private I PREDICT A RIOT [✦] escape

There's a hole in the bramble wall.

It's a small one, but one big enough for a kit like Screechkit to notice. To keep an eye on. The kit found it a while ago now, back when he was playing hide and seek, hiding behind the nursery as Frostbite called out a countdown. Waiting to be found led to a wandering gaze, which led to a discovery he'd been checking back on every so often ever since.

Sure, he could've made his escape that day in the midst of the game, and, in turn, would've won with the best hiding spot ever - but unfortunately Frostbite's rules had forbid that, and Wheatpaw had made a scene of his first escape attempt not too long before that. So, the dark-furred tom was left to wait for the perfect moment instead.

And he wonders as time passes, if the busyness of the camp as of late has led to his older clanmates failing to notice the damage to the wall - if everyone is too busy watching over others instead. With Halfshade sick, and Poppykit and Flintkit sick as well, it seems like most of his usual caretakers are all off dealing with sickness - whether healing themselves, healing others, or worrying about their children.

And his own mother? She's busy being a warrior - busy providing for the clan as a whole, rather than taking care of just her kits. Screechkit thinks this must be a good thing, an important thing, if Forestshade is allowed to leave him and his siblings with the other queens all the time.

Either way, there are far less watchful gazes held over him than usual. And with each day that passes, the hidden exit calls to him more. If he waits any longer, he might risk someone else finding the break in the bramble wall, might risk getting caught leaving the camp through it.

Screechkit stands in the shadows behind the nursery, a final glance around to make sure no one is watching him. He's found his perfect moment. It's now or never.

Carefully - he remembers to be careful, remembers the pain that erupted in his paw when he'd been so bold as to touch the wall upon his discovery of it - he ducks down, slipping beneath the brambles and through the pathway it gives way to.

Screechkit emerges on the other side with wide eyes as he takes in his first sight of the big world outside of the camp. A successful escape, he's done it. It's bigger than he thought - endless marshes under tree cover. Bigger than he thought, and yet other clans lie beyond that. He can hardly comprehend how vast the world he was born into is.

He takes it all in for a second longer before bounding forward into the marsh's depths, his first taste of freedom on his tongue.

While her night hunts had certainly become a lot less frequent since her kits' arrival (it's easier to find a babysitter in the daytime), she still manages to get out every so often. The soft croaking of frogs brings her comfort as she trots through the marsh, paws finding familiar paths and divots. She aims to bring back a couple of pieces of prey by the time the sun rises. She'd give them to her kits before slipping into the thorny nursery for a morning nap. Sounds nice....But she isn't left to her daydreaming for long. Her sensitive nose picks up a scent all too familiar, one that leaves her tail bushy and lashing.

She smells her kits.

As she hurries towards the source of the scent, her mind races with possibilities. Is her mind playing tricks on her? Or are her kits truly out in the dead of night, having slipped by unnoticed in case anyone is on guard? Arriving at the scene, her nose is able to narrow down the scent to just one of her kittens, and of course it is the one she should expect this from.

"Screechkit, what do you think you're doing?" Her voice is cool and calm as she strides forward, no detectable anger in her words but the lashing of her tail suggests that she is tense.

Within seconds, his world grows. No longer is he confined to the nursery, the camp - to Frostbite’s game-filled watch over him. Screechkit has found a way out - a means of answering questions of what lay beyond the camp. Finally, he gets to see the big world - limitless in its glory, never-ending in its opportunities to explore.

He could get lost out here; he could never find home again if he strays far enough. It’s a thought that shakes him - leaves him wondering if he should turn back and pretend he’d never left camp - but the tremor of such an idea only lasts for mere moments. Because, Screechkit found his way out of camp, surely he could find his way back, right? Surely it wasn’t that hard to do, returning home: the warriors did it all the time. And if he’s already caught his first catch, he’s already on his way to becoming a warrior.

Setting his brief worry aside, he continues forth on his exploration, eyes wide as he takes in the new sights around him. Small kitten paws slow to a stop beside a fallen tree, hollowed out with time - much larger than the branch that Sweetkit had fallen over in camp. He leans forward to investigate the log, a two-toned gaze peering into it, a blackberry nose twitching. New smells, new sounds: he wants to take it all in before he has to go back home, before he’s stuck back in the nursery again and —

"Screechkit, what do you think you're doing?"

The boy lifts his head, turning to face a blinded watch. Surprise strikes him then - though perhaps the voice should’ve startled him first. Perhaps he’d expected Frostbite to find him, or for Briarkit to follow him, but he hadn’t expected to face Forestshade out here. She was busy, after all.

Oh, I…” he stumbles over his words, uncertainty rising within him. Was she mad at him? With what little he sees of his mother, had he spent it all on making her mad? He thinks Frostbite would be mad if he were the one in Forestshade's place. Maybe Halfshade as well, if she wasn’t so sick. “... I’m exploring.
I'm exploring. Forestshade stands there a moment longer with her tail lashing, blind eyes narrowed. She knows she has given her kits all the independence she could have wanted as a child, but she hadn't expected them to put themselves in danger. After a few heartbeats, she sighs and shakes her head, eyes falling shut as she paces forward. "It's dangerous out here, Screechkit. That's why kits don't leave camp," The patched tabby explains, leaning down only to sniff around him and make sure he isn't hurt.

"Let's go back. Don't speak of this to anyone or your apprentice ceremony will be delayed." And it will make me look like I can't control my own kits! She flicks her fluffy tail against his side before leading the way back. "How did you escape?" She can't help but ask with a quirk of her brow, the hint of a smile on her maw. She wouldn't encourage the behavior, but she can't say she isn't impressed.