I live in a hologram with you ♔ INTRO


Fake it till you make it
Dec 28, 2023
*+:。.。 There's an odd thrill that comes with skirting responsibilities. Moons ago, a younger Orchidpaw would've fainted (or would've wanted to, anyway) at the idea that he'd one day go against orders! Starclan save his spirit! A smile bloomed across his muzzle at the thought, blinking open an eye to look down at the forest below as he imagined younger Orchidpaw yapping up from the bottom, demanding that he get down! 'You're embarrassing yourself!' he'd say, 'You're embarrassing the family!' Ouch.

Orchidpaw closes his eyes against the imagery, hand waving away the ghost of his conscious as he rolls onto his other side, comfortable in the bough of a tree far from the training grounds and the tick-pulling. You could argue that he's probably shooting himself in the foot, as surely once he's caught they'll double his duties- but Orchidpaw would laxly retort - who cares? Laying on his back, gazing up at the ever-climbing branches of the tree he's resting in, he admires the view of barren branches clawing at the harsh grey clouds. It's not a particularly lovely day, but if you look at it like it could be your last, why couldn't it be? If this is the last sight you'll ever have of this storm cloud, why not enjoy it? If he has the urge to nap the day away, why shouldn't he? Why spend his life going through the slog of training when there's so much more fun to be had avoiding it? And even if this wasn't fated to be his last day alive, then that just proved his point further - he had plenty more days to focus on training, why did he have to devote every single one of them? To what other people want?
Whether he died tonight or lived forever, he wanted to do so happily, his way.

But of course, cats rarely agreed with him on that.
Tufted ears would perk when he was pulled from his thoughts by a voice shouting at him from the roots of the tree. He rolled his eyes as their words reached him - 'what are you doing here? You should be training! Orangeblossom will be disappointed in you - yadda yadda'. If Orchidpaw wasn't going to listen to his own conscience, did they honestly think he'd listen to them? Not bothering to take the time to know who was shouting at him, ORchidpaw would instead reach up with his powerful tree-climbing legs and kick at the branch above his head, sending a pile of snow down at his critic's head.
"Ah, sorry about that! you startled me awake!" Orchidpaw would yawn, rolling onto his belly with a grin to check the damage.
  • //feel free to be the cat who get's snowed on <3

    DFAB— He/Him — Unsure
    9 moons — Ages 1 moon every month 28th
    Son of Orangeblossom and Ashenclaw
    Skyclan — Apprentice

    Physically medium | mentally medium
    Attack in bold #bf8924
    injuries: None currently
I'm going to kill him. His jaw snaps shut while snow slowly and comically falls to the ground. His black pelt has remnants of snow. He tilts his head up, hazel eyes locking onto Orchidpaw. Both of them had been made apprentices together. They've known each other since they were kits, and yet that fact brings no comfort. His own siblings Drowsypaw and Lupinepaw were no longer close to him. He'd stopped leaving Drowsypaw presents, thinking he would notice. Thinking that he would come up to him and ask what was wrong or even want to talk. Nothing. There was no response. It seems like even if he gave attention or not it didn't matter. His family had labeled him an outcast and he was shunned by them. (They didn't actually shun him, but it sure felt like it to him). That's why he's starting to think asking Silversmoke to be his father was no mistake. The tom cared more for him than his own mother.

As for Cherrypaw and her littermates? Truth be told he wasn't as close to them as he was to her. However, these days the distance between them grew and he isn't sure if it's because of him or because of her. She never said goodbye to him and she didn't check up on him when he was sick. She did check up on Lupinepaw and whenever he remembered that fact it drove him mad. As for hanging out with her? He wouldn't be opposed to it, but as long as Lupinepaw was present he wouldn't join. Unfortunately, Cherrypaw was close to Lupinepaw. He was forced to no longer speak to her and it seems like she didn't care. Ah, it hurts to think about losing his first real friend.

This is about them. Never was. He decided to nag at Orchidpaw not because he cared whether or the apprentice would train with him, but he needed to train. Training distracted him from his woes. Although right now he was filled with rage towards Orchidpaw. His whiskers twitch in irritation and hazel eyes narrow. "You're lying. You're not sorry and you weren't startled." His voice is cold and before Orchidpaw has the chance to respond, Crowpaw would dart up the tree. To be honest it might be terrifying for Orchidpaw to see him clamber up with alarming speed.

What was Crowpaw aiming for? It's simple revenge. When he rested on a branch besides Orchidpaw, he would attempt to leap and land on Orchidpaw's back. Now why on earth would he do this? His thought process was that with both their weights combined would be enough to cause the branch to snap and because Orchidpaw was laying down they would fall clumsily while he would use Orchidpaw as a springboard for a safe landing. He's petty, okay.
  • — crowpaw / skyclan apprentice / masculine pronouns / 7 moons
    — undecided / single / not looking / open to flirting and crushes
    — long haired black smoke with hazel eyes with polydactyly
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou
Apprentices were going to be the death of him. Seriously! One moment, he's listening to the apprentices climb trees, claws scrabbling up trunk- the next, he hears squabbling up above and his ears lay flat against his head as he waits for the inevitable tumble of cats from the tree. How far up were they, anyways?

"You two better not fall! I swear to the stars-" He shouts up to the apprentice, anxiously circling the trunk of the tree as milky blues flick to and fro. If only he could just see them, he'd be able to climb up there and join them. It wasn't like he couldn't climb, it was just hard for him to climb up high- too easy to make a mistake that could cause a mishap- and mishaps could cause a loss of a potential medicine cat. But nothing is worse than losing apprentices, especially his- Crowpaw.

"Oh, please- stars. Mother help them not fall. They're good, right? So good, they should be fine-"

"Woah! Y'all are up real high!" Obnoxiously Rex called the obvious. Staring up the tree with his mouth hanging open in wonder. He glanced down to his side at Fireflypaw. "Yeah that looks real high. I hope they don't fall." He'd been witness to Orchidpaw's prank of sorts, dumping the snow on Crowpaw. Now, he didn't hate the cold or the snow, hell, he found that he loved the stuff ever since joining Skyclan but he really hadn't been jealous of seeing Crowpaw get drenched in it. However, it had made him caw with an annoyingly loud laugh. Maybe he'd take a roll through some snow later, it sure felt nice against his hot coat of fur sometimes. Ah, a good snow nap sounded good right about now.

"Man, that kid sure can climb fast. Scary cool. Hey, don't fall!" He'd have to remember never to piss Crowpaw off while up a tree. 'Cept Rex still didn't know how to climb a tree so… didn't really matter. Eh, he hoped he hadn't made Crowpaw mad at him for laughing.

  • "SPEECH"
  • picture of a fish goes here
  • TYRANNOSAURUS REX KABOOM he/him/his, daylight warrior of skyclan, 37 moons / ages on the 1st.
    large dark red-orange tabby with low-mid white markings. big empty-headed blue eyes. wears an american flag bandanna. talkative, annoying and straight up stupid as hell but he means well.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ will avoid battles for the time being
    penned by reaver ↛ @reavurse on discord, feel free to dm for plots.