backwritten I know who you are {Quillpaw}

Jun 14, 2022
( ) Concern. It was truly the only thing Deersong felt after she had heard the report of Quillpaw attacking a denmate out of nowhere. No, the deputy knew it couldn't have been for no reason, and when she heard the whispers in regards to some of the statements the apprentice had made, well she just felt driven to sit that tom down and figure all this out.

Aqua's eyes scanned the clearing with unusual intensity before spotting the dual-eyed chimera and she hurried over to him as quickly as her growing belly would allow. "Quillpaw, walk and talk with me for a sec." From her tone, Quillpaw would see that it wasn't exactly an order, but still something she would not take a 'no thanks' answer to. Once the tom answered, the deputy would turn and lead him out of camp before taking a seat in a secluded spot and meowing carefully, "Alright, now I know that you know that I heard what happened. But I wanna hear your side. I know you, Youngblood, only something real back would have made you lose your cool like that."




He knew he was in shit the second she called him 'Quillpaw'.

He coiuld tell from her lack of shock over his wounds -as mild as they were, a few deep scratches along his face, chest, and flank- that Deersong had already caught wind of what had happened. He wasn't entirely surprised given the fact that half the clan had been there to witness it, including the ueens mate, Thistleback. He'd just thought he'd have a little more time before he had to face her.

He didn't say anything in response, simply nodded stiffly and rose to his paws to follow after her.

Out of camp they went, slipping away from the crowds until they reached a secluded place, and Quill couldn't help but feel nervous. Why was she bringing him all the way out here? Shouldn't she be sticking closer to camp when she was this far along in her pregnancy? Still, he took a seat across from her as she settled her haunches to the ground and waited for her to begin whatever this was.

"Alright, now I know that you know that I heard what happened. But I wanna hear your side. I know you, Youngblood, only something real back would have made you lose your cool like that."

He tried to ignore the minor flood of relief he felt at hearing the nickname she used for him, didn't want to acknowledge that any of it meant anything to him. Instead he tried to focus on the rest of what she'd said, the parts that would let him slip back into that familiar indifference he was so used to wearing like a second skin. Becoming defensive about his personal life should have come easy to him, but he found it harder to glare or sneer at Deersong, couldn't even hold her gaze long enough to roll his eyes at her words.

"I already told Blazestar and the others." he replied, lips tugging into a tight frown. "That cat knew someone that's been looking for me, someone I have to stay away from. He threatened to tell them where I was, so I had to make sure he knew that was a stupid idea." he explained, reiterating it again for the shecat. The devil was in the details and so he made sure to keep them just as vague as he had when speaking to their leader and the rest of their clanmates.

Forcing out a steadying breath, mismathed eyes flickered back to meet those of the queens.

"Look, I'm sorry I did it in front of everyone like that. I didn't mean to scare Twitchpaw or Stagkit or anyone else. I'll be more careful next time."

The words were genuine, an attempt at reassuring her all while missing the point entirely. The Skyclanners didn't want there to be a 'next time' at all, but for Quill it seemed an inevitable thing. Too many cats came from twoleg place for him to stay properly hidden forever, and eventually a cat like that apprentice would come along and force his hand again, would make him choose between keeping his life and ruining someone elses.

skyclan - male - 8 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders
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( ) The concerned frown the molly was wearing only grew as Quillpaw gave what sounded like the same explanation he had given to the others. Her half-tail would thump on the ground behind her and she would sigh ever so softly as she shook her head, but a tiny smile had replaced the frown as she lightly bopped his nose with her paw.

"There hopefully won't be a next time, huh?" She would look him over for a moment before continuing, "I don't know much about your past, and that's ok it's not entirely my business but you are Skyclan now. If there is a cat out there looking for you for bad reasons, then you need to at least let me and Blazestar know so we can protect you."

Her mind flashed to Centipededpaw and Coyotepaw, her chest squeezing painfully as she mentally scolded herself for her own words. She couldn't protect them, how could she say such lofty things to Quillpaw now? Still, she would keep her gaze steady with the apprentices' as she spoke, "I can't imagine what you went through, especially with how you reacted I can only assume it was bad and I'm sorry you had to go through it. But you're not alone, not anymore, so at least try and rely on us a bit more, hmm?"

Sitting back up straight the molly would exhale and chuckle, "I'm sure Blazestar has already told you that you're still in trouble, reason or not. So you are going to be helping extra with the nursery and the elders' den. Maybe sometime around us will be good for you." Another giggle before she lightly touched the tom's forehead with her nose in a gesture of goodwill before she meowed softly.

"If you decide to be open about what all this is about, I will go with you to talk to Blazestar about it. If we have a joiner who is looking to cause trouble we need to know about it."



"There hopefully won't be a next time, huh?"

He almost missed the words entirely because his brain was still lagging over the fact that she'd booped his nose. How was he suppsed to respond to that? For at least a moment his surprise was probably visible to her before he huffed and looked away, ears flicking backwards to try and cover his uncertainty with annoyance as he listened to her next words.

He'd be a liar if he said the idea wasn't a little tempting, even if only from a logical standpoint. Surely Deersong and Blazestar would understand just why he'd responded so violently, which might make them a little more understanding to any future slip ups he were to have, but at the same time it was humiliating to admit to something like that. He was sure not every cat in his position felt that way, but for Quill personally? Yeah, it felt pretty fucking shitty to be treated that way and spoken to like that by someone who was supposed to be his fucking parent.

"I can't imagine what you went through, especially with how you reacted I can only assume it was bad and I'm sorry you had to go through it. But you're not alone, not anymore, so at least try and rely on us a bit more, hmm?"

He wanted to believe in those words, because while 'alone' had always been safe, it didn't make exactly make him 'happy', just miserable in a different way. But he hated anything that even looked like pity, and so he remained silent instead, letting her go on to tell him about the extra duties he'd be picking up for the elders and queens, to which he nodded mutely. He wasn't happy about having to do more work, but he'd do it all the same.

Her next gesture had the same effect as the last time she'd shown him any hint of physical encouragement; stiff shoulders, no eye contact, and a heavy air of uncertainty- but no move to pull away or bristle.

Toleration was the only affection he could return her right now.

"If you decide to be open about what all this is about, I will go with you to talk to Blazestar about it. If we have a joiner who is looking to cause trouble we need to know about it."

His brain was loud, too loud, and he hated it. The sound of his own thoughts were a burden he'd never been happy to carry, preferring the silence, the stillness. With those came a peace he was rarely afforded. But his mind was buzzing and frantic in that moment, going over the mile-long list of reasons why he should never, ever breath a word of it to anyone. Because his heart was turning on him. It was weak with wanting, a touch-starved thing that had grown teeth and claws and quills to keep everything away from it because that's what was safe. Its what was easy.

But it wanted to believe Deersong.

"My dad doesn't like me."

The words left his mouth before he could stop them, and on reflex he stood and stepped away, because the last thing he wanted in that moment was for Deersong to touch him, to pity him.

"I ruined his life when I was born, then I ruined it even more when I left. "

Such condemning words, and yet he spoke them with that same detatched tone he always used, a monotony that was bound to him and perhaps better explained with this new information. Absence, for Quill, had everything. Absence from his home when things got rough. A second, different kind of absence for when things got rougher.

"If you need to tell Blazestar you can, but I'm not going with you." there was no reason for him to subject himself to this a second time over when Deersong could relay the information just as well. "But it stays between you two only. Nobody better start looking at me weird after this." And this time there was a sharpness to his tone, something agitated and genuine in its fear. And it didn't make him feel good to speak so harshly to the queen, but he was serious. He'd rather walk out and face his father again than live in a group of cats that were only going to see him for his past.

skyclan - male - 8 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders