I REALIZE I WAS MEANT TO STAY // return…with a stranger?

Remarkably, the journey home is rather painless aside from the bloodied, actual pain caused by her open wounds. Her companion, aside from being utterly odd, is actually quite nice, she’s come to realize. When she wasn’t humming tunes to herself, songs unknown to Howlingstar, she was asking about her life. She told her of the eagle swooping down on Littlekit and how it had gotten her instead. They chattered about her new great grandkits, something she was actually quite proud to talk about. When they’d gotten hungry, Thundergleam had managed to swiftly catch them a mouse to share. The company is…pleasant, she supposes. And as they draw closer to their destination, Howlingstar even begins to recognize exactly where they are. Her pace picks up, for she’s so eager to get home. She can’t imagine the worry she’s caused her clan, and she can’t wait to let them all know she’s okay. How is Flamewhisker handling all of this, she wonders? Raccoonstripe? Stars, she needs to get home to them!

“There’s ThunderClan,” She breathes with a hitch of excitement as the oak forest comes into view. “Come on, let’s go!” The old she-cat urges, a relieved smile given to Thundergleam before she begins to hurry forward. As soon as she steps across the border, she lets out a sigh, immediately followed by a deep breath. She missed the smell of this forest. “Camp is this way.” It’s clear she has gained a fine amount of trust in the she-cat beside her after a full day and night with nothing but each other. Perhaps…she’s even rethought letting her in to become that clan cat she’s always dreamed of. She’s proven to be kind and rather harmless, and a talented hunter to boot.

// this takes place almost a full day after she was taken! she is on her way to camp leaning on @THUNDERGLEAM (who the clan does not know)

The sun smiled upon them, welcoming Howlingstar home; Thundergleam met her pace as it began to pick up. The leader's excitement was contagious- thrill lit bright in the white molly's eyes too, especially as her companion cheered, There's ThunderClan. Snowy eyelids flickered with bewildered blinks- in its majesty, the oak forest was here. Slightly did Thundergleam envy the recognition that glittered in Howlingstar's eyes. She was glad to see some energy return to the dark tabby's bones. "Your family will be relieved to see you, I imagine," Thundergleam asserted, a bright, relieved sigh in her voice. Was... was this how she saves ThunderClan, then? It seemed a short task for a destiny her entire life had built to, but the Stars worked in mysterious ways.

Whereever her destiny led her now, she felt that she had truly gained a connection to the ThunderClan leader. Stories of her family had coloured in the lines for Thundergleam- the picture that had been sketched in her mind during her childhood and apprenticeship.

Though Howlingstar still leaned against her, the leader's paws were now ahead of her own by a heartbeat. Thundergleam chuckled softly at the sight. "Our roles have reversed, hm?" she chimed, head tilting a little.
penned by pin ☾

Sproutpaw could only describe Howlingstar's trip through the skies as chaos as every event since then had seemed to delve the clan deeper and deeper into it. There hadn't been much that had happened in the grand scheme of things, but with every patrol that had been sent out the past day there were whispers among clanmates as they all tried to figure it out - was Howlingstar alive, and if so where was she? So far none had come back with answers but the apprentice was determined to help figure it out, help find the leader even if it was simply her body so that they could give her a proper burial and give the clan answers.

Luckily for the apprentice he had found Howlingstar's body but it was alive, she was alive, and once the tom had seen the tell-tale colors of the leader his paws stopped moving for just a second. "It's Howlingstar! She's back!" Quick words shouted at the patrol he walked with, eyes glancing towards his mentor before he moved towards the two, eyes glancing towards Thundergleam for just a moment before they looked to Howlingstar then back. "Welcome back..." He test the words to see reaction for just a moment as he tried to think of what to say, the sight of a stranger one he hadn't been expecting - especially one that smelled nothing of any clan he could tell. "Who's this?" Genuine curiosity coat the question as it left his lips, curious about the stranger as well as what was to become of her. On one paw she was an outsider, but on the other she had obviously helped Howlingstar in one way or another getting back home.

  • -- mentor tag @BIGFANG
  • 79619874_hcUKvDlxKSRuDI7.png
  • SH chocolate tabby/lilac chimera w/low white, heterochromia, folded ears
    rarely talks, listens to conversations
    6 moons old; ages the 20th every month
    bisexual biromantic ; interested in no one
    currently being mentored by Hedgewhisker
    not easy to befriend/interact with; slow to anger, slow to calm
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    easy in combat due to age
    peaceful powerplay allowed

Seeing Howlingstar being taken away by an eagle was another one of the most horrifying things that Softpaw had witnessed, and the only one that she wasn't as afraid to let herself be shaken by. There was part of her that wished she could have done more, but it just wasn't realistic – if Howlingstar, trained warrior and leader of ThunderClan, couldn't beat an eagle off, what hope did Softpaw have of the same plan?

The night that Howlingstar had been taken, Softpaw hadn't slept well. She hadn't slept well since before the wolves made their appearance, but another sleepless night made for another day where she wasn't at her best for training.

Softpaw had awoken the next day with a sense of dread about her. What she hadn't expected, but what came as a brilliant surprise: Sproutpaw announcing that Howlingstar had returned, meaning she was at the very least alive, if not well. What was all the more surprising that Howlingstar had with her a stranger, and Softpaw blinked curiously as she got a view of the leader's companion.

The stranger could have very well been Softpaw's twin, with her white fur and pink eyes. Ears pricked and tail raised, Softpaw crept closer to see what Howlingstar would say of the companion she now kept. They might all be thankful to this cat for having helped Howlingstar in a time of need.


Relief floods him as soon as he hears that Howlingstar has returned, and he rushes to meet her – and this stranger. Narrow golden eyes give the molly a quick glance up and down with equal amounts of curiosity and caution. He can't help but be wary of her, despite not knowing anything about her save for the fact that she'd helped Howlingstar back to camp – there was always a reason to be wary of outsiders before they had said their piece and stated their intentions, as far as he was concerned. Who knew whether or not she had helped Howlingstar out of a desire to get something out of her? Out of Thunderclan? There was not much they could give, not now, and what they did have would be better kept to themselves while they tried to recuperate after the wolf attack.

Still, despite whatever her motivations may be, she had helped. Anything more than that could be discussed later, and, of course, whatever Howlingstar had decided about this cat, he would remain loyal to that decision. He turns back to the tabby, ears pricked and a sparkle of worry in his eyes. Although she had made it back in one piece, the last they had seen of her was.. horrifying, to say the least, despite the power that leaders had due to the lives granted to them by Starclan. "Howlingstar! Are you well? What happened?" Clearly, she had ended up somewhere to meet this cat, and something had happened if they were still together now and had not parted at the border.

the clan was in utter chaos the whole day howlingstar was missing. it felt like the forest was bleeding predators for them to deal with, it was the beginning of newleaf, why was an eagle circling the ravine? still, every time she exited camp for a patrol she felt completely useless. her skills with navigation were the best on the ground, and who knows if the eagle steered course mid flight to cut through someone’s territory. what was there to do expect speculate, and wait?

patience is a virtue— leafhusk’s head raises at the enthusiastic call that howlingstar’s alive. her expression brightens, a grin plastered on her face as she bounds over.

"howlingstar!" she joins in on the chorus of her name, "are you well— who’s this? sorry… who are you?"

the she-cat next to howlingstar stands out like the last snowfall before spring, appearing doe eyed and excited to be here, almost. leafhusk looks over the newcomer, eyes squinted in confusion, wary as one would to any outsider.​

Bigfang is about to scold Sproutpaw for getting to far ahead of the patrol- that was until he exclaims Howlingstar is up ahead. A strange mixture of disbelief and excitement prick at his paws before he surges forward with the rest of the patrol. Sure enough, it is Howlingstar… Safe aside from the talon wounds that bore into her flank.

The she-cat she leans against is impossible to miss. The stranger is as white as the moon, eyes pinker than a tulip. His patrol-mates are quick to question her identity, but Howlingstar must’ve trusted this cat enough to have accepted her help…

”Howlingstar, let me take you from here.” He meows, offering his shoulder. It would appear that even if the white cat was deemed trustworthy for now the ginger Tom-cat was still eager to get his leader out from her paws.
  • » HankBigfang
    » ThunderClan Warrior
    » Former Kittypet
    » He/him
    » A large, beaten-up ginger tabby tom with green eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A heavy-hitting foe who makes his hits count
    » Excels in heavy, powerful move.
    » Fights to protect and maintain honor
    » Though strong, he is a slow mover. A fleet-footed cat would both easily frustrate and land hits on him.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

What Howlingstar had done for Littlekit was perhaps the most selfless acts that he has ever seen. Howlingstar had more lives than most cats, but in the moment she had decided to let the eagle take her instead of his daughter she had to have known there was a chance she was throwing it all away, that there was a possibility of her never coming back. He had taken a patrol as far as he could before they had lost sight of the eagle and had been forced to turn around. He had cursed, he had slammed his claws against a tree and cried out in anger. He had made a spectacle of himself in his grief and frustration. But he had pulled himself together before returning to camp. Now though? Now that Howlingstar was back and in one piece? Relief floods every vein in his body to where he feels he could collapse then and there. Paws cannot bring him to her side fast enough, pushing through the crowd of cats all eager to see their leader alive and in once piece. "Howlingstar" he breathes, tears coming to his eyes as he thinks once again about what she had done for him, for his daughter. "I- thank you thank you for saving Littlekit Im so glad you're okay" he wants to collapse into her familiar brown fur and sob his relief like hes a kit again but cats are already trying to lead her away, already pushing in again and he's forced to back up.

So consumed by his elation at seeing his grandmother, his leader, in one piece does he not notice the outsider. Until now. Other cats are already asking who she is and its a question he wants to know the answer to as well. Too many strangers were showing up in their camp for his liking but... "Did you..." he swallows hard "You brought her back to us?" he asks, blinking golden eyes as if he cannot imagine a non-thunderclaner ever showing that much kindness. Then he dips his head in a show of respect "You have my gratitude stranger, thank you."

  • 73593410_oSE7LuZcU8tOnrY.png
    A large, sharp tongued, tom with long black fur and golden, oval shaped, eyes.
    Difficult in battle. A skilled fighter + fights honorably
જ➶ Witnessing Howlingstar being yanked away by sich a massive bird, lifted like she was nothing, was truly frightening. It had made ice grip her heart and fear collide in her chest. Their leader had sacrificed herself in order to save Littlekit from being taken from there. Knowing she had more lives than the kit that would not be able to come back. Maybe Howlingstar didn't think of that and was only thinking of saving her family. Either way it was the bravest act that the apprentice had witnessed and she had been selected to go in search of the eagle. Her paws had moved so fast across the forest floor that they ached. She wanted so bad to be able to find Howlingstar and get her back home but it wasn't meant to be. They lost the eagle, they lost Howlingstar. Dust didn't say a word and she felt Burnstorm's frustrations. Coming back to camp emptypawed made her feel worse and almost insufficient.

A day flew by and hearing voices she springs up and makes her way closer. Amber orbs blink wide with relief flooding through her and others ask if Howlingstar is okay. Her eyes lock on the stranger. Pale just like Softpaw with the same tinted eyes. She can't help but narrow her gaze just a little simply because this cat is unknown to her. Her tail curls against her leg as she looks back and forth between the adults. Some questioning the strange feline and others wanting to help Howling. She doesn't speak herself, merely there for support she supposes.
Howlingstar chuckles softly at Thundergleam's joke, not slowing down as she pushes through familiar green foliage. Camp draws closer with every step, and even though she's only been gone a day it feels like moons. She misses everyone, and she can't wait to see them. It's Howlingstar! She's back! Her eyes snap to the left, rounding at the sight of Sproutpaw. She breathes a sigh of relief, smile spreading across her maw as she pads closer. Other warriors and apprentices aren't far behind. Were they all out here looking for me? A mixture of guilt and gratitude forms in her chest as tears prick her eyes. "I'm okay," She explains to Copperfang and Leafhusk, blinking at each familiar face. "I lost a life, but I escaped the eagle's grip. That's when Thundergleam found me." She turns her head towards the ivory she-cat at her side, nodding as if to let her know it's alright, though given the gleaming look in her eye she doubts she needs the vote of confidence.

"Burnstorm," She cries out softly when her grandson approaches, and she leans forward to nuzzle his cheek softly. "I'd never let anything happen to her, you know that." No great grandchild of hers would meet the same fate as Little Wolf. She would ensure it. She looks next to Bigfang, the burly tom offering his own shoulder and she smiles and nods, grateful as she steps to his side and lets her weight fall to him. "Thundergleam," She mews, looking back over her shoulder at her companion. "Come with us back to camp."
Cormorantswoop was pacing back and forth around the camp entrance, her feathery tail lashing anxiously. It'd been a whole day and night since the eagle had flown off with ThunderClan's Leader. She'd let Flamewhisker know. Softpaw had, too, but ThunderClan's Deputy hadn't yet addressed the Clan. The large she-cat only looked up when Howlingstar's familiar yet blood-drenched scent entered her nostrils. ''Howlingstar...?'' The ThunderClanner's eyes widened with disbelief. Howlingstar was....alive? And who was the she-cat following her? Cormorantswoop narrowed her gaze down to slits and looked the stranger up and down. The twitch of her ear tip showed the large warrior's agitation. Howlingstar was going to deny that kittypet a place in ThunderClan, but then she brings home a strange she-cat, The gray-black tabby thought with a grimace. Can't blame her. That cat probably saved her life. After a moment's hesitation, Cormorantswoop dipped her head to the newcomer and her Clan Leader. ''Welcome home, Howlingstar, and welcome to ThunderClan...'' The ThunderClanner trailed off, as she didn't know Howlingstar's companion's name.

(AAAAAA Lemme go reply to the other. I deleted this one thinking it wasn't the right thread-)

The joy that lit like stars around them at Howlingstar's return almost made Thundergleam feel as if she wasn't there. That this was some strangely realistic, long winded dream- that she would wake up back with Father, still far from her destiny. But the breaths she took in were nourishing and full of oak-forest scent. The voices around her were unfamiliar, and the shapes of the pelts were decidedly not Star-dotted, as the pelts she had always dreamed of. Many loyal, wonderful warriors flocked to their leader's side- apprentices, too. Thundergleam regarded them with awe, even when they turned to her- asking after her. Yes, of course- she was a stranger to them. An apparition. "I am Thundergleam," she said, voice honeyed as she bowed her head to greet each of them respectfully. She was at their service, each Thunderclanner, not merely their leader.

A big black tom looked to her with gratitude glimmering in his eyes- Thundergleam looked straight at him, nothing but pleasantness there. "It was no trouble," she said, earnestness in every word. "I am happy she is home, now."

Howlingstar looked back at her then, having split from her side to place weight upon the shoulder of a burly, red tom littered with scars. Come with us back to camp, the leader murmured- yet more stars streaked themselves across her gaze. Was she a stranger no more? "I... I would be honoured," she purred, snowy fur aglow with pride and gratitude. ThunderClan's camp... she had only heard stories of the Clan itself, not much of its territory.
penned by pin ☾

His fur relaxes when Howlingstar comes to his shoulder. The loner she stood with seemed harmless, and if she was going to harm Howlingstar she would’ve by now. Still, it was his job as a ThunderClan warrior, a protector, to be cautious.

The long-haired leader introduces the pale she-cat as Thundergleam. His brows furrow and he gives the she-cat a look of confusion, ”She’s a clan cat? I don’t recognize her.” Nor does she smell like one… His nose usually was not one to lie. Who was this cat?

Despite the questions that roar in his mind, slowly and carefully he proceeds to aid his leader back to the heart of their territory.
  • » HankBigfang
    » ThunderClan Warrior
    » Former Kittypet
    » He/him
    » A large, beaten-up ginger tabby tom with green eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A heavy-hitting foe who makes his hits count
    » Excels in heavy, powerful move.
    » Fights to protect and maintain honor
    » Though strong, he is a slow mover. A fleet-footed cat would both easily frustrate and land hits on him.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
His mother is alive, saved from Little Wolf’s fate when she’d died amidst stone and snow in some distant place. She limps toward camp, accompanied by a collection of warriors who’d been out on patrol. Raccoonstripe’s paws are dusty from pacing, from treading through the undergrowth himself, his dark eyes round with concern and relief. “Howlingstar,” he breathes, breaking rank to run and touch his nose to his mother’s. “Thank StarClan you’re back. I thought…

Fire blisters in Raccoonstripe’s dark eyes. Truthfully, when the eagle’s talons had snapped through tabby fur, had spilled scarlet onto the camp floor, he’d thought he’d finally been left all alone, a family in shambles. The tabby’s face brushes against Howlingstar’s, and when he finally pulls back, it’s with a narrowed near-black gaze, sharp with curiosity and threat. “An outsider,” he murmurs, but she’d been led into camp by Howlingstar herself. His ear twitches as he catches her name—Thundergleam. This white she-cat wears a Clan’s warrior name, but her scent is roguelike and bitter.

He shakes his head, looking at Bigfang with shadowed eyes. “This is no Clan cat. Why do you have a warrior’s name?What are you doing here—why did you save my mother? The brutish questions do not leave his tongue, though he yearns to spit them into the strange molly’s whiskered, pinkened face.

  • ooc:
  • 74327127_amPwOaY4eGaGkj8.png
  • Raccoon . Raccoonstripe, he/him w/ masculine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 37 moons old, ages realistically on the 5th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring none ; previously mentored Wildheart, Moonwhisper
    — thunderclan lead warrior. gray wolf x howlingstar, gen 2.
    — currently mated to Nightbird.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh black tabby with white and dark brown eyes. charismatic, charming, calculating, ambitious, shallow, manipulative.


Eyes that blister-burned with suspicion looked toward her- the large, red cat and the new glare of a black tabby who bore a strong resemblance to Howlingstar. Howlingstar's word was diligently obeyed, though she could hear it in the tom's voice that there was some distrust binding his words- as there had been with the leader when they had first met. No matter ... in time, they would all learn she was here to help. She had been sent here for that reason, for that reason alone- her snowy paws would never bring frost to ThunderClan, but the rolling warmth of a summer's day.

So, when she looked to the toms, her pale gaze stayed soft and kind. "I earned it." She smiled, feather-soft and sincere- it had not been long since she had earned her name, but Father had seemed to think she was ready. And she hoped, deep in her heart, that she had proven herself by helping Howlingstar- proven that there was more to give, maybe. For surely her destiny could not be so short lived.
penned by pin ☾
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