I promise I'm gonna make a scene - fishing (w dice)


New member
May 2, 2023
It was clear Reedbite was aggravated. Her lips curled in disgust, the chocolate ears folded backwards, and her pupils slits against bicoloured eyes.

The dumb apprentice racing into camp had bowled right into her chest, and stood before her with a nervous chuckle. "uh, sorry, reedbite!" the apprentice would say, ducking her head a bit.

"It's fine. Pay attention next time," the warrior would say between tightly gritted teeth, tail flicking in annoyance.

It definitely was not fine. She could still feel the apprentices touch as if the other had left mud on her. She felt dirty. Her black paws would itch to rip her fur out, but she wouldn't do such a thing.

Instead, she'd leave camp, and head to the river. A simple swim should work... hopefully.

Light washed over the territory, and a warmth the sun brought was relaxing as she left the premises of camp and was able to take a breath. Clouds littered randomly across a blue sky, and the dew on the grass beneath her paws felt nice.

She gave a small sigh. She didn't exactly mean to make the apprentice nervous. But, she couldn't stand certain things. And at least she got better at biting her tongue.

Idle time passed as she made it to the river, stomach growling at the sight of a school of fish swimming through the water. Her tongue licked her teeth and her thoughts of washing was erased as instead she stood at the banks edge... waiting.
It was certainly hard to ignore the bristling frustration that came off of her at most inconveniences.... The young were fool-hardy, unrelenting, silly; all things that pointed to a lack of experience and worse yet, discipline. It was something Lichentail found herself sympathizing with, reminded of aggravating arguments in years past between her parents and twin. Ripple was always getting into trouble, always tripping others up or picking a fight. That poor scrap, slinking away with her head low in embarrassment at her blunder, had the unfortunate clumsiness to run into probably the most impatient molly she'd met in some time.

Watching the sheepish apology and curt (though snarling) reply, Lichentail offered the little apprentice a wave of her tail to reassure them- Reedbite was just a bit touchy about her personal space, it wasn't something to cry over later. Watching the fur on Reed's spine slowly settle, the blue point kept a small distance but followed in her persistence nonetheless. She would get puffy about anything but exhibited restraint! Wasn't that worth acknowledging too?

It was pretty typical that any RiverClan cat leaving home base would go looking for a waterway. Was she going for a swim to cool off? Her curiosity ignored her better judgement to leave the other cat alone and with a confident breath in, she closed the distance at the riverside to sit stubbornly beside Reedbite. Worst she could do was tell her to shove off and Lichentail wasn't worried about a few harsh words.

"Was nice of you not to shout at her," her eyes skimmed over the water, investigating what had the other's attention so keenly- no surprise that it would be fish. "Mind if I join you?"
ReedBite knew she was followed and decided to say nothing. She appreciated the time to cool off, if anything. As Lichentail approached to her side and spoke, her bi coloured eyes wouldnt break from the flowing water.

"I wish I could control getting so angry," she said, her tone regretful. "But, others touching me just... it's so irritating. I always feel so gross after it. It's not ripplepaws fault." It was a phobia. As simple as that. It could be the cleanest cat and she'd still feel the same way.

"I don't mind. We can bring home a bunch of food with this amount of fish-" her words cut off, as she noticed one nearing close, and with a trained movement, a white gloved paw would dart into the water. (7) Too soon. The fish would dart off, and Reedbites tail flicked in annoyance.

A deep breath, and the chocolate mollies haze of anger would calm down. "As.. long as I don't chase them all away." she tried to joke.

"I find yelling at apprentices to be part of the enjoyment of mentoring. Rather sad I don't have one anymore." It was hard to tell if he was being genuine of joking, but given Smokethroat's dry humor if he ever had any it was most likely he was attempting to be funny. The dark warrior wandered forward with that lone sunset gaze narrowed thoughtfully. He wasn't very familiar with neither Lichentail nor Reedbite but he knew every cat in RiverClan as well as he knew his own pelt; the joke there being that he was constantly gaining new spots and waking to a speckling surprise in various places. Still, his clan was his life, he knew their faces and names but their warmth and familiarity was a slowly developing process for some. He liked to think he was getting better about it when his earlier days in the clan were spent growling and grunting in reply to everything.
"Buckgait's kits will be apprenticed soon enough, either of you interested in getting one?" Was he already nosing around for a potential Iciclefang replacement? Perhaps. He had once considered the act of teaching a chore but the pride he'd felt watching her recieve her name was a high he desperately wanted to chase. He wanted to teach again, he wanted another apprentice, he wanted another little shadow following him around to impress upon the loyalty and skill of a proper warrior. It was strangely lonely without her.
"If you're fishing care for a third? I....am not doing anything at the moment." This time of the day he'd normally be training but again, he was without his usual distraction.
Resisting the urge to give the emotionally complex molly a pat on the back, Lichentail watched with a dull gaze as she flashed out a paw in hopes of making her mark. A miss... Tragic but common enough. She was riled up... frustrated clearly... a sense of remorse clung to her pelt. It was awkward trying to offer comfort but thank StarClan- here comes Smokethroat.

The flatness of his tone made it impossible to tell if that was a joke. Screaming at children, a favorite pass time of a lead warrior? Seemed legitimate enough.... They snickered. Pulling their gaze back to the water, they leaned forward slightly in preparation to show Reedbite how it was really done. [8] With a deft smack, they swore they could practically feel its scales graze the soft pad of their pads- Bad luck. Couldn't be perfect every time but they'd be damned if they left the riverside without something to show for.

The mention of more little ones lacking skills became an interesting consideration.... A wee shadow to idolize them? Hmm... not half bad. "I think I wouldn't mind taking one of the little scraps. I can't be the only RiverClan cat with the ability to jump higher than two inches, gotta pass on my skills before old age catches me." Anyone with eyes knew better than to believe that was the concern- Lichentail was approaching only their third trip around the sun. Practically a spring chicken.

"Would love to see you catch something- Seems Reedbite and I have forgotten how already," they joked, casting the sour lady a small smile so she felt included on the jest.​