pafp i pulled the tower [questioning]

𓍊𓋼 Border patrols have become a routine for Falconheart, an easy chore that he can perform without having to think too deeply about ways he could possibly screw it up and hurt his clan. Because while visiting certain clans like WindClan and RiverClan may be tense, Falconheart has always been especially good at keeping his mouth shut to avoid putting his paw in it. Today, he happens to be assigned to patrol alongside Batwing and a few other clanmates, and he can’t help but feel excited as they all meet at the entrance of camp.

The sun is beginning to set, ushering in dusk in a swirl of pinks and oranges, when Falconheart makes his way to the meeting spot. "Hi, Batwing," he greets the older tom with an easy grin, white teeth flashing in the dying sunlight. He’s quietly looked up to Batwing since his return from the journey, when he was named a lead warrior; much like Burnstorm, Batwing is a strong fighter, though he’s more fast than he is powerful. But that’s what makes Falconheart admire him, anyway—the cream tabby doesn’t have much power, but he’s fast, and that’s a strength in itself.

After a moment more of walking he asks idly, "What’s it like, being a lead warrior?" If he’s going to be one someday, like both his parents, then he should start gathering information now. Because sure, Batwing is strong and cool, but what if he doesn’t like being a lead warrior? Falconheart doubts that anyone could just not like it, but Sunfreckle only recently stepped down from his position, and the cream tabby respected him as well.

// @batwing
.i'll be your calm, ———


——— before the storm!.
———————— ————————
Batwing had been at the meeting spot for a few minutes, making sure to stretch his limbs accordingly. Resuming duty after the medicine den was a tricky thing- he had the energy and the means to make it back out there, but he didn't want to stress his body anymore then before. A soft hum left him as he heard paws approaching, giving Flamewhisker's son a small smile as he was greeted.

"Falconheart." His head dipped in response. He turned, greeting each of the other patrol members in kind. He pushed to his paws, heading out of camp and starting their patrol through the territory. His ear twitched as Falconheart spoke, green eyes shifting towards him. He couldn't lie if he was a hint surprised at the question- no one beside his children had asked that question, a funny introspection to what as going on here.

Batwing wasn't one to shy away from questions, however. "It's... I guess the easiest way to put it is a lot more responsibility." He spoke. "Leading patrols, being around for other's warriors concerns. Breaking up fights, overseeing trainings from time to time." He said, listing the responsibilities he could think of. Batwing's tail brushed against a tree, renewing the scent within the territory before he spoke again. "But it's showing up for your clanmates. Being there for them, because they're there for you."

The chimera didn't have enemies, persay, so it was a good thing that he could show up for other cats. "In the same vein, you're... important to the clan, in the meaning of secret meetings and decisions that pertain to the health of camp and clan." Batwing paused, vision shifting back towards Falconheart as he spoke. "You want to become one?" Kind of less of a question, and more of a prodding statement.

𓍊𓋼 He listens to the lead warrior speak with interest, ears angled in Batwing’s direction to catch everything that he says. It’s a lot, and just the idea of having so much responsibility makes Falconheart’s stomach hurt. But it doesn’t sound bad. "Yeah," he says in response to Batwing’s question, thinking of his parents after a moment. Would they be happy if he became a lead warrior? "I want to be one. But I’m me, so…" He trails off, gaze shifting to the trees around them and pointedly avoiding eye contact with the older tom. His chest aches with the thought of standing on equal footing to a warrior like Batwing—and then the thought that he will never be good enough for such a role in the clan. "I’m not… yeah, I’m not really worried about it, though. I can be a good warrior without being a lead warrior, right?" His question may sound rhetorical, but the tabby-striped tom looks to Batwing expectantly, hoping that the other will agree with him.

Tipping his head to the side in contemplation, he continues. "That sounds like it’s a lot of work, though," he comments, thinking of how often his parents were too busy to spend time with himself and Stormfeather when they were younger. Flamewhisker and Flycatcher had made a clear effort, and he loves his parents, but Falconheart can’t deny that their absence was felt all throughout his apprenticeship, and now as well. Batwing’s kits are apprentices now, aren’t they? "Do you get to spend much time with your kits, since you’re so busy, and they’re apprentices now?"