pafp I remembered again, I remembered again || Checking up

Frostbite has been enjoying his freedom. Being able to run around again and hunt, patrol, be able to roam where he wants, has brought his mood up incredibly. He's full of renewed vigor, and has even gotten the chance to push rogues into the mud a few times. He's made sure to shove them into the dirtiest pools of algae and slime knowing that they'll have to groom it out of their fur later. Funnily enough, he does not see the same cats twice.

The marshes aren't the mountains and he may never get the chance to race across snowy fields again, but he has more here than he ever did back home. He has friends, family. He has purpose, now. It took him a while to open up, and a terrible tragedy to pry his heart open, but he knows now without a doubt that these muddy marshes are where he belongs. He's grown attached to the youth of this clan, and while he loves his own kits most of all, he does still love the kits he helped raise in the nursery. He decides to check up on some of them today. They're apprentices now, training to become warriors.

The first to catch his sights is Screechpaw. He remembers how he had caught a lizard before even being apprenticed, and was sure then that he would be just as good a hunter as his mother. He thinks about how much he's grown, as well as all the other kits....And he starts to feel a little old. He approaches Screechpaw with a smile.

"Screechpaw! How are you doing today?" He asks. "Training going well?"

He hopes it is...As best as it can anyways, with less prey and more rogues about.


No longer a kit, Screechpaw isn't confined to the nursery walls anymore, which in turn means he's no longer under the constant watch of others. It's a widened sense of freedom he'd dreamed about — though he would be lying, if he said he didn't miss his caretakers at least a little bit.

He'll never see Halfshade again, he knows; her presence split into toddling fragments that had taken her last ounces of energy, kits he'd felt uncertain of — more so than his other caretaker's litter. And, he doesn't see his mother as often as he thought he would either, as Forestshade is wrapped up in sickness. Would he become merely a fragment of her as well? Just like Halfshade's second litter? Screechpaw isn't sure. He doesn't want to think about it.

But Frostbite — Frostbite he can spot from across the camp, if he tried. Bright white fur, the game maker seems to be there in some capacity still. Out of the corner of split-toned eyes, or even in the center of it. Frostbite is still around, at least. As muddied paws return to camp, the snow-coated cat is almost immediately in his line of vision with a smile graced upon his face as he pads toward Screechpaw.

"Oh- Hi, Frostbite," Screechpaw greets the warrior with a crooked smile and a small dip of the head. It isn't too long before his former caretaker's reason for approaching him is revealed, and his smile falters. Ah, training.

As Forestshade's son and the first of his siblings — and his peers, actually — to catch his first piece of prey, Screechpaw expected training to go smoother for him, expected more free time in between lessons to go wander off and explore. But, with everything going on — Chilledstar getting sick, rogues walking where he should be, and less prey to go around — he isn't taking off in skill as much as he probably should be. Of course, that must be the reasoning why he hasn't caught anything in his apprentice ship. Though Nettlepaw is able to exceed in hunting still; an ability Screechpaw thinks is unfair.

"Training?" he echoes, a sun-freckled ear twitching. "Training's going... great!" He lies, of course. Frostbite shouldn't have to worry about him, now that they're both out of the nursery. Though, if the warrior is asking... he must have a reason for it.

"Why'd you wanna know?" he asks, perhaps a foolish choice on his part.
  • // SO sorry about how late this is!
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    SCREECHKITSCREECHPAW, Apprentice of ShadowClan
    — Forestshade x Vulturemask
    — AMAB; He/Him
    — A black/red tabby chimera tom with mismatched green eyes.
    — Mentored by Chilledstar
    — "Speech"; Attack

    : * — His loud entrance into the world bestows upon him a name apt for the path the tom forges. As the troublemaker of his unknowingly half-clan litter, Screechpaw is bound to be known for his curiosity-led escapes and poor attendance as he steps foot into his apprenticeship.