i promise i'll do better | willowroot

Hesitation stills purposeful steps just outside of the nursery, citrine eyes gazing down at multicolored paws as Robinpaw tries to collect her thoughts and recite a simple introduction to her new mentor. Nothing ever seems good enough to offer as a first impression to the queen who would be taking the apprentice under her wing once her kits become apprenticed themselves. Hello, I am Robinpaw. I am looking forward to being your apprentice, no... that seems too basic. Hello, I am Robinpaw. Cicadastar reassigned me to you, no... there's no use in repeating what the leader already said at the meeting. Hello, I am Robinpaw. I know I messed up big time but I promise I will do better, no... she didn't need pity from her new mentor. So what should she say?

Robinpaw feels a small paw nudge her forearm whilst being lost in thought and realizes a kit has wandered over to see what the strange apprentice was doing standing at the nursery entrance for so long. "Oh, uh, sorry. I was just on my way in to speak with Willowroot," the apprentice apologizes to the younger RiverClanner, dipping her head momentarily in greeting to the kit (and the supervising queen she noticed a second later) before padding into the nursery and seeking out Willowroot. It doesn't take long to find the queen and Robinpaw allows a small, somewhat uncertain, smile to grace her features as she pads over. "Hello, I am Robinpaw," basic, but it was the only constant she had when trying to come up with ways to introduce herself, "I was wondering if you had some time to talk? I thought we might... get to know each other before you officially take me on as your apprentice." She cringes slightly at the words spilling from her maw, none of them fully thought out but somehow getting enough of a point across. Robinpaw stands in wait, wondering if Willowroot will entertain a conversation with the tortoiseshell or if she will be sent away.

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( ) laying in her nest, having awoken several hours ago, willowroot lounges about, not quite bored, but not quite satisfied either. she's entertaining the thought of stretching her legs and convincing someone to go for a walk. tufted ears twitch as she hums to herself, vaguely watching through the door as her children play outside. hesitant paws of black and ginger appear, blocking her vision, and the smoke feline pulls herself up to a sitting position, curiosity waking her up. a kit's small form scurries up and nudges the multicolored paws, initiating a nervous voice. robinpaw's face appears seconds later inside the nursery and she pulls the rest of her body inside. uncertainty rings from the girl and willowroot's eyes soften, greeting the girl with a smile. "good morning, robinpaw," she'll meow, tipping her head to examine the apprentice with a kind gaze.

"yes, of course i have time to talk, love. i've got nothing but time on my paws right now, truth be told." she gestures to the empty nursery with a chuckle. "you know, you've become a little famous around these parts. the kits are fascinated by your little adventure. i am excited to be able to guide you, robinpaw." the queen blinks, tucking her paws under her tail. "come, sit, tell me about yourself."
Kindness shimmering in the queen's eyes soften Robinpaw's anxious heart, allowing for the multicolored apprentice to breathe a small sigh of relief. Slowly does she ease herself into a seated position, her own plush tail wrapping around chore weary paws as Willowroot speaks, remarking on her own surplus of time as well as the reputation Robinpaw has made for herself among the nursery goers. "I would have hoped my little adventure was used as a scary story for the kits," the apprentice murmurs with a tiny chuckle. Her collar rubs lightly against the back of her neck as her chin drops a bit, a constant reminder of what the adventure had cost her. A badge of shame. "Thank you, though, for taking me on as your apprentice. I promise to cause you no grief," Robinpaw adds as she raises her gaze to meet her mentor's once more.

As for telling Willowroot about herself, the tortoiseshell hums momentarily and paws at the ground. "I once had nothing but time on my paws too... came down with a cough right before I was to be made an apprentice. I watched my siblings move into the apprentice den while I stayed here in the nursery or spent time in the medicine den. When I - When I finally became an apprentice I was embarrassed at how far ahead my siblings were in their training. Or maybe I was jealous. It was a rash feeling that led to a rash decision," her infamous tale, spreading like wildfire among the youngest RiverClanners being raised by Willowroot and the other queens apparently. "now I spend my days crushing ticks between my teeth and changing out old moss." Which isn't all bad. Robinpaw can appreciate the benefits of her work - the relief that sinks into elderly bones when she has done a good job. It is rewarding in its own right. "One day I would like to learn how to swim though. And I want to get better at hunting and sparring."

"What about yourself, Willowroot? I am afraid I know so little about my own mentor,"
Robinpaw asks with an innocent tilt of her head.