horseplace i never walk about after dark ᪥ COYOTE


autumn sunlight
Aug 20, 2024

Magnolia's paws are weary and lead-heavy as she approaches the Horseplace she'd been told about by a fellow loner; the sweet smelling Twoleg dwelling boasts a good nights rest and a full stomach for the blue cat. She's traveled quite a distance just to catch another sight of the looming Highstones before Leafbare arrives. Magnolia only wishes to see it before Leafbare forces her to hunker down within the confines of the Twolegplace, effectively restraining her from feeling she ever gets a full breath of fresh air. The trek there wasn't as easy as usual with the way in which her mind can not seem to rest any longer. Now not only does her mind ache but her paws to do, now more than ever as she is just fox lengths from the barn.

Her stomach grumbles with a plead for nutrients. I couldn't catch one damn thing on the way here, such a failure... But the prospect of just catching a glimpse of those looming peaks of snow kept her going day and night. Besides, the idea of being able to boast about making such a journey to Blazingheart was good motivation as well. A strained huff emerges from Magnolia's maw just as she hears the crunch of a paw pressing against dried brush. The large cat swings around to see tortoiseshell stalking up to her, a cruel gleam in her hazel eyes. "Hey..." Magnolia mumbles, the fur of her white mane prickling upwards. She should've known she'd run into trouble with the way in the bird song went stagnant as she neared the Horseplace.

"Well now, is this your territory? You don't look like one of those... tall cats-" Magnolia makes a weak gesture with her tail towards the direction of Windclan. "-no offense..." She takes a backwards step without removing her amber stare from the hostile. Simultaneously her upper lip flinch upwards in fear and her claws unsheathe as she shudders, the tortoiseshell doesn't look like one to hear out her pleas, but she continues, "I'm real tired... really hungry, too, I'm just trying to go right over there and out of your way. I mean no harm by trespassing..."

|| @Coyote.

Coyotecrown watches, she's always been an observer, preferring to assess rather than leaping into action in comparison to her some of her more... Excitable siblings. Admittently she shouldn't be so close to the moors, not with those righteous Windclanners lingering around there like fleas. Why they're so precious about this land she doesn't understand but she tests those limits set in place. The cat lingering so close is not one from the clans, the rot of Twolegplace is wraith-like and she can smell that anywhere after having spent so many moons there. There's venom in her gaze as she makes her presence known, crunching her paw against the dry bush from which she has been staring for so long. This she-cat may not be a clan one but her ire holds towards anyone who looks better off, besides maybe she can hang the body across the border like a shrike with some forgotten prey. That's what she will be rendered as today, forgotten about, another body in her climb to power.

"Do I look like someone who would be seen around there?" It reeks, ripe of beasts and lazy cats alike. A faux eyebrow is cocked in questioning as she stalks towards the she-cat, wondering if this may make her turn around and leave. That wouldn't be very fun at all though, would it? No offense is tacked on, as if that makes a difference. "They're weak, as are you." There's a clear advantage for Magnolia, broader and larger but Coyotecrown is quick. From her own skills and the mockery of whatever WindClan skills are taught by their exiled in their broken clan.

"No. You're not going anywhere. Happy just waltzing around wherever you please, hm?" It's pathetic really, to see these weak excuses of a plea. It's hypocritical of Coyotecrown to be so critical over something like trespassing but the longer she looks at Magnolia the more her seething boils. Digging her paw into the ground she aims to close the distance between them. Claws outstretched as she swipes wide, hoping to mar her muzzle. Truly it's only fair, if she has the gall to chat so much she should bear the consequences from it, the tortoiseshell is only doing her a favour.

    She / her, Rogue, 17 moons (ages on the 3rd)
    NPC x NPC | Sibling to Vixenblood, Vipestriker, Kitestorm, Hawk, Wolf, Spider & Shrike
    A long haired tortoiseshell with hazel eyes | Judgemental and spiteful, a cat that lacks respect for others and refuses to feign it.
    "speech" | thoughts | attacking
    All opinions are IC only!

She has known fear, its been instilled into her veins since a young age; maybe before she could quite remember there's always been a pounding sense of self preservation which protects her. It protected her in her early moons when she'd had a run-in with a rogue, hardly escaping with what's left of her ears. But Magnolia fears she's not able to protect herself now. There's no where to go for Magnolia. There's just flatlands, rolling into the foothills below the Highstones, no trees for some distance which she could attempt to pull herself into. She's entirely vulnerable, defenseless. She has no concrete combat skills... but the molly won't let herself succumb so easily.

Her fruitless pleas trail into anger fueled half-breaths as though her lungs had a leak in them. Her broad paws flex- does she charge first? It is clear violence is the direction this encounter will lead to. Her lip rolls upwards into a snarl as she keenly notices Coyotecrown's claws unsheathe and her lean body tense. A shudder crawls rapidly along her spine, shooting arches of anticipation through her body as she braces. Her broad head swings back, an attempt to dodge, but claws gnash through fur and skin all the same. There's no pain in the moment, adrenaline affectively pumps through every part of herself. The attack upon her maw creates an arc from nose to lip.

Blood rushing in her ears deafens her. Magnolia backs away, shoulders rolling forward as she bares her teeth and snaps out at Coyotecrown. As she weighs her options she wastes time to make a counterattack. The blue molly as her attention flicks towards the route she must take back to the Twolegplace. Coyotevixen springs forward and attempts to claw again at her face, but Magnolia shirks away at the last moment. The dense fur of her shoulder prevents a substantial wound, but it instigates further anger- rage- in Magnolia. A ragged snarl erupts from Magnolia as she extends a broad paw, which she tries to slam into Coyotecrown's bicolored face. If it proves successful she uses the opportunity to ambush, throwing her weight into Coyotecrown so that she may pin her down. Magnolia uses her heftiness to pin, a large paw bearing down on her chest.

  • MAGNOLIA she/her, loner, moons
    a sizable longhaired blue cat
    since escaping her twoleg home at the age of 6 moons, Magnolia has lead a solitary life with no genuine connections with others due to a fear of loosing them. despite her many tribulations, Magnolia still manages to be benevolent, brave, and eccentric. she approaches others with the hope they will not let her down but always remains on edge.
    daughter of Florabreeze
    ° peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    ° ken_uNoton discord, feel free to dm for plots.