wc rebels I KNOW THINGS NOW - p; cottonfang

Mouseflight had constantly found himself wishing that when the cats that reside in the Horseplace now had branched off from WindClan that there had been any possible way for them to take a different route so they could have ran into Cottonpaw - no, Cottonfang - so he could have asked her to come with them. He didn't know if she would have done so or not, but the constant hope and wishful thinking kept echoing in his mind while they were here, simply that he missed his friend so much and he wanted her here even if it was just to have someone to talk to that he actually thoroughly enjoyed the presence of.

Now that she was here he hadn't really been talking to her, thoughts stewing as he tried to figure out how to start conversation. It felt like a lifetime since he'd come back from the mountains, since the fight that caused family to turn on each other, friends to kill each other. Instead of talking he had caught a mouse and brought it to the former medicine cat of WindClan, pushing it towards her and sitting down nearby, brain trying to think of something, anything, to say.
  • tikki_com.png
    mousekit - mousepaw - mouseflight
    ⋆ ftm - he/him - 14 moons
    ⋆ bisexual - open to relationship
    ⋆ tunneler of windclan
    attack - speech - thought
    ⋆ penned by tikki
Cottonfang cannot help but feel uneasy around her Clanmates - it does not amount to the same tenseness she felt before, even with Peonypaw and Juncopaw - but she knows she's betrayed them all to a degree, after all. Distrust will not fade overnight. She can only be grateful that she's been given a second chance, if anything at all. She does what she can around the barn, obediently following patrols and listening to the warriors and such above her. She's taking a break when Mouseflight finds her, offering her a mouse. Cottonfang looks at it, however before she can deny it, her stomach rumbles, and she lets out a laugh instead.

"I've not eaten something this fat in... weeks, maybe," she admits, tail swishing behind her. "Thank you, Mouseflight," and it's genuine. The she-cat sits in the silence, not quite uncomfortable but not quite perfect either, and chews on her first bite for a bit. Eventually when she swallows, she looks back towards him, and offers a quiet, "I'm sorry." At first, it feels standalone, as if her apology covers the ground of everything she's wronged the others for. But she picks up again, "For Snakehiss, and how I acted with him. I... I don't know, I thought something different -" she assumes full guilt, even when weeks prior she had detested how he made her feel, "But it wasn't right. I miss you, I miss us, y'know? I... I understand if 'us' isn't a thing anymore, though. I kinda... ruined that," she presses her lips together, glancing back at her meal.​