I NEED A HERO &. day dozing


just for your love, give you the world
Jun 10, 2023

// this is mostly a no-angst thread! just some harmless napping after morning patrols! feel free to be the cat that drowsynose bumped into!

guilt is a funny thing. like a wolf, it stalks vulnerable little sheep that hop over the fence. with a light step, they jump, and jump, and the wolf watches. and waits. it waits for one of the little tiny sheep to be a little too slow. a little too distracted. a little too caught up in its own world to realize that every single action it makes has consequences. selfishness has consequences. and as it takes its precious time to hop over that fence, slowing down the rest of the sheep and leaving those who have already jumped in waiting, the wolf gets closer. it stalks. it snarls, and drools, with anticipation before it runs full speed. before the sheep can realize what's happening, it's nearly dead. breathing swallow as the scream is stolen right from it. the wolf doesn't slow down or wait. it goes right to the jugular so that it cannot alert its herdmates. and then, it drags the sheep away, only leaving a trail of blood behind. and thus, the guilt eats him.

he hasn't felt this bad in a while. he really hated it. he can't fathom that something bad would happen– that lupinesong's feelings would be hurt because drowsynose just couldn't put a damned lid on it– because of him. his selfishness led him here and now he's suffering because theyre suffering. he guesses the only thing good about it, was the fact that he's been able to sleep a lot more. too consumed by overwhelming emotions to do anything but go on patrol and go right back to bed afterwards.

today is no different. after an early morning patrol, drowsynose finds himself more than eager to go back to sleep. his eyes droop, and true to his namesake, he is exhausted. he cannot keep his eyes open any longer and he closes them as he walks, bumping into a cat and yelping as he stumbling back.

"oh, stars! i-i'm so sorry! uh– did... did you want to join me in the sun? f-for a nap? y-you don't have to! you are m-more than free to n-not... n-nap that is but uh... you... i... s-sorry..."

always the fool, drowsynose.

Life is too short to consider all the ways that one might suffer; Kurt's always thought so, always lived his life as on whims and desires. It's easy to do when one travels as often as he does, from town to town, meeting new faces here and there across the lands that his housefolk traveled. And being in the circus itself, well, there were tricks that could prove dangerous, but that had never prevented Kurt from wanting to perform those feats.

There's nothing to suffer today certainly, and Kurt doesn't share Drowsynose's lamentable nature - and he lets out a surprised huff when his Clanmate runs into him. He'd been slowly getting used to spending his days at the SkyClan camp, with all these other cats, some whom had never lived life with housefolk like Kurt had. It was strange being in this new world, but it wasn't an unwelcome feeling - in fact, it rather felt like an adventure, something new that Kurt was experiencing for the first time.

"Ah, no need to apologize," he assures the tom, and he flicks an ear as he listens to Drowsynose ramble on about taking a nap. "A nap? Well, I didn't know that was an option, here." There's humor in his tone, and he offers the nervous tom a reassuring smile. No reason to start things off on the wrong paw, and really, a nap didn't sound half-bad, even if Kurt wasn't particularly tired - perhaps it would give him a chance to speak with a new Clanmate.
  • !
  • KURT daylight warrior of skyclan, twenty-eight moons
    speaks with a German accent
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted.
    penned by Archivist.archivist on discord.

"Hey Mr. Sleepypaws," the bi-color cat chirps as they approach the crash site with a beaming grin- at the very least, this new guy was friendly and willing to take an (accidental) beating for the sake of being kind to his clan-mates. They reach to brush against Drowsynose gently in that sort of over-eager touchy-feely way they did with anyone they assumed to be friend, purring a soft reassurance as their marred gaze looks towards Kurt. "Drowsynose is our resident expert on the best places to nap," they explain confidently, proudly even... Who wouldn't want to know where the sun baked the ground the longest? Or where the shade would keep you cool on the hottest summer afternoons?

The corners of their eyes squint happily, glancing towards the mentioned dark-furred tom with a hopeful mischief, "And probably knows who the best nap buddies are, huh? Pleassseee say I'm one of them!" They stamp their feet in feigned tantrum, emerald eyes round with an eager expectancy for the answer. I mean... it certainly couldn't be that Crowsight was on that list! All he wanted to do was throw his paws around and see who was better at losing a fight.

"Promise I won't tell Lupinesong if she's not on the list," they continue, leaning in as if sharing in conspiracies.

  • -- edenberry / skyclan daylight warrior / any pronouns / 13 moons
    -- mostly white with black pinstripe and green eyes / scarred face and back / filling out where previously skinny
    -- color #728c69​

Dawn patrols were endlessly as torturous as they were necessary... though Twitchbolt could live with them, he knew there were several others who'd much rather wake when the sun was at its highest point, rather than just beginning to peek over the horizon. Chronic nightmares, ever-persisting even into adulthood (and blooming into images more realistic and terrifying than the thought that had frozen him to his bedding in kithood), always ensured Twitchbolt was up with the yawning sun, but certainly did nothing to purge him of drowsiness. And speaking of drowsiness...

Oh, napping. Edenberry's words curved his lips into a small, ever-shaky smile, genuine despite the tremor. Nap buddies... "I'm probably one of the worst," he murmured, nose wrinkling with the self-deprecating joke, "Apparently I kick in my sleep." It was some miracle that Quillstrike still put up with him, seizing and jerking and pacing... but it convinced him internally that there was indeed a cat who loved him.
penned by pin ✧

Dogwoodkit had little responsibilities, actually she had none. It was quite blissful. Yet still sleepiness and heavy eyelids plagued her. Honestly it was quite the problem, see she likes to jump around and sprint and zoom and oh so many other things. And yet by the time mid-day arrived it was like she was a sack of rocks, each limb held firm to the ground, finally giving into gravity. Such was the time of day when she overheard some warriors talking about napping.

Maybe napping with warriors was more fun than in the nursery? Being a warrior was more fun than everything else in camp so that must also apply to naps, it only made sense.

The puffball of a kitten makes a both sluggish and quickly paced way over to the group of sleepy cats "CAN I NAP WITH YOU?" she was loud in her request, lest it get lost in the other conversation. She was still shorter than warriors and apprentices, although she was starting to catch up. But, that meant she had to make sure they heard her, incase they didn't see her.

Napping this early especially after morning patrols? But... there was so much they could be doing right now. An amber-yellow gaze flicks across those gathered around before eventually glancing over her shoulder towards the forest. “Is napping even that appealing?” Emberpaw would inquire boredly, her paws itching at the ground underneath her. A tufted tail flicks as she blinks at Twitchbolt's statement of being the worst, and he's always seemed to think lowly or put himself down even in the simplest of times. After he stepped down, Cherryblossom had become the deputy and even if others hated- Emberpaw liked it.


I mean, look at Cherryblossom. The answer itself was simple and it was no wonder why Orangestar would pick the newly graduated warrior if she didn't have high expectations for her anyways. “So? Someone else probably sleeps worst than you.” Emberpaw would respond towards Twitchbolt after his joke, sitting on her haunches and using an hindpaw to scratch behind her ear. Why did it always seem as Skyclan had some of the internally depressed cats here? How lame. Hopefully, someone who wasn't wanting to nap or laze around would ask for her to go training, hunting or something useful instead of joining on this napfest.

"uhm, i'm pretty sure i-its an option an-anywhere. c-cant be a good warrior without pr-proper sleep."

or something like that. that's not why he slept at least. his ears perked up however at the sound of edenberry, a blush on his face from the compliments. it was a lot. he was used to giving them but he's never been good at receiving them. he can't help the way he laughs, eyes closing and head tilting to the side. the fake tantrum always was funny.

"of c-course you're a food n-nap buddy, edenberry! and lulu is on the list! she's my sister of course she's a good n-nap buddy! and secretly so is crowie."

he laughs again, tail swishing back and forth as his eyes blink a few good times. he only shakes his head with a soft smile on his face.

"no way! it's okay if you kick in your sleep. w-we just gotta sl-sleep closer to your b-back so we don't g-get hit with y-your paws."

he insists. he doesn't believe in bad nap takers. but that's because he could probably sleep through just about anything. kicks or no kicks. dogwoodkit's loud voice startles him but nonetheless he gets even softer looking at the young one, nodding her over.

"of course you can! pl-plenty of room!"

and then emberpaw. who is trying to be a debby downer but it's... not really worth it, is it. he finds himself jolting away from the tone on instinct but he still smiles nonetheless.

"you'd probably feel a lot better with one. even the best warriors need s-sleep."