pafp i live to let you shine | a gift

Jun 7, 2022
( ) charcoal dusted paws found themselves encroaching upon the border that seperated the forest from the twolegplace, the pines that dominated skyclan's territory seemed to stop at a certain point where beyond it was nothing more than rows of houses and the fences that lined their backyards. huckleberry had no strong desire to venture further unless it was to visit his sister on certain days where she didn't show up in skyclan and honestly the only reason he strayed from his usual path today is to see if there was anything unusual left behind.

aside from the scattered twoleg litter that ended up being mostly plastics and wrappers of strange food items, there wasn't anything that the smoke could see that was worth investigating and it caused a small sense of disappointment to well up inside his chest but just as he began to turn around to head back on the path towards camp something obnoxiously yellow made itself known in the corner of his eyes. illusionary brows would furrow curiously, the item he spotted was partially covered by an overgrown patch of grass and upon closer inspection it appeared to be something star-shaped with two beady dots that vaguely reminded him of eyes.

with a tentative reach of his paw, huckleberry dragged the thing fully out from its hiding and was surprised to find that it was quite soft! 'baguette would like this' was the first thought that fluttered into his mind, his poor friend had been a little dejected ever since the dog attack that left him without vision and what better way to cheer them up than with a gift? with a small grin spilling onto his lips, the smoke eagerly scooped up the plush toy into his jaws and set off back to skyclan with a bit of a bounce in every occasional step.

it wasn't long until he was pushing through the twisting brambles that covered the entrance and once inside he gave a quick scan of the clearing trying to find the one he was looking for. when familiar white fur was spotted amongst the crowd the warrior could feel his tail pick up its pace swishing back and forth before trotting over with a thunderous purr beginning to bubble up in his throat.

"bafett! ah gt somfin for yew!" his voice was muffled by the object for a moment before it was placed down by baguette's paws. "ah found it by the twolegplace and thought you'd like it!"

;; please wait for @BAGUETTE. to respond!
( i hear the wandering streams and the song of the birds )
  • Love
Reactions: BAGUETTE.

baguette truly had been a bit under the weather with the new development, after the dog attack on camp. it was so unlike him, he knew that. usually he was going out of his way to make any and everyone happy, to see smiles on their faces and hearing their laughter when he told them riddles they likely didn't know the answers to. he enjoyed seeing their entire moods change, and he enjoyed even more that he was the cause of it... but he couldn't be. not now. he spent a lot of his time in his nest. it took him long enough to get to it, bumping into things and tripping over practically everything else. he could barely see, and it was getting worse. he had to be so close to see, and that didn't help much either. he was practically useless... even before this he had some sort of skill... now all he had was the ability to not know where he was going.

sighing deeply, he laid in the clearing with his head on his paws, tail swishing back and forth as his claws gently kneaded the ground. his ears twitched back and forth, before suddenly huckleberry's strong scent wafted through the air, making his nose twitch in curiosity. he sat up, squinting in the direction, before his ears perked at the muffled sound of his name. he could see the tom coming, prancing with something rather big and yellow that was placed at his feet. he used a paw to prod at the thing before he purred excitedly, kneading it with both of his paws before standing up completely.

"huckleberry pie! where did you find ssssomething sssso ssssoft!? it'sssss jusssst lovely! thank you..."

he scrunched his nose for a moment before pushing forward into the black smoked tom cat, giving him an affectionate lick against his cheek, his head tilted with his eyes closed.

"you're one of the ssssweetesssst tom catsssss i've ever met."
╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

The exchange does not go unnoticed by SkyClan's leader. He'd been deep within the belly of the Twolegplace when Daisyflight and his Clanmates had driven the dogs from their camp, but he'd been saddened upon returning to hear that Baguette had been injured. A strange tom, but one who always had kind words for others, a good heart beneath all that white fur. His eyesight depletes by the day, and Blazestar worries for him. The forest, as has been proven time and time again, is a dangerous place for cats who cannot or will not defend themselves.

Huckleberry appears, something strange, soft and bright-colored, in his jaws. A gift. Blazestar purrs as Baguette reaches up to give the charcoal-pelted warrior a lick on the cheek.

"I've seen these before," he says, approaching on soft paws. "You can put it in your nest, Baguette. Something to remind you of..." He stops himself, not wanting to embarrass either tom.

But as a cat madly in love, he can see what the twinkles of it look like.

- ,,

Redstorm is not certain about love. When he thinks of love he thinks of complication. Rain loved him he knows that, and he knows that he loves his family but there are friends… a certain cat that when he thinks the word love come to mind but he cannot sort it in his head if that word applies to her the same way it does her family, or if is the same as what he sees before him now, if it’s the same as the way Blazestar looks at his mate whenever she comes traipsing over the border with their kits in tow. He thinks it could be.

He approaches the small group now, leaning forward slightly to give the gift a tentative sniff. He wants to ask what it is but the dodgy way Blazestar speaks makes him think better of it. It looks like some sort of twoleg thing. His father had been a kittypet, so it was not Redstorm’s place to judge so he just rolls his shoulders in a shrug. "Where did you find this?" he asks instead, blue eyes landing on Huckleberry as he asks his question. Perhaps he also could find something nice for that certain someone…
( ) "huckleberry pie!"

for an odd reason those words spoken from baguette felt like something syurpy sweet was being drizzled over him threatening to turn this lofty tom into a pliable mess, the feeling certainly heightened when his shaggy friend crooned in affectionate gratitude before pushing forwards against him to place a lick upon his cheek. smothered in a sudden warmth, huckleberry couldn't help the somewhat embarassed chuckle that was pulled from his chest as he gave baguette and brief but equally as affectionate head bump.

both blazestar and redstorm entered the picture soon after and if wasn't for their presence and voices the warrior would have his head up in the clouds right now thinking of very little else. huckleberry turned his attention to the others, goodness, he must look a little smitten at this point even if he didn't quite realize it himself. "w-well, to answer yer question redstorm ah found it by the border close to the twolegplace. sometimes random stuff happens to show up and on occasions ah like ta look 'round to see if ah cain't find anythign interestin' and luckily today ah did!"
( i hear the wandering streams and the song of the birds )