private I MUST TELL YOU // kittens


a want to go back , 6.16.24
Jan 5, 2023
She's visibly uncomfortable. Her kittens - both by blood and not - have turned three moons old. Should Sootstar still be here, they'd be apprentices, racing the moors or exploring the tunnels. Nightingalecry is glad the she-cat isn't around, but she cannot help the residual feeling that her children will be stunted in life should they not be trained in at least defense. Granitepelt and his lackeys may return at any moment, and... and...


She thinks of his warm gaze and how it sears her. She thinks of his claws, how they defend and harm her. She thinks of their litter - once three small bodies now six growing souls - and how they must wield their father's same ferocity. She thinks of Harbingermoon, how the tom maybe would've wanted the same for his litter. She breathes, and she makes a decision under the light of the moon.

"Hey, little ones," she murmurs, "I want to show you each something. But it's a little hard to get there, so I can only take three of you tonight, and then I'll show three of you tomorrow," a pause. Sunstar would have her thrown to the barn for this. But she cannot deny a father the right to see his children and how they've grown. "We must stay quiet about it, however. I can't show the whole nursery. It's our secret," she continues, tail twitching behind her.

"Who wants to go first?" she starts by asking.

[ @Witherkit @Frightkit @DEATHKIT @MIDNIGHTKIT @Grasskit @whitekit ]​
𓆝 . ° ✦ Grasskit, the light sleeper he was, stirred at Nightingalecry's departure from the den initially. He was trying to fall back asleep when he heard her speak. He lifted his head, fawn tabby fur bright against the moonlight compared to his siblings. His mother spoke of going somewhere. "Where are we going, mama?" he mumbled, still sleepy. "I'm the best at keeping secrets, don' worry mama," he added.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
  • 53fac3ddf1437ce63593b72ee6ae2086.jpg
    Small fawn tabby with pale green eyes.
    "speak" thoughts action
    — peaceful, healing, and minor injury powerplay allowed
*+:。.。 Frightkit recalled once upon a time waiting by the camp entrance with a dying bug in her maw, full to bursting with excitement to show it the ripe old age of 3 moons, she could no longer say. Her 'appa was a ghost of a memory, fading fast even when she remembered him long enough to want to show off her bug. Now, he was simply a shadow that only caught her attention when she noticed cats pairing off in twos, but even then that barely crossed her mind thanks to a lifetime spent with so many fellow orphans. In her world, there only existed Nightingalecry and no one else. She has never felt that such was something that needed to be rectified...until now.

"A surprise! I wanna go! " Fry would chirp eagerly, blinking the sleep from her eyes easily at the prospect of an adventure. Pressing against Grasskit, Frightkit would purr, "Not even Periperi's new kits? Is this - " she lets out a little gasp, then leans closer and loudly whispers, thrumming with an overload of joy, "a family secret? " Although Fry enjoyed being part of a big family, with Periperi, her new cousins, and the rest of the clan, she couldn't deny the distinction felt cool! It made her feel like her and her immediate family were just that little bit more special!

  • " Speech "
    DFAB— She/Her — Unsure
    2 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Windclan Kit
    Sister to Deathkit, Witherkit, Grasskit, Whitekit and Midnightkit

    Physically very easy | mentally very easy
    Attack in bold #1b1e21
    injuries: None
  • Like
Reactions: Grasspaw
Middy had never known their father. For some reason, she didn't have even the same vague memories of the mysterious warrior that Frightkit seemed to have. He was never brought up in conversation, and the few times the topic had been presented, she noticed a strange tension seemed to settle amongst the adults. She vividly recalled the same day that Frighty was thinking of now, though for entirely different reasons. When her sister had mentioned how she wanted to show her bug to her appa, Scorchstreak had made a biting comment about he would never be coming back. She still didn't understand what that meant, but in the moons that followed she had left her curiosity behind. She had a family, a big one that loved her, and that was enough to keep her from wondering.

"I'll go too momma," she mused stoically as she brushed against her siblings, having stirred from her nest when she initially felt Nightingalecry rise. Midnight had little-to-no idea what this secret adventure could be about, but in truth she hardly cared. If her siblings and mother were going somewhere on an adventure, then of course she wanted to go with them. She was beginning to feel a bit too old to be left behind in the nursery while everyone else got to have fun out in the world. Plus, she might get lucky enough to find some new bugs for her collection while they were out, since she never got to leave the camp at night before. The ebony child plopped herself down beside Grasskit, wide blue eyes blinking apathetically up at Nightingale.