pafp I LOVE YOU ♥ post confession

A small hunting trip had been successful, a trout hung from her maw. Supposedly, she had a day to rest but she decided to be useful after a personal talk with an endearing feline. A bright smile lifted her lips, which was nearly impossible to see whenever she entered camp. She didn't even look around to see if any of her clanmates took note of her oddly brightened mood. It was as if she was a completely different character.

Petalnose set her kill down and traded it out for her new mate's favorite fish, entirely forgetting her own need. She settled under a Willow tree, mixmatched eyes flickering towards Aspenhaze if they had kept following her. She settled the fish down in front of them, a purr joining her excited smile. She then picked up a small pink flower budding near the willow, examining it first and then promptly aiming to place it behind their ear. "For the blooming of this relationship and the beauty of your character." She mused intimately, trying her best to be poetic. She looked upon her newly made mate in admiration and love, though nervousness of the new relationship still made her paws shake occasionally despite her confident and tall posture.

She had zoned out the rest of those who were paying attention to the interaction, neither did she ever really care who was watching her despite feeling eyes upon her like the unforgiving heat of green leaf.

Aspenhaze had her full attention, feeling as if she couldn't leave her eyes off of them. Her heart had still felt as if it was thudding out of her chest from their confession amongst the rising sun. Though, she still held the bravery of a fledging in a windstorm. The patched molly was comforted by their presence since the day they first properly got to know each other under the light fall of rain. She was unashamed to show she belonged to someone other than herself. She trusted them to handle her mending heart. Gentle she would be with them, loving- she promised herself like the soothing brush of a nights breeze.

"Tonight will be a rest of peace; celebration. No sleep troubles except for the thrill of being together. If we can't sleep, I feel a night swim will be just as peaceful." She planned, a glitter of excitement in her gaze as she chatted on. "Oops, maybe that's too much here?" A purr was joined with a mischievous smirk, finally gazing up to see any nosy clanmates, then back to her mate for their response.

// wait for @Aspenhaze to post :3

  • Love
Reactions: Aspenhaze
Catching fish to bring back to the pile felt like a minuscule task after their confession to Petalnose, as it was something Aspenhaze knew they were good at, unlike being open with their feelings. The euphoria carried them through their hunt even so, as well as showing in their stride back to camp next to the cat they loved. It’s an unusual feeling to be sure, but not unwelcome by any means. Just being by her side made them feel at ease, and even more so now that they were actually mates.

Petalnose grabs a gorgeous rainbow trout from the pile for them to eat, and Aspenhaze is sure it’s because it’s their favorite. It was very apparent after the hunting game and one of their prior interactions, but they still can’t help but be warmed by the attention to detail.

They feel even more adoration as the she-cat picks up a pink flower and puts it behind their ear, and her attempt to wax poetic makes them tear up a bit.
“Thank you. I’ll have to find an even more gorgeous pink flower to gift to you, dear.” Dear…it’s a nice loving term that they can’t wait to call her more. And they’ll have way more opportunities, they think as they brush their tail against her with renewed purpose.

They laugh at her lighthearted attempt to cheer them up further, not caring in the slightest that there might be any cats around to see them. While they most definitely wouldn’t admit they’re a couple out loud unless asked first, that doesn’t mean they care to slow down any forms of affection.

“It’s not too much. I’d be happy even if you screamed it out for everyone to hear. But yes, may our night tonight be full of joy instead of sorrow. Anything to make you happy.”
  • Love
Reactions: Petalnose
( tags ) Well I'll be. Looks like my wish came true. Pikesplash had been watching them initially not too far from them, finishing up his own salmon. He tried to be discreet but he almost choked on his meal when he heard Petalnose utter sweet nothing to Aspenhaze. Now, it didn't take long for him to realize that Aspen and Petal were mates because they were practically announcing it to the whole clan with how open they were being. He was not disgusted by it, but it still was new and strange to see Petalnose in a different light. After all, she was like a sister to him who spat biting words and teased him. To see his sister so enamored by Aspen, like grossly (it was not gross) enamored was surprising. To be honest he could not believe this was the same Petalnose he knew because from how she confided in him some moons ago, she didn't believe she would love again. She didn't think anyone would see her inner beauty much less accept her as she was. He would not be bringing that up to Aspenhaze because that was something between them and if Petalnose had something to say, then it should be between her and Aspen.

In any case he would do his duty as an older brother and pad over to the pair when he had finished his salmon. He didn't know Aspen too well, but he would hazard a guess and say he would have to learn more about them because of his bond with Petalnose. Although, he would prefer not to be a third wheel all the time. I don't think they would do that, but if they did... I'm going to weeping inside. Anyhow he would dip his head in greeting to both of them before looking at Petalnose directly. She seemed to be fully ensnared by Aspen so he couldn't help but laugh, "Ehhh? Is this the totally not soft Petalnose I know? Last I checked she totes was not in love or had a mate. Couldn't tell your brother huh?" He isn't sure she is paying much attention to him, but he wouldn't be offended. After all, she's in love. He has wished all those moons ago that she would find love and if it was too much of request let her find someone who accepted her.

He couldn't help himself from playfully shaking his head before turning his attention to Aspenhaze. "Not sure if congrats is the right word here, but I'm happy for both of you. Oh and I bet I know what would make Petal over the moon right now. If you go on your night swim..." A smirk would be etched across his face. One could only assume what the heck he had on his mind. All he did was draw near Aspenhaze and would whisper in their ear, "Get her a Carp. Carp are her favorite." After giving that bit of information Aspen might have already known, he draws away and gives the other warrior some space. The reason why he brought it up to Aspen was to help them. It wasn't like it was a bad thing! All he wanted was Petalnose to be happy and he guessed now that meant Aspenhaze included. They were mates now after all!
  • Haha
Reactions: Petalnose
If the stars themselves could roll over in embarrassment, Lichentail was certain there were several ancestors that would've.

It is a gagging amount of love and honey and oozing words that dripped with affection. It was gross. Not in any mean-spirited way but in the way that it made Petalnose sickeningly sweet and cheerful and pointedly not Petalnose. Maybe Petalheart suited her more now.

Opting not to get her head bit off by making that joke, the blue point wandered over only after Pikesplash had already interjected. He commented something about wishing he'd known, a razing meant for the bi-color lead that clearly showed the strength of their friendship too. Aspenhaze was equally enamored and was not nearly as worried about showing it, murmuring how they may as well announce it to the entire forest... eugh. Love.

How often did that go well?

A sour twist in her belly was all the acknowledgement she cared to give that memory.

They ought to be happy for them. That was the appropriate response. "With a molly like Petalnose, your entire lives will be a wonderful adventure," they mewed warmly, offering as sincere a smile as they could. "Have to admit I'm surprised- I didn't think there was anyone on this side of the river that could keep up with her but Aspenhaze you have caught yourself something special."

The words of Aspenhaze made her face heat up, excitement and anxiety continuing to build up in her tall frame, swaying lightly side to side, "Is that a challenge I hear, my love..?" She purred in a flirtatious manner, eyes glinting alight of playfulness. She smirked at the acceptance of her invitation, lowering her head to whisper in their ear as she heard oncoming pawsteps in their direction, "I agree. The details of which part of the territory I'll speak in private. Don't want any interuptions to tease us like little kits."

Petalnose didn't quite honestly expect anyone to approach despite the attention her change of character brought and their affection towards each other. Some would find it gross and annoying she knew, but quite frankly, the she-cat never cared about anyone's thoughts. None of it mattered to her. Infact, it only made her more appreciative of Aspenhaze. Her last love interest had made her hide their interactions, broke her trust and sliced her heart into tiny pieces. It made her trust her new mate even more, love them even more. It was proof she could trust them.

Pikesplash was the one she had caught sound of, her gaze breaking to meet his and scowled immediately at the mention of her being soft. Although, the mention of being a family figure in her life made her lower her guard and turn to joke, "Heh, soft. I thought I've proved you wrong already with that statement. Aspenhaze is just an exception, don't get your mind twisted in weeds. Ahem-.. Your sister was caught off guard actually, it was sudden. We just came back from it actually." She teased, wrinkling her nose in his direction. Pikesplash then moved to whisper something into Aspenhaze's ear, blinking curiously but pushing down her urge to be nosy. "Better not be planning something against me. You know I don't leave things without consequence." Her eyes narrowed but it was evident the molly was still joking. The fake frown plastered upon her lips lightened, shaking her head and clicking her tounge.

Then there was Lichentail, which had suprised her. Her head cocked to the side lightly in inquisitive nature, listening to what she had to say or tease as Pikesplash had. She groaned at her words, "Scaring away a rarity such as love for me, huh? I think Aspenhaze knew what they were putting their paws into since we properly met. I agree, beautiful adventures we'll enjoy together." Petalnose remembered back to when she had snapped upon an apprentice for clumsy paws making victim of her. Aspenhaze had almost seemed to find humor or even relatability upon her reaction, how that somehow brought them to deep conversation and budding of friendship. Then there was their hunting patrol together, turning into laughing fits and a sort of spar with water. Before they had even properly met, her flaming temper came to burn for witnesses when Lichentails own sibling humiliated her in a sense. She could only guess Aspenhaze knew of her well, even if the fire of her character was in a sense tamed when it came to them.

She looked to her mate in confirmation but she was positive they both knew each other on a deeper level than the surfaces of social reputation. She believed Aspen knew how to keep up with her ever so fiery nature, it only made it of ease for her to keep up with them.

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What was this? Did greenleaf make the flowers bloom with lovesickness and kitten fever? Ravensong watched as another one of RiverClan's fiercest become twitter-pated. Not offended certainly, he could even say he was happy for Petalnose (whom he saw as a troublesome older sibling most of the time) since she and Aspenhaze seemed well-suited for each other, which was more than Ravensong could say for his own lack of romance in his life.

The medicine cat waited until the two cats got close, praises and congratulations raining on their ears from their Clanmates—Lichentail, Pikesplash—yes it was something to celebrate. Still, he found it entirely amusing to see Petalnose like this. Hence his scene.

"Ack!" Ravensong keeled over suddenly, fake-dry-heaving with a hidden smirk on his face. "Ough, sorry Aspenhaze..." Really, with how honey-sweet they were being with each other, no one cat could doubt they would spend many moons together. He was relying on his holy status as medicine cat to save his ears from a Petalnose-enforced cuff for his antics. She'd know.