camp i love my beloved // introducing the kits

The dusk is cool and dark, but the nearly full moon shines bright upon the little home. And around the nursery, there is a small cluster of cats, peeking their heads in and pushing to finally meet SkyClan’s newest members. It’s been nearly a quarter-moon since their birth, but finally Butterflytuft has seemed to get her energy back after lots of rest. Her body is still exhausted; being a new mother is full-time work, after all. But her kits are finally named. And more than anything, she wants them to meet their clanmates, even if they’re too little to really meet them.

Her and Dandelionwish’s family and closest friends are here, and she beams up at them with a tired smile. “Meet Weedkit and Fluffykit,” She tells them, touching her nose to each mewling kit as she says their name. Purring, she looks to her mate, eyes shining with pride and adoration.

// tagging those who would be here but not pafp! @Dandelionwish @weedkit @FLUFFYKIT

Howlfire and Butterflytuft had been fortunate to spend much of their time as queens together thus far. They had been there for each other when forced to flee and take shelter within ShadowClan. Butterflytuft had helped watch her kits from time to time, and Howlfire would be open to doing the same now that Butterflytuft's own were here.

Speaking of her kits, Butterflytuft had finally seemed strong enough to formally introduce them. Howlfire had done her best to keep her kits from straying too far over after they had been born, not wanting her children to start jostling them around whilst they were still so small. "Oh, Butterflytuft, they're so sweet!" Howlfire cooed, coming over to have a look at the little ones. "You picked lovely names for them."

Bobbie feels slightly as though she's stepping on some paws, intruding into the warm and strange-familiar cocoon of the nursery to greet Butterflytuft and her new kits. The little family's close friends and relatives are crowded around as well, and the compact lead warrior has to crane her neck to glimpse past the crowds. Not that she'd dream of shoving to the front, anyways, but she'd like to see the new arrivals—hopefully she's not as much of an intruder as she feels.

Queenhood is something she's left behind for some moons, likely for quite a few more (she and Blazestar have not prodded at that delicate topic), but it still brings Bobbie a certain joy to see the pink-nosed newborns squirming at their mother's flank. Her own relationship with her children is damaged, and though she fears it beyond repair, she can still marvel at the tiny wriggling bundles nestled besides Butterflytuft as they mewl. The names are appropriately tender and Bobbie smiles, peering at the little shapes.

"Pretty as a bud in newleaf," Bobbie agrees, smiling at the new family and Howlfire. Dusk spins its gossamer web over the nursery, a swollen moon rising in the sky. The tabby regards the nursery with a bittersweet nostalgia, remembering her own kits' catastrophic birth in the ferns. No need to focus on the tragedy, she chides herself, latching onto Howlfire's words. "I remember naming mine. Felt like the weight of the Tallpine on my shoulders," she recalls with a muted laugh.


  • 6TR0CBJ.png
    bobbie ; lead warrior of skyclan
    x. she/her ; 42 moons ; tags
    x. small, scarred lilac tabby and white she-cat with green eyes
    x. played by dejavu
    x. mother to lupinepaw, crowpaw, and drowsypaw. mate to blazestar.


They could finally meet Butterflytuft's kits, and Sparrowsong was indescribably excited. With an eager tip-tapping of their paws upon the earth in a small restless dance, the little tabby wasn't far behind Bobbie as they came forward at the first opportunity.

They were a little more bold in their attempts to squeeze through the slowly-but-surely gathering crowd, the slim feline slipping inside in time to catch the introduction of the little bundles at her side. With a soft, excited breath drawn in, a wide smile spread itself across Sparrowsong's features. Weedkit and Fluffykit.

"They're so cute, Butterflytuft, Dandelionwish!" they exclaimed quietly, round eyes flicking to each of the family members in turn. They were new life, and look at their little ears...

Paws once again tapping upon the earth, the chocolate tabby stilled them to take a small step forward and crouch down, expression gentle but bright while they gazed at the little bundles. "They're so sweet," they murmured.



It's been nearly a quarter moon since he'd helped Butterflytuft into the nursery, since he'd heard the cries of his sister's kits enter the world. Greeneyes, like most of SkyClan, has yet to meet the two newest memories of his family — those who will know him as their uncle — but with good reason.

Butterflytuft needed her rest, of course, and the young lead wasn't going to intrude, to crowd around his eldest sister if she wasn't feeling up for visitors.

But when the tortoiseshell is ready, Greeneyes is there at the first opportunity to visit, following the small crowd of family and friends toward the nursery with excitement in his step, a bounding stride more akin to his apprentice days. His wariness toward the fallen tree is forgotten, defenseless against the sheer anticipation of finally getting to meet SkyClan's youngest members.

A snow-masked face cranes to peer into the nursery, his gaze brightening as he spots his sister, and the two bundles at her side. Small, and still so new to this world, Greeneyes doesn't know if he's ever really seen kits this small. One dark in color, one patchworked.

"Oh, Butterflytuft," he says, trying his best to keep his awestruck voice down, "They're perfect. Congratulations, you two!" Though he grins at his sister and her mate, nerves begin to bite at his excitement — a worry that one wrong step would stir them from their peace, would mark their first impression of him in disaster, though they're too young to ever remember this moment.

Weedkit and Fluffykit, Butterflytuft introduces the duo as, and he finds them perfect for Butterflytuft and Dandelionwish, for their new family. It suits them, fits them more than any name he could've come up with. Gingerly, the tom steps forward to get a closer look as he meets his niece and nephew.

"Hello, Weedkit and Fluffykit! I'm Greeneyes, your uncle!" he mews softly in greeting toward the newborn pair, despite being uncertain of whether they can hear him or not. Later, when the kits are more aware of their surroundings, he'll have to introduce himself again, he's sure, but it feels like too important of a moment to omit such a greeting, an introduction.

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    Daisyflight x Raven Ramble
    — AMAB; He/Him
    — A red tabby and white tom with bright green eyes.
    — Mentored by Sheepcurl; Currently mentoring Falconpaw
    — "Speech"; Attack

    : * — Born into SkyClan's first litter, Greeneyes is a bright tom with an affinity for the world around him. Despite always seeking to be kind to others, the warrior believes he's cursed - a belief brought on by rhetoric that green is a deadly color.

Butterflytuft, being a close friend of his, earned quite a lot of Twitchbolt's attention. When he looked to his own future with Quillstrike, there were no kits there- even if it was possible, he likely wouldn't have had any faith in himself anyway- but it didn't much matter to him, anyway. To know that there were kits being born whose parents loved them, whose parents wanted them, it was enough for him. Since Butterflytuft and Dandelionwish's litter had been born, Twitchbolt's thoughts had often drifted to Daisyflight- how proud she would be, watching over them. And he knew she was. In the blue light of the moon there was a tinge of green, the kind-yet-stern gaze of his mentor that he knew would be looking out for these kits above all else.

"You're both so lucky," Twitchbolt said, a soft smile in his softer voice. He hushed himself, knowing the scraping fray of his tone often got pitchy and irritating. It was difficult not to imagine what kind of cats Weedkit and Fluffykit would grow into; whether they'd be resilient like their father, reserved like their mother, kindhearted like them both.
penned by pin ✧
She’s Fluffykit now, and it has been six days since she’s entered the world. She wriggles blindly toward her mother, burrowing as deep as she can in puffy tortoiseshell fur—and she feels a vague wave of muted, nameless anxiety as other presences fill the nursery. It's not a complex emotion—it is based purely on her desire to nurse and slumber in comfort and peace.

There are noises, some low and soft, some sharp and high, but her ears are not quite open—and she cannot comprehend them as voices yet, none but the purring vibrations that her mother emits in her direction sometimes. She is introduced to her Clanmates, but she is not aware of anything but a vague change in the room she nurses in.

, ”
𓆝 . ° ✦The tiny, indignant black kitten now bears the name Weedkit. The source of his name represents something meaningful- the resilience and persistence of his father- though he does not know these things yet. He doesn't even know he has just been named. The world is so muffled. He can hear, but only barely. Words do not reach Weedkit or make any sense. The feeling he has is simple: frustration.

The little black kit mewls in displeasure at the sudden increase in volume overhead as many praises and congratulations are given to his mother. He searches for the safe familiarity of his mother, seeking to burrow into her warm tortoiseshell fur.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:

    longhaired black tomcat with low white spotting. born 11/9/23 and ages realistically 1 week every Thursday. Follow along with his growth here!

Roseblaze had explained to her that soon they would not be the youngest kits in the nursery. Or well, she had explained it to her. She is not entirely certain if Pumpkinkit had understood. They never seemed to understand much of anything. But Springkit kinda did. There was just them and Howlfire's kits right now, but soon there would also be Butterflytuft's kits. Ans then one day there they were. A bunch of adults had rushed into the nursery while Springkit had stood outside of it with her mother and her sibling and when they went back in, there they were. They had materialized into existence. She does not get too close, her mothers words of waning ringing in her head, but she does peer at them from a safe distance, curiosity unable to be contained.

There are so many grown ups here! Their presence is a bit overwhelming, if she is honest but she is SO brave. Her mother had told her so the other day. "When can I play with them?" she asks whoever was closest, a slight whiny pitch to her voice as she looks upon Fluffykit and Weedkit. They were so little right now, so boring!

A blush touches her cheeks at the crowd of cats pushing to get a look at the her kits. Typically, she doesn't much like being the center of attention and often hides away or goes silent if she ever finds herself in such a place. But this is different. She feels at ease as friends and family coo and gather, her chest fluttering with pride and love. "Thank you," She murmurs to Howlfire, face scrunching with a genuine smile. She has enjoyed sharing her time in the nursery with Blazestar's daughter; plus, helping with her kits has been good practice for her own!

She giggles a bit to Bobbie, "It was a lot of pressure. We talked about a lot of names; I'm just glad it's over." Sparrowsong, Greeneyes, and Twitchbolt all exclaim their congratulations and praise, and she beams back at them happily. "Thank you all. I'm so happy you're all here to meet them." Greeneyes leans down to introduce himself as their uncle and she purrs with joy. In just a moon, she can imagine them toddling about his paws playing with him.

As Weedkit mewls, she leans down to nudge him closer to his sister, who nurses quietly at her belly. Springkit pipes up asking when she can play with them, and the queen offers her an amused chuckle. "Not until they're a little bigger. But they'll get there soon," She trills kindly to the she-kit.

Howlfire smiles contentedly when Butterflytuft thanks her. "Well, if you ever need someone to watch them, know that I'd be happy to do so," Howlfire offered with a smile. Butterflytuft had been plenty helpful with her own kits, and Howlfire would be keen to return the favour.

Other cats file in and Howlfire steps back into the nursery a bit, allowing other cats to crowd around and coo at the newest members of SkyClan. Springkit asks when she can play with them and Howlfire can't help but chuckle. Like her own kits, Springkit is a bit too big at the moment./font]

|―――――――――――――――――| (()) |―――――――――――――――――|
Cats were swarming the nursery today, and Pumpkinkit watched alongside Springkit with wide and curious eyes. They were all gathered around Butterflytuft, smiling and mouthing and gazing down at the little tiny kits that had shown up not too long ago.

When its sibling shuffled forward it did too, not far from her side. Why were they all looking at the kits? Maybe they had gotten bigger. Not big enough to leave the nursery, no doubt. They had to be as big as Pumpkinkit and Springkit first. Roseblaze wouldn't let them otherwise, and from the looks of it, they weren't big enough by a long shot.

As mismatched eyes squinted down at the little furballs curled at Butterflytuft's belly, Pumpkinkit wondered if they wanted to play. Wasn't it boring, laying there and sleeping all day? Pumpkinkit always wanted to run around.

Creeping toward the edge of the nest with a growing smile of anticipation, a paw tentatively reached out toward one of the kits, hovered, then swatted down to bap them upon the head.
|――――――――――――――| (()).....
  • // OOC
  • (( pumpkinkit )) of skyclan, sibling to springkit ; npc x npc
    ↳ its/they/any pronouns, doesn't care about gendered terms
    ↳ AGAB undefined ; intersex ; gender unlabeled, it does not yet understand the concept
    currently 2 moons old, ages every 1st
    completely deaf. unlikely to understand anything said with words alone.
    ↳ this is not currently known, most just believe it to be quiet or slower to develop speech
    likely to respond to situations based on the expressions of others.

    a scruffy, shorthair chimera kitten that is a distinct and striking combination of glossy black fur and bold red stripes. it has bright, mismatched yellow and copper eyes. for its age, pumpkinkit is of average height. it smells of dry leaves and springkit.
For awhile, Fluffykit is content to nurse. Her brother’s mewls of displeasure are far away, muffled, but she can feel the vibrations and the distress coming from his body. She squirms, discontented, and then lets out a surprised and shrill “MEW?” as something descends upon her head. Pressure, sudden and unwelcome, infiltrates her sanctuary, violates her comfort. Fluffykit cries again, shrill, wriggling to get away from the intrusion upon her person.

, ”
Butterflytuft sends a sincere blink and purr in Howlfire's direction, eternally grateful for the other queen's helpfulness. Really, she isn't sure what she'd do if she had to do this alone! The other's advice is always appreciated. Her eyes shift down as she notices movement approaching her stomach, eyes crinkling in amusement as Pumpkinkit stalks her kits. They swing a paw out to bap her daughter on the head, and she can't help the soft chuckle as Fluffykit mewls in displeasure. "They're too young to play, Pumpkinkit," She reminds the small child, shifting so her tail blocks them from reaching her newborns. It isn't to be mean, but she does want to keep them sheltered from anything that may accidentally cause them discomfort. "When they're older, you can play with them." It's the same she had told Springkit, but she remains patient, knowing they're just children who don't know any better.
𓆝 . ° ✦ Oh... What a wonderful part of life.
Circe couldn't remember when she was that small. Maybe never. Her kithood hadn't been as kind as the one she hoped these kits would have. Freedom to run and play in the forest. To hunt and earn their keep. And now - now rogues would threaten them. One glance at their little paws, and she couldn't help but want some of her own. Lonleyness panged in Circe's stomach. Hollow. She had no one but her brother. That was fine. It was more then she used to have.
Shoving her thoughts aside, Circe smiled widley at the kittens. "Aw, such perfect names. Soon they'll be out and about - causing trouble haha"
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
    Once a rather pretty brown smoked molly, Circe is unnaturally lithe and is missing large chunks of her fur. She has an oddly muscular and feminie build and small paws. — physically easy && mentally easy — Attempting to learn Sky Clan's ways — NPC x NPC : Sibling to Duskpool, Shadowfire and Smokefang