

She manages to return with a mouse dangling from her jaw, not the most plentiful of catches but it’d feed someone… She drops it in the fresh-kill pile and her eyes instantly dart torward the nursery, her ears angling for any noise, Butterflytuft’s voice, the mewls of kits. She spots Twitchbolt departing from nearby, he must’ve heard something.

”Has she kitted yet?” The marmalade warrior swiftly pads over to meet the brown and off-white tom. Her orange eyes are wide and searching for answers.
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Mate to Fantastream
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid to her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
𓆝 . ° ✦ The world is cold. There isn't much for the tiny tomcat to be certain or uncertain of yet, but that much he knows. That he's been forced unceremoniously out of that comfortable, familiar warmth into the shockingly cool air. No words come forth- he is incapable of such things yet- but he makes his dismay abundantly clear as he thrashes about like a tiny worm, mewing and crying all the while. The world and cold and loud, and he is more than a little displeased that he's been forced into it.

Then, a calming familiarity reaches him. Though once muffled, the voice is familiar and welcomed. He seeks that sanctity with all the energy he'd just been putting into crying and squealing moments before. He is but a fickle newborn after all, and his reserves run thin. The little black kit nearly smacks his sister with his teeny pink paws in his blind wiggles to get to his mother's belly. Beside his sister, he is finally quiet. He nurses happily, and though the world that he's been thrust into is cold he finds peace and calm in the familiarity of his mother and sister.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:

    longhaired black tomcat with low white spotting. born 11/9/23 and ages realistically 1 week every Thursday. Follow along with his growth here!
Dogbite's blue eye shone with surprise at the call of the Queen. Without missing a beat he rushed to the nursery entrance but was effectively halted by the growing number of cats. Oh, well seems like it's under control. This was the second birth he'd been semi-witness, too. His fur fluffed with curiosity and their heart beat with a silent hope that all was well. Lately, he'd begun to understand the hype around new clanmates.

It put the hard times behind them, and everyone could enjoy basking in the promise of continued life. They weren't far from the scraggly tail of twitchbolt and his own mismatched pelt. When he heard the she-cats gasp and the answering cries of kittens, his eye nearly bugged from his skull. He paused a moment to spot any grievances, but all seemed to go well. A smile graced their scruffy face as he nodded to Figfeather.

Interjecting, they answered the curious warrior with a gentle volume. "Seem's like it." Bemusement made his smile stick as their ears twiddled curiously. Dying to catch a peek but also unwilling to barge in on such an intimate moment. In the lull of the moment, their chest rumbled a steady purring voice barely louder than a whisper. "Welcome to the world!" Kit's were certainly not his forte, but it was nice basking in the good emotions. Spending time on something happy rather than the tragedies they'd all faced in the last few moons.

  • ooc ; skull prompt <3
  • 1000007505-png.1053

    ✧ 29 moons old
    ✧ skyclan warrior
    ✧ he/they ; single
    ✧ child of npc x npc
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
Last edited:
Dandelionwish, for his part, handled the birth of his own kits like a champion and was only somewhat annoying to tolerate during the process with his unending queries of 'do you need anything' or 'should I get something' as he paced about nearby, distance carefully kept to not be in the way at least but the second he heard the mewling he was right back to his spot next to Butterflytuft, a loving rasp of a tongue atop her head in comfort before he turned his gaze to the little squirming bundles at her side, "You did wonderful, look at them-they're perfect...they look healthy." Healthy enough to be very energetic and loud for such tiny things. He leans down to nose the black and white one first and then the spotted one who looked as if she had his coloring but his mate's wonderful spotting. "We're parents." He was a father. It was something he had thought about for so long since knowing she was pregnant and now, suddenly, it was a reality and he felt entirely different. His entire life he had dedicated himself to his clan only to be turned on and here in SkyClan he never expected to be accepted fully let alone take a mate. But it had turned out very differently than he thought. His clanmates all liked him and if they didn't it was more personal grievances than 'ex-Windclanner'. He met the love of his life and now he got to raise his own kits here in a clan he knew would be safe for them. The idea of having children in WindClan had never once crossed his mind given the environment-not that he had a mate then or wanted one.
Dandelionwish blinked, eyes watering and shoved his head into Butterflytuft's again with shaky laugh.


  • 57913544_fd4KPYbSvxBDtGJ.png
    —⊰⋅ Warrior of SkyClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Cream/Chocolate Chimera w/mismatched green and orange eyes.


The young lead is left to aid his eldest sister back into the safety of the nursery, his heart pounding as he allows her to lean against him.

"There," he says as he urges Butterflytuft into her nest, voice wavering in uncertainty, in fear and nerves, "I'm... I'm sure someone will come soon, just... Just hold tight, yeah?"

Greeneyes feels unprepared for this; like he should know what to do in this situation by now, but birth and the moments before it is nothing he's ever been witness to, and he can only hope that Dandelionwish — that Fireflypaw - or stars, even Dawnglare — shows up soon to take the helm of this.

Relief comes to him as pointed fur arrives to move past his form, to stand alongside his mate. Dandelionwish is here. Things will be okay now. They have to be. Greeneyes gives him a nod; the former WindClanner and Fireflypaw should be able to take it from here — at least better than what Greeneyes might have been able to — and the lead warrior slips out of the nursery to keep out of the way as he awaits his newest promotion to uncle.

And, oh, the wait for news seems so long. His paws urge to move, an itch in them he hadn't felt since he'd returned home from the journey that he doesn't listen to as he waits outside of the nursery for any semblance of proof that Butterflytuft's kitting has gone successfully. Figfeather moves, listens to her own paws, and he finally gives in enough to collect the bird he'd dropped, to return it to the fresh-kill pile for others to eat before making his way back to his waiting place. He isn't the only one awaiting news, as Twitchbolt paces nearby, as Dogbite lingers too.

Finally, he hears it, the sharp entrance of a new cry - of a new family member - and another soon after. It's enough to make him pause, to turn to look toward the nursery. Viridian eyes blur with tears as ears strain to listen, to make sure his eldest sister is okay while another sister makes her return to camp, and when he hears the muffle of a new mother's coos, he's able to take a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding.

Dogbite answers Figfeather's question, but Greeneyes turns to look at his sister anyway, a relieved smile growing on his face. Their newest family members were here, and the ginger tom couldn't wait to meet them.

  • 70927026_mk0oT2Gc8QoWlIu.png

    Daisyflight x Raven Ramble
    — AMAB; He/Him
    — A red tabby and white tom with bright green eyes.
    — Mentored by Sheepcurl; Currently mentoring Falconpaw
    — "Speech"; Attack

    : * — Born into SkyClan's first litter, Greeneyes is a bright tom with an affinity for the world around him. Despite always seeking to be kind to others, the warrior believes he's cursed - a belief brought on by rhetoric that green is a deadly color.