private i read the news 𓍊 assessment 𓍊 but it wasn't good

𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 〰 It was an inevitability they'd known of more or less since just after their arrival in SkyClan. Granted, at the time they'd become an apprentice, it had been with the image of Tawnystripe standing proudly at their warrior ceremony, his loss has become a simmering grief rather than a drowning one. They are sure, that if the clan-born are not lying, that he is in StarClan watching... and will still have the chance to be proud of them and all their hard work. Hazelbeam is a more than apt mentor... talented, kind (and exceptionally pretty, if you asked Edenpaw). They'd done their best to make up for the skills they lacked, had sought out tutoring from their friends without fear of their judgment. Lupinepaw and Glimmerpaw, namely, had been a great asset to this end, schooling them in culture, code, and conduct, in hunting, navigating the trees, and perception. They were good friends... friends Edenpaw cherished.

It was for them too then, that they'd do their best today. So they might stand shoulder-to-shoulder next moon and sneer at those among the clan that didn't think daylight warriors were capable of anything but being burdens. They'd stand as another living example that they were wrong.

"I'm ready," they'd declared anytime asked, a self-assured nod to follow. Greeneyes, thank stars, was the lead warrior assigned to watch over this test of skills, this rite of passage. At least with Falconpaw's mentor in tow, they didn't have to worry about some nefarious bias that would have them held back over nothing.

"What are we starting with?"


Predetermined results based on rolls for success are as follows:
Result: Fails to pass assessment

Please note that if Hazelbeam puts up a fuss, I have permission from Wren that Ora would let them retest in JUST hunting to try to graduate on time LOL
@Hazelbeam ( and @GREENEYES but no pressure abri!! )​

Somewhere around this time four seasons ago, Greeneyes had been a nervous apprentice preparing for his own assessment. Granted, the circumstances surrounding those days were different compared to now, but he’s been where Edenpaw stands. Where his own apprentice is about to stand soon, along with the whole lot of his peers.

Soon they’ll all be warriors, should they pass what lies before them.

He’s not Edenpaw’s mentor, but he’s been asked to oversee the daylight apprentice’s test in tandem with Hazelbeam, so it’s here he awaits the duo. Greeneyes doesn’t know much about the warrior-hopeful or their skills, but he’s seen them hunt before (with an added reminder to lower their voice, he remembers), so he has some idea of where Falconpaw’s friend stands.

Even if he didn’t, he’d still hope for the apprentice to pass — never would he want otherwise, though he has no effect on how well Edenpaw preforms.

At their arrival, Greeneyes gives the dorsal-striped cat a smile, and a nod in greeting toward their mentor. “ Ready? “ the lead warrior asks, a confirmation following. He looks to Hazelbeam. “ Should we get going then? “ ​
  • 74596946_rY2pLJ2YZGmQ0CI.png
    ── Lead Warrior of SkyClan

    ── Daisyflight x Raven Ramble
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A red tabby and white tom with bright green eyes.
    ── Mentored by Sheepcurl; Currently mentoring Falconpaw
    ── "Speech"; Attack

A fine day for an assessment. In a way she's pleased to be at this point, in another she is afraid. Edenpaw failing won't just look poorly on the young cat but on herself, while she was soothed by Orangestar's meeting announcement and the scolding she knew those brutish toms had recieved - she is wellaware it did not change anything yet. Hearts did not sway overnight, tempers did not twist and adjust with mere words. She wasn't a fool, so she was pleased to see her leader was not as well and had given them Greeneyes to oversee this. The black and blue molly thinks of how very different this might be if Silversmoke or Slate was here and she realizes it would be the opposite of an assessment, she'd be demoted to apprentice herself for mauling them.
Offering Greeneyes a kind smile she turned her attention back to the black and white scrap of fur she had been wrangling for several moons now, Edenpaw was tenacious but how much of a good thing that was would come to light eventually.
"We will start with understanding SkyClan's culture. You will answer my questions, I will not tell you if you are right or wrong until the end."

Between each she would pause to allow Edenpaw to speak, giving no indication of the correct answer or allowing her face to change from its neutral visage even marginally; they would know how well they did at the end, letting it slip too early would make them cocky, showing their failures too quickly would make them overthink. Hazelbeam spoke, tone calm and smooth, " How do you handle a stranger at the border? What cats attempting to join will we refuse? What is the process for a new joiner to be fully assimilated into clan culture? How long does this process usually take? What age do kits start training? How long until a newly made warrior can be given an apprentice? What are SkyClan's rules on kittypet names and accessories?" She pauses briefly at the next, "How does SkyClan expect you to treat your clanmates?"
And finally...the last question, the most important really.
"Recite for me the warrior code."


  • 75204766_i8QXUtYv5cuKxDF.png
    —⊰⋅ Daylight Warrior of SkyClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ SH Black/Blue Chimera w/blue eyes
    - Does NOT wear her witch hat while hunting or on patrol.

𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 〰 Culture is the easiest starting point... if only because living experience has demanded it be so. Blazestar had ensured that there would be no mistakes in their understanding of the code and they wore that as a permanent reminder in pink-blush scars. Squaring their shoulders under Hazelbeam's direction, emerald attention flicks towards the overseer of this assessment with a confident smile as if telling him to be prepared to be impressed. The plain expression that sits on her mentor's face is remarkably out of character and to a degree, is unsettling in its own, special way.

They flick an ear to dispel their lingering nerves, gliding through the questions without hesitation, even when they probably should've stopped to think a little harder. "We stop them and ask what their business is- chase out aggressors, get one of the higher ups if someone's tryin'ta join."
"We don't take in defectors from other clans..."
That one seems a little more difficult... they aren't sure they've even seen anyone turned away from their borders. "Adults joinin' are assigned a mentor, just like apprentice-aged ones; gotta make sure they know the customs, the rules. They only need a mentor for two moons unlike cats like me!"

"With the new code it's six months now." The next however, they aren't sure they ever paid much attention to. With no sincere ambition to have an apprentice of their own pretty immediately after graduating, the thought never came to mind. A wild guess instead then... "Three moons." Half of an apprenticeship seemed like a reasonable grace period to adjust into the new role as warrior, right? "We respect kitty-pet names but daylights like us can request an addition to show our loyalty to both worlds! Trinkets and accessories are fine as long as they're not too noisy..." They wonder if Greeneyes thinks that bit is funny, knowing how over-excited enthusiasm chased off prey just as easily regardless.

This one they'd sought out friends for tutoring on moons ago and even with the newer additions, they felt confident. They would never forget the warrior code. "Loyalty stays within your clan, no trespassing, the young, the old, and the queens are fed first, no indiscriminate killing of prey; thank StarClan for it, kittens don't get to be apprentices until six months now... and the new, new one is that new warriors will have to keep vigil overnight," their bobbed tail quivers in anticipation for that to be their great honor soon.​