sensitive topics I NEED A HERO / HOUNDWHISPER


nuestra canciĆ³n
Jul 5, 2023
( šŸµ ) It had been a regular morning for Ducky and the usual routine of eating, make dirt, and sleep on the windowsill where he bathed in the warm rays of sunlight on occasion he would go outside to explore or roll in a small patch of flowers. As of right now, he was making a ā€Švery important decision of either going outside or taking a nap on his luxurious windowsill and his mismatched gaze would go between the small kitty door or the window. Finally, he had decided that he would go outside to do his usual exploring though fate had a different idea in mind for the small feline. Ducky slipped outside already enjoying the warmth that he was receiving from the sun above, his ears twitching as he scanned his yard before noticing that the wooden gate was slightly ajar. It started to make him think about going further than the yard and beyond it, he frowned momentarily trying to think if it would be a good idea. His curiosity got the best of him, the mottled tomcat would slip through and begin to walk along casually without a care in the world though from the corner of his eye did he catch movement of something in the woods and he stopped in his tracks before he went to go investigate on what he had seen.

Unfortunately, his investigation was cut shortly when he heard loud barking from behind him and the cursing of a twoleg owner that he did not understand completely but they seemed frustrated and he was about to find out why. Their dog had managed to tug away their leash harshly and it was due to catching sight of him, the very same canine barking up a storm while running in his general direction. Ducky could feel the fur along his back start to rise and as much as he would've loved to fight a stupid, runaway mutt. Well, it wasn't one of the things on his bucket list and nowhere near the top of it either. "Shit. Shit. Shit." Ducky frantically glanced around trying to figure out where to run but it seemed a little late since the dog tried lunging at him and he just barely managed to move out of the way, he could feel his heart hammering in his chest and he whipped out a paw to claw at the creature. A yelp confirmed he had managed to catch its flesh with sharp claws though he didn't take the time to find out where as he stepped into the woodland and bolted to a tree with the dog hot on his trail.

His claws stabbed into the bark while he climbed up to the point where the bull terrier could not reach him, he could hear the loud thumping of his heart and that was enough to make his head spin even for just a moment. "Ay coƱo... Get away from me you fleabag!" He hissed through his teeth under his breath and his ears lay flat against his skull, he would flinch upon seeing the canine begin to jump and snap its jaw at him in, Ducky took the moment to bring his tail closer and saw that he had raked his claws over the dog's cheek which was completely deserved. He was beginning to wonder where that stupid twoleg owner was at and why they hadn't came to retrieve their dog yet, Ducky climbed up a little further knowing that he was safe at the moment but really he needed to get home and have a long deserved nap from all this excitement of today though while in his own thoughts, he began to imagine having a bigger purpose than just some lap cat. What bigger purpose you ask? He's quite unsure himself but it was probably better than getting chased up a tree by some pissed off Fido or Spike.

What he would give right now to just explode the dog with his mind and return home without getting mauled that would be the ideal end of his day, he let out another hiss at the dog "I can't wait for dogs to never exist!" He could feel his grip loosening and his muscles beginning to get tired, he looked up to see a tree branch and pushed himself forward until he stood on top of it making sure that he didn't miss a step and fall into the jaws of the dog. Ducky was finally able to catch his breath and huffed still hearing his heart thumping loudly in his chest, maybe it hadn't been a good idea to leave the yard or maybe it was just very unfortunate of him. Although, he had to admit that it had kinda been exciting and the rush of adrenaline he had gotten wasn't unwelcomed. "Maybe I'll do this more... But without Furilias over here." He thought idly glaring down at the dog that continued to bark up at him, its paws now rested on the tree while it continued to harass Ducky. "Don't you get tired? Stupid mutt." He rolled his eyes with frustration starting to lose hope that he would not get home tonight, he growled at the dog and lifted up the paw that had a few droplets of blood on it.

He grimaced before lapping it off carefully and refrained from gagging in response to the metallic taste of blood that touched his mouth, it was disgusting and his snout wrinkled to show his disgust. Maybe if he fought the dog enough that he could scare it off? In his head it sounded like a food idea but he felt that it would be disastrous if he tried, Ducky leaning over slightly to see how far the next tree branch was so he could use it as a way of getting home. He would crouch once he had his eyes locked onto a branch and leaped forward, he caught onto the bark with claws digging in instantly before pulling himself upwards. What he hadn't realized was the branch had been loose and dying, it was only a matter of time until it would fall by itself but since Ducky had placed his weight onto it and pulled. Well, it was falling earlier than he would've liked. "You have to be fucking kidding me." Was his first thought and clung to the branch as it fell, he released it leaping a little ways from it but the damn piece of wood hit him taking the breath out of him and a lot easier to become dog chow.

Said dog had noticed and growled slowly making it's way towards him, Ducky was too busy taking a moment to recover from having the branch take the air right out of him. He barely managed to wobble onto his paws and took steps back until his rear end touched the base of the tree and his fur would lift upwards in final, desperate hopes that it would make him look bigger and the angry Cujo would leave him alone. Unfortunately, that was not the case.

Something in the back of his mind told him to go out into the territory on his own. He wasnā€™t sure why, but it wouldnā€™t hurt anyone. He wasnā€™t chosen for a patrol that morning and he could always do some hunting. It wasnā€™t going to hurt anyone if he brought something back to camp, right? Surely not. So long as it wasnā€™t.. Yknow.. A fish or something. His face shifted from a serious look to a more amused one. Houndwhisper fishing. Yeah, that sounded like a great thought. The tabby shook his head. Not happening, not at all.

As he dragged his mind back from his thoughts, he looked over to see a strange structure. He lifted his muzzle to sniff the air, catching the strong scent of Twolegs and kittypets. How did I not noticeā€¦ Oh, whatever. He continued on his way, walking along the border of Skyclan territory until he heard the echoing of a bark, a dog. Great. Bunching himself up, he lept into the nearest pine tree, making his way onto a branch and starting to travel through the trees, heading towards the barking. With each leap, he gracefully landed onto each branch, constantly checking for the scent of the dog. Maybe heā€™d mess around with it a bit, or maybe heā€™d just sit in the tree and watch it bark until its Twolegs came to grab it. No point getting into a useless skirmish with a hound today.

Eventually, he caught a scent- two scents. The dog andā€¦ A kittypet..? No, a rogue. No, it definitely smelled like kittypet. A kittypet and a dog trespassing on Skyclan territoryā€¦ Not his problem, but heā€™d work to drive them away eventually. He jumped into trees closer to the scents, squinting down at the ground to catch sight of the two creatures. He could see the dog- a white and mangy mutt with a weird face. Who broke its muzzle? He asked himself, starting to wonder why the dog was soā€¦ Disgustingly weird. Thatā€™s not normalā€¦ What is normal? Houndwhisper sat for a moment, tilting his head as he tried to think of what a normal dog looked like. Usually they were yellow with long fur, right? Or were they more like foxes? Maybe foxesā€¦ That seemed right. Weird, chunky foxes. But this wasnā€™t a weird chunky fox, no. That wasā€¦ Disgusting. Dogs are disgusting.

He continued to stare down at the scene below him, attempting to catch sight of the kittypet and failing to, but he heard the yells. Ears swiveled towards the sounds of a cat hissing and yelling, eyes scanning untilā€¦ boom, thereā€™s the kittypet! He watched quietly, listening to the feline yell at the dog. That doesnā€™t do anything, usually. Houndwhisper politely sat on the branch, tail covering his paws as he watched.

What he didnā€™t notice was the kittypetā€™s branch starting to crack, and as he watched the kittypet fall, he jolted up, fur sticking up. Oh no, thatā€™s not good. His mind raced, questioning if he could even save the poor soul below him. No, that wasnā€™t even a question. He could, at the risk of his own safety. Without a second thought, he jumped into the next tree over, the dog too distracted to notice the needles shaking in the tree above. He slid down the trunk until on a branch close enough, claws unsheathed and ready for the attack. Houndwhisper glanced down to look at the kittypet below, before nodding to himself and jumping off of the branch, landing on top of the mutt. He felt claws sink into tough flesh, knowing he was at least somewhat secured in his position. The mutt yelped loudly and quickly began to try and shake the Skyclanner off its back, but to no avail. Houndwhisper was holding on tight. It shouldnā€™t be too hard to beat this threat, he hoped.
( šŸµ ) Ducky continued to back up and glanced over his shoulder to the tree knowing if he tried to climb up, his back would be exposed to the dog and he would surely get mauled so he stood his ground wobbling slightly on his paws still in shock from the fall. His ears laying flat against his skull as the mottled tomcat continued to growl at the canine "You have got to be the ugliest fleabitten dung munc-" His thoughts being interrupted seeing the mutt lunge forward and he would shut his eyes closed starting to think about his life choice recently. Would his human find him? Would she be heartbroken? He hoped not, he couldn't stand seeing her sad and well, it was such a shame that his life had been so short lived not even two years old and already about to be dog chow for Fido. What would his life been like had he not died so young? Would he have grown old on that window sill? Possibly a mate or kittens? He doubts it.

A sudden yelp breaks him out of his frozen state and his eyes open wide to see some large black tabby clinging onto the dog, he was absolutely breathless. "Where the FUCK did this mousebrain come from?" His eyes darting around to find out where this overgrown puffball cat Rambo wannabe (that weird human his owner fawned over so much, he didn't get the appeal) come from and he was not certain on what to do. Let the tomcat risk his life for him or try to get him out of it? Ducky is frozen in place contemplating several possibilities in his mind, he could very just run away and be safe at home with his twoleg and never come out again but... That would be cowardly of him. "And I'm not a coward! ... Most of the time," Came a thought as he unsheathed his claws and slithered away from the tree waiting for an opportunity to try helping the stupidly brave cat right now, his heart hammering in his chest. "I might end up dying from that before the dog." Rolling his mismatched eyes, he crouched waiting for the dog to turn slightly.

He lunged forward claws latching onto the dog's rear end and digging his claws into the flesh, Ducky reached forward to bite at the dull creature's back earning a yelp from it and spat out some of the dogs fur from his mouth. He clung to dear life before his mismatched eyes focused onto the tomcat that still clung onto the bull terrier, god, now he felt just as stupidly heroic and for what? He didn't even know the guy. "But he doesn't know me..." An odd flutter in his belly and his heartbeat slowing but would drum loudly in his ears, Ducky felt his face growing warm leaning forward...

"ARE YOU A COMPLETE MOUSEBRAIN!?!?" He yelled at the Skyclan warrior with bewilderment as nonexistent eyebrows would furrow at the other and his snout wrinkled slightly. Yeah, he had been close to death but... The question lingered in his head... Why bother saving him? He was just some housecat. Surely, this outside cat had a lot of other more important not-kittypet-saving things to do, right? It made his insides flip in an odd way but he decided to focus on what was happening currently, he wasn't entirely a fan of being on this dog while it tried shaking them off especially when it could whip around and bite him at any given moment. God, dog fighting and wrangling was definitely one of the things he did on a daily.

Sure, he would hiss and use a paw to whack a puppy away from him but that was kittens play. Using his back legs, he began to claw at the dogs back legs as best as he could that made the dog semi-shriek in pain and it managed to kick him off. He tumbled onto the ground a little bit always from the canine fiend, Ducky panting as he wobbled onto his legs again. His ears still flat against his skull as he managed to catch his breath and huffed quietly to himself "I should've just taken a nap..." Though seeing this all unfold... Maybe... Maybe this was all for a reason... His eyed fixed on Houndwhisper and he could feel the tips of his ears growing warm once more.

Perhaps his greater purpose was standing right in front of him. The beating of his heart growing louder, he swallowed nervously but he didn't have time to think too much on stupid things like potential destiny. He had to save that idiot from his own death. His gaze whipped around him taking in the surroundings and detected a few stones, he scrambled over without a second thought. Maybe he could throw these and scare off the dog? It wouldn't hurt to try. "DUCK!" He called to the larger tomcat and used his paw to swat forward a stone that hit the dog on the side.

Houndwhisperā€™s eyes lit up in a slight enjoyment, though his expression and mind remained focused. The dog whined and growled as it continued to shake the feral cat off, but he stayed on. There was no letting go, not for now. ā€œYou wonā€™t get me- ple- p- eugh- You wonā€™t get me off ya that easy!ā€ He shouted, spitting dog fur out of his mouth in the process. Gross. Green eyes lifted off the mutt as it yelped again, looking right towards the kittypet that had decided to throw itself into the fight as well. A surprised expression crossed his face, amazed at the smaller tomcatā€™s bravery. His brain grew fuzzy as the smaller moved his face closerā€¦ untilā€¦.


Oh, now he was just being insulted. The fluffy warrior flattened his ears, frowning before giving the kittypet a small grin. ā€œWhy yes, yes I am! Clearly you donā€™t have one bigger than mi-ā€ His sentence was cut short by the dog shaking him off one final time, his claws sliding off as he flew through the air. A yowl escaped his mouth as he slammed into the ground, fur spiking up to make himself much larger. There was no time to stay defenseless, he needed to get his head in the game. With the shake of his head, he shook off dirt from his pelt and scrambled up, taking a defensive stance and leaping at the mutt once again.

For a moment, he watched the dogā€™s movements, throwing off the kittypet and turning towards Houndwhisper. FFFFuuuuoooxxdung. He cursed as the dog approached. The tabby ran to the left of the dog, causing it to turn, but not fast enough. He leapt, ramming into the hound and causing it to stumble sideways, getting claws slashed across its side as Houndwhisper tried to get a good grip. It didnā€™t work, and he slid off the side of it, landing on his paws and beginning to back away. He would try to attack the dog once again, before hearing a loud yell from the other tomcat.


He gave the kittypet a confused look, looking at the collar around his neck. What does that have to do with this? And then he saw a paw raise and swat at a stone. Oh! Duck! Houndwhisper dropped into a crouch quickly, allowing the stone to hit the dog behind him. He laughed as the dog got hit. ā€œThatā€™s what you get, fool!ā€ The tabby glanced back towards the kittypet. ā€œNice one! Maybe you also donā€™t have a mousebrain.ā€ Chuckling, he turned back towards the dog, which was now looking as if it was about to turn tail and run. The warrior looked back to the housecat and smiled. ā€œWhere did a kittypet like yourself learn to fight? You donā€™t look like you could, I thought you were all defenseless.ā€

( šŸµ ) When the larger tomcat was about to respond back and say the same back to him before the both of them were flung off the dog, Ducky had been tempted to smack the larger of the two but that wasn't happening after not being dazed and picking at the stones to fling at the canine. It also made the smaller notice that the outside cat wasn't the brightest considering that he had stared at his collar with confusion instead of doing as he said at first. He had to refrain from rolling his eyes but that didn't matter as the dog began to turn tail and away from them, Ducky also believing that the dog was fleeing knowing that it was outnumbered by two cats. The housecat unable to help but snort slightly amused by the black tabby that began to call the dog names but a frown was present on his maw as the other mentioned how he didn't have a mousebrain.

"Well clearly. I can't say the same for you though," Ducky huffed with a shake of his head but what Houndwhisper said next made the fur along his spine behind to rise slightly, his pupils narrowing into dangerous slits as he tried to keep himself cool and levelheaded seeing as this brute had just saved his life or... Vice versa. They were even, he liked to think. "I don't know if I should take that as a compliment or an insult." Though his ears would perk forward to get a good look at his dumb (about to be humbled) hero and well now, that Ducky was getting a good glimpse of him instead of him nearly getting flung off by a dog... He had to admit that the other was rather... Handsome yet very stupid but in an endearing way so to speak.

He could hear his heart pounding within his chest once more as his mismatched gaze took in the image of Houndwhisper but it drummed louder when he realized a white blur heading in their direction, his fur rising in full and he would call out immediately "You! Outside cat! Watch out!" Though it happened all so quick, a moment ago, Houndwhisper had been chuckling and jeering at the dog that had fled or that's what the two of them believed. The bull terrier jaws narrowedly missing the black tabby but the claws of its front limbs grazing against flesh and clawed over the cats right eye. Droplets of blood leaving Houndwhisper's new scars, the dog having skidded to a halt facing them once more.

Ducky blinked a few times trying to process everything, his breathing getting just a bit heavy and the sound of the outside cat's voice being muffled against his eardrums as well as the snarling of the must standing before them. God, he felt like he was going to be sick... Yet he held onto his ground and managed to focus on what was in front of him, that mangy mutt. The dog darted forward, the small housecat having stood in front of the injured Skyclan warrior. Once the brute creature got close enough, Ducky launched himself forward just barely missing the snapping jaws of the dog and clinging onto the tender flesh of the dogs ear while his back legs started to kick at its snout stabbing it in the nostrils causing the dog to yelp in pain.

It managed to bite his back leg and fling him away from it, his body tumbling on the forest floor. His head spinning as he laid there feeling completely dizzy, he rose to his paws before letting out a soft hiss of slight pain from where the dog had bit down. He hopes that it isn't diseased but that thought subsides as he's reminded of the injured cat a little ways from him, the mottled tomcat hobbling over to him and immediately pressing his nose to his cheek "Hey... Hey, are you okay?" It was a dumb question really... Seeing the blood on the ground around Houndwhisper, a dry laugh leaving his throat as he drew closer trying to clean up the larger tom. "I thought you outside cats knew better than to let your guard down..." A lighthearted tease as he tried to make the situation less heavy for Houndwhisper.

He closed the gap between the both of them until their coats brushed together as he continued to lap the blood off from the other unable to help but frown from concern and disgust, this was definitely not going to settle well with his belly later but that was a problem for later. Ducky pressed his nose into Houndwhisper's chest before mumbling out quietly "Thank you..." He wished things hadn't ended the way they had but... It made Ducky realize something. He shoved the thought away before realizing how he had basically invaded the other's personal space and back away a pawstep or so "Ah, sorry... About that... I was just... Worried." That unfamiliar warmth returning to his face, that odd flutter in his gut, and the quiet yet loud drumming of his heart pounding within his ears. He couldn't tell if it was the adrenaline or...

Something else...

/ given permission to powerplay by doc

Houndwhisper offered the kittypet a little smile, a rare gift to others that he had just met. "Take it as a compliment! I don't mean to be ruā€¦" His sentence dragged on as he watched the demeanor of his new.. friend? acquaintance. What was this kittypet? No time to figure that out- he watched as the demeanor changed and his ears perked up, whiskers twitching. This could only end well.

The tomcat turned just late enough to see the mutt coming right for him, missing a bite but easily smacking him across the face. A loud scream escaped his lungs, though it was more like it was from the gut, deep and painful. Oh this pain wasn't like anything else he had felt. His eyes closed as his back hit the ground, clawing aimlessly into the air. Claws came into contact for brief moments, but most missed. His eyes (or rather, his single eye) cracked open to see what was happening, but it was blurry. He saw a darker shape fighting off the dog before Houndwhisper decided it would be a good idea to move away. Quickly, he moved to his paws, running back a few tail-lengths and flopping to the ground, a paw moving up to his right eye. Open up, please. The tom tried to open his eye, with no avail. It hurt. It hurt a lot. No one warned me an eye injury would hurt so much.

He kept trying to open it, doing so for maybe a brief second butā€¦ Nothing changed. What? I thought I opened it. There were multiple attempts, but none were successful. Why couldn't he see? The blood poured down the white side of his face, staining it a beautiful (or rather, horrifying) crimson color. He could only see the drops on his paws and on the ground beneath him. Panic flooded his mind. If I can't see then I'll be a failure. No, but I can still see- somewhat. Oh stars. The tom didn't notice his breathing picking up, heartbeat loud in his ears as he sat up, his good eye staring at the ground and the few drops that made their way down there. Just barely, he heard speaking, and a pressure on his cheek. His mind snapped back, focus returning to the tomcat now in front of him.

"Yā€¦Yeah. Yeah I'm fine." A dry chuckle left his mouth. "We do- though I guess some of us let our guard down." A little smile returned to his scruffy face. He didn't speak as the smaller tomcat tried to clean him up, holding back a chuckle as he winced from the taste of blood. And then he felt him lean in closer, resting on him.

"You're welcome. And uh, don't worry! I mean feel free to be worried, but the moment I get back to camp, all will be fine. Our medicine cat does a fantastic job, he'll patch me right up and boom! Back to fighting more dogs and saving kittypets." He laughed and shook his head. "Though I can't imagine I'll be allowed to save many more. This one might be my last." The tabby winked at Ducky before standing to his paws, glancing at the smaller. "Are you okay, though? Your twoleg gonna fix you up? You don't look too hurt, so it shouldn't be much."

// mobile post srry if i miss anything </3
( šŸµ ) His ears still rang from the pained scream that Houndwhisper let out, the amount of blood that dripped from the stark side of his face now coated by crimson, he didn't like it. Maybe if he had been paying attention, he could have saved the Skyclanner from losing sight in his right eye and the thought itself made his shoulders slump slightly as he watched the larger tomcat recover from his state of shock... Even if briefly. Hearing the other say that he was fine, the words squeezed at his heart and a frown present on his face as he shook his head slowly "You'd actually be fine if I had paid attention..." Ducky mumbled quietly still focused on Houndwhisper.

His ears perking up as he would listen intently to what the fluffy tom was beginning to say about some medicine cat and how they'd patch him right up, he tilted his head slightly trying to imagine a feline trying to do what those weird white wearing twolegs did. It was odd but interesting all at once, a snoer left him hearing how boom he'd go back to fighting dogs and kittypets. There was unspoken words that clung to the tip of his tongue though they vanished when Houndwhisper mentioned how he was the last kittypet he would save and blinked at him. Ducky blinking back at Houndwhisper though that drumming in his chest growing loud, he lifted a paw over his chest as if trying to muffle it.

When the question about his leg was brought up, he snapped back into reality and blinked once more looking down at his leg moving it closer to his body briefly wincing at the slight pain "She won't but she'll probably take me to that weird twoleg again to get it patched up." He took a deep breath watching as the other rose to his paws and offered a small smile "Y'know... You didn't give me your name. I think I should get to know the name of the heroic yet mousebrained fool that decided to risk his own hide to save me," The dappled tomcat rising to his own paws slowly with a flick of his ear before finally introducing himself as they didn't exactly get a chance to do so because of the dog that had attacked the both of them. "I'm Ducky."

He was curious about the stranger and very much so as he inquired with his head tilting to the side "What's it like... Y'know living out there and fending for yourself? If you don't mind me asking, of course. I'm curious about you..." But upon asking these questions it made the dappled feline realize that he couldn't really start saying anything about his own life... It was dull, he had thought it to be wonderful but now after all of this. The rush of adrenaline and fighting off a dog? It felt different, he felt different... A lot more alive than he had before. Perhaps if he left with Houndwhisper an-

"Don't be dumb. You don't even know where he lives or... Or if it's safe." He inwardly hissed at himself at how reckless his thoughts were at the moment, he needed to go home and maybe... He could think more on it. "Do... Do you enjoy it? Was his final question as Ducky locked eyes (or rather an eye) with Houndwhisper.

It took a few seconds for the fluffy tom to realize his wink wasnā€™t really a wink and more a blink right now. Maybe if his eye healed properly, heā€™d be able toā€¦ yknow.. Uhmā€¦ Wink again. Or itā€™d forever be a blink. Whichever happened, heā€™d figure it out. The blink in response to his ā€˜winkā€™ amused him slightly, until he got his response from the multi-colored tom. ā€œWeird twoleg?ā€ He asked, tilting his head. The question quickly fled his mind as he was asked his name, and then given the name of this tom. Ducky! His eye glanced down to the collar around the kittypetā€™s neck, jaw falling open. ā€œOhhh! That explains the ducks.ā€ Houndwhisper stated, bowing his head down and responding.

ā€œWell, this heroic, mousebrained fool is Houndwhisper, warrior of Skyclan.ā€ A simple introduction, though a little bit dramatic. It would do, he didnā€™t have time to fluff it up. His eye was hurting, he needed to get help as fast as possible butā€¦ Oh, the kittypet had questions. His tail flicked as he lifted his head, listening closely to the question.

ā€œItā€™s not badā€¦ Weā€™re free, we sleep under the starsā€¦ I like it. I couldnā€™t imagine living with a twoleg.ā€ Houndwhisper shrugged. ā€œI like it, I like it a lot. Being able to jump in the trees, run through grass- Have you ever chased a squirrel through a tree? Thatā€™s fun.ā€

He glanced up to the trees for a moment, flicking his ear. ā€œOh, I should get home. You should, too!ā€ Houndwhisper looked at the kittypet, nodding to him. ā€œYouā€™re welcome for help with the dog, Ducky.ā€ Part of him felt bad for trying to rush out of there, but the other was worried about his eye. The kittypet would be fine, thereā€™s no need to worry. No need to stay and chat. And with that, he began to turn around.
