twolegplace I NEED HOME FOR A REST 🍤 [ daylight warrior ]


it's as shrimple as that!
Feb 14, 2023

These crossroads have been tarried at for an uncomfortable amount of moons now, and within him, the gnawing fear of putting a paw forward only intensifies with every new sunrise. He's paralyzed, frozen in the liminal space of diverging destinies, stuck in the critical juncture between the forking roads ahead of him. It's so terribly daunting. One of the pathways leads to the safety of tomorrow, where he can rest easy knowing that his survival is assured, while the other tempts him with a relapse into the lifestyle he sorely longed for; both of them are utterly irreconcilable. Should one of the paths be decided upon, he understands that there is no turning back—and the weight of this irreversible choice is becoming too burdensome to bear.

Throughout the last two seasons, Shrimpy Boy has led separate lives. The day sees him as a warrior amongst a clan's ranks, adding to their prey pile and pledging himself to its security. When darkness calls, the tom forsakes the forest in favour of his old home. Yet, every night, whenever he returns to the familiar porch of his twolegs, he is confronted once again with the reason why he'd ever sought a different life.

He is being forgotten about.

Twolegs, admittedly, are not easy to understand. But Shrimpy Boy isn't foolish, he's able to latch on when something's amiss. Even in the days before his initial departure into the woods, it has felt as though his presence in the houseplace was becoming increasingly overlooked, and unnaturally so. There was no good reason for the ear-scritches to stop, for his food bowl being filled only half of the time. However, as his twolegs' hair grew greyer, their attentions seemed to wane further, until the point where he was no longer significant in their lives.

Despite the mounting pressure of this predicament, there remains one constant that draws the ginger tom back to the porch every night. Placed just outside the screen door, upon the weatherworn wooden planks, an offering of shrimp. A juicy, chunky, delicious piece of shrimp. A reminder that he still holds a place in their hearts, however small or fleeting it may be, and provides a glimmer of hope of things being different.

But as he would discover tonight, no piece of shrimp lies upon the woodrot.

Vision clouded by a fog of despair, Shrimpy Boy hurtles across the length of the porch and props himself upright against the door. His claws dig into the fine grid, daggers plucking at the mesh as he tries desperately to peer inside. The lights, they're on! That means his twolegs are home! What's more, he can glimpse the illumination of their 'tee-vee' dancing along what little he saw of the ceiling and walls. His heart races with a mix of anticipation and unease. If they're inside, he'll be able to garner their attention in some way, surely!

A harsh, plaintive meow breaks through the air's stillness. "I'm here!" he yowls, continuing to tear at the door while he cries out into the night. No immediate response comes, and his sorrow amplifies tenfold. "Please! Please, remember me!" Vulnerability in its rawest form exudes in his pleas. His twolegs may not understand his words, but the shrillness of his tone conveys everything he wants them to hear.

Still, no response.

Soppy tears well up in his eyes, which scrunch immediately when he notices. He struggles to stifle the ensuing sob, but deep down, he questions the point of even trying. There are those in SkyClan who reject Shrimpy Boy for what he is: a kittypet. Now, his twolegs reject him too. The irony is just gut-wrenching. The tom's forehead plants itself into the door, and the teardrops fall onto where the piece of shrimp is supposed to be.

Why is he being forgotten by those who are supposed to love him? Will he ever find a place where he belongs? The weight of his predicament tears at his heart, leaving him with little more than the questions about his place in the world, and the love he thought he had.
Night falls softly, shadows cupping the somnambulant Twolegplace in fuzzy darkness. Dim lights grow dimmer, then fade, winking out of existence like fireflies. Tallulahwing's trek from SkyClan to her housefolk's nest is one spent in quiet contemplation. She's thinking about the patrol she'd failed, but she won't allow herself to dwell in self-pity. Every warrior fails sometimes; surely she's taught Figfeather that, so she should remember it herself!

Still, remembering the way Grizzlyridge had been snatched by those strange Twolegs... she has to stifle a sigh. Tallulahwing vows, somehow, to make it up to SkyClan.

Her vows are interrupted by a pitiful keening. Familiar. Tallulahwing's fur bristles, more out of fear than anything else. Her pawsteps take her to a Twoleg nest she has not visited before, a familiar ginger tom on the porch. Shrimpy Boy. He claws at the door, peers in through the window, and his words slip hauntingly through the dark. "Please, remember me!"

Tallulahwing lets out a soft mrroww to let him know she's there. Slowly, she pads closer, her golden eyes limpid in the vague light coming from his housefolk's nest. "What's goin' on, darlin'? Who... who is forgetting you?" But she knows the answer, doesn't she?

A tale as old as time. Not one she has experienced or wants to, but she knows it's happened. Many former kittypets in SkyClan know the fickleness of a Twoleg's heart. Is that what Shrimpy Boy is experiencing now?

The torbie dares to approach the orange tom, her fellow warrior, and brushes her flank against his. "You're not alone, now," she assures him. "Tell me... did somethin' happen?"

V doesn't know much about twolegs. Not the way that Kerosene would, or even Silver. He's not close like that, doesn't bother with them. They don't bother him much either. No rummaging through their carrion cans, no begging 'em for food. He doesn't even do what might be good for them, like catching the mice that run 'round their porches. No, it's best to just...leave them be. Not risk it. It seems like not everyone'd learned that lesson.

Soft kittypets aren't really an enemy of his. He'd listened to too much of Silver's ranting for that. The problem with clans is that they reject the others. They aren't there for each other, not the way they should be. Just creating war, and for what fuckin' sake? The forest was a better place 'fore they decided they were the only ones that could walk through it. And kittypets weren't any danger to them, and they're still getting run off. He's seen the way some come running through here, chased by forest stench. But he's seen a whole bunch more just walking home, comin' in through a window or those little flaps in their doors.

Home. Just like that. It's a weird thought.

This one, though– he's not that lucky, it would seem. Vegas is perched nearby, grooming his paws to the time of the abandoned cat's shouts right up 'til they turn to sobs. He stops grooming then, but doesn't remember to lower his paw all the way. Another of 'em's come up to him, and V's face scrunches up at the sound of them. The sight of that familiarity. Abruptly, he finds himself missing his boys. Missing his own home. Even when he's been pissed off enough to go running away, he'll always find his way back. Won't he? This cat must've thought the same. A weight plummets down to his stomach.

Whether he's assuring the stranger or himself when he barks out, "Hey, if they're gonna leave you out here, they don't even deserve you," he has no fuckin' clue.

  • ooc:
  • full information.
    VEGAS,  vee  or  v.   accepts others, how happily depends on who it's from.
    ──── uses he - him + masc titles ;  will accept others with bemusement.
    ──── about 26 moons old,  born during early greenleaf or late newleaf.
    ──── gay, singleish. crushes on a broad range of men; doesn't act on it.

    a sleek chocolate point tom with some odd irregularities in his spotting, and a soft length of thicker fur from between his ears and down his spine. his eyes are a soft, mellow blue, though they have a more intense glow in certain lighting. deceptively strong, with the build of one accustomed to work.
  • "speech"