camp I RIDE THE DIRT, I RIDE THE TIDE ✧ patrol assignments

The sunrise gilds the treeline, burning away the last of the stars. Raccoonstripe abandons the nest he shares with Nightbird, fluffing his fur up against what remains of the morning dew dripping into his pelt. His gaze is weary as he calls, “ThunderClan, to me! It’s time to schedule today’s patrols.” After the omen, he knows he wants close eyes on every Clan border, and he wants skilled hunters and fighters stocking the fresh-kill pile and training the remainder of the warriors. The tabby inclines his head as his Clanmates gather around him.

Skyclaw! You will take Falconheart and Shiningsun along the SkyClan and RiverClan border this morning.” His tone hides none of his contempt—contempt he knows his nephew feels, too, for the kittypet-loving Clan. “Be cordial, but keep your eyes peeled for anything… strange.” He doesn’t elaborate, simply moving onto the next patrol.

Leafhusk, you will take Rabbitnose and Ravenstrike along the WindClan and ShadowClan border this morning. Gentlestorm will be accompanying you to look for herbs.” StarClan knew they’d need to stock up for whatever trouble might be brewing.

I will take the dusk patrol to SkyClan and RiverClan.” He scans the gathered cats, quickly assigning them to his patrol: “Freckleflame, Sleekserpent, you’ll be coming with me.” He wants his own eyes on the river-dwellers today, too.

Burnstorm will be taking Honeydapple and… Thundergleam.” His lip twitches, though he manages to hide his amusement at sticking the Clan weirdo with his nephew. “You’ll take the dusk patrol along ShadowClan and WindClan’s border.

He pinpoints two more warriors and continues. “Tinystorm and Stagstrike! You will each organize a hunting patrol today. Take who you like. Take advantage of the newleaf warmth and let’s get that fresh-kill pile stocked.” He flicks his tail, finding the final warrior on his roster.

Mousenose, you’ll be holding today’s training session. Pick any skill you like, but be quick about it. I want everyone not patrolling in that lesson today.” It was crucial to keep their skills sharp after StarClan had darkened the sun.


    WINDCLAN DAWN PATROL: @leafhusk @Rabbitnose @Ravenstrike @GENTLESTORM

    RIVERCLAN DUSK PATROL: @RACCOONSTRIPE @freckleflame @Sleekserpent.


    HUNTING PATROL LEAD #1: @Tinystorm

    HUNTING PATROL LEAD #2: @Tybalt [Stagstrike]

  • 74327127_amPwOaY4eGaGkj8.png
  • Raccoon . Raccoonstripe, he/him w/ masculine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 37 moons old, ages realistically on the 5th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring none ; previously mentored Wildheart, Moonwhisper
    — thunderclan lead warrior. gray wolf x howlingstar, gen 2.
    — currently mated to Nightbird.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh black tabby with white and dark brown eyes. charismatic, charming, calculating, ambitious, shallow, manipulative.

how much longer would the tabby give out patrol assignments, she wonders? flamewhisker’s kits must be… a few moons until their ceremony, probably, anyone under the age of 7 moons looks like a baby to her. anyways- leafhusk makes her way over to learn where she’ll end up today.

small ears perk forward to learn that she’s leading another patrol, this one towards windclan, for herbs. rather ironic, but only for two cats attending the patrol. the wolves are gone, so this should go well without any campside horror movie antics.

"thank you, raccoonstripe." she says, bowing her head before bounding off to gather the necessary cats.

  • 80086491_tN0R2xbOnPV1ykB.png
    thunderclan warrior / / former kittypet・38
    mentoring adderpaw
    cis woman・she/her & bisexual
    peaceful & healing powerplay permitted・all opinions ic
    won't start fights・will try to end fights・won't kill
    excels in stealth and tracking & average at fighting
    written by maxine dogfriends. on discord
He lingers by the warriors' den, lips parted with a yawn as Raccoonstripe calls out to his Clanmates. Skyclaw's name is the first to be called - and though the patrol's destination sours the taste in his mouth, he cannot help but feel some remnant of excitement. His grandmother entrusted him with an apprentice to train, and now his uncle a border to patrol... Maybe everything will slip into normalcy again. You should be here, he thinks quickly of his littermate before moving on.

He nods towards the stand-in deputy and walks over towards the waking apprentices, "@luckypaw! Get on your paws, now - we're heading out." He looks out for Falconheart's apprentice, too, before deciding that the tom can do that on his own.​
𓍊𓋼 He’s assigned to a patrol with Skyclaw, and there’s a pang in his chest as he turns to look at the other warrior. He doesn’t know what he expects—why would you expect anything different, Falconheart?—but the tortoiseshell doesn’t even spare a glance in his direction. He straightens, blinking harshly to clear his vision, and goes to find his apprentice.

"@Crescentpaw, we’re going on a patrol. You can come, uh, if you want?" Is it right to force her to go, even if she doesn’t want to? For all he knows, she’s still grieving her mentor. He remembers not wanting to do anything after his own mentor died, and needing a few days to recuperate. Maybe he’s just being… too soft, or something. Maybe he’s not being a good enough mentor, by letting his apprentice choose what she wants to do. Should he be more strict? He wishes his father were here; Flycatcher would know exactly what he should do. The former deputy would have a lot of good advice for him, probably.


Brighteyes was quick to make his approach upon hearing Raccoonstripes call. Patrol assignments were always something he looked forward to, and the lean little tomcat eagerly fell into place alongside his clanmates, striped ears angled forward and green-eyes shining brightly. While his name wasn't called for any of the border jobs, there was still the opportunity to hunt and -more excitingly- do some training with Mousenose.

Even if Raccoonstripe hadn't insisted that everyone show for it, Bright would have made sure to make an appearance anyways- warrior now or not, he wasn't anywhere close to the level of competence that he wanted to be at. He had to work on his confidence for one, knowing his nerves were one of the major contributors to his horrible clumsiness out in the forest. It was like he just.. forgot everything he knew whenever the pressure was turned on- whenever he knew judgemental eyes were following him. Quite frankly he was surprised he hadn't utterly bombed his assessment to become a warrior, but his mentor had helped him with that, too, hadn't they? Brighteyes hadn't even known they were doing the assessment- not until it was over and he was being told he'd passed.

But he couldn't rely on everyone to make exceptions for him, or to cater to his nerves. He'd have to break through those chains if he was ever going to be of any use to anyone, and the only way he could do that was to keep on training.
