pafp I resent you for being so sure 𖧧 confrontation

Feb 20, 2024

It was difficult to see Honeysplash navigate through the early stages of parenthood by themself. While it was easy to see parenthood to begin only when the kits took their first breath it truly did begin once you know you're with kits to begin with. Florabreeze found herself thinking about her friend often, how it must be difficult to be going through this by herself. They were so upset and scared when she found them in her yard, to her knowledge she was the first to hear about it at that time.

The maine coon had thought that things would have gone over fine with Chrysaliswing, he was temperamental towards her and really anyone else who spoke with him but she had always thought he would be fine with Honeysplash. The two of them seemed close, yet she was aware that he seemed to be having no involvement in this process at all. That didn't sit right with her, her friend appeared to be deeply upset over this and the tom who caused it didn’t seem to care. Didn't he? She didnt really know him so maybe he did? It was well into the afternoon by the time the daylight warrior had decided on her course of action.

It was easy enough to find Chrysaliswing amongst the camp clearing. A meaner side of her would say it's because you can smell that sulfuric hatred that he carried. The logical side of her would say its because of his chimeric coat, it made him stand out. Tail flicked behind her in irritation, like a snake waiting to strike. She wouldn't go into this with a blind anger though, no matter how deeply of a wrath she felt on behalf of her scorned friend.

She stood in front of the warrior, adjusting her posture to be at her full height instead of the slouched manner she usually carried herself with. While she wasn't trying to come into the conversation with her blood boiling she wanted to make it clear that she wasn't going to be pushed aside. “Honeysplash is really going through a hard time.” She began, choosing her words very carefully as she spoke. There was no smile or greeting, she didn't see the point of it, the maine coon was certain that he must have been expecting a conversation like this sooner rather than later.

“I'm not going to pretend that I know you. I'm just gonna say it plainly. You should be there for her, if not for them then be there for your kits. You don't have to like it but it's the right thing to do.” Her eyes narrowed in a glare yet he wasn't met with judgement, despite her irritation over the issue there was concern laced into her tone. Whether it was solely for Honeysplash or for Chrysaliswing as well was unclear to her.

“If you… want to talk about it. I'm offering an ear, parenthood is scary, I get it. I think you should talk to Honeysplash though. I know there's queens here to help but being a single parent when you don't have to be sucks no matter the community surrounding you.”

  • Please wait for @CHRYSALISWING <3

  • SkyClan Daylight Warrior⏐ She / Her ⏐ Info
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    32 moons old { Ages realistically on the 12th per month }
    Mentored by Sorrelsong
    “Speech”, thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}

  • Wow
Reactions: mercibun and wolfie

Chrysaliswing did not envision his day being spent staring at Flora's splotched face, like his odium had dragged the Maine coon straight to him, flowing honey to the addled fly. It seemed that annoyances flocked readily to him, and Flora was little exception. The only difference this time was a glowering sort of beam in the other's eye, like there was something more important than wasting his precious time. He stared at the daylight warrior's rather imposing form, though heterochromatic eyes still smoldered in a rumbling emity, as he never allowed himself to give in to the pressure so often surmounted to him. She did not don a falsified smile nor a jaunty gait, not at the moment. That, somehow, irritated Chrysaliswing more than if she had, with his disgust painted plain upon half-toned face. And the way she regarded him ticked off the chimaeric tom the most, as though reducing him to a mere child to be talked down upon was execrable in the highest manner, as if casting him into the shadow would not make him reach for the lights. If there was anything about him, it was that he felt he should be the biggest cat in the den, so none would have to look down on him. To tower over others is to shield oneself from their quarrel, their pain.

"Fuck off." The longhaired warrior spat like it was out of animalistic instinct, of a venomous tongue that made no effort to appease nor be anything but embittered. His poison came as naturally as living and breathing. To him, he might as well have been born with such rot in his heart. "I don't know what you think you know, but you don't know me. I'm doing her a favor by staying away, you know? She's a lot better without me in the picture." Spiral of justifications fell out of his throat like acerbic bile, like he wanted to throw them out of his churning system as soon as he could. It was true, wasn't it? He was never meant to be a father, never meant to be a caretaker nor a benevolent force. He knew, above all, that he hurt everything that he touch. "Why don't you go and run to her, since you two are so close? Since you think you could be a far better parent than I ever could? Get out of my face before I claw your white spots off of it." Insecurities rushed forward as they had smoldered in his throat for so long, like spitting up nothing but fire in his wake. In Chrysaliswing's mind, the kindest thing he had ever done for Honeysplash was to cut himself away from her.

  • Reiterating IC opinions!! He's just like that </3
  • eUVAhNL.png
  • —— CHRYSALISWING / He/They / 24 Moons
    —— Warrior of Skyclan / Mentoring n/a
    —— A long-haired tomcat with chimaeric patterning. His left side is fully black and his right side is black splotched with sunset-orange. He has complete heterochromia, with his right eye being a bright green and his left eye being a glowering yellow.
    —— Abrasive, temperamental, and critical. Approach at your own risk and engage at your own cost. Despite this, he is a hard worker and quick to call out what he finds wrong.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.

  • Angry
Reactions: Bluepaw

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- Parenthood was not something he would pretend to understand nor even begin such a thing. Though he knew what it was like to be scared and uncertain of things, also- who was this tomcat to get so angry with Florabreeze! Bluepaw might’ve been nearby, might’ve been eavesdropping as he had noticed the pair together. Nothing ever really good came from talking to Chrysaliswing form what hes’ noticed and he could understand why. The tom was rude, downright mean too, and he didnt seem to understand his stance in life. Though was it truly being lost or a choice of not acknowledging anything?

Still, once he snapped at Florabreeze, he caught the tail end of the conversation so he didnt have the entire context. Just the surge of protectiveness over his adoptive sibling, “[color-#3d5aa0]Hey! You dont need to be so rude about it- she’s just trying to help[/color]” He stated from where he popped up now that he probably had ruined his hiding spot. Bluepaw flicked back his ears and padded out a little, his tail flicking behind him, “And she’s right! You should to the right thing for once, Chrysaliswing,

Bluepaw was merely only trying to defend Florabreeze, even if he had no idea what he was talking about. Though no one was going to talk to her like that that was for certain!

The two seemed to clamp down on the chimera warrior about Honeysplash which earns a few blinks from the fiery apprentice. She could understand both point of views, but it was more of a conversation that should only happen between the sister of Orangestar and Chrysaliswing. “Respectfully, I think that's something that should belong be talked between Honeysplash and Chrysaliswing.” The apprentice would respond from the side as her ears give a flick, rasping her tongue over unsheathed claws for a moment. Sure, Florabreeze might be Honeysplash's best friend but it was kinda... disrespectful to talk to the tom-cat in public instead of private. What was the point of discussing it in public instead of pulling him to an private area to discuss it or ask him to meet her somewhere private outside camp?

You should've talked to him in private instead of public. He probably has his reasons or own issues going on.” Emberpaw would state as she glances at the chimera tom-cat who she often went to guidance whenever he wasn't training Jaypaw. Despite his blunt and hot temper, she knew that there was internal issues at play because he could easily show an sweet side to Honeysplash. It could range to a vary of things just like her own personal issues: she had worked sweat and tears to gain her reputation and get to where she was at now in her life. A tufted tail would swish behind her as she cleans her pawpads, an fierce orange-yellow gaze observing the three for a moment.

How suffocating.

You're just exposing their business to everyone else and eventually going to spread rumors about the three of you.” The marbled tabby would state after a moment of silence between them as she glances at the three. She liked Bluepaw and didn't have a problem with him, also knowing his relationship with Flora (so it makes sense why he got defensive in her case), however, he should've ignored the two. Emberpaw's tail sways side to side against the dirt while she sits on her haunches, grooming herself from her previous training session. She keeps a respectful distance between the rest and only provides an outsider's perspective that was neutral toward both parties, but it had a faint favoritism towards Chrysaliswing whom she often sought guidance and fighting advice from.
*+:。.。 Florabreeze was a sweetheart for her efforts, but Tawnyclaw couldn't help the snort that escaped him as he came upon the quickly-decending-into-chaos scene. "The trickle of rumors has long since turned from a stream into a river, Emberpaw" Tawnyclaw speaks out with an amused shrug, hiding his irritation behind the casual attitude, "at this point I doubt Florabreeze is causing any more harm to an already crappy situation". After all, what sort of low life knocks up a cat then abandons them? Tawnyclaw couldn't say he particularly blamed him - parenthood was a concept that gave Tawnyclaw the shivers, especially considering what his role would be in the whole mess if he found himself stuck in it. Still, to just...leave a person to suffer alone with pregnancy? Giving birth - let alone raising the kits - was no easy feat. This was Honeysplash's life at stake, she could d-...have complications!

"Though, he is right about one thing" Tawnyclaw would add with a dancing smirk on his maw, glaring daggers at the man, "Honeysplash is better off without him. He's shown his true colors - any cat abandoning their children wouldn't make for any sort of help you'd want."

    DFAB— He/Him — Unsure
    12 moons — Ages 1 moon every month 28th
    Skyclan — Warrior
    Son of Orangestar and Ashenclaw
    Brother to Cherryblossom, Eggbounce, Glimmersun and Owlheart

    Physically hard | mentally medium
    Attack in bold #bf8924
    injuries: None currently