pafp I ONLY TALK TO DOGS ⁀➷ rejecting friendship

ˏˋ*⁀➷ Since leaving the medicine den, Bravepaw's latched right back on to Fallowpaw. He's so persistent, and it grates at her even more now. She's trying to be a good, serious apprentice so ThunderClan will let her stay, and he's still just acting like a kit. Even with those talon-marks across his flank, he's still so childish. Like hurt can't reach as deep as it does for her, can't steal away that bright-eyed wonder. She bares her teeth in annoyance as he starts following her towards the freshkill pile, stopping in her tracks.

"Bravepaw," she says, low and exasperated. She casts a long look upon the young tom, as if pleading for him to finally get it. "Y'gotta stop following me." She's let him get away with too much for too long. If she lets things stay the same now that he's out of the medicine den then she'll never get rid of him. She thinks for a moment, face scrunching up as she tries to figure out how to explain.

Her eyes dart away. "Can't be seen with you all the time." Cats will think they're friends. Which they aren't, but she knows that trying to convince him is fighting an impossible battle. "You're..." Annoying? Too loud? Stupid and Reckless? ...Too kind of a cat to be hanging around with a rogue playing at being a clan cat? "...ugly." True enough and something cares little enough about to not regret saying. Doesn't matter that she doesn't have much grounds to stand on, her fur easily mistaken for a bird's nest and bearing the same sort of owl-scars. She looks him up and down, with his too-big ears and his too-big paws. He looks lopsided, and she almost feels bad. Not too bad though, because it gives her a pretty good excuse.

  • pls wait for @bravepaw : ̗̀➛
  • 75847553_J54l2Gh8YgBMzwX.png

  • FALLOWPAW ⁀➷ she / it, apprentice of thunderclan, six moons.
    a scarred, pointed brown and white molly with shaggy fur and golden eyes.
    standoffish and solitary, always seems to have a dark cloud hanging over its head.
    baying hound xx npc, littermate to antlerpaw, doepaw, fawnpaw, & elkpaw.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
  • Wow
Reactions: ixora
. ° ✦ Batwing's death had brought on an uncomfortable feeling that covered him like a second coat. It wasn't something he could simply groom off himself and no matter how often he tried to shake it, physically, or seek to convince Gentlestorm he must be sick, nothing could help take it away.

It was like the whole of Sunningrocks had made a comfortable home in his lungs in a chronic sensation of sinking dread. Bravepaw couldn't tell if it was fear that wrapped cold icy claws around his breath or misery. Something of a mix between the two- he certainly wasn't afraid of anything now that the wolves had disappeared. But something still lurked over his shoulder, as if he were only biding his time before another broke free from the wretches of death and destroyed another link to his family again.

It was hard not to notice just how differently his Clanmates treated him now, too. Leopardtongue was softer when she spoke, like every word had the strength to break him. As though the sheer volume of her voice could bring his chin down to his paws. His warriors danced around asking him the ill-fated question that normally greeted him on their return from patrols- 'what are you up to today?' or how did your day in camp go?' after his answer became muddied with tears every time.

The only one that hadn't changed was... her. And he clung to how normal it was, falling back into Fallowpaw's shadow. Mewling for the nights lost staying in the apprentices den together from his time in the medicine den. Talking about anything that wasn't what everyone else thought of when they looked at him. How he and Doepaw played 'I spy' for so long that they had missed mealtime. That he worried his bedding with the other apprentices wouldn't be as comfortable as the moss Gentlestorm used. How he wondered if sleeping with herbs stuck to his coat made it any better to hide his scent in a hunt.

They're nearly to the fresh-kill pile together when suddenly Fallowpaw has spun around to face him, the familiar look like he's about to get swiped at appearing on her face again. But she doesn't swipe him, not with claws anyway.

"Huh?" Ugly? His paws touch on too-wide ears and the movement itself makes him all too aware of how silly his paws look on still-growing limbs. No one had ever said anything about it, though. He was just a little different looking! "Why?"
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
    A Longhaired chocolate tabby/blue tabby chimera with deep blue eyes. Very thick coat that has started to grow into long, wispy curls. Developing into an awkward stage of kitten uglies as the rest of his body grows and changes.