sensitive topics I love you so ☮ Hiding prey


He wears your grandad's coat!
Nov 13, 2023
*+:。.。 TW for mentions of Snowflakekit and cats going hungry <3

Hunting has always been a thrilling sport. Anything that involves the potential of coming out a winner or failing as a loser is fated to get any normal cat's heart pumping.
During the different seasons, the stakes are much lower, making that competitive itch to end every hunt in success more bearable- more like a tickle. During leaf-bare, however, it feels as though Silverbreath's short coat has become infested with biting, blood-sucking fleas. He feels them digging through his skin. Feels them tearing at his flesh and letting the cold seep deeper and deeper, past his uselessly thin fur and straight into his bones where, even then, he feels those fleas take chunks out of his marrow.
Every failure to bring prey home feels like another flea has trespassed on his person. Or like a flea has evolved into a tick, or transformed into a leech, sucking more and more out of his very soul. Every failed hunt means he not only loses a much-needed meal ticket, but a chunk of his strength, another sliver of his dwindling reserves of heat. He's losing patience, especially with the critical growls of an empty stomach following him everywhere he goes. He can feel himself being eaten from the inside out.

In truth, Silverbreath doesn't hate warriors eating last. Still, it's only natural that he can help the saliva pooling into his mouth when he looks at the queens, elders, and kits, wishing to starclan he didn't have to watch his meager hunting be taken from his chattering jaws. Even if the rule was logical. Even so, Silverbreath would rather die than yank a morsel out of the hungry mouths of the clan's most vulnerable... No, Silverbreath would never ask for the rule to be changed...but it hurts more than words can express when it's his mate and child who are left hungry because of it.

Silverbreath is humble enough to admit he's not the most selfless. It took a miracle to get the tom to stay and support his mate and kit instead of hitting the road to avoid his responsibilities, so calling him a saint would be a huge disservice. And while it's not necessarily for his benefit that he debates what he's debating now, he certainly wouldn't call it a selfless one.

I caught something.

The warrior stares, his breath coming out in foggy puffs as he struggles to catch his breath. Beneath his paws, a freshly killed shrew steams lightly into the frozen air. It's deliciously warm, the taste of its blood on his lips makes his stomach snarl with ravenous fury. He wants to eat. It's so warm beneath his paws, it'll surely thaw the ice that's stiffening his bones. It's so meaty, that it'll surely bring him back to a healthy weight instantaneously. It's so full of all the protein and nutrients he's been lacking that he'll surely have enough energy to hunt for eons after he takes that last bite. could do all of that and more for Carp-paw.

Silverbreath swallows thickly, lifting his head to look around the quiet, frosted forest. He'd gone out hunting with a patrol but had wandered far enough away that surely no-one would stumble upon him anytime soon. Perhaps...perhaps....he dizzily considers, he could just...hide this measly little shrew in a bush, or deep in a hole, and tell his patrol he found nothing, just like the usual. And perhaps later, under the cover of dusk, he can sneak his daughter - maybe even his mate, Shadepool - and let them share the shrew away from the judgemental eyes of their clanmates. After all, when was the last time either of them had eaten? Surely they deserved something. Surely it couldn't hurt...just this once...?

His paws sting as he begins to dig. The earth is half-frozen but gives anyway to his frantic clawing. If he can just hide it quickly and all the evidence that he'd ever caught anything at all, then it'll be fine. He'll feed his family and the clan will be none the wiser. No one gets hurt.
But as he claws at the earth, he thinks achingly of Snowflakekit...of his little siblings and exhausted mother. Silver's clattering teeth grind with shame, but he can't bring himself to stop digging.

I'm sorry, he thinks, sending a prayer to Starclan and it's most recent, far too-young resident, begging the child and all those who'd perished to the cold before him for forgiveness, but I have to do this.

The hole has been dug. It's too deep to imply he's only going to bury it until the patrol is over. Any cat who sees this would surely guess Silverbreath's intentions. But the tom cat is too focused on the fleas-ticks-leeches- that suck away pieces and chunks of his soul to notice the crunch of snow behind him. He's already picking up the shrew, already ready to hide it from his clanmates, when he's caught red handed -

    DMAB— He/Him — Bisexual
    35 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Father to Carp-paw, Mentoring Goldenpaw
    Riverclan — Warrior

    Physically hard | mentally hard
    Attack in bold #7d7d7d
    injuries: None currently
Last edited:

The code was taken seriously and Smokestars firm reminder of it had rung deep in Petalnose's head. Her sensations fought and screamed loudly but she fought harder with self control and stubbornness. Her clan must eat first. They were hungry too. Some more than others...

The sight of Silverbreath attempting to bury his evidence of catch made her fur prickle. This was for none other than himself she would assume, a selfish pluck in her eyes. Shame. The lead warrior was immediate to bring it, "What do you think you're doing!?" She interupted, exhaustion clinging underneath her eyes but her fire danced with as much strength. The scene made her furious. Enough for heat to spiral within her body, nipping the chill she suffered against within the patrol. "Don't you know there is others back home needing this!? I will watch you bring this to one of our needy. I don't think I can trust you anymore than a blink with it. Now." Her tail tip motioned in direction of camp along with her growl of warning, a step closer into his space in attempts to drive him away from the action. This was ridiculous. It was selfish. Even when she knew the uncomfortable feeling that settled within their bodies, even when she knew his struggle; she still could not truly understand it. The tom was near her own age, it was something he had to experience before. It was something he had to be used to.

⸙͎。˚⋆ ⍋ ѧѦ ѧ⍋ ⸙͎。˚⋆

The formation of laws, order, the way that clans operated on a managerial level, these were things that a king should be aware of. Valepaw understands, in concept, that a prince is meant to assume that title someday, that there is a natural progression from 'learning' to 'enacting' but the process for which they came to these conclusions, that they founded these rules, was still lost to fresh eyes, a wild heart.

Silverbreath, to naive eyes, was an upstanding, kind citizen... he did his duty, was competent enough at necessary skills... was not exemplary by any means but was just himself. That was the way of the majority, nothing to be ashamed of or bored by, they needed the regularity to survive... there was an 'average' for a reason. Not everyone could exceed in every skill, they could not be the frigid fighter named after her icy exterior... could not be the lone star, whose single eye gleamed a beacon for his clan to find their way through the dark. It was totally fine to succeed in being... regular.

Valepaw hoped that at the very least, he would not be an absolute burden.... that he might hold a crumb to the dark-furred champion he called brother.

When he stands there, fur left billowing in the harsh winter winds, the boy hardly recognizes the chill in his paws, half buried in snow. That pale, striped citizen leans down with his legs tearing at the cold, stiff dirt like someone overcome with savage, primal fear. Is he trying to hide himself away maybe? Like the cicadas do... they dig under the dirt to be safe, waiting until the warmth of spring coaxes them out. He is not old enough to remember their hissing summer song... only their funerary silence.

The grating of claws on hardened earth are the loudest sound around... paired with the panting, hitched breaths of someone who seems afraid.

When Petalnose appears the stillness is shattered by a searing redness of sound- her voice is high, angry, shaking with a frustration that he doesn't understand. What is so wrong... with what Silverbreath is doing? He was a kind tom... had reassured a timid boy that the water would not kill him despite his fears... he was not someone capable of doing bad. Green and gold waver in their fixated gaze, an uncomfortable knot in his stomach matching the struggling cogs of his brain. How could a kind feline... be willing and able to do something so selfish... so wrong?

"How..... could you....?"

It's all he can think to ask. He wants to understand so desperately.


/// mentor tag @Redpath

Everyone was hungry, starving for food. Perchberry too was hungry and he had just become a warrior and some would say it was in the absolute worst time because he was further back on the list now with other hungry mouths standing before his own. So there was no way it benefit him to become a warrior now in this desperate times. But he honestly didn't think about it in that way. Even if he was hungry always tried to think about those who needed it more. In time like these not everything could be fair for everyone.

So while he could understand why Silverbreath was about to break this rule they where clinging onto to keep the clan running he also believed them to be selfish. He would think a cat like Silverbreath would know better to be used to desperate times like this and not give in to hunger. But at the same time he didn't want to judge to harshly. Maybe there was a reason for what Silverbreath was doing?. He could just as well be hiding the prey so he could search for more food and return later for it?. It was not uncommon to do. Perchberry himself had been teached to do the same from Wavepool. It could be an useful strategy at times.

So he would spare his judgement until Silverbreath had been given a chance to explain himself. It could all be a misunderstanding...he hoped it was. It gave him anxiety just thinking that some of their warriors might hide away prey for themselves when kits where starving back at camp. Kits who put their trust in them to provide and protect them. Biting down on his lip, the black and white tom stood a bit back to just observe what unfolded in front of him. Smokestar for sure would be pissed if a warrior was breaking the rules like this. Just thinking about the one-eyed leader made him shiver. scary.

*+:。.。 Although Silverbreath had sworn his allegiance to Riverclan, his true loyalties would always remain fickle. In truth, Silverbreath was, and possibly always would be, a runner. The marsh colony wasn't his first home, and he'd thought at one point that it wouldn't be the last. That was, until he met Shadepool and they had Carp-paw together. Those two changed everything for least, he'd thought they did. But some habits die hard, or rework themselves into a whole new kind of wrong. Selfishness is still selfishness even if it's for another person.

So when Petalnose catches him, Silverbreath can't find it in himself to be ashamed. No, he's irritated he'd gotten caught. More so than that, his mind is already spinning with ideas on how he could get away with it next time. For as long as the leaf-bare remains barren and his mate and kit hungry, he'll find a way.

That being said, he's not exactly proud of losing Petalnose's trust. A snappish, brooding woman, but one you knew you could fight beside and she'd have your back. He'd been curious about what it would take to befriend the molly, fondly recalling their clumsy time together on the ice. But the fact remained simple - he would always put his family above the rest in a crisis. He wondered if Petalnose would, too, if she had any kits. Perhaps not. But she's a much more selfless cat than Silverbreath could ever be.

In the very least, he wouldn't lie to her. With a disappointed flick of his paw to wipe off the dirt he'd churned up, the warrior would turn to face Petalnose with a rueful smile. "What can I say, leaf-bare makes our bodies weak and our hearts weaker" he tilts his head to the side, sheepishly adding, "Or is that just me?"

He wasn't planning on telling Petalnose the real reason he'd wanted to hide the prey. It didn't matter in the grand scheme of things - he was hiding prey for the express purpose of keeping it out of the mouths of the cats who - to Riverclan anyway - needed it most. Carp-paw and Shadepool's names did not need to be disparaged for Silverbreath's crime. Especially when he was planning on doing it again.

But Valepaw's wide, confused eyes, watery with hurt and betrayal, break something in Silverbreath's soul. Suddenly, it's not just Petalnose who's disappointed, but cats like Valepaw. Other little ones just like Carp-paw who haven't a foolish dad like Silverbreath to sneak prey their way - or rather, steal prey from their mouths to give to Carp-paw. And all at once he thinks back to Snowflakekit. To Riverkit, Shellkit, and Pebblekit. To Snowflakekit's remaining siblings.
Stars, how can he possibly look Valepaw in the eye, after promising the tom that Silverbreath could be trusted enough to hold him above water, and tell him that Carp-paw's life mattered more than his.
Did it?
Did they matter more than Petalnose's, and the other warriors, queens, apprentices, kits...?

His ears lower against his head, his smile strains, and says, "I thought someone else deserved it more" The weight of the admittance makes his shoulders sag, and though he opens his mouth to apologize, the words 'i'm sorry' feel like bile on his tongue. It didn't feel like enough. But the alternative was to admit he was wrong, tell Valepaw that his life wasn't in any way lesser than anyone elses', not ever.
But in that same breath, he'd have to continue living in a world where he passed right by his mate and daughter to deliver his hard-earned catch to someone else's hungry family. Watch the two he'd sworn to protect wither, the threat of wasting away before New-leaf finally bloomed filling Silverbreath with so much fear he could hardly stand it.
He wanted so badly to tell Valepaw that he was wrong. That no one deserved anything more than him.

But he couldn't.

Not when it was his precious little girl and his beautiful mate.

"I'm sorry" he chokes. And though the words wouldn't ever be enough, he at least meant it. He's sorry for his selfishness.
And he's sorry he can't bring himself to regret it.

    DMAB— He/Him — Bisexual
    35 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Father to Carp-paw, Mentoring Goldenpaw
    Riverclan — Warrior

    Physically hard | mentally hard
    Attack in bold #7d7d7d
    injuries: None currently
  • Sick
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There was no defending this. There was no protecting her friend- there was no excuses. There was not a single thing she could even say. She was the last to arrive, seeing the pile of snow and dirt to the side of a silver and black warrior.

Petalnose stood before him, and she knew it was too late for him. She knew there was no take backs. She knew that there was only defeat which laid so plainly in his gaze. At least, at this point when she had arrived to the scene.

I thought someone else deserved it more.

Blue gaze was saddened, her head drifting to Valepaw who seemed not angry like the lead warrior, but disappointed. Disappointment was even worse than anger. A small gulp escaped the long furred she-cat, her head ducking a bit and her paw nervously digging at the ground beneath her.

If she knew the situation, if she had children of her own, if she worried about their unfilled stomachs- would she do the same? she couldn't say she wouldn't, she couldn't say she'd desperately do whatever she could to make sure they were okay- but she knew not the reason besides that... that he had done this for someone in particular.

someone he had worried about enough to risk his own safety.

the lilac warrior had moved her gaze away for some time while she pondered on what was being said, on the actions that were being confronted. he was still her friend. but.. what could she say to make any of this better?

the mouths he wanted fed would get fed... shed.. she'd have to make sure of it. her gaze lifted to silverbreaths from behind the other two, and she gave him a flick of an ear and an expression of sympathy- hoping he would get them memo to talk to her later. she didn't want it to be too obvious she would help him as best as she could...

  • Sad
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