i really wanna stay at your house // versacepaw


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Sep 4, 2023
Ah, springtime! Goodness, it could not have come a single moment sooner. Delilah truly loved her caretakers, but being stuck inside during cold snaps turned horribly boring so horribly quickly. She could only chase the red dot so many times before she grew bored with it flitting across the floor. Toy mice sat limply where live mice skittered and made for a chase. The catnip was a nice treat from time to time, at least. Her dogs were let out all the time and it filled Delilah with an incredible envy - not that her dogs knew much of what kind of privilege they'd been given over her, the simple creatures they were. They took to time to simply hike a leg against a snow berm or bark at a passing neighbor. Why wasn't she listened to just as much? As much as she tried to dash out with them, she was always caught. Delilah sat and cried for her housefolk to let her out, pawing at a thin piece of plastic that sat between her and freedom out the little door specifically for Delilah. Well, it was awfully big for just her, so she supposed it was for the dogs as well.

But today was the day! The barrier placed over the small (certainly not a dogdoor) door had been had been lifted and Delilah knew that sound almost as well as she knew the jingle of a treat jar. Delilah circled her housefolk's legs, meowing and meowing and meowing as they mull about the tile and wipe up dirt prints brought in by the dogs. They something she doesn't understand, but she certainly knows the tone well enough having grown up with it. Delilah trills as a hand smooths the fur of her head down, leaning into the touch. Large paws bounce around her and jostle her body, much blunter claws clacking against the linoleum as her dogs join her at the door. The plastic is lifted, and Delilah is the first to bolt past the plastic flap into the clean spring air.

She bounds quickly across the yard with heavy, drool-thickened huffs and pants at her heels. Unlike the dogs, though, Delilah springs her legs up and catches the wood of the fence, hauling herself up onto the picket fence and gazing across familiar woods stretching out beyond her. The wind nips at her warm body, her paws already wet from being outside, but oh! The thrill of just being out again! Delilah hops down and darts for the tree line. Her dogs rattle the fence behind her, trying to follow her lead, and it pulls Delilah's head back during her mad dash - a glimpse of her vision stolen just in time for her to almost collide with another cat, skidding to a stop and sliding through slush across once-trimmed grass. Mismatched eyes blow wide as a startled gasp escapes her, grabbing at what soil she could with recently trimmed nails and coming to an abrupt stop before they could clash.

Delilah had never seen this spotted cat before, even staring longingly out the window. "Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't see you," Delilah nearly stumbles over her apologies just as much as her paws, straightening herself and shaking her fur out. "Pardon my manners, I haven't seen you before. My name is Delilah, this area is somewhat new to me. We moved here just before winter and, well, I was kept inside for the coldest of it." Delilah rolls her eyes around their surroundings. Perhaps she's being a bit too chatty for someone she's just met, but she's just ecstatic at the chance to chat with someone who can understand her again. "You are...? I hope I'm not interrupting anything." And if she was, well, Delilah could certainly walk and talk.
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    she / her, 38 moon old kittypet
    a longhaired silver lynx point & blue chimera with mismatched orange and blue eyes
    lives with 3 dogs she treats as her children, she smells very heavily of them
    full length biography coming soon!
    penned by izanami, contact on discord @nullmoons for plots or threads :)