I NEED A HERO - intro


local idiot
Oct 19, 2022
out of all the shadowclanners, goosewobble was not the most graceful. often times, he could be found tripping over his paws, or finding himself tangled up somewhere in camp. while many would find their faces growing hot at even the thought of being in such an embarrassing situation, the man had found himself in these situations more times than he could count on a single paw. by this point, he was far past worrying about how the rest of his clanmates perceived him after these situations. after all, it did lighten the mood around the usually grumpy clan.

this morning, he had found himself heading out rather early, hoping to get a good hunt in before heading off on patrol. what he didn't anticipate, however, was finding himself in a rather sticky situation. the scent of a plump lizard, he would make his way toward it, becoming less aware of the muck he traveled through the closer he made it to his prey. pausing, he would settle into the hunter's crouch before leaping towards the target. unfortunately, the lizard had heard the sloshing of mud, and darted away as the poor feline landed head-first into a pile of mud.

"frog-brain!" cursing himself slightly, the tom would lift his head, swiveling it around to see several of his clanmates laughing at him. while embarrassment should be lacing his tone, he found himself relaxing, laughing alongside them. it's not like they're laughing at me! they're simply laughing with me. any cat would laugh upon witnessing this situation. mud dripping from his pelt, he would shake the free muck away as he stood watching his clanmates.
  • Haha

She is doing a lot of things to try and keep herself distracted. Words from her clanmates still wrap around her mind. Sagepaw and the other yelling at her. Viciously unaware that she could not have done anything to help Twilightfall. She would have died regardless. Whatever the molly had eaten she had no way of helping her. If she had said yes, and she had died in camp would things have turned out the same? Tendril...spoke of Pitch being the only one to toss her position away from her. They all say train someone else. Give them half and incomplete knowledge so they can suffer as well. It bothers her, this notion and yet she keeps thinking about it. So much so that she is half paying attention on this hunting patrol. She only suddenly snaps back into it when she hears the bubbling laughter from around her.

Something so different and warm within what has become bleak. Her burning eyes shift to see what is so funny and she gets the view of Goosewobble and his head full of mud. Humor suddenly dances in her eyes and she shakes her head a little bit. "You are going to need a bath, Goose. Maybe in the small stream will help but it'll be a bit chilly." She shifts a little when he shakes. Mud splattering the ground but she doesn't seem annoyed by it.
Brawlinglion was among the crowd that laughed at the unfortunate sight before her. How could she not? It was Goosewobble after all, someone with a fitting name to match how things generally went for them. Though the she-cat is swift to duck behind someone else in order to avoid being caught by the spray of mud. Now that earned a low growl from her. "Watch it!" She hissed before stepping into the open again, lasing her tail all the while. The calico overheard Bonejaw's suggestion that the tom should head for the stream in order to wash off, a good idea of course but likely to result in further hilarity knowing Goosewobble's luck. "I suggest you heed her suggestion, because you won't be coming back to camp looking like that."

Hunting was never the most entertaining of activities, but it had to be done... if he was to one day become a great warrior of ShadowClan, renowned for his skill, it was important that he practiced. Generally every outing was the same, though, and it got easier and easier every time... when he had crossed the threshold of camp earlier that day with his mentor, Lemonpaw had hoped desperately that something out in the sprawl of the swamp would entertain him.

His wish, though it had been one made mostly in jest, was granted by the stars regardless- Goosewobble looked like some haunted creature, fur run through with swamp-muck. It dripped from his face like sludgy tears, wept upon the ground; how could someone living in this environment fall victim so violently to the mire? A snicker of amusement left his maw- though it was not quite the guffaw that Brawlinglion exhibited.

A splash of mud struck his cheek- scrunching up his snout, Lemonpaw lifted a cream paw to wipe it off. "Bonejaw's right. Let that dry and it'll clump your fur up." Mud knotting fur... it sounded horrible. Though, dunking your face in a frigid stream wasn't what he'd call a holiday either...

Glowingsoul was also one of the many who had found the whole incident rather amusing. A soft chuckle would flow from her throat, the molly sitting near Brawlinglion. But as her friend ducked behind her and mud splattered onto her own fur, Glowingsoul would do her best to not growl or be upset. It was simply mud, after all, their home was covered in it.

Giving Brawlinglion an incredulous look for using her as a shield, the molly would rise to her paws and walk over to Goosewobble, "I also agree. I'll come with you if you wish to go, might as well now that I'm also covered in mud."
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