Howlfire knew the time for her kits to arrive was drawing closer and closer. Even before SkyClan had been forced to flee, she had been growing near to that day. She is desperate to hold on, to hope and pray that they can reclaim their home before they born, that her kits would be born in SkyClan. Their home. Their true home.

As the sun begins to set, the first signs that something is happening begin to occur. Howlfire had been increasingly uncomfortable in recent days but in the past hour, she cannot settle. It seems that no matter the position she finds herself in she cannot get comfortable. She twists and turns and readjusts herself numerous times but it is to no avail. It is only then that she is aware of the dull ache in her stomach and back. It doesn’t feel so bad at first, only uncomfortable, but then it progresses and it is suddenly so much worse. Howlfire sucks in a breath of air, trying to bite back the yowl of pain that threatens to burst free, not wanting to disturb the slumbering kits or queens. It’s a valiant effort on her part but when another ripple of pain courses through her she is powerless to stop the wail that follows.

Cats begin to stir in the nursery and Howlfire looks around panicked. “The kits...they’re coming!” She manages to say, voice faltering as another wave of pain hits her. Stars, was it supposed to hurt this bad? Howlfire had always been quietly nervous about having her kits but now that the moment is here she is positively terrified. What if something went wrong? What if her kits did not survive? What if she did not survive? Oh, how she wished to be back home, back in the safety of SkyClan’s nursery. How she wished she could be with family at this time. She wished her mother were here, to offer words of support or comfort. She wished Coyotecrest were here too. Strong, dependable Coyotecrest. He needed to be here for this!

“Coyotecrest…” She stammers, looking around wearily as though half-expecting him to materialise in the den beside her. “I need him! I can’t do this without him!” Howlfire feels more like a whimpering child in that moment as opposed to the mother she is soon to be. She feels alone and afraid, finding little comfort in the faces around her, despite the warmth and support they had shown her since they were all thrust together. “Berryheart…Fireflypaw, are they here?” Howlfire asks, looking around at the faces, almost desperately. If she must give birth in ShadowClan she wants one of her kin by her side, not the small ShadowClan medicine cat she does not know.

Kits will be born next post!
@STARLINGHEART (@Coyotecrest - for stalking purposes only ;) )
"Oh, StarClan. Hang on, Howlfire." Apricotflower is on her paws quick as she can. Once she's out of the den she stalls, looking back and forth for the medicine den. This isn't her camp. She doesn't know her way around ShadowClan, the marsh sticky underpaw and uncomfortable. In her rush, it takes a moment to locate, but the scent of sickness and of herbs draws her quickly to its entrance. Her first instinct is to find Beesong, but then she winces, turning her thoughts to Ravensong, who is also unavailable. Oh, fox-dung. StarClan above. In her haste, she's forgotten to send another of their denmates to find a stick.

"Berryheart! Fireflypaw! Starlingheart!" She hisses, poking pink nose into the den. Requested medicine cats, check. Most likely medicine cat to find, also check. Wide-eyed, she faces the first cat she sees with a slightly strained mrrp of greeting. Her plumy tail flicks back and forth, hopeful. "Hi. So sorry to barge in, uh- Howlfire's kitting. She wants her mate to be there, can we or you or someone else fetch him? He'd be with the warriors. Please, it's her first litter. His name's Coyotecrash, or something like that."

// looking for @BERRYHEART and @Fireflypaw but talking to the first cat she's found near the med den entrance
Fireflypaw is no stranger to birthings; they are beautiful to watch, and awe-inspiring to assist on. His paws carry him to Apricotflower quickly, the news of Howlfire's kitting beginning happy news. "Coyotecrest." He corrects the Queen with a smile, lifting a stick up into his jaws as he waits for Starlingheart and Berryheart. When they come into view, Fireflypaw makes a beeline for the nursery, the calls for Coyotecrest loud in the air. It smells like milk in the den, milk and kittens. It's moments of clarity like this that makes him miss his mom, knowing that Howlfire needed the support system. He lays the stick down at her paws, nudging it forward before he takes a seat by her in the den. He leaves enough room for the other medicine cats, ears twitching atop his head as he lowers his head down to lick Howlfire's forehead comfortingly.

"You're gonna do great. Just bite down on that stick if you need it." He informs her softly, his voice a lull of exhaustion as he nudges her cheek with his own. His little sister was having kits.. He felt pride bloom in his chest for her, like a blossoming vine as he listens to her prepare to bring life into the world. His ears swivel over to Starlingheart, to his Uncle, before he lowers his head to the ground to pray. "Please let the kits be healthy, Miss.." He begs the earth below him. I will love these kits like they're my world. Howlfire deserves that.
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Reactions: apricotflower
Dogbite's struggle of a recovery had been a long and grueling one, but with each passing day, they felt a gradual return of strength.

The once weak and frail cat had made significant progress, and while he wasn't back to full capacity, they could sense a glimmer of hope on the horizon. His heavy days of sleeping left him restless under the moonlight, which was a new change to adjust to.

Despite his physical limitations, Dogbite was determined to be there for his clan, especially now when the tensions were high and conflict was on the horizon. They longed makeup for lost time and seek amends for the time he spent bound to Shadowclan's camp. This particular night seemed to be an improvement over the rest. He had managed to contribute by clearing some clutter out of Shadowclan's medicine den, a small victory that brought a sense of accomplishment.

Fatigue that had once weighed them down wasn't as oppressive today, and their appetite showed signs of returning. Getting them the clear that it hadn't been through the damages of Yellowcough.

However, their activity was disrupted by the sounds of distress coming from the nursery. Apricotflower's sudden appearance flustered the tabby and her orders caught him off guard. "Oh?" Soon Fireflypaw announced his exit to the nursery and the splotched feline felt even more confused.

Without skipping a beat, Dogbite's instincts prickled their pelt, eager to assist but hesitant to risk their current set up. "W-wait! Can we bring other cats into camp?" His wobbly gaze peered to the medicine cat apprentice's tail disappearing. New kits for Skyclan born in Shadowclan during a moment of solidarity was a rush of mixed emotions.

He hoped this birth was a blessing. One of good fortune that could be every clans turning point for a better future. Surely, they could convince Chilledstar of allowing the father-to-be access to his own kits.

  • ooc ;
    Feel free to power play Dog a bit if needed! Talking to @apricotflower rather than finding Coyotecrest.
  • 1000007505-png.1053

    ✧ 28 moons old
    ✧ skyclan warrior
    ✧ he/they ; single
    ✧ child of npc x npc
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
Last edited:

Around her the queens begin to stir and move, ready to help and offer support for her. Howlfire is grateful deep down but she doesn't want them...she wants her kin. She is faintly aware of Apricotflower leaving the den, likely in search of one of the medicine cats. Howlfire gets her answer when the familiar scent and form of her brother appear in the den. Despite her pain, she perks up upon seeing another familiar face, comforted by his presence and feeling safer knowing he had experience with litters.

Howlfire wants so desperately to wait for Coyotecrest, for him to be here too, but the urge to push is strong and knows she can no longer wait. It's a difficult, painful, and long process but a few hours later Howlfire lies contentedly on her side, three new kits suckling at her stomach. She can't help but marvel at the three of them, their small size, their mix of pelt colours. She feels such a deep and powerful love for the three of them, knowing she would give her life to protect any and all of them.

The first of her kits is a lilac-cream torbie. Howlfire can't help but think she looks a bit like her, albeit with far more muted colours. Howlfire is disappointed Coyotecrest wasn't there at the moment, but she knows it cannot be helped given the situation they were all in. She thinks of him as she assigns the first of their children a name. "Hawkkit," She says, touching her nose upon her eldest daughter's head. It's a strong, powerful name, just like the bird from which it came from. Howlfire can recall Coyotecrest having suggested the name once or twice and thinks he would have approved.

Her amber eyes sweep over to the middle child - her only son. Like both his siblings, he was blessed with long fur. His pelt is a warm red and Howlfire can think of no finer name than the one she was about to bestow on her son. "Blazingkit - for my father, Blazestar," She smiles warmly, once again touching her nose atop her child's head. It's another name she thinks Coyotecrest would approve of, having been offered sanctuary as a kit by Blazestar and also being mentored by him.

Finally, her gaze shifts to her last kit, her youngest daughter. She's a darling little thing, just like both her siblings. Blessed with the same long fur as her siblings in similarly delicate tones of cream and lilac as Hawkkit. Howlfire has to ponder on a name for her youngest child, a few ideas formulating but none quite seeming to fit. She studies her features for a moment and then a name comes to her and she touches her nose upon her head. "Wolfkit," Howlfire said, bestowing the final name. She was primarily named for her mother, but Howlfire thinks there's a subtle nod to Grey Wolf there too, the grandfather she never knew. It's a legacy name to be sure but a strong one too.

All three named, Howlfire looks upon all her children once more, before she looks up in search of Fireflypaw. She dips her head at him appreciatively, glad for his assistance and support. "Thank you for being here, Fi," Howlfire smiled warmly. She was glad at least one of her kin could be here with her. Howlfire proceeded to lower her head, drinking in the moment of quiet peace with her kits. Her eyes only briefly look up to ask either Fireflypaw or one of the queens to somehow pass along a message for her. "Please could someone let Coyotecrest and the rest of my family know we are safe and well?"

// @Hawkkit @wolfkit @BLAZINGKIT baby tag!! you guys don't have to post here if you don't want to - as i know how difficult playing babies can be
THERE WILL COME A SOLDIER One moment, the nameless kitten had been warm and resting unaware of the world awaiting him. When he's finally born, the cold air nips at him and the small tabby tom flails around for a heartbeat or to before parting his little pink mouth to take in a greedy gulp of air and how it makes his lungs hurt for a second. A shrill little cry erupting from his small, gumless jaws as he protests and almost demanding to be warm once more. He's fierce despite how his own cries are falling upon the deaf ears of his littermates and his own, it's not long until the little beast is soothed and calmed by the scent of his mother and how gentle she is with him and his sisters.

Once he rests near the belly of his mother and suckles to soothe his hunger with little fiery paws kneading gently at her side, he's finally named. Blazingkit, after Blazestar, and thus his life begins and the first chapter of his story unfolds. What name would Blazingkit make for himself? Only time would tell.

  • blazingkit_cheeb.png
    ✧ 2 moons old
    ✧ skyclan kitten
    ✧ son of coyotehowl and howlfire
    ✧ brother to wolfkit and hawkkit
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ chibi art by meghan
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Reactions: Thorny
Wolfkit is the last to join her siblings, but she is oh-so eager; even from birth, she is determined not to be the odd one out; not to be the one left behind. Even from birth, she is a pack animal, determined not to be solitary in any aspect. When Blazingkit breathes, she breathes. When Hawkkit cries, she cries. Wolfkit can't see them, can't hear them, but she follows them step by step anyway. Howlfire rasps her tongue over her small body, and Wolfkit moves to her belly as her siblings do.

There is so much she doesn't know. She doesn't know that Little Wolf, her namesake, is buried on a snowy peak millions of pawsteps away from here. She doesn't know that ShadowClan, her birthplace, is not her real home. She doesn't know that Howlfire and Coyotecrest love her as much as any parent could hope to. All of these things, she does not know– yet. But one day, she will.

Wolfkit lets out a final, contented squeal, settling next to her siblings at last. As long as she has them by her side, she'll be able to face anything.

  • 72111278_0Dicsw9wHLezqWU.png

    — wolfkit
    — she / they / he ; kit of skyclan
    — longhaired lilac torbie with piercing yellow eyes
    — "speech" ; thoughts
    — chibi & reference by me
    — penned by meghan
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Reactions: Thorny