pafp I put a smile on my face; sparing

Aug 14, 2022
// retro to embers death rip

It had been a decent amount of time since she last sparred someone. In fact, she couldn’t remember the last time she spared someone who wasn’t an apprentice. She didn’t really have an itch to fight. But she knew it was good to not get rusty. The brown feline had someone in mind too. They seemed like a strong cat! Though, she admittedly was a little nervous that her tail was about to be handed to her.

“Silverlightning.” The older cat greets them. Her yellow hues are shining with excitement and nervousness. “Care for a spar?” Hollow Tree knew the question was out of the blue. Hoping he was a cat who liked to spar from time to time. If not, no hard feelings. There were plenty of others she could ask.
[ you fall through the trees . tags ]

// @Silverlightning
War weighin' on my heart but I can't fall
A single ear twists in the direction his name emanates from, steel gaze sweeping to land upon the excided molly greeting him. His head tilts a fraction at her request, mildly surprised although his features never shift from its usual stoic expression. He could not recall the last time he sparred with another warrior. Although he took note of the usefulness of keeping one's skill sharpened at all times. A soft breath leaves the tom's lips as he pushes himself to his paws, long limbs unfolding as he stands to full height. "Very well. I don't mind indulging in a small skirmish." Turning a tight semi circle Silver takes several short paces away from Hollow Tree to give both parties just enough space. Grey paws shift upon sticky mud as he adjusts his stance, readying himself for her first initial strike. "Your move."
Seekin' shelter from the storm on this blank road

"Hope you don't mind if I watch?" Flycatcher mews, padding over to where Hollow Tree and Silverlightning were about to begin their spar. Although he lingers nearby, he does not sit down, preferring instead to wait until he has been granted permission. He's on good terms with Hollow Tree but doesn't know Silverlightning as well but is otherwise curious to see how the two will fare sparring

Fighting made her fur prickle, she didn't want to learn how because she was so worried at getting hurt or hurting another; the idea of accidentally killing a cat was a far stronger fur in her mind than being killed herself. At least in death one could keep their sensibilities, it was the ones who lived after a battle who carried the weight of regret and grief, a burden she was not sure she ever wished to have laid on her shoulders again. Moonpaw walked stifly forward, pausing to peer around Flycatcher at the two combatants and she offered the lead warrior a polite nod before sitting down. This might be a better way for her to pick up some skils without having to tussle around herself so while she did not want to she forced herself to sit and observe. If it made her inevtiably lessons in combat any easier then it was worth putting the effort in to study and Silverlightning and Hollow Tree were both well-trained and formidable cats in their own rights. If she could garner even a sliver of skill from watching them clash then it will be worth it in the end.


Fighting was something the lilac tom didn't particularly like, but he had no problem doing it. His home was in ThunderClan now and he would do whatever he needed to in order to protect it alongside the great warriors he looked up to. Their eyes blinked somewhat unenthused as Silverlightning and Hollow Tree agreed to spar, seeing the crowd begin to gather, Pebblepaw followed suit, however. Even if he didn't get excited about two creatures beating each other up, there would at least be something to learn from it. Quietly, he appeared by his Uncle's side, offering a smile to both him and the combatants, the latter of which was likely too focused on each other to notice it. His voice barely above a whisper, Pebblepaw cheered "Show us what you've got- um..." The tom's head tilted east and west as he tried to make a decision until tentatively, he raised his right paw. "Who's got the advantage?" He asked no one in particular.

Within the camp, she spots the familiar pelt of her mate. She felt a tug in her heart, wanting to be close to him. The reason why was currently unknown to her, but she didn't want to be alone today. Heavy paws carried her across the camp, joining him with a gentle head bump to his shoulder. Slowly the red tabby would move to sit down on the other side of Pebblepaw, flicking her tail to wrap around her alabaster paws. She had arrived in time to hear Flycatcher ask if they minded an audience. Secretly she hoped they wouldn't mind, but if they did she would move without protest.

She would offer a small smile in greeting to Moonpaw, then turn her attention towards Pebblepaw. "They are both seasoned...I guess we will just have to wait and see." she responded softly, flicking her attention to the sparring pair. Hollow Tree had been a Thunderclanner longer, and she had more than likely participated in more border skirmishes than Silverlightning had...but she was unaware of the tom's past, so she was curious to see how he performed in a fight.
"I bet my next catch that Hollow Tree whips him into shape, eheheh." The large tom saunters towards the developing crowd with a curled tail and a half smile etched upon his ashen features. He folds his hind legs beneath a muscular frame, now rather lean with jutting ribs and a tapered waistline. Though, with longer locks it was harder to distinguish. Stormchaser loved to spar, the chance to learn something new from each individuals style of fighting. Critiques thrown here and there, helping one another to become better and more uniformed. He loved to watch just as much as he loved to participate, maybe even more. The neutral party, outside looking in the glass, able to calculate both sides and see how each of them retaliate to a different move. And of course, a friendly bit of gambling never hurt anyone, right?
✦ ★ ✦

She hadn’t expected the draw in such a crowd. But she didn’t mind her clanmates watching the spar. Hollow Tree was focused on her opponent. Yellow hues narrowing on them as they offer her the first move. She takes a long pause to think out her moves. Hollow Tree had never seen Silverlightning fight before and had no clue what his true skills were. But they had been taught by Howling Wind, her mother, who was a strong cat.

“Right.” she breathes in and out. Adjusting her stance to get ready to start the spar. Her body filled with energy as adrenaline started in her system. The warrior finally made her first move. Lunging forward in a quick dash only to stop a length leg away, aiming to swipe her paw out to hit his shoulder. A weak move really but she wanted to draw him out of his protective stance.
[ you fall through the trees . tags ]
War weighin' on my heart but I can't fall
It came as quite a surprise to him to see so many gather around to spectate the friendly matchup. His gaze shifted briefly to glance at the crowd before trailing back to Hollow Tree. It would be best to keep his eyes on her just incase she began without him looking. However, a single ear pivoted in the group's direction, mildly amused to hear them taking bets of all things. How interesting. Finally, the older warrior makes her move. Quick and precise movements bring her in close and he watches as a single paw swings down to connect with his shoulder. He takes the bunt of her blow purposefully and launches himself forward aiming to close the gap between them further. Pushing off powerful hind legs Silver uses the momentum in an attempt to wrap his forearms around Hollow Tree and bowl them both over, hopefully pinning her in the end.
Seekin' shelter from the storm on this blank road

Hollow Tree focused on Silverlightning as he takes her hit and then lunges forward. In an actual battle she would be focused on all of her surroundings. But a friendly match gave her a chance to focus on a one on one spar. As she was trying to get him to move forward she had been somewhat prepared. Trying to take a side step to avoid his front paws. Aiming to crouch for a moment then shove her shoulder into his underside. Hoping to use his own momentum against himself and throw him forward. If that worked, she would then try to leap on top of the silver warrior. ""
[ you fall through the trees . tags ]