I LOVE YOU SO | Falconpaw


May 3, 2023

Apprentice of Thunderclan

— Tom | AMAB
— 7 Moons old | 2/3/23
— Cream and white tabby tom with blue eyes
— As a kit he was born healthy and plump, he was a little ball of striped fur with all too big paws that he stumbled over all to often. He was full of vitality and a squiggly thing often falling before walking yet never giving up regardless. With time he'd grow into his big paws and like many thunderclan cats he's large in comparison to many cats his age, he's tall and broad shouldered and would be far more imposing if he didn't so often stalk and lumber around it's uncommon to see the young tom standing tall. Though even hunched he's quite the opposite of his sister, she is about the only one he'll make himself stand tall near whenever playfully taunting her.
In many ways he resembles his mother though instead of bright orange fur he's a pale shade of cream; like dirt dappled in sunlight crossed with slightly darker stripes. His fur only broken up by plumes of white fur along his tummy hind-paws and the easily identifiable tip of his bushy fox-like tail that he inherited from Flamewhisker.
His eyes are a blueish green twinge of color and they stand out greatly whenever he lets anyone get a good look at them.
Often bows his head down especially when talking to his superiors, he tries to be a respectful little man.
- Falconpaw like his sister has the immense pressure of living up to the glory of his two parents and finding a place for himself within his clan while continuing his families legacy, though it's evident the two littermates are as different as they come in how they tackle this enormous task. Falconpaw is a quiet, studious youth he's well mannered and soft spoken and can be described as timid towards many of his peers and more so his superiors. He is the type to grin and bare it and does his best to not let a complaint be heard spoken from his maw, he doesn't often speak about his feelings and can come off as incredibly stoic and boring to other apprentices - he often won't join them when it comes to games or goofing around fearful that it'd make himself look bad or take away from time he could be using being helpful. He always wants to be of service, providing for his clan is his greatest joy and he will sacrifice his own mental and physical well being at the worst of times to do just that. He's so focused on making a good impression and being a good valued 'mature' apprentice that he so often forgets that he like his peers is a young apprentice who wants to have fun as well.
If anyone can bring a different far more kittish side of him out it's his sister; from an early age they've always been competitors (though he sees it as entirely friendly - if not very teasing) she is about the only one he will trash talk to. He likes having her as someone to push him as he pushes her, he wants Stormpaw to do her best and is encouraging towards her though like any sibling he's not immune to going to far or getting offended/hurt himself. He loves spending time with her; fighting with her and of course just talking to her she'd likely be his closest if not only friend for the formative moons of their life. He's likely to hide behind her and let her talk for him, relying on her for being more socially inclined and outspoken then he is - it's a crutch for him.
While he may come off as stoic he's not without emotions, no he's a sensitive soul just so often doesn't like letting his peers and those he wants to impress see that side of him. He gets upset, gets emotional about all matters of things from feeling his own struggles of adequacy and not feeling like he fits in with the other apprentices and not quiet being where he wants to be in his training, to the plights of his clanmates and even far more innocuous things as getting emotional whenever he sees a pretty sunset shining through the canopy of the forest. He's far more open about these feelings to his parents and often still tries to stick by them like he never left the nursery in the first place, often going to them for advice or just because he wants affection and someone to listen to how his day went.
As he grows older it's likely through development he'll become much more truly confident and find his own identity and real purpose.
— Like many of his clanmates he has a almost debilitating fear of dogs, he's been trying to get past it he often has nightmares still they persist.
— Will be a more proficient hunter like his father then anything else, he's not very fond or great at fighting regardless of the fact he's naturally strong he's too clumsy and hesitates. He doesn't like the idea of hurting other cats at all.
— Will likely narc on other apprentices if he sees them being bad. He's the kind of kid who asks the teacher to collect homework. Little teachers pet nerd lol
— Easy to get to do whatever you want which is abusable especially for his meaner peers, he does want friends after all and as long as they dont ask him to do anything that will get him in trouble he will do it
"Mom Dad i frew up"
— siblings: Stormpaw, Butterflykit, Lilykit
— cousins: Stormypaw, Cloudypaw, Hailpaw, Pebblepaw
— Mentor: NPC (temp)

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