camp I KNOW YOU DON'T REMEMBER CALLING ME &. january 12th meeting


it seemed there was never a meeting where it was just good news. they long for those days in shadowclan. surely the other clans had those days, right? they just keep get met with death. and pain. and they wondered why chilledstar opted for being apathetic to everything. it was a lot harder to get hurt when they could pretend like they didn't care. they sat on top of the rock for a bit, just watching the cats as the came in and out of den. shared tongues with family members or snapped at others. ate stringy pieces of prey. shadowclan was a wasteland, and they were all wasting away, weren't they? left to be nothing more than a whisper in the wind.

"shadowclan, meeting time!"

this was not nearly as long as the others were. they were in part grateful for it. especially since so many of the tops of the day were just heavy, in the sense of the word. with a lash of their tail and a huff of air, they stand up fully, rolling their shoulders forward and gently gripping the rock for stability.

"before we get to the worst of the news, let's start with the best of it, hm? yellowkit, minkkit. please come forward."

they let their gaze fall on the two, with a twitch of their nose.

"minkkit. you are one sure spitfire, kid. and yellowkit, you've shown that you've got a knack for thinking hard. both of you are ready to become apprentices today. so, what say you? do you promise to learn from your mentors as they have learned from theirs? to watch the back of your den mates and grow into promising young warriors of the marshes?"

a nod. an exclamation. they're waiting for it, and if and when it finally comes, they nod in approval.

good. then from this day forth, until you are truly worthy of becoming warriors, then you will be known as minkpaw and yellowpaw. minkpaw, your mentor shall be rowanwing. and yellowpaw, you will be mentored by cedartail. you will do great things for the clan, this i know."

they gave a nod of approval with a smile before turning the other two.

"eeriepaw. jitterpaw. please, come. step forward."

they don't like the amount of anxiety they feel about letting eeriepaw become a warrior. same amount they felt when they had to give serpentspine his. damn it.

"jitterpaw. you've... been through a lot in this last moon especially. i am here if you ever need to talk about some of that you're feeling inside. but for now, now it's time for you to take your place as a warrior. do you promise to protect us as if we are your own family? loyal to shadowclan first and foremost? then, I give you the name of jitterbug. bug, in this sense, attests to your ability to become small enough to get through and adapt, and your vigilance. you do not bug us, but you latch on where you need and that is a great warrior quality."

and now to eeriepaw.

"this has... been a long time coming. you've long since proved yourself and i think i speak for everyone when I say I'm proud of you. eeriepaw, are you ready to accept the responsibilities of being a warrior? to be loyal to shadowclan, and to protect your clanmates even if it may one day take you to the stars? then from this day forth, you shall be known as eerienight. your ability to blend into the shadow of darkness casted over shadowclan is nothing short of amazing. the night is your friend, and thus it becomes your name."

they nod to both of the new warriors with a breath out.

"pipit. hawk. snipe. you will be assigned warriors today that will assess your skills for the next moon. if you prive your skills and loyalty, then you will receive a true warriors name and rightful place within shadowclan. roosterstrut, you will watch over snipe. lilacfur, you will watch over pipit. smogmaw, you will watch over hawk. this is non-negotiable. either take it, or leave my clan now."

they didn't care to argue with anyone about anything right now. they took in a deep breath in and out, before sighing.

"starlingheart is still recovering from her attack so... do stop by and give her the best of the prey we have. next best can be saved for ferndance, who is raising her kits in the nursery. she and mapleberry are still in trouble but we still must make sure she is fed properly. sprucepaw wouldnt have wanted us to hate or blame her for this."

their ears angled downward.

"siltcloud has been having a bit of a field day. playing with us like cat and mouse. remember that we are not mice. if any of you see her, kill her. I don't care about relations or anything. she killed comfreypaw in cold blood and for that, she deserves nothing less than death. she also hurt ashenpaw. i am glad she didn't take his life... we don't need anymore death in this clan. that's for sure."

they know they cannot stop death from taking them, but they can try until they're blue in the face.

"this meeting is over with. remember, we are stronger together. weaker apart."
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⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ Minkkit could not hold still. This was it, the meeting where she was finally going to be an apprentice. No more being stuck in the stupid nursery where nothing ever happened and no one but the mothers and their kits ever went. No, now she was going to get to be out in camp with everyone else. This was going to be amazing.

Her only worry was that the meeting might be long. Her paws fidgeted beneath her. She didn't want to wait and listen to a bunch of boring stuff, she wanted to get on with it already. Fortunately, Chilledstar did not make her wait. At her name, she leapt to her paws, darting forward. They were going to start the meeting with her. Her joy threatened to set her aflame.

This was it. The moment she had been waiting for. Still, Chilledstar just kept talking, and she couldn't help but shout out "YES!" before they even finish.

Finally, he said it.

Minkpaw, she was officially Minkpaw. She let out a little shout of glee.

The newly anointed Minkpaw was so caught up in her own celebration that it took her a moment to register the name of her mentor. Rowanwing. She knew nothing of them. Her head whipped around, looking for them, but within an instant she gave up. For now, she wanted to bask in this moment.
  • MINKKIT cisfemale(?); she/her(?), kit of shadowclan, three moons. tiny, shorthaired silver tabby with high white and fiery orange eyes. FOXFANG X BADGERFUR peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here penned by empyrean@empyrean_heaven on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
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Ah, that time again where they find themselves summoned before their leader. Willowburn can't help but ponder over how it would feel to be in Chilledstar's position, gazing down at the loyal subjects from such a lofty perch. Idly he licked his tongue across his teeth as he settled himself in to listen to the latest news and topics as they were shared. As the various apprentices and warriors were named he began to feel a dread knowing that his lungs were going to be sore by the time he had finished cheering out the new names. Oh bother... The tabby put on his best cheery grin as he piled through the list with gusto. "Minkpaw! Yellowpaw! Jitterbug! Eerienight!"

With the pleasantries concluded his expression grew ever more stern as they were reminded about the recent deaths and attacks that had weakened their clan. If he ever got his claws on Siltcloud... Oh how he longed to rip her to shreds.

With the meeting concluded he allowed an air of warmth to return to him as he slipped away to find something to do.

- ⋆ -

maggotfur 14 moons female she/her shadowclan warrior

There is very little in this meeting that Maggie cares for - the same old ceremonies, the same old words of warning. It'd been foolish of them to let siltcloud and granitepelt live to begin with - should've slaughtered them rather than let them flee like rats. But she says nothing, watching with cold blue eyes as the leader speaks from her perch. Names are called out in half-hearted manner - only caring to keep up appearances, holding very little interest in the new names or cats themselves. " Minkpaw - Yellowpaw! ....Jitterbug, Eerienight! " and then it's over at last, silver figure disappearing into the crowd in th eface of chilledstars dissmissal.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'


This was never meant to be easy. Betonyfrost tries to fold away from her grief—just for this meeting, just for this moment—in order to focus on the now. Now: Jitterpaw’s name is called in a list of many, and Betonyfrost’s heart swells in a familiar, suffocating ache. There has always been pain at the very root of love; running just as deep as its many branches extend into the sky. Betonyfrost knows this—she was raised in the shadow of this very idea.

She knows what Jitterpaw must see. She’s been there before, moons ago now, head craned backwards and trembling like a downed fledgling. Briarstar had been dark against the sky. Betonyfrost’s name hadn’t felt any more significant than any of the other changes at the time—not like how this feels now. She’s proud—she hadn’t been proud, back then. There is a lack in her chest wide enough that she doesn’t understand how she and everyone else hasn’t fallen into it.

Betonyfrost cannot stop her wants. She wants Comfreypaw here—she wants her beside Jitterpaw. Frivolously, she wishes Chilledstar would have some affection for Jitterpaw—even a small affection—for no reason other than the fact that Jitterpaw is Betonyfrost’s, instead of despite such things. She’s never known how to have a meal and not come away still hungry.

And then it is Jitterbug who is named. Chilledstar’s reasons are thoughtful—Betonyfrost cannot stop her smile, and the guilt that accompanies it. Perhaps, in StarClan, Briarstar regrets calling on Betonyfrost’s independence as the source of her name—she can cling to anything. She doesn’t cheer for Jitterbug, or for anyone else—she’s never caught the habit, and that isn’t going to change now. She does tip her head though, her own quiet congratulations.

The meeting continues on—Betonyfrost considers leaving before Chilledstar can speak on what Betonyfrost knows is coming. The ashy taste of grief sits heavy in her mouth. She doesn’t move, not until it is too late. At the first mention of Siltcloud, Betonyfrost stands with a jerk so harsh she nearly topples herself. She wants nothing more than to not be here—do her clanmates think she is going to have a little tantrum now? Can’t they see how hard she is holding herself back?

As long as Ashenpaw is still alright,” Murmured with teeth—it isn’t fair that Smogmaw could be allowed to keep his son under the face of what Betonyfrost has lost. She tries to remember her pride for Jitterbug and let this bitterness pass her by. Instead, she passes her tongue over the sharp points of her teeth, suddenly so enraged that her heart pounds in her ears. “Siltcloud is too stupid to even understand what she’s done. StarClan took the wrong kit from that cursed litter. Oh, oh, I’ll kill her.” Any of her peers could think what they will—it was going to be Betonyfrost to kill her.​
shadowclan warrior | blue mackerel tabby | 27 moons | tags
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Reactions: JITTERBUG

Snipe gathers uncomfortably, all the customs of ShadowClan still relatively foreign to him. In large congregations he never knew where to put himself and often gravitated towards the brotherly comfort of @Hawk and @pipit !! . Squeezing himself into the crowd he settles down and fixes amber eyes awkwardly on the dark figure of Chilledstar. He is all too aware the leader did not hold high hopes for neither Snipe nor his brothers, but the chocolate tom was hopeful in time perhaps things would change. That ShadowClan would feel like home, that he wouldn't feel like an unwelcomed, distrusted guest. He hopes this for his brothers and he hopes this for Porcupine, this is where she wanted them to be. So this is where they would stay.

Kits and apprentices alike are called forth, given new names and even mentors. He tries to take in and retain this information when both a jarring and exciting realization hit him. He would once have names like them, his brothers too. It was a daunting idea to have a new name, but what would better say they've been welcomed into ShadowClan than a ShadowClan name to match? He wonders what his new name will soon be, Snipefur, Snipewhisker, Snipetail...

That is when Chilledstar speaks his name. They give him Roosterstrut, a warrior he's seen around ample times but has yet to properly speak to. The tom-cat seemed respectable enough to Snipe, and though he didn't fancy the idea of being his inferior he'd do what he could to swallow his pride and listen and learn. He seeks him out in the crowd and gives him a firm nod, ready to begin whenever the warrior was ready.
  • » Snipe
    » Loner
    » He/him
    » A heavily-scarred chocolate tom-cat with amber eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A foe who uses brute strength and hits heavy.
    » Excels in taking opponents head-on.
    » Uses slow but powerful hits to bring them to the ground.
    » Fights to overpower and defeat .
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
———————————she/her | menacing ——————————
Scalejaw is quiet in her approach- ears perked, and her vision settled on Chilledstar. She felt fine, all things considered. Her tail swished gently as she settled down for the meeting, chin tipping down to dig into the fur of her chest. Hopefully, @FLINTPAW was somewhere nearby to her. Scalejaw couldn't lie that she was a hint worried about her apprentice taking time to turn tail again, but she was trying her best to dismiss the thought from her mind. And so, she listened quietly- words were said, and Scalejaw heard them, though only parts were processed.

What freed her from her rigor was names cheered, the announcement the three siblings were to be mock-apprentices, and.. Betonyfrost's words. Scalejaw's eyes shifted towards the other warrior, with a resigned quiet scan of the other mollie. She looked back forward, cheering once for each apprentice and each warrior, before rising and padding away from the meeting herself. She had food to find for Starlingheart and Ferndance alike.

[penned by dallas].
Chilledstar 's call becomes the youth forward and with recent events her mind is muddled. Sitting off to the side she watches with quiet intrigue. Curious to see how the leader would manage discussion of Siltcloud but it seems they chose to begin with kinder news. Kits made into paws' and a new warrior were on the agenda and Thornpaw braves a small smile. Adding her voice to the growing cheers. "Minkpaw! Yellowpaw! Eerienight! Jitterbug!" Her voice falters on the last name she cries out and her mind forces the apprentice to not linger. Apprentices are shuffled around to new mentors and at last the leader dips into messy waters. Hearing her family's names makes her skin crawl with rage knowing only more troubles stirred at their borders. Inhaling sharply she nods as Chilledstar calls the meeting to a close and with a heavy mind she trots away from the masses.

For the first time in moons, Eeriepaw can see an end to his apprenticeship. His hunting assessment had been a success, finally given to him by Frostbite. He wishes it could have been Spectermask to take charge of his assessment still; wishes he didn’t have to go above his mentor to seek out a means for the final obstacle holding him back to be removed. He wishes he didn’t have to remind Chilledstar either, but at least the leader took the time to listen to him.

But it’s all said and done now. Soon Eeriepaw will no longer be an apprentice — soon he’ll be free from the cramped confines of the apprentice den, away from younger recruits squabbling like kits in the nursery. He’ll be Eerieheart, Eeriefur, Eeriemoon. He’ll be a warrior, with a name to reflect his efforts.

Rather than the shadows he typically finds himself among, Eeriepaw settles toward the front of the crowd at Chilledstar’s call, dark gaze lifted to look up at the leader. Nerves begin to bite at the void-like tom, an uncertainty held before him as a rat-thin tail wraps around his paws. Though he’d completed his assessment, what was stopping the leader from telling him no, from keeping him an apprentice still? Maybe that’s all he’s meant to be, an apprentice forever. Maybe he’s meant to rise to the stars with a -paw name too.

Kits earn their new names first, ones Eeriepaw has no doubt they’ll hold onto for less time than he has. And then, Chilledstar calls on Jitterpaw and him, confirming that today will be the day he becomes a warrior. The spindled tom blinks, rising to his feet and stepping forward.

There’s an emptiness beside them, he knows. A void where Comfreypaw should be earning her name too — silently, he adds Jitterpaw’s littermate to his list of peers to earn his name for. Ghost, Poppy, Tornado, and now Comfrey, too. Jitterpaw becomes Jitterbug, but Comfreypaw remains as is.

Dark eyes shift up to where Chilledstar stands as they turn to him next. This has been a long time coming, he knows just as well as they do.

And he promises — promises to carry the responsibilities of a warrior, to stay loyal to the clan who’d raised him, to protect his clanmates. “ I do, “ he promises without hesitation, his last words as an apprentice uttered.

He becomes a warrior then. He becomes Eerienight. It’s a name he’d hardly pondered, but one that fits well. The night is his friend, Chilledstar says and the spindly tom agrees with this. The night is his friend and the Shadows are his home. No longer is he a peculiar kit found in the depths of the ShadowClan’s nursery, but a warrior among them.

Thank you, “ Eerienight tells the leader with a dip of his head, before stepping back for the meeting to continue and for Chilledstar to proceed in sharing the remains of their news.​
  • 74597010_gbJle40pG2JetDM.png
    ── Warrior of ShadowClan

    ── ??? x ???
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A spindly black tom with unblinking, dark brown eyes.
    ── Mentored by Spectermask
    ── "Speech"; Attack
This would be Hawk's first meeting as a - tentatively accepted - member of Shadowclan. Like his brother, he felt the entire experience was a bit overwhelming and foreign, but nonetheless exciting. The most they ever really socialized with other cats in their former lives would be whenever they accidentally came across another loner or two, and those meetings rarely ended happily. Now, they were sat in a crowd of dozens of like-minded felines who called themselves a clan, a family, and perhaps one day that's what they would be to the young trio. For now, however, the shadow-cloaked tom took a seat next to Snipe, still feeling the lingering unease of the clanmates who hadn't want them here.

The meeting progresses rapidly, with kits and apprentices and warriors alike being given new names and assignments, and in truth he struggled a bit to keep up. He was still getting to know everyone here, so the significance of these moments was likely lost on him; but he could sense the pride of the group in the way they cheered their new comrades names. He tried to join in, though truthfully, wasn't entirely sure why they were chanting. "Minkpaw! Yellowpaw! Jitterbug! Eerienight!"

And soon, his own name was being called alongside his brothers. Moss-coloured eyes widened on Chilledstar as the ebony leader gave them each a 'mentor' of their own - a warrior to watch and assess them before they could be given their own unique clan names. "Understood," he murmured resolutely, trying to ignore the comment about either taking it or leaving. He was assigned to Smogmaw, the icey deputy that had initially protested their joining, alongside others. Perhaps this would be a chance to change the tabby's mind about him? Regardless, much like Snipe he felt giddy at the idea, and though he had no clue what his future suffix might be, he could only hope that it would reflect his true self, and not the first impression he seemed to give Shadowclan upon his joining.