i like me better when im with you [priv]


astronaut in the ocean
Aug 7, 2022


He feels it more now.

His side is burning from the deep cuts along his side where the enemies claws tore jagged lines along his ribs and abdomen. His chest is throbbing from the deep puncture marks of fangs that leave blood dribbling down his torso and front legs, and every time he swallows he can feel the tug of stinging flesh along his throat, run up the left side of his chin and cheek.

He hates the feeling, not because it hurts, but because the sticky warmth of blood matting his fur is something he's all too familiar with, and memories he'd rather not think about threaten to surface. But he knows he can't let himself slip away again, not when Twitch was still freaking out over him. So he focuses on how cold he is -colder than he probbaly should be- and makes his way toward Dawnglares den.

His feet move on their own accord as Twitchpaw leads them, the act made easier simply because following the other is second nature to him at this point. He's never been inside the medicine cats den before, has never deemed any of his own injuries drastic enough to require him to tolerate the touch of another.

Or maybe its just that this is the first time someones asked him to do it.

And granted, if it had been anyone else short of maybe Mushroomkit begging him to go, he probably wouldn't have done it.


skyclan - male - 10 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders
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He was here- here, here. That would do, wouldn't it? That was enough, all he could give. And if he could give more, he would. At Quillpaw's side he stayed as they walked, short stature providing support to one towering taller- perhaps a comical sight in any other circumstance. To and fro did his eyes whip, frantic search for anything, something, someone. The only one who could help, despite his oft-strange words. There one lived one educated healer here. One person who could really help Quillpaw. One person who could just... stop the bleeding, and stop Quillpaw from worrying him.

Especially because he still had not uttered a word. When the medic entered Twitchpaw's line of sight, olive eyes flickered wide. A jaw tightened from worry split in twain, called out in a hurried crackle, "Dawn- Dawnglare!"

Encroaching the territory of their healer, a kinked tail stayed close to Quillpaw, silent guidance. Sparing his friend a glance, the bicolour tom made a feeble attempt to steady his tone and breath by clearing his throat. Futile was the effort, for his voice wavered just as badly as it tumbled from his trembling maw. "Quillpaw's- h-hurt, you can- can help him, yeah?" It came out as a question- but he'd clarify that it was a demand, if necessary. If the strength were to find him, at least.
penned by pin ✧
He had... underestimated the damage Windclan could do. Either that, or overestimated the will of Skyclan

Sever damage was few and far between, that's what he'd thought, what he'd hoped, but moorland claws had sunk deep into the pelts of these few, and refused to let go. The old fool, toppled by claws and the rotting of his own bones. Blaise, who was foolish enough to die to cats with no morals. Brutal beasts, they were, no better than mutts, and he's revealed his weakness to them. Split open and put on display... Vivisection of something strange, from the sound of it. What a show they'd stolen for themselves.

And... besides those two, here came subject number three, ushered in by his cursed friend. A face around camp... Last Dawnglare remembers, he was brought another patient because of him. Mindless violence, or something else? Who's to say...

He doesn't care. He couldn't possibly, fresh off the cusp of petty thievery. Too busy, busy, busied with torn flesh and ripped meat, he hadn't the time to go through and decontaminate. Could hardly discern what had been ravaged, and what hasn't been. How was he to assist, when his own chambers made his stomach twist? The whispering comes nonstop, overwhelming, fraying his nerves. He is not so stubborn as to not admit his disarray once the two come into his sight. He had not been ready to be bothered. Static form, he stands outside the maw of his den; but close, close still. Close enough to will away unwelcome visitors.

He hopes that, if he ignores them, they will simply disappear. And so, ignore them he does. His head is tilted elsewhere, eyes askance and lips bitten black. But oh, drawn to noise as he was, he couldn't help a glance; maybe two, maybe three. His paws are tapping against the ground, and maybe, he snaps, "Of-ff course I can!" unwilling to simply take such a dangerous line of questioning.

High-strung, maybe, his head snaps to once the apprentice over. Once, twice, thrice– Beaten and bloody is what he was. Lips bitten. harder, the bubblings of a hiss sizzle beneath the surface. This would be– far more time than he would like it to be.

Wordlessly, he dips into his den, and they'd hope they'd have the sense to follow. "Lie down, but do not– t-touch a thing." And with the aftertaste of those worlds still on his tongue, he scrounges for cobweb. Excessive amounts, by the look of it. The two of them best pray Windclan was not so pathetic that cobwebs had been made something to steal. He settles for a no, noting that, he surely would have caught and killed any cat fleeing with web clinging to their grimy mitts.

When his eyes find the two of them again, he pauses. Blinks once, twice, before he truly approaches. (For a moment, he'd thought them intruders, and truthfully, they were just barely above such). His chest shudders with a breath, but nevermind. Nevermind. A bundle of cobweb is pressed against the worst of the wounds, piled high and soaking through, red with ichor. It was not the herbs he needed, but first and foremost, the bleeding needed to be staunched. Day-blue eyes flicker to his friend. "Hold this down, until... until..." His face scrunches. He's tired. The moment he could do so, he would step away, hunting, hunting... His careful organization has been ruined, forgone in the pursuit of selfishness. He can hardly focus, mind and body rattled, rattled... "Until... mnghh.." He's tired. It would not take a genius to figure out what he wanted. It just had to be... enough.


While he was here now, in the moment and responsive, he still didn''t speak, either because he didn't trust his tongue or because some part of his brain was still convinced that the silence somehow made it more bareable. And maybe that in itself was childish enough, but he clung to it anyways, enjoying the mild comfort it brings him as he warily lowered himself down where Dawnglare instructed.

Mismatched eyes flickered back toward Twitchpaw, unwavering as they openly observed the other, acknowledging that this was another thing he was silently clinging to. Care wasn't something he was used to being given beyond distant, sympathetic words and sad smiles that he was pretty sure were meant to be reasurring. His parents had never made a fuss over the bruises and cuts. Neither had the young cats he ran with back in twoleg place. Hell, nobody batted an eye if he showed up somewhere with dried blood in his fur or a fresh set of clawmarks on his body.

Quill liked to fight, after all, and his father was an asshole. All common knowledge and nothing to get worked up over.

But Twitch was worked up, a frenzy of worry that seemed unable to sit still as Dawnglare went about gathering something or other behind them. And Quill couldn't help but wonder why? Was it just the sight of all the blood freaking them out? That had to be it, right? It couldn't be anything more.

He was jolted from his thoughts by the feeling of someone touching him, and Quill visibly lurched forward away from the touch, half spinning with bristling fur and slitted eyes toward the offender. He was already hissing by the time he realized that it was just Dawnglare, but he'd been caught off guard, drifting too far in his thoughts to realize the older tom had made their way over to him.

He practically forced his jaws shut, cutting off the hiss as he dug his claws into the floor to ground himself, laying silent but tense, every muscle coiled in anticipation of a foe that wasn't there as he let Dawnglare press the webs against his side where the blood was flowing the thickest. He was greatful when the other suddenly called for Twitchpaw to hold it instead, and while he hadn't realized that it would make a difference, the mild flood of relief that hit him would argue otherwise.

He just didn't want anyone touching him right now. But if someone had to, he'd prefer it to be someone he trusted.

skyclan - male - 10 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders