I NEED A DOCTOR ⸸ medical examinations

"I've debated shoving a pinecone into the mouth of patients that chatter too much, please do not make me revist this consideration."
His paws pressed firmly down along the chocolate smoke's back, his shoulders raised as he leaned over to put more of his weight along the ridges of the just barely visible spine beneath the surface of black and rusted red shades of fur. This was not the first nor would it be the last cat to approach him with worry over back issues, but where Fleabounce had reason and age to make evident her apprehension, Pipit was still young and far too energetic to have much in the way of aches like this. He probably fell or was pushed, most likely pushed given that is what Magpiepaw would do to him if he had the strength and vitriol to do so but since chasing that loner from their territory he felt strangely subdued. The anger he had been carrying since finding his mentor strewn bloody across the snow had ebbed into a dull pulse in his throat which was a farcry better than the rage broiling in his stomach threatening to erupt at any given second.
"You move too much." A paw raised, sleek and black, and he slaps it at a pointed ear impatiently to encourage the tom to cease his endless fidgeting. "...the only thing wrong with you is in your head." He grumbled out, leaning back on his haunches and folding his paws in front of him like a squirrel perched upon a branch, "Too much room in there, things rattle."

  • PAFP - @pipit !!

  • dgjzb1y-75361c4e-601a-4b3f-a424-fe26a15fe6df.png
    —⊰⋅ MCA of ShadowClan
    —⊰⋅ He/They
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/a white throat and blue-violet eyes.
    —⊰⋅ Has mild cerebellar hypoplasia (Wobbly cat syndrome)

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"Never been looked over like this before, do you guys do this regularly? I thought maybe I just slept on it wrong but it didn't go away after a proper stretch and a good warm-up race with Basilpaw. I'd assume you probably have the time to but maybe not when there's only one of you available- I mean you're still an appr-" He is cut off from his insistent line of interrogation when Magpiepaw interjects with a haggard, loose threat that he had a... questionable suggestion for quieting down chatty patients. Pipit clamps his mouth shut with a small furrow of his brow. Rude... but he does not articulate it for fear of a prickly seed getting shoved between his teeth.

He gives a soft grunt under the pressure of the other tom's weight at his back, exhaling to try not to feel like he was being completely smashed into the dirt (though as this went on, he was starting to think the medicine cat apprentice was enjoying grinding his ribs into the frost-chilled ground). He flicks his tail this way and that, idling as he waited with his words chewed in his mouth in an effort to keep them swallowed down.. his paw taps next, claws kneading into the dirt as the lack of social stimulation left his body compensating the boredom.

A deft thwack of his ears makes the chimera flinch, whirling to glower at a night sky pelt. "Hey, hey- go easy on me," he complains, lifting a paw to rub at his ear tenderly. The other tom's critique is scathing and at first... Pipit hardly understands what he's implying. My head? He can't recall smacking it on anything recently... hadn't been getting any headaches- maybe this guy really wasn't as experienced as he thought- He tilts his head, pondering what could possibly be the matter when he neatly finishes his carefully crafted insult. "Wait a second..."

"Now I object to that! Some nest-side manner you have, calling me an airhead... I'm one of the best warriors you guys've got." He twists up his nose with a small huff, turning in a show of drama just to flick Magpiepaw's nose with his tail for some playful, petty revenge. "Come onnnnn Magpiesmack, you can't possibly dislike me that much just because I talk to you! I've never even had a medicine cat before, what if I had some secret, awful back disorder thing?!"

the cold nips at the air, making it hard to think ro do much of anything. it was starting to get to be one of the coldest moons within the entire year, and they could feel it. they wanted leafbare to be over, already. one thing, however, they could be grateful for this day was the very plump piece of pray in their jaws. the npc on the patrol already had something for the kits and queens, so this would be for magpiepaw and starlingheart to share. they made their way over towards the medicine cat den only to stop, looking over at the apparent check up that pipit seems go be protesting the findings in. magpiepaw was always pretty blunt. they liked that about him.

"hey. what's going on?

they take a moment, listening before chuckling as they slide the prey to the medicine cat apprentice, with a smile.

"who are we to doubt the professionalism of our dearest magpiepaw, hm?"
  • WHAT
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Magpiepaw's decision to pursue medicine and not diplomacy worked to the entire clan's collective benefit. There lies a choice simplicity in the apprentice's unvarnished self, words like uncut gems, and readily forgoing any charm or persuasion when he offers his stone-cut wisdoms. The colourless verbal delivery may give pause to some clanmates (see Pipit, whose pelt prickles under the other's paws), but the truth is that Magpiepaw's tactlessness is - in fact - awash in tact.

As per Smogmaw's estimations, there was no better way to receive an unsavoury diagnosis than from an equally unsavoury speaker. While the deputy has, and will continue to, cast the apprentice as a black sheep every so often, he has scarcely doubted for a moment the younger tom's merit in ShadowClan.

In idle observation of the physical evaluation, Smogmaw hefts a brow when the clan's supreme authority inserts themselves into the session. Tawny eyes narrow with a curious twinge, and a dissatisfied huff plays along his lips at the lacklustre response to Pipit's insolence. Chilledstar ought to drag the little chump through the mud and back for his cheek. Smogmaw maintains the notion as he himself moseys across camp.

"While I may not have a drop of medical know-how in my bones," he muses, parking his broad frame beside his leader's flank with a mellow vim, "I'll have to endorse your diagnosis, Pipit. Wonder if you hear the wind flowing through your ears. Try holding 'em at a certain angle for a sec." 'One of the best', his tail! The young newcomer's blood runs green; probably couldn't recite the warrior code if it were carved into his tongue.

His focus sashays onto the medicine cat apprentice, then, whom he sizes up through a one-over evenly intrigued and critical. Good grief, he's sprout up quite a bit. Come a long way from that puny, trash-residing kit. "Have a long list of patients today, Magpiepaw?" he posits, earnest in tone. One must suppose he's taken the brunt of the healing workload, what with Starlingheart still recovering and all.

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" Yeah!, Big Fry is the best apprentice i've ever trained!." /b] Basilpaw blurted out as he invited himself into this conversation without any hesitation. Of course when he had heared that Pipit had paid a visit to the medicine cat den he couldn't let himself seat back and no walk over there to make sure his friend were okay!. It seemed like he had arrived right in time too. To be honest though he had no idea what an...airhead was?. Like someone who had air in their head?. A question mark was above the apprentice's head before he just shrugged it of. Whatever it was there was no way someone like Pipit would get defeated by some airheads!.

" Magiepiepaw has one point though Big Fry!. sometimes it's importand to listen and not always talking you know?. There could be something really really importand that someone wants to tell you or it could be about their feelings! especially if they are sad!. You don't want someone to be sad do you?, and just keep on talking when they are trying to tell you about their feelings and at times like this you should give them a hug too. Everyone likes hugs even Smogmaw i think!. You should try it!. He doesn't seem to like you very much so maybe if you reach out and gave him a hug he would warm up to you and the two of you could hunt fireflies together!. Have you ever hunt fireflies before Big Fry?. I have not!. I want too i've heard that they are glowing in the dark which are super cool!, and uhm, what was i talking about again?. Oh right!. Listening. That's very importand. You should do that more often like me!. I'm a very good listener and always let others talk and - oh what is that"

Basilpaw lost himself as he find something alot more interesting Magiepaw had in his den, and rushed over to it instead and pointed a paw at it. " Can i touch it?, or eat it?," he turned his head back around to stare expectantly at Magiepiepaw with sparkling wide eyes not even paying attention to Chilledstar and speak of the devil himself, Smogmaw who had joined as well.

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Lilacfur was admittedly nervous bringing Pipit to the medicine den. Complaints of back pain were abnormal for a warrior his age, just barely old enough to be a warrior. She wondered if part of it had been her doing- did she train him too roughly? Had she made him hold hunting crouches for too long? It was a troubling turn that none of his littermates had taken, making her concern feel only heavier on her shoulders.

While she lingered outside the medicine den she could only cringe at the secondhand embarrassment in listening to his prattle. For whatever reason Pipit had an unbreakable habit in speaking on whatever came to mind, and his head was absolutely full from the amount of chatter that followed. She wondered if he had ever been able to hold a secret, but then remembered just how quickly he spilled him and his littermates entire life story to the patrol upon a single question.

At first she did not find Magpiepaw so unreasonable to ask for just a moment of silence, even if that request came with a small cuff to the ears. She felt obliged to step in though when her Clan followed suit in backing Magpiepaw's conclusion with more teasing words.

"I don't think it's entirely fair to judge him based on how talkative he is. Pipit's got a great sense of memory, and I wouldn't underestimate him in a fight." They couldn't chalk up the chimera to being completely clueless, there was some intellect behind those eyes. Even if he kept it unintentionally hidden.
[ i need the clouds to cover me ]

Chilledstar practically appears out of thin air, which is supposedly just a skill of most ShadowClanners that set them apart from the other groups in the forest. He has already opened his mouth to gawk at them in abject horror when they hum a rhetorical question about questioning Magpiepaw's professionalism... He hadn't meant anything harmful or rude! He was just trying to get the barbs out of his ears where a tongue had lashed them!

Stars have mercy that Smogmaw also had to crawl out of his leader's rear, giving the chimera pause enough to fold his ears back and close his mouth with a small furrow of brow. What crawled up his ass and died to make Pipit his biggest enemy all the time? The chocolate tom has half a mind to lay into him back, remind the deputy that at least his family didn't come apart at the seams when things got tough, that he wasn't a grouch that acted ten years more senior than he actually was in life. It's only barely restrained, clinging to the gentle, wheezing breaths of a dying mother begging him to share kindness with the world.

To shine his bright light on others where she couldn't... to make this work... To enjoy love and life and happiness with his father and his litter-mates and he had that. He had that much.... Right?

"My head's not hollow," he mumbles in quiet protest, flicker-fire gaze flicking to his paws in a manner that failed to hide his frustration.

Basilpaw, as ever, speaks his mind in much the same way that he often does but it stings more so to hear this repeated insult from his favorite Small Fry than from the deputy he already know loathes him. He knew how to be quiet! That wasn't a problem! He was just trying to get to know everyone, to make friends, to be less of an unknown stranger that others still held at tail's length. He wasn't a threat...

Never had been.

At the suggestion he give the grey tom a hug, he knew he was having his leg pulled. That was never going to happen in near a thousand moons. "Yeah uh... thanks but no thanks. Pretty sure he'd rip my throat out for getting even half that close." His ears twitch to try to dispel some of his growing humiliation and luckily, luckily Lilacfur finally speaks up to subdue the dogpile that has grown so heavy on his back he feels it aching even worse than before.

At the very least she respects him... acknowledges that being friendly doesn't equate to stupidity. He could be a threat.

He didn't want to be.

"You guys can find someone else to pick on," he grumbles dejectedly, pushing himself to stand. "Thanks Magpiepaw... Sorry to waste your time." He wouldn't bother with that again... he'd sooner die than suffer another moment like this. Either Starlingheart was going to wake up, get better and take care of him or he'd just suffer in silence.

//he's leaving, he's pouting u guys hurt his feelings​