pafp I left my conscious pressed // Prompt

While he can be smart in some aspects of life, socializing is not Marigoldpaw’s forte in the slightest. Most of the time he refuses to allow himself to get close to anyone, and he knows it’s making his likability go down as a result. But it’s not like anyone tries to be friends with him either, so why even bother? This tends to lead him to being more honest than he probably should be.

He doesn’t see bringing up the truth as a bad thing, though. Why do others have to get so mad? He’s most likely missing something, but he doesn’t think much of it. Which leads to now.

Marigoldpaw hasn’t had an opinion on Roeflame before, but her recent promotion has made her enter his line of sight. There is something that confuses him though, and it’s how…small she is compared to the rest of the lead warriors. Not all of them were big like the ideal ThunderClanner anyways, but she was noticeably tiny. It’s not like he has much concern for her, seeing as she was clearly capable. It more was a quirk that he took note of and put in the back of his mind, never to be spoken.

Roeflame catches him in a particular mood however, and he feels the need to blurt it out. “Hey, Roeflame. I gotta ask. Is there… a reason? For you being so petite, I mean.” He feels like an idiot after it spews from his maw however, and tries to save face. “Were you sick as a kit or something? And it’s not like it’s a bad thing! I’m just curious.”

// OOC : Please wait for @ROEFLAME . !
- Honesty is the best policy, but when Marigoldpaw says the truth and earns the ire of a warrior he realizes maybe he shouldn't speak the truth sometimes.

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ROEFLAME — I fell in love with the fire long ago.

While not exactly publicly acknowledged, Roeflame is well aware of the height difference between her and her clanmates, how Toadhop surpassed her long before receiving his warrior name, how most of the apprentices did.
In her youth, the tabby could recall several instances of her small stature being the butt of a joke, and it was safe to say it had become one of the young lead warriors sore spots.
Where physicality lacked, the silver-kissed she-cat had always tried her best to make up for it with a loud presence, which soon grew into commanding with maturity.
The words that suddenly fly from the apprentices mouth still have Roeflames jaw almost dropping, though. Having just barely approached him with a casual question on her tongue.
Marigoldpaw does not stop with the initial question, he elaborates.
Were you sick as a kit or something? It’s not a bad thing!
Irritably, Roeflame flicks her ear. "Excuse me? Uhm- no I was not sick." The tabby dead-pans. Struggling to balance her annoyance with her new authority. "I’m small the way you seem to lack manners, it’s just the way things are." While her tone could be harsher, Roeflame didn’t want to risk being perceived as overly sensitive, opting for a subtle hint of dismissiveness to round the edges of her sharp words. "Your circumstances can be fixed though, right? Should we go find your mentor and chat about it…?" Her gaze flickers away in a false search for the adolescents mentor before the warrior has even finished with her light threat.
Perhaps if he had been a warrior, Roeflame would have subtly reminded him that she could still kick anyone’s ass better than any broad shouldered, long limbed hulk ever could.


While Roeflame is yet another clanmate that Coyotebite does not find herself close to, the warrior cannot help but overhear bits of the conversation. It wasn't like Roeflame was doing her best to hide her annoyance at the apprentice's question. "Is that any way to speak to a clanmate? Your size does not determine your capability of being a warrior or your ability to be loyal to your clan." With a cold tone, she gazes at Marigoldpaw, wondering what had even prompted such a question. To her, it was out of the blue and uncalled for.
The young warrior doesn’t know Roeflame as well as he could, what with her being Burnstorm’s mate, but he knows that she’s a capable and respectable lead warrior. Her small size is nothing in the face of her accomplishments and her contributions to the clan. So the idea of asking why Roeflame is so small seems ridiculous, and Roeflame seems to be of the same opinion. Falconheart is rather short for his age as well—though certainly not as small as the lead warrior—so he hesitates to approach the group as he hears Coyotebite and Roeflame scolding the apprentice, each in their own way.

Still, he doesn’t have anything against Marigoldpaw, and he sort of likes the younger tom. He makes his way closer, standing beside Marigoldpaw. "I think—uh, maybe Marigoldpaw didn’t mean it that way. I’m sure he meant that maybe he wanted advice on… fighting even when you’re not bigger than your enemy? Right?" He’s grateful that he manages to power through the statement with a burst of concern. He doesn’t want the apprentice to get into too much trouble with his mentor, especially as Roeflame glances around presumably in search of them. "I mean, if that’s what you meant…" He finishes lamely, trailing off as he looks expectantly toward Marigoldpaw.
[ find me way out there ]
Marigoldpaw flinches at Roeflame going on the offensive, not expecting the sour retorts from her. The backhandedness is what gets him especially, but he tries not to let his anger get to him. This is his own fault, after all. He just takes it, even as Coyotebite also joins in on reprimanding him. His eyes shift to the side as he thinks of what to reply with, but thankfully Falconheart has his back and explains his thought process in a more positive way.

He turns his attention back to the three of them, ready to take what comes next head on. “Sorry, that was rude of me. I spoke before thinking. Advice isn’t exactly what I was going for, and I didn’t mean to point it out to say that she is any less capable. You’re more than capable, even. It was just honest curiosity… but it was still insensitive.” Marigoldpaw bows his head in regret, then pulling it back up. It’s not like he has much room to talk anyways, as he’s also pretty skinny for a ThunderClanner. He doubts it’ll change much when he’s older, either.

“I’ll accept whatever punishment comes my way. And any advice you may have for me… wouldn’t be disregarded either.” Whether it be something like Falconheart suggested, or how to not be so blunt when he converses with other cats. He will definitely be less candid in the future also, if it will just hurt their feelings by being said out loud.​

ROEFLAME — I fell in love with the fire long ago.

A faux-searching gaze is quick to click towards Coyotebite as the other comes forward in her defense, and while Roeflame gives a light nod of her head in appreciation towards the warrior, Falconhearts words aren’t brushed off, either.
While Roeflame was notorious for being quick to spark, the tabby molly liked to think she wasn’t completely unreasonable- especially when doe-arched optics look back to what would now be almost the back of Marigoldpaws hung head.
"There’s better ways to phrase the question." Roeflame finally hums, flicking her ear as the brain tries to decide whether to still remain on the offense, to let her metaphorical feathers remain ruffled.
"Its fine to be curious, Marigoldpaw- but there’s a fine line between that and being insulting. Before you ask, it’s always important to think and ask yourself how you would feel being approached like that." Roeflame supposes now’s the moment to channel whatever inner wisdom she has- to summon her inner Howlingstar, or whatever.
"Its equally important to be curious and innovative as it is not to make an ass of yourself."
There, that was surely something he could carry with him.