camp I mean, no disrespect ☄ history lesson


Hot headed!!!!
Nov 2, 2023
*+:。.。 "Hey Fleabounce! You're like, super old, right?" Singekit's voice is as raucous as a morning crow's as he marches his way over to the unusual-tailed molly. Today was another nice day, much better than the long moons of cold he was happy to leave behind him. Though even if those days had been bright and warm, he was happy to have them long past as it meant he was so very close to becoming an apprentice! The boy could practically taste it! Until then though he'd have to satiate his hunger in other ways, as the meeting was still unpredictably far from his reach.
So Fleabounce would be his subject of interest.

"You're like, hundreds of moons older than Shadowclan itself, right? What was it like before Shadowclan?" he pads over and plops himself down beside the she-cat, tilting his head to the side as he awaits her answer. He couldn't imagine a world without Shadowclan, Chilledstar felt as ancient to him as the marshland itself, so to think at one point Chilledstar hadn't even been called Chilledstar was a wild fact to him. Hopefully, Fleabounce had satisfying answers.

    Cismale — He/him — Questioning sexuality
    3 moons — Ages 1 moon every month on the 2nd
    NPC x NPC (brother to Swallowkit)
    Shadowclan — Kit

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold ruddy
    Can be power played just ask
    injuries: None currently

Warmth is quick to find Fleabounce. Amusement and affection mingle pleasantly behind her ribs; she feels the heat of it seep from inward to out. Her eyes crinkle at the corners. Singekit was both unapologetic and unashamed as he sat himself down. Kits only sought Fleabounce if they were curious or bored—or, as was often the case, an untenable combination of the two.

Hundreds of moons?” Fleabounce repeats, her voice placid. A moment passes, and Fleabounce nods, “That sounds correct, yes. I suppose a few dozen of those hundreds of moons have slipped away from me. Before ShadowClan, it was the Marsh Colony. The leader was a black she-cat named Briar. Things hadn’t been as strict. My name was nothing more than Flea, and you would have been called Singe back then.

Her paws fold slowly at her front—a trick to disguise that she is gathering her thoughts, “Has anyone ever told you about the Great Battle? I was… oh, younger by a few hundred moons when it happened.” She smiles, small and pleasant to Singekit.​
  • Haha

[ ༻❄༺ ] Snowpaw had gotten back from training when she overheard the conversation between Singekit and Fleabounce, and the mention how she had been simply named "Flea" back then or some cat named "Briar" that had once led what was called the Marsh Colony, something that made her hum in curiosity before slowly making her way over, finding a spot near Singekit but keeping much distance as possible between the two while looking at the older warrior while blinking her yellow gaze.

"There's no way there was a time where cats were simply just...well Briar or...Flea," that was something of an impossible thought to Snowpaw, and she could not imagine just simply being Snow that sounded...quite boring. Yet she would quiet down to allow Fleabounce to continue her chatter, and somehow she wondered if the senior warrior was going to start making things up or not.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw She/Her, apprentice of Shadowclan, 5 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


The formation of the clans was before his time, he had been a kitten in a cage surrounded by rot and decay after they had been formed and was found eventually discarded in a trashpile by Starlingheart and Pitchstar and taken in with some deliberation. He does not remember much of that day, but he does recall his mentor's voice and the promise of safety and food that had him so readily agree to join them; he was glad he had been found by ShadowClan and not some passing rogue with cruel intentions because he had succinctly served himself up on a platter to be devoured without a thought.
The black and white apprentice hobbles over to Fleabounce, pausing to settle down next to her and tuck his paws under himself to join them in listening in on the tales of the Great War and the clan's humble beginnings. He knew most of it already through Starlingheart, Briarstar had been her mother after all and so there had been plenty of stories told already but he was curious to know what else the older molly could offer especially about the battle itself.

"Loners and rogues still have names like that." He comments to Snowpaw, ears flicking up as he settles his head on the back of the brown she-cat's back lazily to idly check for ticks while he was there, "My name was Trash once." Though it was hard to tell if that had been his name or just what he was called, which were two distinctive things.

  • OOC can go here.

  • dgjzb1y-75361c4e-601a-4b3f-a424-fe26a15fe6df.png
    —⊰⋅ MCA of ShadowClan
    —⊰⋅ He/They
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/a white throat and blue-violet eyes.
    —⊰⋅ Has mild cerebellar hypoplasia (Wobbly cat syndrome)

*+:。.。 The moment is a long one, but Sin holds Fleabounce's stare with an expectant one of his own. Yeah, and? his blue eyes read, before nodding in satisfaction when she agreed with his assessment. "Old cats have bad memories" he offers helpfully, still nodding his head sagely. It must be cool being as old as she is. How many battles has she fought? How many cats has she met, befriended, or opposed? How many - alright, alright, gotta save these questions for Fleabounce lest they give him a concussion with how furiously they smack around in his head.

So the boy scoots closer, firey ears pointed straight up as he hangs on her every word. "Marsh - how come we weren't called Marshclan, then?" he asked, tilting his head to the side. But quickly, he clicks his teeth shut - he's actually capable of it, wow! - as she continues, picturing as best he can in his mind's eyes an ebony she-cat ruling over Shadowclan in Chilledstar's stead.
I mean, it's not that hard since Chilledstar themself is an ebony cat, so maybe just like Chilledstar save for the white spotting? Kinda anticlimactic. "Is Chilledstar Briar's kit?" he asks, breaking his seconds-long vow of silence. He wrinkles his nose at Fleabounce's suggestion, saying, "What so like, I'd only be Singe? But I want to be Singefang! That's so lame - I'm glad Briar didn't get to stay leader! Oh but like - what happened to her?["

Again, he snaps his jaws shut as Fleabounce mentions The Great Battle. Starclan's mightiest shit that sounds cool! Quickly, he shakes his head vigorously, hoping to get Fleabounce to recount the tale lest he die of anticipation!

Temporarily, his attention is nabbed by Snowpaw and Magpiepaw. He rolls his eyes when Snowpaw repeats Sin's question, already opposed to having anything in common with his rival when Magpiepaw shares his insight. "Oh...then how come your name isn't Trashpaw?" Singekit asks, blinking innocently, leaving it up to interpretation if he was genuinely naive or just being a dick.

    Cismale — He/him — Questioning sexuality
    3 moons — Ages 1 moon every month on the 2nd
    NPC x NPC (brother to Swallowkit, Sneezekit)
    Shadowclan — Kit

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold #b8312f
    Can be power played just ask
    injuries: None currently

Curious eyes and ears gather. Fleabounce nods a silent greeting to Snowpaw and Magpiepaw in turn.

It is true,” Fleabounce answers Snowpaw’s disbelief with gentleness, “My mother said I was bigger than a flea when I was born, but that I bit just as hard. But I was never Fleakit or Fleapaw before I became Fleabounce. Now I would say that I was a loner, but before ShadowClan came to be, I didn’t have any title to call myself, and I didn’t realize I had lacked that.” The shift in her name hadn’t felt like such a big change—Fleabounce knew her rabbit’s stride was odd enough to be noteworthy to her peers. It hadn’t been a surprise then, when everyone’s names were altered to honor some aspects of themselves, that Fleabounce’s walk would suddenly be reflected in her own name.

Old cats have bad memories, Singekit informs her, and Fleabounce nods in agreement, “Old cats’ heads get too filled up with things that happened in our lives. There isn’t room for anything new—and so we forget what is new in favor of holding onto the old things. That’s why we keep kittens around. I’m sure you’ll remind me of things from yesterday that I’ve forgotten.” She isn’t young, she’s never been what one would call youthful, but she hasn’t yet reached an age that becoming time-lost would be expected.

Would she live long enough to see that age?

The worry doesn’t crease her expression or cause her to shift—Singekit doesn’t need to see that. He peppers her with questions, and what he needs is for Fleabounce to listen and smile and answer to the best of her memory, and so she does, “A lot of things changed when the clans formed. We became ShadowClan as just one of those changes, because we are the shadows more than we are the marsh,” Perhaps above Singekit’s understanding—did he understand the purpose of a name?—but Fleabounce presses on, “As for Chilledstar—no. Briar became Briarstar, and her kit was named Pitchstar. He was the leader before Chilledstar. The two of them were friends, but Chilledstar isn’t kin to either.

The next question is anticipated, “She died. Pitchstar died, too,” Her plucked voice doesn’t carry the sympathetic look she offers her audience, “It is very dangerous to be a leader, which is why we warriors make a promise to fight for them when we earn our names. I was sad when they died, but mother and son are once more together, in StarClan.

Mentioning the Great Battle gets the expected response—Fleabounce’s smile sharpens, excited. Her placid voice doesn’t change; it comes faster, “It was how the clans formed. Almost every cat who was old enough to swipe their claws was there—and all of them fighting hard enough that the ground was crawling with tufts of pulled-free fur. We fought because we thought it was the right thing to do, at the time. But a lot of us got hurt, and some of us even died—that’s how hard we were fighting. And then suddenly the fighting stopped, because StarClan was there. It was the slain cats, who realized that the reason we had for fighting was no reason to die for.

The excitement leaves her. The change is minute, “Before ShadowClan, or SkyClan, or any of the other clans—StarClan was the first clan. They told us how to make our own, and said it was the right way for us to live, and so we followed what they said.

Magpiepaw’s voice comes to her tinny as he parts through her fur—a comment or question lost to her and given context only when Singekit asks his own question to Magpiepaw. Named Trashpaw—named Trash? Something of it rings familiar—Fleabounce’s eyes flick as she thinks, and then resettles on Singekit.

Sometimes we are named after things that are…accepted to be gross, or undesirable, or bothersome.” Fleabounce speaks as if to Singekit, but knows her words will find their target, “And sometimes that is because whoever named us decided to not accept those things as gross or undesirable or bothersome. But other times we are given such names because the one who gave them was trying to be mean—and when that happens we would rather go by something else. But, I must confess, I would have liked Garbagepaw just as much as I like Magpiepaw. Wouldn’t you?”​
  • Love