border I MIGHT JUST BITE // windclan dusk patrol

Nov 22, 2022
marmotbite & 19 moons & demigirl & she/they/it & windclan tunneler
It is, admittedly, a strange sight that greets shadowclans border tonight. Marmotbite knows she is small - truthfully, more apprentice than warrior at first glance. No matter how much she'd eaten, she'd never quite reached the same heights as even her fellow tunnelers. And to see such a cat leading a patrol? Well, safe to say Marmotbite truthfully does not expect things to go well.

But whether things will end with simple jeers, or with teeth sinking into some swamp-dwellers neck? Only time will tell. Stoic and on edge, the tunneler makes no move to ask her patrol to keep things civil - to play nice. Shadowclan only deserves what respect is given - and truthfully, she fully expects to return the same energy turned their way twofold. Still, she'd rather not be the first to throw blows. Turnabout is always fair play.

" Keep close - things up here are much different, " she warns her apprentice, drawl sharp edged with nerves. To be above ground is far from her favorite thing, and while she trusts her own skills, she does not trust her saftey - nor her apprentices. " In and out - we don' need more injuries, " is all she says to the rest. ANd if they disregard her words? it's hardly her problem.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'
// @ferretpaw @rivewhisper @sparkspirit (@Lakepaw.) @puppypaw
A small frame trails closely behind Marmotbite, watching the nearby Thunderpath with keen eyes. Wild and free, they are - but not today, not by Marmotbite's allowance. Reluctantly, she does what she is told, and stays close - but not without her usual snide remarks. "If you say so, but I'm not scared of them," she'd mutter. Whether or not Marmotbite actually heard was not much of a concern. She'd seem to get away with a lot under her watch.

Soon enough, Ferretpaw's hazel eyes are pointed across the border once more. It looked very different from WindClan's territory, marshy with scarce trees - it looked dead and rotten. Her nose wrinkles. "Stinks over here," she remarks to her mentor, unknowing that the putrid smell comes off the Thunderpath. She wouldn't be surprised if it was her neighbors. "How do they live in that place? It looks so.. sad.."
  • dhafz7m-a2116783-c1e6-44ba-b63a-0d11aae47207.png
    ferretkit FERRETPAW ━━ penned by ixora
    ━━ 6 MOONS,, ages every 31st
    ━━ NPC xx NPC
    ━━ MATE to none | PARENT to none
    ━━ HEALTH ♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎ | ferretpaw is healthy.​
  • 80478082_2zXyCfbKQMdMTjo.png

  • speech is #d98b54

WindClan's borders never seemed to be the most pleasant for Ferndance, but wandering them alongside the actual patrols had become something of a habit for the she-cat. A slight breadth away from the rest of her squad, the ShadowClanner's emerald eyes were the first to spot movement within the yellowed grasses by the Thunderpath. Tension filled her limbs before she reminded herself to take a breath - if they were in front of her, they couldn't be in camp harming her loved ones. The cinnamon tabby made herself known, pressing her reddy-brown fur against the ferns that separated herself and the Thunderpath, popping her head up from the leaves like a ground squirrel. StarClan, what a young-looking patrol.

Her ears twitched at the enemy apprentice's words, a smile forming upon her face as she tilted her head. "Well WindClan seems to like it, you're over here a lot." A bit too much for Ferndance's liking. "I'd invite you over again, but we'd probably rip your faces off and feed them to the crows if you accepted so... maybe... keep to your own borders?" A difficult task for any who held the moorland curse, but with faceripping on the cards for disobeying, Ferndance was sure they could manage it.

[ apprentice tag: @Laurelpaw. ]

She's soooo happy Skyflight had given her permission to accompany the patrol without her. Like, how cool is THAT! What other apprentices would you know that get to go out without their mentor? Puppypaw completely disregards the fact that there are other just as responsible adults on their patrol, instead happy just to be apart of something cool.

Puppypaw is sniffing at budding flowers when a fellow apprentice speaks up. Whereas Ferretpaw makes a mean quip on Shadowclans territory and gets a little odd response from a Shadowclanner, Puppypaw finds fascination in the ticked tabbys sentence. "Hello! Can you actually rip faces off? Is that possible?" Puppypaw calls out towards the stranger, blue eyes wide with shock and awe. Is it possible if you're strong enough? Would she want to even BE strong enough to rip faces off?! She looks down towards her paws in contemplation, nose wrinkling as she thinks for a split second.

Noooo! She wouldn't ever want to be that strong! What happens if you want to do something soft with your paws, like pat your friends head, or collect flowers? She shakes her head and then skips along with her patrol, swiveling an ear to hear the strangers response.

  • puppykit, puppypaw
    cisgender female ,, she/her ,, 06 moons
    ( moor-runner ) apprentice of windclan ,, mentored by skyflight
    lanky chocolate tortie with low white & blue eyes flecked with orange
    "speech, #ffb76d" ,, thoughts
    unknown sexuality ,, single
    smells like citrus & heather
    penned by chuff

Shrike had seen the other clans in passing, they don’t tend to stick around when the border patrols occur. They already had a difficult time adjusting here and learning to trust those that they should be calling their clan mates so this distrust is only tenfold towards other clans. WindClan seemed exceptionally poor though given recent events, but they couldn’t deny that they weren’t curious over this other clan. The black cat walked alongside Nectarsong, hazel eyes squinting at the patrol across the border with both suspicion and curiosity. They really were rather young weren’t they?

They would raise an eyebrow over Ferndance’s threats if they could, they agreed with her absolutely. It did seem a little aggressive but they were well aware that clan cats were rather protective of their territory. They couldn’t blame them for that either, it seemed like if their stance wasn’t made clear then they were going to be pushed around but maybe that was just because of Shrike’s bias for ShadowClan. The little tortie apprentice seemed genuinely curious about the other clan, or at least about Ferndance. That endeared the apprentice to them, seemingly a little too sweet or rather just a little too curious compared to who she was patrolling with.

“It is! I once saw a cat do it” they chimed in with a grin, there was an amused twinkle in their eye. They hadn’t actually seen that before but would this apprentice really call them out on it? They gaze flicked over at the other WindClan patrol members as they thought about what would happen if this kid actually believed them over this whole heartedly. “It can happen only if you concentrate really hard on it, you won’t do it by accident” they added on noticing Puppypaw looking down at her own paws.

  • OOC. mentor/shadow tag @nectarsong
  • Shrike│Bio
    They / Them, Loner , 28 moons {ages on the 1st},
    A long haired black feline with low white spotting and hazel eyes.
    Jagged x NPC
    Speech, #ad744a, thoughts, attacking
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Juice ↛ @/ouijeejuice on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

"No. Cats can't rip entire faces off." His eyes pin on the ShadowClan patrol rather than Puppypaw, Fernsong in particular drawing electric blue attention before he forcefully pulls it away. With a sweep of his tail, he guides Lakepaw to the other side of him– away from the thunderpath and these ridiculous cats. "Eyes, though — taking an eye's not too hard." Defiant, Sparkspirit looks back up to the ShadowClanners. He doesn't smile, but there is a bit of vicious light in his eyes. "I don't think ShadowClan can risk losing any more of those, though." Marmotbite was right that they didn't need any more wounds on either side. Crossing the thunderpath again was so far down his list of things he wanted to do that it wasn't even named. But he certainly wasn't going to bow his head to the mud-dwellers.

  • OOC.
    ——  a trim mock tortoiseshell tom with mostly black fur splashed with the occasional patch orange. he has a singular white mark on the back of his neck shaped similarly to a lightning strike, and a small scar across the bridge of his nose. his eyes are a shocking electric blue.
  • "speech"

Ferndance nodded enthusiastically, too enthusiastically, towards Puppypaw, the switch from sincere to indulging happening within a heart's beat. Shrike chimed in before the cinnamon tabby could answer, their words bringing a StarClan-esque twinkle to Ferndance's gaze. "That cat was me..." She smiled, broad and toothless, before curling her lips back to reveal tartar-dotted fangs. They disappeared behind the guise of friendliness in a flash, a quaint chuckle escaping her. Messing with the neighbours, even the most unpleasant ones, had become a common pastime for the she-cat, but towards Puppypaw, it felt more sincere, less of a way to wind them up and moreso a way to impress a kitten who couldn't help but be raised alongside kidnappers. "You've got to close your eyes and picture yourself chomping on a massive tree, then, you pull back, because trees taste disgusting. So do faces... that's why you just rip them, never eat them little one. Never," she warned gravely, as if having learned from experience. Thankfully, she had only licked a face very much still attached to a body, and faceripping remained a fantasy of one naturally curious about viscera.

Sadly, the show was up before it truly got a chance to start. Emerald eyes shifted towards Sparkspirit, wide at first, before settling with disappointment. When he started mentioning eyes, it was like the energy had been siphoned out of the border, and she blinks rapidly as if confused by it all. "Well that's just unbecoming." She looked to Shrike, looked back to WindClan, looked back to Shrike, and practically asked them with her eyes whether they were going to say a joke or she would. Eventually, within the silence, the cinnamon tabby relented, chipperly mewing, "When it comes to loss, WindClan doesn't have a leg to stand on." Sorry, Sunstar.


-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- "We do love ourselves some good theatrics, after all." Hollowmask's voice comes with an edge of warning to it, the hulking tortoiseshell making her way out of the shadows to stand beside her clanmates. Her eyes dance over to those present; Puppypaw, Ferndance, and.. Who was that again? Her golden eyes examine the form of Shrike, pupils narrowing into slits as interest takes hold. This one is.. Interesting, the way they explain to the apprentice that it is possible to rip someone's face off. It shouldn't be that hard if you sink your claws in deep enough and pull. She ponders to herself, before falling silent once again to think about the process. Such thoughts shouldn't be displayed to the world so openly.

Ferndance cracks a joke about legs, and it reminds her- Sunstar doesn't have one, does he? A snort of laughter ricochets from the molly's maw, cackling laughter shrieking out. "Oh, oh!.." She wheezes, wiping tears from her eyes as she stares across the border once again. "..It's such a pity to have a weakened leader. Disgraceful, really." She hums aloud, eyes flicking back to Shrike momentarily to examine their behavior in response to her words.

"..But I suppose when cats starve, they become so desperate that they lose their minds. Tell me, moor dweller, has madness consumed you as of yet?" She cackles, baring sharp fangs towards the patrol as she grins. There is no light behind her eyes, merely dead golden hues staring back at the patrol of WindClanners as if daring them to start a fight. Oh, how she'd love to bring a pelt to Chilledstar.. Lay it out for them to see, so they may bathe her in the glory of their praise.

  • HOLLOWMASK she/her, warrior of shadowclan, thirty moons.
    big, bulky body that stands at 10in, with long, wild and spiky fur. gives off eerie vibes despite oftentimes seen smiling.
    no close friends // dislikes nobody // no mate, no children.
    will kill / will not show mercy / will rarely flee
    [DANGER!!] this character is cunning, manipulative, sadistic, and controlling yet hiding under a friendly guise. please proceed with caution when interacting with her. ic opinions/actions are ic only.
    attempts at healing is permitted, peaceful powerplay is permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by @icaria ↛ @icariarests on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Word spread quickly through camp of what had happened at the border, of who had done it and the injuries that had been involved. Of course Loomingpaw knew that parts of it were likely embellished - they had to be or else it wasn't really a fun story to tell - but still she knew there was some truth behind the rumors of what exactly had gone down here only days prior. The gall of WindClan was not something that had made the older apprentice fret over nearing the border no, but had done quite the opposite instead. Though she did not want more loss she wanted a proper fight at the border and she wanted to be there when it happened, so any patrol to the border the marsh-dwelling clan shared with the moor-dwelling one was a good patrol to her even if it ended in disappointment as this one seemed to be doing.

Taunts were thrown as were usual, words shared across the border met with empty threats and corrections on the WindClan side of things - if an apprentice had to be told that being able to rip a cat's face off actually wasn't possible she feared the future of WindClan was not in good paws - and couldn't help the small smirk that raised the corner of her lips soon after she marked her own part of the border before looking to the rest of the patrol. "How much prey do you think we'll catch on the way back?" She'd ask, loud enough and clear enough that the WindClanners could hear her, her tone indicating clearly that she meant it as both an honest question to her patrol as well as a jab towards the cats across the border. At least they didn't have to break codes to catch prey.

  • -- all ic opinions of course
  • : ̗̀➛ sh lilac/blue smoke chimera w/low white & sectoral heterochromia
    : ̗̀➛ 10 moons old, ages realistically every 25th
    : ̗̀➛ bisexual biromantic; many puppy crushes; interested in none
    : ̗̀➛ stubborn and loyal to shadowclan
    : ̗̀➛ will start fights, will finish fights outside of clan
    : ̗̀➛ "speech", thoughts, attacking
    : ̗̀➛ peaceful powerplay and healing allowed